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篇章翻译 ( Translation of Passages) 教学目的要求: 了解如何使用各种技巧进行篇章的翻译 。 教学重点: 把握在语篇翻译中使用各种翻译技巧: 变换 角度 、 正说反说 、 增词法和分句法 。 汉英语篇章对比与汉译英 汉语的文体有实用性和文艺性两大类 : 实用性文体 : 书信、便条、电报、公文、广告、启事、 说明书、科研报告、法律条文等; 文艺性文体 : 诗歌、小说、散文、曲艺、戏剧等 英语的文体分为六大类: 新闻文体、 论述文体、 公文文体、 描述及叙述文体、 科技文体和应用文文体 东方人的思维模式呈 螺旋型 。汉语篇章按传统可以概括为起、承、 转、合;按现代简单的划分,可以分为开头、正文、结尾三部分。汉语讲 究文贵曲折,不强调开门见山。正文虽随作者风格而异,描写论理可由远 及近,也可近由及远,随作者的意念“承转”,但终究离不开“曲”这一 特征。 汉语是 主题 (又称话题)显著的语言,在表达思想时往往突出主 题而不是主语。 英美人的思维模式呈 直线式 。英语文章一般一开头就要求点题。正文 部分是论理部分。论理有空间式、时间式、例证式、对比式、因果式、逻 辑推理式、从一般到特殊、从特殊到一般、从整体到部分和问答式等。英 语是 主语 显著型语言,主语是一句之主,对句子结构甚至词语选择起到 统帅作用。 但汉英文章的结尾有共性,即照应开头,概括全文。 1. 据报道,目前国外 有 2, 500万人在学习汉语和中国文化, 有 85个国家 2, 100所大学开设汉语课程。仅在美国,就 有 80多所大学开设了汉语专业,开设 汉语课程的大学则超过 700多所。学习汉语的人数与日俱增,人们对汉语和中 国文化的兴趣也越来越浓,各种迹象表明,一股学习汉语的热潮正在世界各 地兴起。 2. 也许是地缘关系,也许是历史渊源的缘故,在世界性学 “ 汉语热 ” 升温中, 亚洲的热度最高。到中国留学的亚洲学生占全部来华留学生的 75%。就在世界 范围兴起学习汉语的热潮的时候,中国国内的对外汉语教学也迅速发展起来。 去年,来华留学的学生达到 5.2万人,其中纯学汉语的为 3.5万人。汉语是中 国各民族共同使用的语言,联合国正式语文和工作语言之一,又是世界上历 史最悠久、发展水平最高的语言之一,有文字可考的历史不少于 6, 000年。 无论过去或是现在,汉语在国内外都有很大的影响,具有重要的地位。 3. 当今世界出现汉语热,一是因为中华民族历史悠久,有着光辉灿烂的文化, 对人类进步作出过巨大的贡献;更是因为最近 20年来,中国实行改革开放, 综合国力大大提升,与中国打交道、对中国文化感兴趣的国家、国际组织和 人员日益增多。学习汉语也就成为深入了解中国的必由之路。 4. 任何语言都与经济和文化 指经济和文化环境、状况 分不开,经济和文化 发达的国家,其语言所起的作用十分重要。在过去 20多年间,中国的国内生 产总值年均增长 9.7%,未来的中国经济还将持续增长。可以预言,随着中国 经济的进一步发展和国际地位的日益提高,世界上学习汉语的人数还会不断 增加。 译例解析: 1 据报道,目前国外 有 2, 500万人在学习汉语 和中国文化, 有 85个国家 2, 100所大学开设汉语课 程。 仅在美国,就 有 80多所大学开设了汉语专业, 开设汉语课程的大学则超过 700多所。 学习汉语 的人数与日俱增,人们对汉语和中国文化的兴趣也 越来越浓,各种迹象表明,一股学习汉语的热潮正 在世界各地兴起。 1 据报道,目前国外 有 2, 500万人在学 习汉语和中国文化, 有 85个国家 2, 100所大 学开设汉语课程。 It is reported that currently 25 million people in countries other than China are learning Chinese language and culture and that 2,100 universities in 85 countries offer Chinese courses. 仅在美国,就 有 80多所大学开设了汉语专 业,开设汉语课程的大学则超过 700多所。 In the United States alone, over 80 universities offer degree programs in Chinese and more than 700 universities (offer Chinese programs) teach Chinese as a second language. 学习汉语的人数与日俱增 , 人们对汉语和中 国文化的兴趣也越来越浓 , 各种迹象表明 , 一 股学习汉语的热潮正在世界各地兴起 。 The number of people learning Chinese is on the increase, and people are becoming more and more interested in Chinese language and culture. There is every indication that a world fervor in learning Chinese is rising. 技巧点拨:存在句的翻译 1) 希望有更多的讨论。 2) 有两种电荷:正电和负电。 There was expected to be more discussions. We expect to have more discussions. There are two types of charge positive and negative. 技巧点拨:存在句的翻译 3) 这里没有改进的余地 。 4) 建筑工地上有一个工人和几个学生在聊天 。 There is no room for improvement. There is a worker and a few students chatting at the construction site. A worker and a few students are chatting at the construction site. 2、 也许是地缘关系,也许是历史渊源的缘故,在世界 性学 “ 汉语热 ” 升温中,亚洲的热度最高。 到中国留 学的亚洲学生占全部来华留学生的 75%。 就在世界范围 兴起学习汉语的热潮的时候,中国国内的对外汉语教学也 迅速发展起来。 去年,来华留学的学生达到 5.2万人, 其中纯学汉语的为 3.5 万人。 汉语是中国各民族共同 使用的语言,联合国正式语文和工作语言之一,又是世界 上历史最悠久、发展水平最高的语言之一,有文字可考的 历史不少于 6, 000年。 无论过去或是现在,汉语在国 内外都有很大的影响,具有很重要的地位。 2 也许是地缘关系,也许是历史渊源的缘故,在世界性学 “ 汉语热 ” 升温中,亚洲的 热度最高。 Probably due to geographical proximity or historical connections, people in Asia have shown greater enthusiasm in learning Chinese than those in other parts of the world. 到中国留学的亚洲学生占全部来华留学生 的 75%。 Asian students account for 75 percent of all the international students studying in China. 就在世界范围兴起学习汉语的热潮的时候,中 国国内的对外汉语教学也迅速发展起来。 Alongside the worldwide fervor in learning Chinese, the profession of teaching Chinese as a foreign language has been developing rapidly in China. 去年,来华留学的学生达到 5.2万人,其中 纯学汉语的为 3.5 万人。 Last year, international students in China reached 52 thousand, among whom 35 thousand came for the mere purpose of learning the Chinese language. 汉语是中国各民族共同使用的语言 , 联合国正式语文和工作语言之一 , 又是世界上历史最悠久 、 发展水平 最高的语言之一 , 有文字可考的历史不少于 6, 000年 。 ( 分句法 , 结构调整 ) Chinese is a language used by people of all the nationalities of China and is one of the official and working languages in the UN. It is also among the worlds most highly developed languages with the longest history, a recorded history of at least 6,000 years. 无论过去或是现在 , 汉语在国内外都有很大的影 响 , 具有很重要的地位 。 Whether in the past or at present, the Chinese language has had great influence both at home and abroad and occupied a prominent position. 技巧点拨:换一个说法或角度 1) 在世界性学 “ 汉语热 ” 升温中 , 亚洲的热度最高 。 People in Asia have shown greater enthusiasm in learning Chinese than those in other parts of the world. 如果按汉语直接翻译成: People in Asia have shown the greatest enthusiasm in learning Chinese. 2) 任何语言都与经济和文化分不开 。 *Any language is inseparable from its economic and cultural environment? No language is separable from its economic and cultural environment. (与原表达方式相反 ) ( 正 说反说 ) 因为以汉语为母语的人和以英语为母语的人 在思维和看问题上有所不同 , 遣词造句很可 能会有差异 。 技巧点拨:正说反说 把汉语翻译成英语 , 出于表达习惯的需要 , 目的是为了用符合英语规范的译文忠实 、 地道地表达原文的意思 , 而不能按照原文 的意思字字对应 , 这样就成了死译 。 1) 汉语肯定 , 英语可以肯定也可以否定 。 他是外乡人 。 He is a stranger here. He is not a native. 他们很快就要签合同了 。 They will sign a contract soon. It will not be long before they sign a contract. 2) 汉语的 “ 肯定 ” 形式 , 英语用 “ 否定 ” 形式 。 有什么问题 , 尽管 与我联系 。 If you have any questions, dont hesitate to contact me. 考试时越仔细越好 。 One cant be too careful in sitting for exams. 3) 汉语的 “ 否定 ” 形式 , 英语用 “ 肯定 ” 形 式 。 局面已不是他所能控制的 。 The situation had got beyond him. 你们的供货远远不足 。 Your supplies are far from enough. 3 当今世界出现汉语热 , 一是因为中华民 族历史悠久 , 有着光辉灿烂的文化 , 对人类进 步作出过巨大的贡献;更是因为最近 20年来 , 中国实行改革开放 , 综合国力大大提升 , 与中 国打交道 、 对中国文化感兴趣的国家 、 国际组 织和人员日益增多 。 学习汉语也就成为深入 了解中国的必由之路 。 当今世界出现汉语热 , 一是因为中华民族历史悠久 ,有着光辉灿烂的文化 , 对人类进步作出过巨大的贡献; 更是因为最近 20年来 , 中国实行改革开放 , 综合国力 大大提升 , 与中国打交道 、 对中国文化感兴趣的国家 、 国际组织和人员日益增多 分句法 。 The current worldwide interest in learning Chinese is attributable to the long history of the Chinese nation, its glorious and magnificent culture and its tremendous contribution to human progress. More importantly, as Chinas overall national strength has grown in the course of reform and opening-up over the last two decades, more and more countries, international organizations and people come into contact (associate) with China and take interest in Chinese culture. 学习汉语也就成为深入了解中国的必由之路 。 For them, learning the Chinese language has become the only / sole road to a profound understanding of China. 4. 任何语言都与经济和文化分不开,经济和文 化发达的国家,其语言所起的作用十分重要。 在过去 20多年间,中国的国内生产总值年均增长 9.7%,未来的中国经济还将持续增长。 可以预 言,随着中国经济的进一步发展和国际地位的日 益提高,世界上学习汉语的人数还会不断增加。 4 任何语言都与经济和文化分不开,经济 和文化发达的国家,其语言所起的作用十分 重要。 No language is separable from its economic and cultural environment. The language of a nation which is well developed in economy and culture plays a very important role. 在过去 20多年间 , 中国的国内生产总值年均 增长 9.7%, 未来的中国经济还将持续增长 。 In the past 20 years, on the average Chinas GDP has increased by 9.7 percent annually, and in the years to come Chinas economy will continue to grow. 可以预言,随着中国经济的进一步发展和 国际地位的日益提高,世界上学习汉语的 人数还会不断增加。 It may well be predicted that with the further development of Chinas economy and the rise of its international status, an ever-increasing number of people around the world will be interested in learning the Chinese language. 1、最重要的是,父母与子女应该相互信任。 没有这种信任,即使最谨慎的家庭教学模式也 不能保证什么;但如果有了这种信任,即使是 最糟糕的学校经历也能成为互相交流的机会。 Most important, there must be a relationship of mutual trust between parents and children. Without it, even the most guarded home- school setting will guarantee nothing; but with it, the worst experiences of the school day can become opportunities for exchange. 2、现在有很多的网站都提供撰写论文的服务,帮助 学生完成他们的课业。学生们课业在这样的网站中得 到编写论文的诀窍,甚至可以由网站给他们写好整部 的论文模本。不过,越来越多的学生使用这种服务的 目的是把提供的论文模本抄袭下来当成是他们自己的 成果上交,这就是抄袭与剽窃。 Dozens of websites offer essay writing services, which students can use to help with their studies. They can get anything from tips on how to answer the essay, right through to a full model essay. However, more and more students are using these services to copy a model essay and pass it off as their own, which is plagiarism. 3、回想起来,那些日子还带点宗教式的虔诚。 上启蒙班的时候,我总会为我的纸制国旗剪一些 形状完美无缺的星星。上小学时,拿出国旗挂在 屋外时,最叫我感到兴奋。 Now that I look back, those were days with a religious fervour. Kindergarten days were when I strove to cut perfectly shaped stars for my paper flag. Then there were the primary school days when excitement was unfurling the national flag to hang outside the house. 4、有个同事年前结婚了,目前尚无生育计划,工 作仍旧是她生活里最得意的项目:办公室是她一天 花去二分之一时间的地方,偶尔和大伙儿聊天,谈 的都是工作。她的行政能力超强,处理家务却不如 她那任劳任怨的先生。 A college of mine got married two years ago but still has no plan of starting a family. Work remains her greatest source of pride. She spends 12 hours a day in the office every day and work is all that she talks about when she meets her friends occasionally. However, her competence at work does not extend to household chores which her husband does without complaint. 5、按说取名是个人的自由,不应妄加置评。不 过起了名字,是让别人叫的吧?看着那些似曾相 识、但不知如何念起的怪字,让人在感慨学识浅 薄之余,也不禁妄自揣摩,到底是从哪个故纸堆 里找到的这些字? Picking a name is, of course, a very personal matter. But while others should not interfere, they are expected to address the person by that name. A name containing Chinese characters that look familiar but are unpronounceable will either make them feel they are not knowledgeable enough or ponder the origins of the words. 6、一旦确切了解了自己的购房能力之后,就应该选 择房址了。某些房址比起其他的来要昂贵很多,因此, 在预算之内选择一个住宅区是很重要的。如果你依靠 公共交通,那么在步行距离之内应当有火车或公共汽 车。如果你有孩子,你也许希望住房靠近孩子的学校 或校车路线。此外,你也许还希望附近有杂货店、银 行、公园或者图书馆。 Once you know exactly how much money you can spend, its time to choose a location. Some locations are more expensive than others; therefore, its important to choose a neighborhood thats within your budget. If you rely on public transportation, a train or bus should be within walking distance. If you have children, you may want your accommodation to be near their school or school bus route. In addition, you may want to be in walking distance of a grocery store, bank, park, or library. 7、我虽爱买书,而对于书却不甚爱惜。读书的 时候,常在书上把我所认为要紧的处所标出。线 装书大概用笔加圈,洋装书竟用红铅笔画粗粗的 线。经我看过的书,统体干净的很少。 Much as I love books, I take little care of them. While reading, I often mark out what I regard as important in a book. If it is a thread-bound Chinese book, I use a writing brush to draw small circles as markings. Otherwise, I use a red pencil to draw heavy underlines. Consequently, the books I have read are rarely clean. (张培基译) 8、下午,我刚到图书馆,借出一本在阅读目录上 的书,然后,夹着这本书,回家吃晚饭。吃饭后, 我把书打开,我十分烦恼,原来这本书不是我要借 的书。我就是这号人:拿出一本书不看就走。我不 能怪别人,只能怪我自己。 In the afternoon, I went to the library to take on a book on the reading list. Then, armed with my book, I went home for supper. Opening the book after supper, I was greatly annoyed; it was the wrong volume. To take out a book without looking at it was just like me. I had nobody to blame but myself.(翻译新概念 英汉互译实用教程 第三版 P462) 9、互联网更加深刻地影响了中国人的生活。对于 20世纪 70年代、 80年代和 90年代出生的人来说, 网络已是生活的一部分 他们的工作、生活、娱 乐、社交,都不能离开网络的帮助;正是他们,使 整个中国成为一个网上的国家,也推动了中国与世 界的加速融合。 The Internet has shaped the way people live at a more profound level. For the generations born in the 1970s, 80s and 90s in China, the Internet has become something indispensable in their work, entertainment and social activities. Its these generations that have helped to turn China into an information society and speed Chinas integration into the world. 10、对于收藏越来越受到人们的喜爱这种现象,许 多人认为这不失为一件利国利民的好事。收藏的初 衷就是保护历史文化,让文明、传统得到传承。对 于个人来说,收藏能够满足人们高层次上的精神和 文化生活的需要,同事作为一种合理的投资方式, 收藏还能满足人们的物质需要。 The increasing popularity for collecting is believed to be a good thing for the country and the people. The original intention of collecting was to protect history and culture so that civilization and tradition of China could be handed down generation after generation. For individuals, collecting will help fulfill their demand for a high-level spiritual and cultural life; at the same time, this can also satisfy their material needs as a reasonable way of investment. Exercise: please translate the passage into English 一元敲开的门 一位刚毕业的女大学生来到一家公司应聘 财务会计工作。当面试时,因公司想招聘 有经验的资深会计,所以女大学生立即遭 到拒绝。但她并没有因此而灰心离开。她 诚恳地对主考官说:“请再给我一次机会, 让我参加完笔试。”主考官拗不过她,就 让她参加了笔试。结果她很顺利地通过了 笔试。最后由人事经理亲自复试。 Knocking the Door Open with One Yuan A girl just graduated from college went to a certain company to apply for the position of an accountant. However, she was immediately turned down as that company wanted to hire a senior accountant with much working experience. But she was not disheartened and begged the examiner, “Please give me another chance and let me take the written exam.” Seeing the girl in such an earnest the examiner agreed to let her take the written exam. It so happened that the girl passed the written exam. Finally the human resources manager of the company decided to conduct the final interview. 由于这位女大学生的笔试成绩最 好,所以人事经理对她颇有好感。 但女大学生坦言自己没有工作经 验,唯一的会计经验是在学校管 过学生会财务,这让人事经理有 点失望。不得已,人事经理只好 对她说: “ 今天就面试到这里, 如果有消息,我们会打电话通知 你。 ” As the girl rated the top one in the written exam, the human resources manager had a favorable opinion of her. But the girl said frankly she had had no working experience, and the only experience about bookkeeping she had was running the finance of the students union in college. The human resources manager was somewhat disappointed and could only told her,“So much for todays interview. Well phone you if you shall be given the job.” 女大学生从座位上站起来,从 口袋里掏出一元钱,双手递给 人事经理: “ 不管我是否被录 用,都请您给我打个电话。 ” 人事经理一下子呆住了,不过 他很快就回过神来问: “ 你怎 么知道我们就不给没有录取的 人打电话呢? ” The girl got up on her feet and produced from her pocket one yuan, which she handed to the manager with both hands. “Please phone me whether I shall be hired or not,” she said to the human resources manager. The latter was surprised but soon recovered to ask her, “How do you know we dont phone those who shall not be hired?” “ 您刚才说了,有消息就打,言下之意就是,没有录取就不打了。 ” 人事 经理似乎对这个姑娘产生了浓厚的兴 趣,于是又问; “ 如果你没有被录取, 我打电话的话,你想知道些什么 呢? ”“ 请告诉我,在什么地方我没 有达到贵公司的要求,我可以努力改 进。至于那一元钱,给没有录取的人 打电话不属于公司的正常开支,所以 这个电话费应该由我付。请您一定 打。 ” “Just now you said you will phone me if I shall be given the job. This implies you wont phone those who are not given the job.” The manager seemed to be interested by the girl and asked further, “What would you like us to tell you if you are not given the job?“ “I would like to know in what respect I fail to meet the requirement of your company, so that I can make further improvement . As for the one yuan, I mean to pay for calling me as it is not the normal financial responsibility of the company to pay for phoning those who shall not be hired. Please be sure to phone me.” 人事经理马上微笑地说: “ 请你把一元钱收回 。 我不会打电话了 。 我 现在正式通知你:你被录取了 , 明 天就可以来上班 。 ” 就这样,女大学生用一元钱敲开了 机遇的大门 Hearing this, the manager smiled and said, “Please take back the one yuan. I shall not phone you because I want to inform you formerly that you are hired. You can come to work tomorrow.” Thus, with just one yuan the girl knocked open the door of opportunity. ( 陈德彰 ) 注 : 本 练 习 原 文 以 及 译 文 均 源 自 www.C 的 翻译园地 栏目 地址: on/oldinfo.shtml?issue=2005030806


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