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物理化学习6-界面现象 物理化学测验题(六)一、选择题。在题后括号内,填上正确答案代号。1、接触角是指:()界面经过液体至界面间的夹角;()界面经过气相至界面间的夹角;()界面经过固相至界面间的夹角;()界面经过气相和固相至界面间的夹角;2、朗缪尔公式克描述为:()。()五类吸附等温线;()三类吸附等温线;()两类吸附等温线;()化学吸附等温线。3、化学吸附的吸附力是:()。()化学键力;()范德华力;()库仑力。4、温度与表面张力的关系是: ( )。(1)温度升高表面张力降低;(2)温度升高表面张力增加;(3)温度对表面张力没有影响;(4)不能确定。5、液体表面分子所受合力的方向总是:( ),液体表面张力的方向总是:( )。(1)沿液体表面的法线方向,指向液体内部;(2)沿液体表面的法线方向,指向气相;(3)沿液体的切线方向;(4)无确定的方向。6、下列各式中,不属于纯液体表面张力的定义式的是: ( );(1); (2) ; (3) 。7、气体在固体表面上吸附的吸附等温线可分为:( )。()两类;()三类;()四类;()五类。8、今有一球形肥皂泡,半径为r,肥皂水溶液的表面张力为s,则肥皂泡内附加压力是:( )。(1);(2);(3)。9、若某液体能在某固体表面铺展,则铺展系数j一定:()。();();()。10、等温等压条件下的润湿过程是:()。()表面吉布斯自由能降低的过程;()表面吉布斯自由能增加的过程;()表面吉布斯自由能不变的过程;()表面积缩小的过程。二、填空题。在题中“_”处填上答案。1、 玻璃毛细管水面上的饱和蒸气压_同温度下水平的水面上的饱和蒸气压。(选填 , = , )2、朗缪尔公式的适用条件仅限于_吸附。3、推导朗缪尔吸附等温式时, 其中假设之一吸附是_分子层的;推导吸附等温式时, 其中假设之一吸附是_分子层的。4、表面张力随温度升高而_。(选填增大、不变、减小),当液体到临界温度时,表面张力等于_。5、物理吸附的吸附力是_,吸附分子层是_。6、朗缪尔吸附等温式的形式为_。该式的适用条件是_。7、溶入水中能显著降低水的表面张力的物质通常称为_物质。8、过饱和蒸气的存在可用_公式解释,毛细管凝结现象可用_公式解释。(选填拉普拉斯、开尔文、朗缪尔)9、表面活性剂按亲水基团的种类不同,可分为:_、_、_、_。10、物理吸附永远为_热过程。三、是非题。在题后括号内,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。1、物理吸附无选择性。是不是?()2、弯曲液面所产生的附加压力与表面张力成正比。是不是?( )3、溶液表面张力总是随溶液浓度的增大而减小。是不是?( )4、朗缪尔吸附的理论假设之一是吸附剂固体的表面是均匀的。是不是?()5、朗缪尔等温吸附理论只适用于单分子层吸附。是不是?()6、弯曲液面处的表面张力的方向总是与液面相切。是不是?( )7、在相同温度与外压力下,水在干净的玻璃毛细管中呈凹液面,故管中饱和蒸气压应小于水平液面的蒸气压力。是不是?( )8、分子间力越大的液体,其表面张力越大。是不是?( )9、纯水、盐水、皂液相比,其表面张力的排列顺序是:s(盐水)s(纯水)s(皂液)。是不是?( )10、表面张力在数值上等于等温等压条件下系统增加单位表面积时环境对系统所做的可逆非体积功。是不是? ( )11、弯曲液面的饱和蒸气压总大于同温度下平液面的蒸气压。是不是?( )12、由拉普拉斯公式可知,当Dp = 0 时,则 s = 0 。是不是? ( )四、计算题。200 时测定O2 在某催化剂上的吸附作用,当平衡压力为 0.1 MPa及1 MPa 时,1 g催化剂吸附O2的量分别为2.5 cm 3及 4.2 cm 3 (STP) 设吸附作用服从朗缪尔公式,计算当O2 的吸附量为饱和吸附量的一半时,平衡压力为多少。五、计算题。已知某硅胶的表面为单分子层覆盖时,1 g硅胶所需N2气体积为129 cm 3 ()。若N2分子所占面积为0.162 nm 2,试计算此硅胶的总表面积。六、计算题。20 时汞的表面张力s =4.8510 -1 Nm -1 ,求在此温度下101.325 kPa 时,将半径r1 = 10.0 mm的汞滴分散成半径为 r2 =110 -4 mm的微小汞滴至少需要消耗多少非体积功(假定分散前后汞的体积不变)。七、证明题。在18时,各种饱和脂肪酸水溶液的表面张力s与浓度c的关系可表示为: 式中s* 是同温度下纯水的表面张力,常数a因不同的酸而异,b = 0.411试写出服从上述方程的脂肪酸的吸附等温式。八、计算题18 时,酪酸水溶液的表面张力与溶液浓度c 的关系为: 式中s * 是纯水的表面张力,试求c = 0.01 moldm -3时单位表面吸附物质的量。九、计算题。已知在-33.6时,CO(g)在活性炭上的吸附符合朗缪尔直线方程。经测定知,该(p/V)p直线的斜率为23.78 kgm-3,截距为131 kPakgm-3,试求朗缪尔方程中的常数Vm及b。十、计算题25 时乙醇水溶液的表面张力s随乙醇浓度c的变化关系为: s / 10 -3 Nm -1 = 72 0.5(c / c) 0.2 (c / c)2 试分别计算乙醇浓度为0.1 moldm -3 和0.5 moldm -3时,乙醇的表面吸附量(c=1.0 moldm -3)物理化学测验题(六)答案一、选择题。1、解:() 2、解:() 3、解:() 4、解:(1) 5、解:(1)(3) 6、解:( 2 )7、解:() 8、解:(3) 9、解:()10、解:() 二、填空题。1、解: 2、解: 单分子层 或 化学吸附 3、解: 单 多 4、解: 减小 零 5、解: 范德华力 单或多分子 6、解:或 q= 单分子层吸附 或 化学吸附 7、解: 表面活性 8、解: 开尔文 开尔文 9、解: 阴离子活性剂 阳离子活性剂 两性活性剂 非离子活性剂 10、解: 放 三、是非题。在题后括号内,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。1、解: 是 2、解: 是 3、解: 不是 4、解: 是 5、解: 是 6、解:是 7、解:是 8、解:是 9、解:不是 10、解:是 11、解: 不是 12、解: 不是 四、计算题。解: 即 所以 b = 12.2 10 -6 Pa -1 即 所以 五、计算题。解: = 562 m 2 六、计算题解:设A为总表面积则 =60.9 J七、证明题。解: 所以吸附等温式为: 八、计算题解: = 8.7810 -7 molm -2 九、计算题。解:斜率 m= 23.78 kgm-3 = 1/Vm所以 Vm = 1/m =0.0420 m3 (STP)kg-1 截距q= 131 kPakgm-3 = 1/(Vm b) 所以 b= 1/(Vmq)= 1/(0.0420 m3kg-1131 kPakgm-3)= 1.8210-4 Pa-1 十、计算题 解:由吉布斯溶液等温吸附理论,表面吸附量为: 式(2)中的 可由式(1)求得 = 0.5 +0.4 ( c / c) 10 -3 Nm -1 / mol dm -3 将c = 0.1 moldm -3和式(3)代入式(2)得 = =18.610 -9 molm -2 将c = 0.5 moldm -3和式(3)代入式(2)得 =60.510 -9 molm -2 lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory). County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla.lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory). County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla.lujianhua (South area ahead Office Director and to war victory). County Government operates 3 Civil Affairs, finance, education and Finance Committee, with espionage, sabotage, standing and political team. Soon, the tomb of the Wujiang District Committee of the Kuomintang relocated to the countryside village. Pre-war, strict tomb for seventh district, its regional range for this Taoyuan town and town of Nan Ma Street, and Tan Qiu street of rotten Brook Tang West of area, in Wujiang South border, and Zhejiang Province Tongxiang County, and Wuxing County adjacent, ancient for two province (River, and Zhejiang) three House (Suzhou, and huzhou, and jiaxing) seven County (wuxing, and return Ann, and Tongxiang, and jiaxing, and show water, and Wujiang, and earthquake Ze) of make, is located in remote, territory size Lake swing dotted, river port criss-cross, easy hidden combat, and no Highway, traffic inconvenience. Therefore, this has become the refuge of many, where Wujiang gentleman most of the refuge is not the fall of four townships, at this time of grave, there has been a monstrous prosperity, Nanxun town, even the neighboring Zhejiang Province, there are also some merchants to Yan Tao DUN Cun opened shop. Cang during the depression as a regional political center and military base in the area. In May 1938, Chairman Mao Zedong in the guerrilla war in the strategic issues of: North zone, South of the Lake of hongze Lake area branching stream of all enemy-occupied areas and along the coastal areas, should be well organized guerrilla and in rivers, lakes and estuaries and build lasting base nearby, as one aspect of the development of the national guerrilla.


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