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,B R _ main,About the Author,English Poem The Wasted Tears,Origin of Workaholic,Gap Filling,Table Completion,Listening Comprehension,B R _ English Poem _ main,English Poem The Wasted Tears,Enjoy a Poem The Wasted Tears,Questions and Answers,Ellen Goodman (1941 ) was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Radcliffe College. She worked for Newsweek and the Detroit Free Press before joining The Boston Globe in 1967. Her column “At Large” has been widely syndicated since 1976. As an essayist and television commentator, Goodman has discussed feminism, changes in family life, sexual harassment, and male and female relationships. Her essays have been collected in several books, including Close to Home (1979), Turning Points (1979) and At Large (1981).,B R _ About the Author 1,About the Author,B R _ About the Author 2,In 1980, Goodman received the Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Commentary. Among other awards she has won are the American Society of Newspaper Editors Distinguished Writing Award and the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award. The National Womens Political Caucus gave her the Presidents Award, and the Womens Research and Education Institute presented her with their American Woman Award.,B R _ About the Author 3,B R _ About the Author 4,B R _ About the Author 5,B R _ About the Author 6,They were newly married couple,A few days went on with no .As days passed on, he never turned,While for his love, her heart .She wore daily the best of robes,Diamonds in her ear lobes,But he had his mind on his work.And wasnt to have a look.,B R _ The Wasted Tears 1,The Wasted Tears,by Rajaram Ramachandran,trouble,_,yearned,_,sparkled,_,keen,_,Her heart, one day, nearly ,But it was saved from a stroke.With tears she stood before him,He saw her face-glow gone dim.Deeply in his work,He was up to his desk.Elsewhere was his mind The reason for tears to find.Suddenly, his mind woke up.He , drop by drop,In a test tube all her tears,And mixed some .,B R _ The Wasted Tears 2,broke,_,engrossed,_,stuck,_,collected,_,powders,_,B R _ The Wasted Tears 3,Oh, I found out, my dear, It is nothing but saline water. So said the husband,Still tied up, work bound.,scientist,_,B R _ Answer questions,Questions and Answers,1. Why did the newly married wife feel very sad?,Her husband was so engrossed in his work that she felt neglected and lonely.,2. What is her husbands job?,A scientist.,3. What did the husband do with her tears?,He collected all her tears drop by drop in a test tube, mixed some powders and finally found out it was nothing but saline water.,4. Is the husband a workaholic?,Yes, of course.,B R _ Origin of Workaholic 1,Origin of Workaholic,Alcoholic was first attested.,A whole new category of taking “-holic” as a suffix meaning “addict” followed.,In 1968,“Workaholic” was first announced.,B R _ Origin of Workaholic 2,In 1971,The use of workaholic prompted many writers to start using the suffixes “-aholic”, “-holic”, or “-oholic” to describe “all-consuming obsessions”.,In the 1970s,More “holic” words appeared.,B R _ Blank Filling 1,Gap Filling,B R _ Blank Filling 2,1. Definition of workaholic If a person is a workaholic, hes got to be driven to things. In the workdays, they just keep going, keep themselves. And a lot of stress leads to many problems, and diseases. 2. Suggestion to deal with workaholism If you are not able to work, and the work you, you may be a workaholic and you may need to seek some outside . Youd be able to in your career world and to deal with other issues. Not let workaholism steal the joy of living.,compulsive need,_,accomplish,_,pushing,_,anxieties,_,let go of,_,holds onto,_,professional help,_,keep balance,_,Type 2,self-sacrificing workaholic,B R _ Table Completion 1,Table Completion,Type 1,They put themselves last and will go to any extreme to please and impress a dominant, parent-type person at work.,dominant workaholic,They do not care if they are liked, but must be seen as competent. They can be aggressive and arrogant. They seek respect.,B R _ Table Completion 2,Type 3,withdrawn workaholic,They prefer to work alone. They work hard and want to be needed and approved of as well, but do not want to be controlled or dominated. They prefer to keep their emotional distance from others.,B R _ Listening Comprehension 1,Listening Comprehension,Answer the following questions after you listen to the passage.,1. What is the distinction between working hard and being a workaholic?,Working hard involves being organized, focused, getting a lot of work done, knowing when to stop and having a life other than work. Workaholics, on the other hand, are often disorganized, always find reasons for working more.,B R _ Listening Comprehension 2,2. Why are workers willing to burn midnight oil at risk in most companies?,Most employers want their employees to work longer hours and reward them with higher pay and lots of benefits.,3. When has workaholism become an evident problem?,Workaholism is a problem thats been evident since the Stone Age.,B R _ Listening Comprehension 3,4. How many types of workaholics are there and what are they?,There are three types. First are people with high energy that needs discharging. Second are very competitive people who have a strong need to prove themselves and tie their self-worth to their work. Third are people who use work to escape from something and they keep themselves so busy working that they have no time or energy to deal with their real problems.,B R _ Listening Comprehension 4,5. What are same traits these three types have?,They cant stand not being active. They find it hard to go on vacation. They are more comfortable being with fellow workers than with family and friends. They equate self-worth and success with hard work.,G R _ main,Part Division of the Text,Further Understanding,G R _ Further Understanding _ main,Further Understanding,For Part 1 just,Planes fly daily over regular routes with timetable precisely.,Scientists do not yet know precisely how insects can produce their toxic defensive chemicals without poisoning themselves.,Since his own ideas were in flux, it is difficult to know precisely where he stood.,D R _ precisely 2,每辆卡车装载的用品恰好是每个部队所需要的。,Every lorry indeed is packed with precisely the articles which each unit will require.,2. quite so, So you think it was a mistake? Precisely.,D R _ acquaintance 1,acquaintance: n.,1. a relationship with someone you know, but who is not a close friend,I have a nodding acquaintance with German.,Our mere acquaintance ripened into friendship.,我与他素昧平生。,I have never made his acquaintance.,She recalled the past, trying to bring back to her memory incidents of their old acquaintance.,D R _ acquaintance 2,2. person whom one knows (less intimately than a friend),She is an old acquaintance of my sister.,He has a wide circle of acquaintances.,Collocation:,make sb.s acquaintance,drop an acquaintance,have a casual acquaintance,renew an acquaintance,结识某人,断绝往来,半生不熟,重建友谊,D R _ acquaintance 3,CF:,friend, mate, acquaintance immediately,Instantly the blood crept warmly over her body.,His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness were instantly the theme of general admiration.,霎那间,迪克意识到他处境危险。,Instantly Dick awoke to the terrors of his position.,Sometimes he instantly approved a proposal whose prospect seemed exceedingly bleak.,词缀 aholic,-holic,-oholic 在某些词后面表示“沉溺于,无法摆脱”的意思。如:shop-aholic,golf-aholic,tobaccoholic 等。,D R _ workaholic,workaholic: n. a person who likes to work too hard or is unable to stop working,He was a lifelong workaholic, who painted dawn to dusk seven days a week.,In America, it is generally believed that being a workaholic is unhealthy and harmful.,A group of Japanese men hope to encourage workaholic husbands to head home early and show their wives some appreciation.,N.B.,D R _ classic 1,classic:,1. adj. Of the highest quality; having a value or position recognized and unquestioned,It is very interesting for a Chinese to read an English translated version of the Chinese classic novel The Dream of Red Mansions.,The 7-Eleven chain is the classic example of convenience store.,D R _ classic 2,2. n.,1) writer, artist, book, etc. of the highest class,Charles Dickens is a classic.,2) outstanding example of its kind,My watchband is a classic made in 1960 by Robinsons.,Hes hoping that tomorrows game will be a classic.,D R _ day off,day off: day on which one does not have to work,On my day off, Ill fix the tipsy fence.,It felt like a big sick joke when the company made us work on our day off.,There were many Chinese workers on a day off, all looking cheerful and healthy.,下次休假时,我再来看你。,Ill come over to see you on my next day off.,D R _ conceivably,conceivably: adv. imaginably; believably,According to some scientists, the disease could conceivably be transferred to humans.,She brought me a raincoat because she thought it might conceivably be useful to me.,他的话想来不会是他的原意。,He couldnt conceivably have meant what he said.,D R _ retire,retire: v. (cause to) stop working at ones job, usu. because of age (followed by from),Workers in China can all get a pension after they retire.,The school had to employ the retired teachers to give classes.,He will retire from his job next year and take things easy.,D R _ spot 1,spot 1. n. 1) small round mark; dirty mark,Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?,He tried to remove the spot on his sweater with soap and water.,2) particular place or area,For many years, Spain was a favourite holiday spot.,When the fight started, police and reporters were soon on the spot.,D R _ spot 2,2. vt. 1) pick out ; recognize,We spotted a superstar in the crowd.,走在街上,我看见了一个老朋友。,I spotted one of my old friends when I was walking on the streets.,2) mark with spots,She has two dogs, a yellow one and a spotted one.,She was wearing a white dress spotted with red.,D R _ executive 1,executive: 1. adj. having the power to make and carry out decisions, esp. in business,He has been given full executive power.,The US Constitution vests the executive power in the President.,美国总统是政府的行政首脑。,The President of the United States is the executive head of the government.,D R _ executive 2,2. n. person with administrative or managerial powers,Shes an executive in a computer company.,The executive has been making decisions about the future of the company.,D R _ extracurricular 1,extracurricular: adj. outside the regular course of work or studies in school or college,Sports and drama are the schools most popular extracurricular activities.,The school encourages students to have rich and colorful extracurricular life.,Extracurricular activities are an indispensable part of school life.,D R _ extracurricular 2,Collocation:,extracurricular activities,extracurricular athletics,extracurricular life,extracurricular pastime,extracurricular books,课外活动,课外体育活动,课余生活,业余消遣,课外书,D R _ survive 1,survive: v. continue to live or exist; live longer than; remain alive after,Will the Lunar New Year survive modern living and competing influences?,In order to survive and develop in the future, we must seize this rare opportunity.,这次地震中一家人都幸免于难, 真是九死一生。,It is a narrow escape that the whole family survive the earthquake.,D R _ survive 2,survive, continue, remain that can be sold easily,This new type of camera is a highly marketable product.,College students should study to make them marketable when they finally get their degrees or diplomas.,Looking at the current economic gloom, I even resent myself for pursuing paper qualification blindly and ignoring a valuable and marketable skill.,D R _ compete 1,compete: vi. try to win sth. by defeating others who are trying to do the same,Athletes will compete against each other according to the knockout system.,John competed for a place at school, but he didnt get in.,We must strive to fully equip ourselves to seize new opportunities and to compete successfully in the global market as we enter this new era.,D R _ compete 2,虽然只有四匹马竞争,但比赛很精彩。,Although there were only four horses competing, it was an exciting race.,Pattern:,compete against (with)与竞争 compete for为竞争 compete in在中竞争,D R _ beloved,beloved: 1. adj. dearly loved,He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter.,This man was beloved by / of all who knew him.,Every lover sees a thousand graces in the beloved object.,情人眼里出西施。,2. n. dearly loved person,I received a dozen roses from my beloved on my birthday.,He wrote a sonnet to his beloved.,D R _ firm,firm: n. a business company,No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary.,They demanded the divorce of the subsidiary from the parent firm.,公司应按照同工同酬的原则进行分配。,The firm should distribute on the principle of equal pay for equal work.,The director was careful not to lay the firms plans bare.,董事很注意不外露公司的计划。,D R _ embarrass,embarrass: vt. make (sb.) feel awkward or ashamed,Im so sorry to embarrass you in front of your friends.,He was very embarrassed to hear people speak so highly of him.,Eye contact may convey sincerity and attentiveness in Western cultures, but too much eye contact may embarrass people in some oriental cultures.,这是一个尴尬的局面, 但是他们成功地应付过去了。,It was an embarrassing situation, but they carried it off well.,D R _ odd 1,odd: adj. 1. strange; unusual,We always meet in odd circumstances.,She gets odder as she grows older.,Dont you think it odd that the famous pop singer should have committed suicide?,2. separated from its pair or set,There was nothing but an odd shoe under the old mans bed.,3. (of numbers) unable to be divided by two,1, 3, 5 are odd numbers.,D R _ odd 2,CF:,strange, odd, peculiar put right,You should straighten out your confused thinking.,His business affairs are in a terrible mess; they will take ages to straighten out.,Through the reform, we intend to straighten out the relationship between the rule of law and the rule of man.,D R _ finances 1,finances: n. the amount of money owned by a person, government, or business,She refused to answer questions about her personal finances.,Im afraid my finances wont run to a holiday abroad this year.,当然,这事是否能成功取决于你的经济状况。,Whether it can be done or not depends, of course, on your finances.,D R _ finances 2,Collocation:,national / public / state finances,high finance,an expert in finance,the Minister of Finance,国家财政,巨额融资,财政专家,财政部长,D R _ option 1,option: n. 1. the right to buy or sell sth. in the future,With cash, stock options and the promise of vast resources, Microsoft has attracted faculty elites to its research center.,琼斯已取得那幢房子的买卖权。,Jones has taken an option on that house.,2. sth. you can choose to do,Analysts say that the launch of the euro offers a new and attractive option.,option, choice considerately; not too obviously,His utterances were discreetly academic.,A detective was sent discreetly to make inquiries about Miss Huttons financial situation.,The industrial areas were discreetly apart, concealed from residential and recreational portions of the town.,D R _ inquiry,inquiry: n. request for help or information; investigation,I am making some inquiries about the train schedule.,I suggest that you make a careful inquiry into the damage once again.,I advise you make thorough inquiry about the enterprise before you embark on it.,Collocation:,inquiry about,inquiry into,on inquiry,请求帮助;询问,调查;查究,经打听;经询问,D R _ replacement 1,replacement: n. person or thing that replaces another,A good deal of old equipment needed junking and replacement.,Robot hands are a replacement for human hands, and wheels from a car are a replacement for human feet.,凡本店售出的商品一律承诺包退包换包赔。,Our shop sells goods with three guarantees: refund, replacement or compensation.,D R _ replacement 2,Collocation:,replacement worker,replacement ticket,replacement of defective items,顶替工,补票,劣品包换,A R _ main,Useful Expressions,Word Match,Debate,Sentence Translation,Writing Practice,Talk about the Pictures,Proverbs and Quotations,A R _ Writing Practice _ main,Writing Practice,A Brief Introduction,A Sample Letter,Homework,A R _ Useful Expressions 1,Useful Expressions,1. 劳累过度而死,work oneself to death,2. 死于,die of / from,3. 摇头,shake ones head,4. 休假,on ones day off,5. 坐上头把交椅,move to the top spot,6. 业余爱好,extracurricular interests,7. 适合市场需求的技能,marketable skills,8. 放弃,give up,A R _ Useful Expressions 2,9. 与竞争,compete with / against,10. 对某人关心太多,care too much for sb.,11. 一家制造公司,a manufacturing firm,12. 新近结婚,newly married,13. 打零工,do odd jobs,14. 抓住不放,grab at,15. 彻夜不眠,stay up all night,16. 对公司来说举足轻重,mean much to the company,17. 正视,look in the eye,A R _ Useful Expressions 3,18. 解决经济问题,straighten out finances,19. 优先认股权,stock option,20. 以及诸如此类,and all that,21. 辨别出,pick out,22. 四处打听,ask around,A R _ Word Match,Direction: Match the words in column A with ones in column B to complete the job titles,Column A,Column B,bank,minder assistant teller attendant designer receptionist driver programmer servant instructor,hotel,bus,child,civil,cloakroom,computer,interior,fitness,sales,A R _ Debate,Students are divided into two groups to discuss the following topic:,There is an old saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” What do you think of this saying? Do you think work and play contradict each other?,Group A: We should do more work. Group B: We should spare enough time for play.,A R _ Sentence Translation 1,Sentence Translation,1. He was, however, one of six vice-presidents, and one of three who might conceivably if the president died or retired soon enough have moved to the top spot.,不过,他是六位副总裁之一,如果总裁去世够早或退休够早的话,他本是有望当第一把手的三位人选之一。,A R _ Sentence Translation 2,2. He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the executives.,他一周工作六天,其中五天要工作到晚上八、九点钟,而公司员工除领导层外已经开始实行每周四天工作制了。,3. His “dearly beloved” eldest of the “dearly beloved” children is a hard-working executive in a manufacturing firm down South.,他“深爱的”子女中的“深爱的”大儿子是南方一家制造公司的经理,工作十分努力。,A R _ Sentence Translation 3,4. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home.,就是他努力想牢牢抓住父亲,努力想让自己在父亲心目中显得重要,好让此公留在家里。,5. 他们议论道,他是个十足的A型行为者,一个工作狂,一个典型的工作狂,他们边说边摇头。,He was a perfect Type A, a workaholic, a classic, they said to each other and shook their head.,A R _ Sentence Translation 4,6. 在葬礼前一天半,他走访了街坊邻里,向他们打听父亲是怎样一个人。,In the day and a half before the funeral, he went around the neighborhood researching his father, asking the neighbors what he was like.,7. 寡妇没有正视他。她怕他会看出自己的怨恨。,The widow didnt look him in the eye. She was afraid he would read her bitterness.,8. 你能在一排人中立马认出他。,You could have picked him out in a minute from a lineup.,A R _ A brief introduction 1,Write A Letter of Condolence or Sympathy,The best condolence or sympathy letters are like conversations you would have to the family, only in written form. The letters are usually handwritten, under one page in length and are sent promptly.They can be addressed to the person in the family you feel the closest to, or to the family as a whole.A well structured condolence or sympathy letter usually has seven parts:,1) Acknowledge the loss. 2)Express your sympathy. 3)Note the special qualities of the deceased you admired or appreciated.,A R _ A brief introduction 2,4) Recount a memory about the deceased. 5) Offer assistance. 6) Close with a thoughtful word or phrase. 7) The ending and sign off.,A R _ A sample letter 1,A Sample Letter,Dear Cathy, My thoughts are with you at this time. I know how close you and your mother were and I can only imagine what you must be going through right now. Your mom was one of the kindest, wisest, most thoughtful people Ive ever known. Ill never forget that time, when she came to my rescue after the car accident. I was so upset about what my parents would do. Your mom helped me calm down and deal with


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