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Each hexagram have a name(name of Gua),and image(image of Gua).Each hexagram has an opening text called“judgment”,and each of the six lines of hexagram also has its own text.The judgment describes the general idea of the hexagram as a whole,and the individual lines refer to specific elements in the development of the central idea.Position show the growth process of thingThe Top PlaceThe Fifth PlaceThe Forth PlaceThe Third PlaceThe Second PlaceThe Beginning Ultimate StageFlourishing StagePromoting StageGrowing StagePullulating StageInitial StageThe first of the sixty four diagramsThe Ancients intuition about the nature,when saw the heaven surround with the earth,day changed by night,never ending,never stop,so must a gentleman ceaselessly strive along.象象曰:天行健,君子曰:天行健,君子以以自强不息自强不息。The first NINE In the first NINE undivided,(we see its subject as)the dragon lying in the deep.It is not the time for active doing.Just for example,when just career start,even you are a gentleman and you will be a great leader in the future,but now,your Yang energy just start,its not the time to act freely,still be patient without big action.The second NINEIn the second NINE,undivided,(we see its subject as)the dragon appearing in the field.It will be advantageous to meet with the great man.just able to appear in the field,and cant fly to sky.It just the preliminary stage for Yang energy to generate.The third NINE In the third NINE,the superior man active and vigilant all the day,and in the evening still careful and apprehensive.(The position is)dangerous,but there will be no mistake.The third nine in the upper position of inner trigram,its time for superior person to work hard,and its time to keep vigilant.Its position to jump from lower trigram to upper trigram.Its high risk with low profit situation.Just like dragon fly to the midair,and cant fly into upper air,it cant return to the earth,then have to work hardly.The fourth NINE In the fourth NINE,undivided,(we see its subject as the dragon looking)He seems to be leaping up,but is still in the deep:-if he advance,there will be no error.In the fourth nine,it should be more careful.He should act by the chance,to take the chance and jump to the leader position,or have to return back.Thiss a un-stable hexagram line,follow by the position of Monarch,he cant just stay without any actions,and must acted by chances.Its time to think it over,or move forward or return back.Its a dilemma of forward or back.The fifth NINEIn the fifth NINE,undivided,(we see its subject as)the dragon on the wing in the sky.It will be advantageous to meet with the great man.The dragon is on the wing in the sky:-the great man rouses himself to his work.In the fifth nine,the Yang energy is in the best situation.The fifth nine is Yang hexagram line in the middle position of upper trigram and in the Yang hexagram line position,and in the Monarch position;its in the best performance.Thats why Monarch was called as respected fifth nine.The sixth NINE In the sixth(or topmost)NINE,undivided,(we see its subject as)the dragon exceeding the proper limits.There will be occasion for repentance.The dragon exceeds the proper limits;-there will be occasion for repentance:Dragon fly to the extremely high air,its time to regret.It present extremely exceeds and cant last forever,start to fall after zenith.The upper nine hexagram line with over Yang energy,its over filled.精品课件资料分享 SL出品


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