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常见的形容词变副词常见的形容词变副词 quick-real-helpful-careful-hopeful-actual-carelesscarelessly quietquietly differentdifferentlyquicklyreallyhelpfullycarefullyhopefullyactually一般情况下直接加一般情况下直接加“ly”confidentconfidently fortunatefortunately beautifulbeautifully recentrecently以以ll结尾的词结尾的词,直接加直接加“y”full-fully busy-angry-easy-happy-heavy-lucky-merry-noisy noisily healthyhealthilybusilyangrilyeasilyhappilyheavilyluckilymerrily以以“辅音字母辅音字母+y”结尾的,要变结尾的,要变y为为i加加-ly 注意:注意:drydryly shyshyly slyslyly(狡猾的狡猾的)以以le 结尾的形容词去结尾的形容词去e+y terrible terribly possible possibly comfortable comfortably gentle gently simple simply reasonable reasonably probable probably incredible incredibly wise-polite-extreme-absolute-complete-entire-loud(adj.)-wiselypolitelyextremelyabsolutely completelyentirely绝大多数以绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly aloud(adv.)副词还可以由形容词加前缀副词还可以由形容词加前缀a-得来得来 4.以以ic结尾的结尾的+ally energetic energetically automatic automatically scientific scientifically economiceconomically basic basicallypublic publicly(例外)(例外)其它以e结尾的形容词直接+ly wise wisely nice nicely polite politely fortunate fortunately close closely immediateimmediately true truly whole wholly full fully dull dully 注意以下形容词变副词的拼写 fast early high hard true -truly少数以少数以e(元音字母元音字母e)结尾的形容词,结尾的形容词,要去掉要去掉e再加再加-ly如:如:fast earlyhigh hard形容词与副词同形形容词与副词同形注意以注意以ly结尾的形容词结尾的形容词 friendly lovely lively elderly monthly weekly yearly brotherly fatherly motherly lonely deadly manly womanly daily silly 5.形容词与副词形容词与副词 同形同形 fastfast earlyearly hardhard latelate farfar alonealone little-little6.有两个副词形式的词有两个副词形式的词 highhigh highly deepdeepdeeply widewidewidely hardhard hardly loudloud loudly closeclose closely latelate lately free-免费地免费地 freely-随便不拘束地随便不拘束地 hard-努力地、猛烈地努力地、猛烈地 hardly-几乎不几乎不 just-恰好、仅仅、不久前恰好、仅仅、不久前 justly-公正地公正地 late-迟迟 lately-最新地、最近地最新地、最近地 most-最 mostly-大部分地 near-近 nearly-几乎 pretty-很(作副词用)prettily-漂亮 short-突然地 shortly-不久前 1.clean adj.干净干净 adv.径直地;完全地径直地;完全地 cleanly adv.干干净净地干干净净地2.clear adj.清楚的清楚的 adv.完全地完全地;径直地;隔离径直地;隔离 clearly adv.清楚地清楚地3.close adj.近的近的 adv.近地近地 closely adv.严密地;密切地严密地;密切地4 direct adj.直的直的 adv.直线地,不绕圈子地直线地,不绕圈子地 directly adv.直接地;马上,立刻直接地;马上,立刻5 firm adj.adv.稳固地;稳定地稳固地;稳定地 stand firmly adv.坚定地,坚决地坚定地,坚决地6 high adj.高的高的 adv.高高地高高地 highly adv.高度地;高度地;7.straight adj.直的直的 Adv.直接地;正直地;直接地;正直地;马上;马上;straightly adv.(比较少用)(比较少用)7 slow adj.adv.Go slow.怠工;慢慢走怠工;慢慢走 slowly adv.9 easy adj.容易的容易的 adv.Take e,go.easily adv.容易地;轻松地容易地;轻松地10 sharp adj.adv.急剧地;准时地;音符准地急剧地;准时地;音符准地 sharply adv.尖刻地;刻薄地尖刻地;刻薄地 l.close接近地接近地 closely仔细地,密切地仔细地,密切地 a)She lives _ to the school.b)Watch what I do _!2.free免费地免费地 freely自由地,无拘束地自由地,无拘束地 a)You can travel _ with this special ticket.b)You can travel _ to all parts of the country.3.hard努力地努力地 hardly几乎不几乎不 a)It _ snowed last winter.b)He works _ at his English.free closely close freely hardly hard 4.late晚,迟晚,迟 lately近来近来 a)Have you ever heard from him _?b)Remember not to come _ to school next time.5.most极,非常极,非常 mostly主要地主要地 a)What do you like _?b)The houses in the village are _ made of brick.6.wide广阔地,宽广地广阔地,宽广地 widely广泛地广泛地 a)He opened his mouth _.b)English is _ used all over the world.7.high高高 highly高度地,非常地高度地,非常地 a)All the teachers speak _ of her.b)The plane flew _ in the sky and soon disappeared.lately late most mostly wide widely highly high 8.deep深,迟深,迟 deeply抽象意义的抽象意义的“深深”a)I am _ grateful for your timely help.b)He often studied _ into the night.9.loud大声地大声地 loudly大声地(含有喧闹的意思)大声地(含有喧闹的意思)a)I cant hear you;please speak _.b)He knocked at the door so _ that the noise woke the baby up.10.near邻近邻近 nearly几乎,差不多几乎,差不多 a)Dont come _;the snake might attack.b)Its _ twelve oclock.Lets go and have lunch.deeply deep loud loudly near nearly


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