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Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.Section A (3a4)1. 【学习目标】:掌握本课时生词和短语drop、symphony、optometrist、appointment、crucial、final、anxious、owner、make up 【重难点】because与because of 区别 、情态动词表推测判断的用法。 Target language: What do you think “anxious” means? Well, it cant mean “happy”.It might mean “worried”. She is worried because of her test. Here are some earrings. The owner cant be a boy. The earrings might be a present for his mother.2. 能力目标:熟练运用情态动词must, might /could, cant.当有困难的时候,可以用所学的内容向同学寻求帮助。3. 情感目标:学会团结互助的精神,小组合作。【教学过程】:【自主预习,明确目标】预习P36页,一、单词和短语1、 落下 2、交响乐 3、optometrist 4、appointment 5、 关键的 6、最后的 7、忧虑的 8、worried 9、 所有者 10、make up 11、have some/any idea 12、 期末考试 13、because of 二、完成翻译。1、因为我明天有个数学测验,所以我真的很需要它。 2、它不可能是快乐的意思。 3、耳环也许是给他妈妈的礼物。 4、我真的很着急,因为我找不到我的背包了。 5、希望你的新眼镜会很好看。 【借助媒介 正音操练 】1. Show a backpack. Guess the owner of the bag. (展示钥匙,字典,花,手套,笔记本)2. Make guesses about the owner of the backpack .Write your ideas in the chart .Then talk about your ideas. CantCould /mightMustbe a boy3. Make conversations in groups.参考句型:A: Whose T-shirt is this?B: It cant be mine. It is too small for me.C: Whose keys are these? D: They might belong to4.Show in pairs.IIIWhileread Linda cant find her backpack. Can you help her?Task 1:Listen to the tape and answer questions.1. Why is Linda so anxious?2.Why does Linda really need her backpack?Task 2: Fastreading 1. Please read the passage quickly. Number the parts in order. 2. Check the answers.Task 3. Carefulreading 1. Find the words you dont know and guess the meaning.2. Work in groups.3.参考句型:A:What do you think “anxious” mean? B: It cant mean happy. C: It might mean worried. D: It must mean worried because of the test.4. Show in groups.【合作探究 展现提升】Task 4. Intensivereading Read the thank-you message and pay attention to the following sentences, then talk about the usage of important words and phrases. Translate the sentences.1、If you have any idea where it might be, please call me. If you have any idea. = If you know. 意为“如果你知道”Where it might be 作“have any idea”的宾语从句。any 除了用于否定句、疑问句中,还用于if引导的条件从句中表示“若干的”have some/any idea=know 知道,了解 have no idea 不知道,不了解 (1)You may have some idea of what he said. 你也许知道他说了些什么。 (2)I have no idea why you were late for school. 我不知道你为什么上学迟到。 (3)Do you have any idea of the answer ? 你知道那个问题的答案吗?思考:这两个短语后面可直接接 ,也可以接介词 或 后再接名词或代词。2、make up (1) Hankou,Hanyang and Wuchang make up Wuhan. (2) Wuhan is made up of Hankou,Hanyang and Wuchang.思考:make up 意思是 ;它的被动结构是: 。另外,make up还有“编造/虚构(故事、谎言等);弥补/补足/凑数”的含义。即时练习:翻译句子。 Uncle Wang made up an interesting story for the children last night.3、anxious adj. 忧虑的,不安的 (1)Parents are always anxious about their childrens health.父母总是担心孩子们的健康。 (2)She is anxious to have a bike of her own. 她渴望拥有一辆自己的自行车。思考:be anxious about/for 意思是 ;be anxious(for sb)to do sth意思是 。be anxious that从句 :渴望/担忧4、Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.思考:1.这个句子中的it是 主语。That引导的从句是 从句。 2.crucial是形容词,常构成短语:be crucial for名词/代词: 对 至关重要 be crucial to名词/动名词:是 的关键 Its crucial that从句。翻译:1. 学习语法很关键。 5、I think I dropped it during the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall.drop 动词,意思是掉下,掉落。注意它的过去式和分词形式。翻译:昨天她把发带掉到了教室里。 6、 because of +代词/名词 是“因为”的意思,而because后加从句翻译:因为天下雨我们没能去参加晚会。(1) (2) Task 5 Read and retell.1. Read the passage again and fill in the blanks. I am really_ because I cant find my _. I think I _ it during the concert so it _still _in the symphony _. I_ need it because I will _ a math test tomorrow. Its _that I study for it because it makes_30% of the _ exam. I _ to call you but your mom_ you were still at your _ _. If you have any idea_ it _ _, please _ me.2. Read the passage loudly and retell the passage. 【当堂检测 盘点收获】 一.Summary Sum up what we have learned today. 1. Words and phrases. 2. Reading and writing skills.二单项选择。1.He his wallet on the ground.A. droped B. fell C. dropped D. forgot2. Do you have any idea ?A. where is the book B. where the bag isC. whose book is this D. if will he be at home3. I tried you but nobody answered the phone.A. Call B. called C. calling D. to call4. Lily come to our party, but Im not sure of the time yet because she must finish her homework first. A. mustnt B. cant C. must D. might5. Anna failed her math exam carelessness.A. because B. because of C. thank D. thank to三、 汉译英。1. 我很着急,因为我找不到我的数学书了。Im really because I cant my math book2. 明天我们将有一场数学测试。Tomorrow we will 3. 在音乐会期间,我丢了我的书包。I my bag 4.数学占期末考试的30%。Math 30% of the final exam5.两个小时过去了, 但是Lily 还在验光师那儿配眼镜。Two hours has passed, but Lily is still .四. Homework Write part 4 as a story. I found a backpack on my way home last weekend. I think the owner could /might /must /cant b a Because .


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