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七年级第一次月考试题姓名得分卷后分老师评价一、单项选择。(20分)( )1.He cant play _ volleyball,but he can play _ chess.Athe,the Bthe,/ C/,/ D/,the( )2.Cats usually sleep all day.Theyre _Alazy Bfriendly Csmart Dcute( )3.He has a good _He _at a radio station.Ajob,job Bwork,workCwork,job Djob,works( )4.Can Jill and Jane swim?_AYes,I can BNo,I cantCNo,they cant DYes,they cant( )5._is it from your home to school?Its about two kilometers.AHow far BHow longCHow DHow much( )6.Mr.Brown often _ us interesting stories.Atells Bspeaks Csays Dtalks( )7.My parents always exercise _ six _ the morning.Aat,on Bon,at Cin,at Dat,in( )8.Does Helen take the subway to school?No,she doesnt. She goes _Aby bus Btake the busCride the bus Dwalk( )9.Icecream usually tastes_,so students like to eat it after school.Awell Bgood Cterrible Dfunny( )10.Do you _ eat in the dinning hall?Yes,we do.We cant eat outside.Amust Bcan Chave to Dhas to( )11.Do you want _ the movie Lost in Thailand with us this evening?Asee Bto see Csees Dseeing ( )12.Im very busy from Monday to Friday.On weekends,I cant relax,_Atoo Beither Calso Dor( )13.You cant listen to music in class,Tom._,Mr.Clark.ASorry BExcuse meCOK DYes( )14._the man _ in a river?No,he isnt.Hes swimming in a pool.AIs,swim BIs,swimmingCDoes,swim DDoes,swimming( )15.Where _ pandas _?China.Aare,from Bdo,fromCis,from Dare,coming from( )16.It takes_20 minutes_there.Awe,to get Bwe,getting toCus,getting to Dus,to get( )17.I have _ homework to do and Judie has _ books to read.Atoo much,too many Btoo many,too manyCtoo many,too much Dtoo much,too much( )18._do you like koalas?Because they are cute.AWhy BWhere CHow DWhen( )19.Cindy,can you _ my book to me?OK.Atake Bknow Cbring Dsee( )20.John is a good boy because he is _ late for school.Aalways Bnever Cusually Dalso二、完形填空。(10分)Hi,Im Mr.White!Im in the Sunshine Music Club.Im a great _21_.I can play the piano,the violin _22_the drums.And Im very good _23_kids.I _24_ a daughter.She is only four years old. _25_name is Maria.She can play the guitar and she plays it very _26_She _27_in the Sunshine Music Club,too.Do you like music?Do you want to learn_28_music?Please come and join _29_We can _30_you with music.My telephone number is 6126586.My email address is Green 2013.( )21. A.music BmusicianCpainter Dbasketball player( )22. A.but Bso Cand Dwith( )23. A.with Bof Cat Dfor( )24. A.has Bhave Cdo Ddoes( )25 .A.She BShes CHers DHer( )26 .A.well Bgood Cnice Dfine( )27. A.join Bhas Cbe Dis( )28 .A.about Bfor Cof Dat( )29 .A.we Bus Cour DI( )30. A.sing Bspeak Ccall Dhelp三、阅读理解。(15分)AMy favorite TV show is Animal World.From it,I can learn a lot about animals.Koalas are cute animals.They are from Australia.Koalas have a smell(气味)and it can help them mark(标记)their homes.This is my place and you cant come in!A baby koala lives in its mothers pouch(育儿袋)Lions are from South Africa.They are really scary.People are afraid of them.Giraffes look very cool.They are kind of interesting.Tigers are from Asia.They are kind of smart.They are also scary animals.They are the king of animals.In todays Animal World,I can see pandas,and then I can know a lot about pandas.( )31._can help koalas mark their homes.ATheir smell BTheir fatherCTheir room DMothers pouch( )32.People are usually afraid of_Akoalas Blions Cgiraffes Dpandas( )33._look very cool.AGiraffes Blions CKoalas DPandas( )34._are the king of animals.ALions BTigers CGiraffes DPandas( )35._kinds of animals are mentioned(被提到)AThree BFour CFive DSixBAnna:I work in a bank(银行) from Monday to Friday.My home is about ten kilometers from my office(办公室)I usually go to work by train.I usually get up at 6:30a.m. and take the train at 7:00a.m.It usually takes me about thirty minutes to get to my office.I am never late for work.Joe:I am a student.My home is not far.I can go to school on foot.It takes me about thirty minutes.But I often go to school by boat because it is more fun.It takes me about twenty minutes.Nancy:Im a waiter.I work in a restaurant(餐馆)from Monday to Friday.I often go to work by bus.It is about five kilometers from my home to the restaurant.It takes me about twentyfive minutes to go to work.Sometimes,I am late for work because the traffic is very busy.( )36.Anna usually gets to her office at about_A6:30a.m. B7:30a.m. C7:00a.m. D8:00a.m.( )37.Joe often _ to school.Atakes a bus Btakes a trainCwalks Dtakes a boat( )38.Nancy lives about _ kilometers from her working place.Aten Bfifteen Cfive Dfifth( )39.Who is sometimes late for work?ANancy BJoeCAnna DAnna and Nancy( )40.How long does it take Joe to get to school?AThirty minutes. BTwenty minutes by boat.CThirty minutes on foot. DB and C.CIts Sunday today.Lisa doesnt go to school.After getting up,she has breakfast and then she starts to do her homework.She finishes(完成) her homework at 10:00 am.Lisa goes to the clothes store to buy a Tshirt for her father.Why?Because her fathers birthday is coming.What does Lisa do in the afternoon?She goes to the swimming club to learn swimming.She likes swimming and she wants to be a swimming star.She wants to be a running star,too.Her favorite sports star is Liu Xiang.She also likes Sun Yang and Ye shiwen.( )41.Today is _.ATuesday BThursdayCSaturday DSunday( )42.What does Lisa buy in the afternoon?AA shirt. BA Tshirt.CA skirt. DA sweater.( )43.What does Lisa do in the afternoon?AShe does her homework. BShe goes to a store.CShe has a birthday party. DShe learns to swim.( )44.What does Lisa want to be?AA clerk. BA running star.CA singer. DA musician.( )45.Which of the following statements is RIGHT?ALisa likes swimming with her father.BJackie Chan is Lisas favorite star.CThis Sunday is Lisas fathers birthday.DLisa does her homework after breakfast.四、词汇。(10分)A根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。46Can you _ _(给看)me your new sweater,Mary?Sure.Its on my bed.47Look!There are many people on the _ _(桥)48The radio _ _(节目)is from seven to eight.49He has two _ _(鼓)at home.50_ _(四十)students are in the club.B)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分)51We must f _ the school rules.52I want to r _my bike to the music club.53Whats fifteen and twentyfive?Its f _54Dont leave the dirty dishes in the k _55We have to be q _in the library.五、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。(5分)56我们必须守时。We must be _ _ _ _57他朋友通常七点四十穿衣服。His friend usually _ _ _ _at seven forty.58你住得离你奶奶家有多远?_ _ _do you live from your grandmas home?59每年人们砍倒许多树。Every year people _ _ _ _ many trees.60汤姆在外面从来不会迷路,因为他总是带着地图。Tom never _ _ _ _ outside,because he always takes a map.六、任务型阅读。(10分)Animals are our friends.We should love them.But different people like different animals.Mary likes pandas from China.Theyre shy and quiet.But she doesnt like tigers,because theyre a bit scary.Tom likes lions from South Africa,because theyre kind of interesting.And they like to eat meat very much.They are lazy.They usually sleep and relax 20 hours every day.But Tom doesnt like elephants.He thinks they are a little ugly and dirty.(1)I_like_koalas_from_Australia.They sleep during the day.But at night they get up and eat leaves.(2)I_think_they_are_smart_and_friendlyWe all like going to the zoo on weekends.(3)do,animals,friends,your,like,what(?)Can you tell me?Let us protect(保护)our friendsanimals.任务一:把文中画线句(1)(2)译成汉语。61_ _62_ _任务二:将文中句(3)连词成句。63_ _任务三:根据短文内容,回答问题。64How many(多少) hours do lions usually sleep and relax every day?_ ._65What do koalas eat?_ _七、情景反应。(5分)从方框中选择适当的句子补全下面的对话,并将其代号填在相应的题号上。(其中有两项是多余的)Jenny:Hello?This is Jenny.Luara:Hi,Jenny._66_Jenny:Oh,hi,Laura.What are you doing?Luara:Not much._67_What about you?Jenny:Im watching TV._68_My parents arent at home.We can eat out.Luara:Yeah._69_Jenny:Lets meet at my home first._70_Luara:OK.See you then.AId love to.BIm just washing my clothes.CDo you have to make friends with me?DDo you want to join me for dinner?EIts Laura here.FLaura isnt here.GCome at half past six.66_ _67._ _68._ _69._ _70._ _八、阅读下面的短文,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思完整、通顺,每空一词。(10分)brush,go,after,ask,job,get,with,never,make,butRita is a nice girl.She has an interesting71._ _She works at a radio station.She is busy 72._ _happy every day.In the morning she 73._ _up early.First she helps her mother 74._ _breakfast.Then she 75._ _her teeth and eats breakfast.76._ _that she goes to work.Rita is 77._ _late for work.She likes her job.And she is good 78._ _her workmates(同事)at the radio station.After work,her workmates often 79._ _her to have dinner with them.But Rita likes to 80._ _home early and have dinner with her parents.九、书面表达。(15分)友谊是人生不可缺少的一部分,请以“My Good Friend”为题写篇短文来描述你的好朋友。信息如下:职业:学生年龄:12岁能力和喜好:喜欢音乐;会弹吉他;擅长说英语。喜欢熊猫,因为它们有几分可爱。日常生活:早上6:30 起床;骑自行车上学;下午有时打半个小时的篮球。提示词:students,music,speak,panda,cute,get up,bike,basketball要求:1.所写内容必须包括表格内所有信息,并用上所给的提示词。文章开头已给出。2卷面整洁。My Good FriendI have a good friend.His name is Dave.He_is_a_student.He_is_twelve_years_old.He_likes_music.He_can_play_the_guitar.And_he_is_good_at_speaking_English.He_likes_pandas_because_they_are_kind_of_cute.He_usually_gets_up_at_6:30_am.Then_he_goes_to_school_by_bike.In_the_afternoon,he_sometimes_plays_basketball_for_half_an_hour.


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