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,SOM Asia Ltd,1,Worlds great cities are the riverfront cities国际上著名的滨江城市,The New Waterfront City of Changsha 长沙市 - 新滨江城市,Commercial/Office,Public/Civic Use 公共设施,Pedestrian Shopping Street 步行街,Residential 住宅,University neighborhood 大学区,Government Use 政府机构,Major Open Space,Promenade Open Space,River/Water body,The City Center 市中心,1.,Planning Approach 规划方向,A,B,C,Strengthen the character of places in Changsha加强长沙的地方特色,Open more public access to the Xiangjiang River 开放湘江两岸的公共空间,Preserve the Orange Island as an eco-cultural park 保留桔子洲的生态环境,城市规划概念: 整体城市,Urban Design Concepts: City Context,商业办公,主要开发空间,滨江开发空间,江河、水体,Planning Approach 规划方向,SOM Asia Ltd,1,Commercial/Office,Public/Civic Use,Pedestrian Shopping Street,Residential,University neighborhood,Government Use,Major Open Space,Promenade Open Space,River/Water body,Restructure the city and street hierarchy for better legibility and orientation 组织城市与街道的层次以鼓励更佳识别度与方向感,Method 1 : Re-design the Streets 重新设计街道,Method 2 : Re-establish street landmarks重新设立城市标志,Method 3 : Open more public access to the promenade 开放公共流向引至 滨江大道,Characterless street image in Changsha,Great Street image : Las Ramblas, Barcelona,Abandoned Clock tower at Zhongshan Street,Strong and legible street landmark: Times Square New York,Current development blocks public access and view to the Xiangjiang river,New vision of public place at the Xiangjiang riverfront,Great street design: Las Ramblas, Barcelona (source: “Great Street”, Allan Jacobs),A,2.,城市规划概念:城市环境,Urban Design Concepts: Urban Context,Planning Approach 规划方向,1,Create multiple destinations to capture urban energy,Riverfront Park, Boston,B,Riverfront CBD, Singapore,Riverfront Shopping and Entertainment Center, Fukuoka Japan,Create neighborhoods along a continuous public promenade 创造延续的滨江大道旁的生活小区,Continuous public promenade, Battery Park New York,C,Residential Waterfront, Canada,Residential Waterfront, Celebaration Florida,城市规划概念:城市环境,Urban Design Concepts: Urban Context,2.,创造多处的目的地以吸引主要街道的城市活力,Planning Approach 规划方向,D,城市规划概念:城市环境,Urban Design Concepts: Urban Context,2.,Create a dynamic urban center to serve as the main destination in Changsha 创造一个活跃的市中心为长沙市的主要目的地活力,Strong image of business street 商业街的形象,Presence of Changshas history 长沙市历史的见证,Grandeur scale of sports stadium 壮观的 体育设施,Beautiful public promenade 美丽的公共滨江大道,Vibrant pedestrian shopping mall充满活力的步行街,Orange Island as part of the experience,Possible public landmark architecture by the riverfront 滨江的公共标志性建筑,1,Create a strong character to the urban center waterfront that will make it as the most desirable place to live-work-play in Changsha 创造一个强而有力的滨江城市中心 给予长沙一个生活、工作、娱乐的环境。,Baltimore harbor, Maryland, USA,Create a grand civic open space from Furong Road to the Xiangjiang River and access and visual connection to the Orange Island 创造一个连接芙蓉路与湘江路的公共市民开放空间、并同时提供通往桔子洲的视线走廊。,Grand civic open space in Newcastle, United Kindom,桔子洲的经历,Planning Approach,Understanding the Context 对地方的理解,Opportunities and Constraints 机遇与局限,1.,1,2/3,SOM Asia Ltd,Opportunities 机遇 Central Hub of China 中国的中心 2.Provincial Capital 省会 a. Transportation Hub 交通枢纽 b. Economical and Political Center 经济与政治中心 c. Center of Service Industry 服务业的中心 d. Cultural Heritage Site 人文地区 3. Entry point for regional and international tourism: 区域与国际游客的抵步点 Gateway to Zhangjiajie National Park, Dongting Lake, Xiang River, and eight historical scenic spots. 通往张家界国家公园,洞庭湖,湘江八大景点的大门 4. Waterfront City: opportunity to create a more dynamic city 滨江城市:创造更活跃城市的机遇 5. Media-related industry: TV industry and publishing 资讯与辅助性行业:电视与印刷业,Constraints 局限 Undiscovered, unpublicized city nationally and internationally 在国际、国内报刊上尚未发觉与普遍谈论的城市 2.Unfortunate loss of historical & cultural relics and sites 历史与文物古迹不幸的流失 3.Threats from flooding 洪水的威胁,City of Changsha as a Whole 长沙-整体的城市,Planning Approach,Understanding the Context 对地方的理解,Opportunities and Constraints 机遇与局限,2.,SOM Asia Ltd,East Bank : Urban Context 城市环境地区/ 东岸,Constraints & Weaknesses局限与劣势 Characterless 缺乏特征 Lack of urban legibility 缺乏城市的识别度 Lack of landmarks from recent development 缺乏近期城市发展过程带动的标志性指标 4.Limited access to the waterfront due to inappropriate land use placement/ assignment 因不适当的土地功能布置而造成的滨江地段限制性用途 5.Absence of urban structure hierarchy 缺少城市框架的明确层次 6.Lack of urban open space network 缺乏城市空间系统,Opportunities & Strengths机遇 与优势 Accessibility - train station serving the Beijing-Guangzhou railway line located on East Bank 交通流线操作性高-京广快线铁路站处于东岸 2. Places of vibrant activities and potential for dynamic skyline 活跃的城市活动与谱写戏剧化天际线的机遇 3. Waterfront promenade with options for urban destination 滨江大道提供各种不同的城市目的地 4. Great potential for redevelopment opportunities 城市重新发展的机遇,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,Planning Approach,Orange Island - West Bank Context 自然环境地区/ 西岸,Opportunities and Constraints 机遇与局限,3.,SOM Asia Ltd,Opportunities & Strengths 机遇 与优势 Unique character that adds to the experience of river-mountain-island Presence of few remaining natural/ cultural/ historical sites in clusters 仅有的几处自然/人文/历史景点 3. Providing sites for scenic views 风景区旅游点 4. Base to promote Sustainable Development 可持续发展计划的基础 5. Potential of developing the shoreline as a seasonal park created by the substantial water level fluctuation of Xiangjiang River 可发展江河两岸线因涨,退潮时差距偏大的具体特征、而成为四季公园,Constraints & Weaknesses 局限与劣势 Pressure to develop 承担了须开发的负担 a. city concept 城市的概念 b. our proposed concept 建议的设计概念 2. Development disturbing visual quality of natural surrounding 建筑群的发展水平与周边环境不匹配 3. Existing and recent development destroying the ecology of the natural landscape 现有与近期的开发破坏了自然环境的生态 4. Lack of sense of place 缺乏城市空间的地方性,4,2,3,4,5,1a,2,3,1b,1,Understanding the Context 对地方的理解,Planning Approach 规划方向,D,城市规划概念:城市环境,Urban Design Concepts: Urban Context,2.,Create a dynamic urban center to serve as the main destination in Changsha 创造一个活跃的市中心为长沙市的主要目的地活力,Strong image of business street 商业街的形象,Presence of Changshas history 长沙市历史的见证,Grandeur scale of sports stadium 壮观的 体育设施,Beautiful public promenade 美丽的公共滨江大道,Vibrant pedestrian shopping mall充满活力的步行街,Orange Island as part of the experience,Possible public landmark architecture by the riverfront 滨江的公共标志性建筑,1,Create a strong character to the urban center waterfront that will make it as the most desirable place to live-work-play in Changsha 创造一个强而有力的滨江城市中心 给予长沙一个生活、工作、娱乐的环境。,Baltimore harbor, Maryland, USA,Create a grand civic open space from Furong Road to the Xiangjiang River and access and visual connection to the Orange Island 创造一个连接芙蓉路与湘江路的公共市民开放空间、并同时提供通往桔子洲的视线走廊。,Grand civic open space in Newcastle, United Kindom,桔子洲的经历,


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