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Talk about daily activities七年级上 Unit11八年级上Unit1&4八年级下Unit9&10九年级Unit14Unit 11 一.What time do you go to school?I go to school at 7:00 every day.你几点跑步?她几点吃早餐?他几点洗澡?你什么时候睡觉?我们几点做作业?What time do you get up?What time does she eat breakfast?What time does he take a shower?What timeWhen do you sleep?What time do we do our homework?七点半七点半九点四十五九点四十五23点点50八点一刻八点一刻六点六点25五点三十五五点三十五 多么有趣的一节课啊!What a funny class!我坐214路车上课。I take the number 214 to school.你能想到他是做什么工作的吗?Can you think what his job is?学校七点开始上课。School starts at 7:00.八年级上 Unit 1重点句型 1.What do you do on weekends?你周你周末做什么?末做什么?他周末做什么?他周末做什么?What does he do on weekends?回答:回答:I often exercise.我经常锻炼身体。我经常锻炼身体。他经常上网。他经常上网。He often surf the Internet.How often do you exercise?I exercise five times a week.你多久锻炼一次身体?你多久锻炼一次身体?我一星期锻炼五次。我一星期锻炼五次。A:她多久打扫一次房间?她多久打扫一次房间?B:她一个月打扫两次。她一个月打扫两次。A:你多久看一次电影?你多久看一次电影?B:我一星期看三次。我一星期看三次。A:他们多久听一次音乐?他们多久听一次音乐?B:他们一年听六至八次。他们一年听六至八次。A:How often does she clean the room?B;She cleans the room twice a month.A:How often do you watch a movie?B;I watch a movie three times a week.A:How often do they listen to music?BThey listen to music six or eight times.重要词汇重要词汇 hardly很少很少/几乎不曾几乎不曾 我们很少购物。我们很少购物。We hardly shop.他很少散步。他很少散步。He hardly goes for a walk.surf the lnternet 上网上网 大部分学生喜欢上网。大部分学生喜欢上网。Most students like surfing the Internet.学生放学后不准上网。学生放学后不准上网。The students mustnt surf the lnternet after school as for 关于,至于关于,至于 As for smoking,a large number of men decide to give it up but they fail in the end.关于吸烟话题,许多男士决定戒烟但是最终失败了。关于吸烟话题,许多男士决定戒烟但是最终失败了。关于学习,学生很少依靠自己,他们总是依靠老师。关于学习,学生很少依靠自己,他们总是依靠老师。As for study,students hardly depend on themselves,they always denpend on teachers.be good for对对.有好处有好处 Exercising is good for our health.锻炼对我们的身体有好处。锻炼对我们的身体有好处。自学对我们的学习有好处。自学对我们的学习有好处。Learning by ourselves is good for our studies.be good for反义词反义词 be bad for 6)照顾(写出两种)照顾(写出两种)look after take care of 能帮我照顾一下孩子吗?能帮我照顾一下孩子吗?Can you help me take care of my kid?look还可以和许多词搭配,但意思不一样还可以和许多词搭配,但意思不一样 look at看看 look for寻找寻找 look like长得像、长的样子长得像、长的样子 7)eating habits饮食习惯饮食习惯 We are supposed to make our eating habits balanced.我们应该平衡饮食习惯。我们应该平衡饮食习惯。你良好的饮食习惯对你的身体有好处。你良好的饮食习惯对你的身体有好处。Your good eating habits are good for your health.8)try to do sth 尽量做尽量做.You should try to study.你们应该努力读书。你们应该努力读书。我们应该尽量保护环境。我们应该尽量保护环境。We should try to protect the environment.尽最大努力做尽最大努力做 try ones best to do.特意做特意做.get out ones way to do 不遗余力做不遗余力做 spare no effort to do sth pretty表示表示“十分十分”作副词用作副词用=quite=very 我相当地健康。我相当地健康。I am pretty healthy.保持健康保持健康(写出三种写出三种)keep fit=be/keep in good health=be/keep healthy 11)区别。)区别。sometime sometimes some time some times 运用上列词汇填空运用上列词汇填空(1)I met him _in the street last month.(2)Will you come again _next week?(3)I will stay here for _sometime是副词,意为是副词,意为“在在某个时候某个时候”,“某时某时”sometimes:有时候是副词。有时候是副词。some time是名词词组,意是名词词组,意为为“一段时间一段时间”,做时间状语,做时间状语用用 some times是名词词组,意是名词词组,意为为“几次,几倍几次,几倍”。12)当然of course certainlysure Unit 4 How do you get to school?重点句型重点句型 How do you get to school?-I take the bus.=I get to school by bus.你怎样到学校的?你怎样到学校的?-我坐公交。我坐公交。他怎么去北京的?他坐飞机。他怎么去北京的?他坐飞机。How does he go to Beijing?He takes the plane to Beijing.=He goes to Beijing by planeby air.你们怎么到电影院的?我们走路。你们怎么到电影院的?我们走路。How do you get to the cinema?We walk to the cinema.=We get to the cinema on foot.骑自行车骑自行车 ride a bike 坐火车坐火车 take a train 坐船坐船 take a boat 坐地铁坐地铁 take the subway 坐的士坐的士 take a taxi 坐地铁去学校很方便。坐地铁去学校很方便。It is convenient to take the subway to school.How long does it take?-It takes 20 minutes.它要花多久?它要花二十分钟。它要花多久?它要花二十分钟。坐的士要花多久时间?坐的士要花多久时间?How long does it take to take a taxi?坐飞机要花三小时。坐飞机要花三小时。It takes three hours to take a plane.3.How far is it?-Its 10 miles.多远?多远?十英里。十英里。多远?十小时的车程。多远?十小时的车程。How far is ti?Ten hours drive.Ten-hour-drive.你家到学校有多远?你家到学校有多远?How far is from your home to school?我家离学校有十公里。我家离学校有十公里。My home is ten kilometers away from my school.二、巩固练习 词形变化 It takes about 10 _(minute)to walk.He has a _(quickly)breakfast.How long does it take you _(do)your homework?When it _(rain)I take a taxi.The way of _(get)to school is popular.过马路的时候小心点。Be careful when crossing the street.7.First Next Then 8.大多数人们 most people 9.在世界其他地方 in other parts of the world 在中国其他地方 in other parts of China things 情况 在北美,情况不一样。In North America,things are different.depend on取决于 在中国,取决于你在哪里。In China,it depends on where you are.坐船肯定比坐公交有趣多了。It must be much more fun to take a boat than taking a bus.在美国,公交,火车和飞机是最受欢迎的上学方式。In the USA,the most popular ways means of going to school are buses,trains and planes.Jim 生病住院。Jim is ill in hospital.八年级下八年级下 Unit 9 一、重点句型一、重点句型 1.Have you been to an amusement park?你去过游乐场吗?你去过游乐场吗?你去过动物园吗?你去过动物园吗?他去过上海吗?他去过上海吗?你们去过水族馆吗?你们去过水族馆吗?我从未去过太空博物馆我从未去过太空博物馆 我去年去过水上公园我去年去过水上公园 回答?回答?Yes,I have.No,I havent.我也是我也是.Me,too.So have I.我也不是。我也不是。Me neither.Neither have I.Have you been to the zoo?Has he been to Shanghai?Have you been to the aquarium?I have never been to the space museum.I went to the water park last year.重点词组重点词组 hear听听 过去式过去式heard 过去分词过去分词 heard hear of 听说听说 我从听说过你。我从听说过你。I have never heard of you.hear from 收到来信收到来信 我有一个月没有收到我有一个月没有收到 妹妹的来信、妹妹的来信、I havent heard from my sister for a month.失去联系失去联系 lose the touch 用法;用法;hear sb do hear sb doing 被听见做被听见做.be heard to do mean 意思意思 这句话什么意思?这句话什么意思?What does the sentence mean?意味着意味着 你说的话意味着你赞成他的想法。你说的话意味着你赞成他的想法。What you said meant you agreed his idea.有意,故意做某事有意,故意做某事 mean to do 我不是有意打破窗户的。我不是有意打破窗户的。I didnt mean to break the window.all the time一直一直 他一直帮助我。他一直帮助我。He helps me all the time.on board 在船上在船上 We take different routes,but we end up in the same place.我们殊途同归。我们殊途同归。5.其他任何国家其他任何国家 any other country 美国比其他任何国家都富有。美国比其他任何国家都富有。America is richer than any other country.America is the richest of the countries.6.我想做的事情就是旅游。我想做的事情就是旅游。All I want to do is to travel.all可以换成可以换成what 我认为旅游的最佳方式就是成为空姐。我认为旅游的最佳方式就是成为空姐。I believe that the best way of traveling is to become a attendant.我想周游世界尤其是去说英语的国家例如美国和我想周游世界尤其是去说英语的国家例如美国和澳大利亚。澳大利亚。I want to travel all over the world especially to English-speaking countries such as America and Australia.我发现最重要的要求就是能说一口流利的英语。我发现最重要的要求就是能说一口流利的英语。I discover that the most important requirement is to speak English well.我知道我必须提高英语。我知道我必须提高英语。I know that I have to improve my English.也许我会考虑成为一名英语老师而不是导游。也许我会考虑成为一名英语老师而不是导游。Maybe I will think about being an English teacher rather than a tour guide.东南亚是旅游胜地。东南亚是旅游胜地。The Southeast Asia is a wonderful place to take a holiday.一方面一方面.另一方面另一方面.on the one hand.on the other hand.超过超过 more than over population 1)用法)用法?(单数还是复数?单数还是复数?)集合名词,后面不能加集合名词,后面不能加S 谓语用单数谓语用单数 问人口怎么问?问人口怎么问?中国人口有多少?中国人口有多少?Whats the population of China?中国人口很多。中国人口很多。The population is very large in China.醒着醒着 be awake 睡着的睡着的 be asleep 在周末的时候不要叫醒我。在周末的时候不要叫醒我。Dont wake me up on weekends.你们最好在白天的时候看狮子和狐狸,因你们最好在白天的时候看狮子和狐狸,因为他们是醒着的。为他们是醒着的。You had better see the lions and foxes in the daytime because the are awake.try the Chinese food尝中国食物尝中国食物try the skirt on试穿这件短裙试穿这件短裙做做.有困难有困难have trouble doinghave problems doing我做饭有困难。我做饭有困难。I have trouble making meals.brave勇敢的勇敢的雷锋很勇敢。雷锋很勇敢。Lei Feng is pretty brave.我们应该勇敢。我们应该勇敢。We are supposed to be brave.strange 奇怪的奇怪的 天黑的时候去动物园似乎很奇怪。天黑的时候去动物园似乎很奇怪。It might seem strange to go to the zoo when it is dark.special 特别的特别的 我知道李老师这么特别的原因。我知道李老师这么特别的原因。I know why Mr Li is so special.整年整年 all year round 无论什么时候无论什么时候 whenever 你可以选择你喜欢的时候去那儿。你可以选择你喜欢的时候去那儿。You can choose to go there whenever you like.离得近离得近 be close to.我家离学校最近。我家离学校最近。My home is the closest to my school.离得远离得远 be far from 我离父母很远。我离父母很远。I am is pretty far from my parents.自然的自然的 natural 只要父母和子女互相信赖,他们成为朋友只要父母和子女互相信赖,他们成为朋友是自然而然的事情。是自然而然的事情。It is natural for parents and children to be friends as long as they trust each other.季节季节 season 你最喜欢的季节是什么?你最喜欢的季节是什么?What is your favorite season?我最爱春天。我最爱春天。I love spring best.春游春游 spring outingUnit 10 一、重点句型一、重点句型 Its a nice day,isnt it?真好的天气,对吗?真好的天气,对吗?反意疑问句的规则是什么?反意疑问句的规则是什么?前肯,后否。前肯,后否。前否,后肯。前否,后肯。You are right,arent you?It rains,doesnt it?You never play the piano,do you?I forgot my umbrella,didnt I?Lily has a pen,doesnt she?There is little water,is there?He used to sleep at 8pm,usednt he?/didnt he?She can walk,cant she?I have never been to Beijing,have I?Lets go,shall we?Come here,will you?怎么回答?怎么回答?There is little water,is there?No,there isnt.So I have to get some.He used to sleep at 8pm,usednt he?Yes,he used.He used to be sleepy at 8 pm.二、重要词组二、重要词组 1.浏览浏览 look through 2.排队做排队做.wait in line to do 插队插队 cut in line 3.价格低价格低 the price is low 4.等着做等着做.wait to do 等候某人等候某人 wait for sb 5.你的公寓有多大?你的公寓有多大?How big is your apartment?6.你的衬衫花了多少钱?你的衬衫花了多少钱?How much is your shirt?How much does your shirt cost?7.你是一位球迷,对吗?你是一位球迷,对吗?You are a ball fan,arent you?8.你是新来的你是新来的,对吗?对吗?You are new,arent you?9.谢谢你邀请我。谢谢你邀请我。Thank you for inviting me.10对对.友好友好 be friendly to 他对我最友好、他对我最友好、He is the friendliest to me.11.feel like 想想 我想旅游。我想旅游。I feel like traveling.12.as 当当 当我们看到他赢得这个比赛的时候,我们就想到当我们看到他赢得这个比赛的时候,我们就想到了你。了你。We think of you as we watch him win the game.13.我爷爷计划举办九十岁寿宴。我爷爷计划举办九十岁寿宴。My grandfather plans to hold a 90th birthday party.14.at the school dining room 在学校食堂在学校食堂 我们在学校食堂看见他们正在排队。我们在学校食堂看见他们正在排队。We saw them waiting in line at the school dining room.15.交通交通 traffic 单数还是单数还是 复数?复数?单数单数 这个时候交通很拥堵。这个时候交通很拥堵。The traffic is busy/crowded at this time.16.像你这样的朋友可以让我更容易适应新的地像你这样的朋友可以让我更容易适应新的地方。方。Friends like you make it a lot easier to get along in a new place.17.过马路之前,要仔细看马路两边。过马路之前,要仔细看马路两边。Be careful to look both ways before crossing the street.九年级九年级Unit14 一、重点句型一、重点句型 Have you packed yet?你已经装好了吗?你已经装好了吗?你已经锁门了吗你已经锁门了吗?Have you locked the windows yet?你已经买好了地图吗?你已经买好了地图吗?Have you bought the map?你已经给植物浇水了吗?你已经给植物浇水了吗?Have you watered the plants?你已经买了旅游指南吗?你已经买了旅游指南吗?Have you bought a travel guidebook?他已经把相机装好了吗?他已经把相机装好了吗?Has he packed the camera?我们还没有清理冰箱。我们还没有清理冰箱。We havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet.他们已经做好了大部分工作。他们已经做好了大部分工作。They have done most of their jobs.她已经喂猫了吗?她已经喂猫了吗?Has she fed the cat?你关了收音机吗?你关了收音机吗?Have you turned off the radio?二、重点词组二、重点词组 1.准备准备 be ready 你们准备好了吗?你们准备好了吗?Are you ready?2.回信回信 get back to sb 没有尽快回信给你,感到很抱歉。没有尽快回信给你,感到很抱歉。I am sorry that I couldnt get back to you sooner.3.我今天有太多的事情要做。我今天有太多的事情要做。I have so many chores to do 4.遛狗遛狗 take the dog for a walk.5.砍柴砍柴 chop the wood 6.打水打水 collect water 7.登台演出登台演出 appear 我们上个月登台演出了。我们上个月登台演出了。We appeared last month.8.和和.聊天聊天 chat with 我喜欢和我爷爷奶奶聊天。我喜欢和我爷爷奶奶聊天。I am fond of chatting with my gandparents.9.不管怎么样不管怎么样 anyway 不管怎样,我必须不遗余力地读书。不管怎样,我必须不遗余力地读书。Anyway,I have to spare no effort to study.10.这个乐队在一起不只十五年。这个乐队在一起不只十五年。The band has been together for more than 15 years.他们不仅已经写了原创歌曲还得了奖。他们不仅已经写了原创歌曲还得了奖。Not only have they written original songs but also they have won an award.上电视上电视 be on TV 我从没有上过电视。我从没有上过电视。I have never been on TV.在乐坛上在乐坛上 on the music scene 幸亏幸亏 thanks to 多亏你的帮助,我们成功了。多亏你的帮助,我们成功了。Thanks yo your help we succeeded.期待期待 look forward to 我期待你的回信。我期待你的回信。I will look forward to your reply.我们期待看电影。We


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