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Sleep,The way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep.,society,family,graduation,supervisor,Functions of sleep,1. Eliminate fatigue and restore physical strength 2. Protect our brain and restore energy 3. Strengthen our immune system 4. Promote growth 5. Delay senescence (衰老),What is good sleep?,Fall in sleep in 10-20 minutes or less Keep sleeping until the next morning, or wake up occasionally then fall asleep quickly in five minutes No dream, or forget quickly after wake up Feel energetic, relaxed, happy, and without fatigue after wake up Little or no nightmare during sleep,Supine (仰卧),For most of us: 1.Protect our neck and back 2. Slow down the appearance of wrinkles and relieve pressure of nerve. 3. Not suitable for people with asthma (哮喘) and snore (打鼾) For babies: 1. Not good for vomiting milk (吐奶) 2. Back of babys head will become flat 3. Observe baby conveniently.,Lie on right side (右侧卧),For most of us: 1. Protect our heart and prevent snoring 2. But easy to produce wrinkles For babies: 1. Prevent vomiting milk 2. Cause asymmetric face,Lie on left side (左侧卧),For most of us: 1、Press our heart and stomach For pregnant women: 1. Turn right-hand uterine (子宫右旋) into straight position 2.Reduce the abnormal fetal position (胎位异常),Prostrate (俯卧),For most of us: 1. Not very good 2. Press our internal organs and affect breath 3. Increase our heart load. For babies: 1. Good for the growth of thorax (胸廓) and lung (肺) 2. Create perfect head shape 3. Cause choking (窒息),Sleeping time,Juveniles (8 hours Adult: 7-8 hours The aged (60 years old): 7 hours,Consequence of Insufficient sleep,Lack of adquate sleep,judgment, mood, ability to learn and retain information, and may increase the risk of serious accidents and injury,a host of health problems: obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even early mortality,Sleep,What many people do not realize is that a lack of sleepespecially on a regular basisis associated with long-term health consequences, including chronic medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, and that these conditions may lead to a shortened life expectancy.,The cost of poor sleep is much greater than many people think: it may have profound consequences for our long-term health.,Disease Risk,obesity,sleep6 h/night,During sleep, our bodies secrete hormones that help to control appetite, energy metabolism, and glucose processing. Obtaining too little sleep upsets the balance of these and other hormones.,insufficient sleep,weight gain,lack of exercise,body mass index (BMI),sleep=8 h/night,overeating,Diabetes,Insufficient sleep may lead to type 2 diabetes by influencing the way the body processes glucose, the high-energy carbohydrate that cells use for fuel.,Numerous studies have revealed that adults who usually slept less than five hours per night have a greatly increased risk of having or developing diabetes.,sleep5 h/night,obstructive sleep apnea 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停,Heart Disease and Hypertension,A single night of inadequate sleep in people who have existing hypertension can cause elevated blood pressure throughout the following day.,This effect may begin to explain the correlation between poor sleep and cardiovascular disease and stroke.,Sleeping too little (9 hours) increased the risk of coronary heart disease 冠心病 in women.,Mood Disorders,Given that a single sleepless night can cause people to be irritable and moody the following day, it is conceivable that chronic insufficient sleep may lead to long-term mood disorders. Chronic sleep issues have been correlated with depression, anxiety, and mental distress.,feeling more stress,sad,angry,mentally exhausted,Immune Function,It is natural for people to go to bed when they are sick. Substances produced by the immune system to help fight infection also cause fatigue.,Those who slept more when faced with an infection were better able to fight that infection than those who slept less.,Alcohol,Alcohol use is more prevalent among people who sleep poorly.,The reason for this is twofold. First, alcohol acts as a mild sedative and is commonly used as a sleep aid among people who have sleep problems such asinsomnia. Second, the sedative quality of alcohol is only temporary.,Despite its mild sedative qualities, Alcohol often contributes to poor sleep.,Life Expectancy,Considering the many potential adverse health effects of insufficient sleep, it is not surprising that poor sleep is associated with lower life expectancy.,Sleeping five hours or less per night increased mortality risk from all causes by roughly 15 percent. Of course, just as sleep problems can affect disease risk, several diseases and disorders can also affect the amount of sleep we get.,No! Irregular life style!,Adequate sleep!,We should cherish life!,Tips for a good sleep,Getting a good nights sleep is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health and well-being. Adequate sleep gives your body time and energy to recover from the days stresses, and helps you to stay sharp and focused throughout your day. If youve already figured out how to fall asleep, but youre having trouble getting good sleep through the night (i.e., youre tossing, turning, waking up more than once), there are five tips you can do to ensure a peaceful nights slumber!,Tip 1 of 5: Making Your Bed and Bedroom Welcoming,1. Use your bedroom only for sleep. 2. Make sure your bedroom is quiet, cool, and your bed is comfortable. 3. Noise, light, and heat can cause sleep problems. 4. Hang something lavender scented or lightly spray something with a lavender scent over your bed and/or room. 5. Naturally boost your melatonin levels.,Tip 2 of 5: Bedtime Diet Tips to Improve Sleep,1. Avoid caffeine and nicotine late in the day. 2. Dont use alcohol as a sleeping aid. 3. Allow at least three hours after you eat before bed time. 4. Have a light snack to avoid empty stomach before sleep. Dont stuff yourself and restrict your intake of protein and fatty foods. Eat foods that contain tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes sleep. 5. Minimize liquid intake and limit what you drink within the hour and a half before bedtime (chamomile tea is good).,WARNING: Dont use chamomile tea if you are allergic to ragweed, or are on blood thinners.,chamomile,Tip 3 of 5: Having a regular life,1. Regularity of bedtimes and getting up times helps ensure good sleep. If possible, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. 2. Planned daytime naps are fine, but naps caused by sleepiness will ruin your night-time sleep. 3. Regular exercise is important too -it helps regulate your body clock.,Tip 4 of 5: Cultivating good habits for good sleep,Having a bedtime routine - like having a bath before bed - will help your brain wind down and prepare you for sleep. Get comfy. Take out any hair pieces and put on loose clothes, preferably cotton pajamas. Reading a book or listening to the same piece of calming music every night may help too. Anxiety excites the nervous system, making you more alert. Write down your worries and possible solutions before you go to bed, then stop thinking about them!,5. Dont drink or wash your face with cold water. 6. Be engaged. 7. Think about something nice while falling asleep. 9. Expose yourself to sunlight. 10. Dont read from a backlit device at night (such as an iPad). 11. Reduce mental stress.,Tip 5 of 5: Medication for better sleep (insomniac),Dont stress. Try melatonin. Try plain antihistamine products that cause drowsiness. Limit your use of sleeping aids and sleeping pills. Tell your doctor if you are concerned that you might have a sleep disorder.,Sleeping & Technology,Z,Z,Z,Deep Sleeping 3 h,Circle of Friends,Xiao Mi Sports Bracelet,Function,Record motion information,Constitution of Xiao Mi Sports Bracelet,Battery,Bluetooth Chip,ADI military dynamic sensor,Analysis of sleep,Gives our body the rest ( heart slows down, brain becomes very inactive, etc.) Prepares us for active sleeping,This turn which dreaming occurs ( brain temperature rises, eye movement, the amount of blood in the brain increases, body becomes very still) Dreaming helps us to rest our minds,Dreaming:1.5/8 h,How does Xiao Mi Sports Bracelet work ?,The ADI military dynamic sensor in Xiao Mi sports bracelet can monitor and judge sleeping basing on exercise variety of our body in several phases fromwoke upto sleep! Engineer set 6 conditions for Xiao Mi sports bracelet, if only the date in the bracelet consist with this 6 condition simultaneously, the bracelet would start to record the time of our bodys deep sleeping ! ( Our body would be still when it occurs to deep sleeping ),Epilogue,Thank You !,We wish that you have a good sleeping in every night and then have a better life !,


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