Unit 7what does he look like导学案

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Unit 7 what does he look like ?第一课时(新词汇)主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号【学习目标】1. 学习并掌握7单元的新单词。【学法指导】本单元单词量较大,建议同学们按以下步骤进行预习,并将单词分类进行记忆,这样可以提高学习效率。Come on!你一定行!第一步:同学们在小组活动中互相帮助,互拼新单词。第二步:在班上交流,以小组为单位,在课堂上教全班同学读单词。第三步:跟着磁带或老师齐读并纠正自己的发音。第四步:小组成员在组长组织下,按照分类法共同记忆新单词。【学习过程】一 预习指导与检测1.预习指导:A.课前认真预习第7单元的新单词,做到会读知意。 B.根据音标拼读单词。2.预习导学及自测:你能默写出7单元的单词吗?相信你是最棒的:头发 高度 体形 队;组 卷曲的 直的 高的 中等的 像 绝不 牢记 停止 总是 受欢迎的 说 瘦的 重的 笑话 人 胡须 眼镜 二课堂探究1.你能找出本单元一些描述外貌的形容词吗?让我们来试试吧!你一定行!卷曲的 直的 高的 中等的 瘦的 重的 金黄色的 漂亮的 棕色的 矮的 长的 短的 黑色的 2. 找出本单元的名词,并列出来:头发 高度 体形 队;组 队长 笑话 人 胡须 眼镜 外貌 歌手 你发现了那个词既可以做名词又可以做动词了吗?写出来吧: 3. 大家来完成下列词组吧:卷发 直发 长发 中等身高 中等身材 漂亮的 一点儿 不再 长什么样子 三、课堂检测1.按要求完成单词。A.写出这些单词的反义词:short thin long curly B.fun(形容词) have(第三人称单数) glass(复数) high(名词) 2.你能默写出本节课所学的单词吗?越多越好。头发 高度 体形 队;组 卷曲的 直的 高的 中等的 像 绝不 牢记 停止 总是 受欢迎的 说 瘦的 重的 笑话 人 胡须 眼镜 4. 请翻译下列词组curly hair look like long straight hair medium build medium height good-looking 四、总结与反思 1、我的收获:回顾本节课的内容,对重点单词,短语进行二次领会和记忆Words and expressions: 2、我的易错点: 3、我需要提高的是: 五课后学习指导。1.整理单词,复习牢记本单元的单词和短语。.2.小组比赛听写单词。3预习下一节课的内容,完成第二课时的学案,并标记出疑难点。熟记下列重点短语: 1. look like 看起来像. 2. curly /short/straight/long hair 卷短直发3. medium height/build 中等高度身体 4. a little bit 一点儿5. a pop singer 一位流行歌手 6 .have a new look 呈现新面貌7. go shopping (do some shopping) 去购物 8. the captain of the basketball team篮球队队长9. be popular with sb 为-所喜爱 10. one of - -中的一个11 .stop to do sth 停下来去做某事 12. stop doing sth 停止正在做的事情13 .tell jokes/ stories 讲笑话/ 讲故事 14. have fun doing sth 愉快地做某事15. remember ( forget) to do sth 记得(忘记)做某事(没有做的)16 . remember (forget) doing sth 记得(忘记)做过某事(已做)Unit 7 what does he look like ?第二课时(section A 1a,1c)主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号一.学习目标(一)知识目标:四会词汇:hair , straight , tall , height ,thin , heavy, build , like, 熟练掌握下列短语:look like , medium build , medium height,curly hair,straight hair,熟练运用下列句型:-What does he look like ? -He is tall .He has curly hair (二)能力目标:学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答。(三)情感目标:学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊。二、学习过程1.课前预习:朗读P41的单词,并由组长听写。2.预习导学及自测 (谁是最好的翻译官)A翻译短语(1)看起来像_ (2)medium build _(3)中等身高_ (4)shot hair_(5)curly hair _ (6)长发_(7)直发 3.翻译下列对话。(1)A:What does he look like? B:He is of medium build. (2)A:What do you look like? B:I have long hair. 三 合作探究1.将1a中的词汇短语和图片连接起来2.合作交流:看图写对话。使用句型:What does he|she look like?-He|She is. He|She has同学们,通过观察你发现在描述人物外貌特征时,我们可以用:主语+ +描述人物外貌特征的形容词 或 主语+ +名词3Pairwork: 小组内练习对话,用下列句型分别询问和描述小组内成员的外貌特征。A:What does he|she look like?B:He |She is ,and he|she has.A:What do you look like? B:Im,and I have.四 当堂检测(一)根据句意,补全对话。1.你长什么样子?What you ?我有一点高,长头发。I a little bit tall,and I long hair.2.你的朋友长什么样子?What your friend ? 她中等身材,金色的头发。She is ,and she has .3.他长什么样子?What he ? 他有点胖,有一头黑色短发。He is , And he has .(二)句型转换1. Is that your uncle? (做否定回答)_,_ _2. Her brother is thin.(对画线部分提问)_ _ her brother_ _?3. My sister has long black hair.(改为否定句) My sister _ _ long black hair.4. Mary looks like her father. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mary _ _her father ?五. 课后反思通过这节课,我掌握了_还没掌握_还不会_Unit 7 what does he look like ?第三课时(section A 1b,2a,2b,3)主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号一.学习目标(一)知识目标:单词:always和wear 的用法(二)能力目标:听力练习,学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答。(三)情感目标:学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊。二、学习过程(一)预习指导1.预习P42语法聚焦的对话,并背诵;预习P86听力对话并认真阅读。2.预习P42活动3 3.* always“总是,一直”作为副词,用在be动词之后,行为动词之前。 e.g. She is always a good student.她一直是一名好学生。 She always goes to school early.她总是很早去上学。 * wear与put onwear是“穿着,戴着”的意思,强调状态;put on ,是“穿上,戴上”的意思,强点动作。 e.g. He puts on his hat.他戴上了他的帽子。 The girl is wearing a red shirt.那个女孩正穿着一条红裙子。 Wear还可用来表示佩戴手表、首饰、学生证以及留头发、胡须等。 Wear earrings戴耳环 wear a dress穿连衣裙 wear a watch 戴手表 wear a beard蓄胡子 wear long hair留长发(二)预习检测1.写出下列短语一个新朋友 看起来像 穿着红裙子 卷发 medium build medium height short hair 一点儿 2翻译下列句子1)I have a new friend in Class Five. 2) 她长什么样子? 3)Is he tall? 3.情景导入Look at P41 1a and 1cWhat does he look like?同桌互动来完成询问别人的外貌。三 合作探究1.听力训练:1b ,2a,2b2. 合作交流活动3对话训练(谈论一下你新交的朋友或最好的朋友的相貌衣着)四 当堂检测1.用be或者 have的适当形式填空。1).Tang Wei heavy and big eyes.2).My teacher not very tall. He of medium height.3).I of medium height and short straight black hair.2.单项选择( )1.The boy has .A. long hair B.a long hair C.long hairs D.long a hair( )2.He is tall brown hair.A.Of B.has C.with D.like ( )3.Paul tall and he a medium build. A.has,is B.is,has C.is,is D.has,has ( )4.What does your teacher ? A.like B.is like C.lookes like D.look like ( )5.What does your favorite actor look like?A. He can speak English and Chinese.B. He is from Hong Kong.C. He doesnt like her new look.D. He is tall and wears glasses.3.填空A:Do you know I have a new friend class Five?B:What she look like?A:She long hair and big eyes.B:Is she tall?A:No, shes .B:I think I know her. She always a red dress white shoes.A:Yes, thats her. name is Nancy.五. 课后反思通过这节课,我掌握了_还没掌握_还不会_Unit 7 what does he look like ?第四课时 sectionA3a,3b,4主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号一 学习目标(一)知识目标:四会下列词汇:stop,never,a little bit,person ,populor熟练掌握下列短语:like doing sth ,love to do sth ,a little bit, Stop doing sth (二)能力目标:学会表达自己的观点或好恶(三) 情感目标:学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊二 学习过程 1课前预习(1) 朗读P43的单词,并记忆。(2)阅读3a,并翻译。2、预习、导学及自测喜欢做_a new book_medium height_ with funny glasses_(6)the captain of (7)篮球队 (8)漂亮 (9)停止说话 (10)a little bit (11)tell jokes 翻译下列句子(!)Wang Lin is very popular. (2)She never stops talking. 三 合作探究1阅读训练(Do 3a)2 听3a的课文录音,找出与四个描述对应的图画。3 自读短文,根据所读内容,列表分析每个人的外貌特征和特点。NameHeightBuildhairothercharactersWang LinXu QianMaryMike四 课堂检测(一)句型转换1Peter has blond hair.(变为一般疑问句) Peter blond hair? 2. He loves to tell jokes.(变为否定句)He to tell jokes.3. They are very tall and heavy. (对划线部分提问) do they like?4.She never stop talking.(变为同义句)She .(二)汉译英1. 你的朋友长得怎么样? 他个子高,中等身材,留着短直发。_ _ .她高个子,留着美丽的,长长的黑发。 3.她总是讲个不停。_ 她有一点文静。 她喜欢讲笑话。 . Mary has long and black hair.= _ hair _long and black .(三)用所给词的正确形式填空。1Lucy likes (buy) things.Now she (shop)at the mall.2.Mom has long black (hair).But some times Ican find some white (hair).3.Xu Qiang is outging(外向)。He never (stop) (talk)4.look!Peple (play)basketball on the playground.五 课后反思通过这节课,我掌握了_还没掌握_还不会_ Unit 7 What does he look like?第五课时(Section B 1a,1b,2a,2b,2c)主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号一.学习目标(一)知识目标:单词、短语(二)能力目标:听力练习,学会对人物外表特征的提问及回答。(三)情感目标:学会观察和描述周围的人物,互相了解,增进友谊。二、学习过程(一)预习指导1.预习P44页,做1a,1b。2.预习P86页听力对话并认真阅读。(二)预习检测1.翻译(!)戴着眼镜 (2)金头发 (3)腾格尔有胡子。 (4)韩红戴着眼镜。 (5)Whos your favorite actor? 2.根据首字母提示以及对话内容,完成对话。A: Good morning. C_ I help you?B: Yes, I am looking f _a person. A: Well, w_ does he look l_?B: Let me see. He has blond hair, and its c_, andA: Does he wear g_?B: Yes!A: What c _are his clothes?B: He wears black trousers(裤子) and a red coat. A: Is he tall or s_?B: He is medium b_.A: Is he thin?B: No, he is a little bit h_. But he is not ugly at all. He isgood-looking.A: Sorry, I didnt see such a person.B: What should I do?A: Why dont you ask a policeman for help? 三 合作探究1.听力训练:2a,2b2. 合作交流活动2c对话训练(谈论一下你最喜欢的艺人或者运动员的相貌)四 当堂检测(一)、翻译短语(!)戴着眼镜 (2)留黑色短发 (3)流行歌手 (4)蓄胡子()电影明星 ()我最喜欢的音乐家(二)单项选择.I dont like his hair glasses. A.or B.and C.with D.but 2.We are all tired (累的) and we must stop .A.works B.to work c.working D.work3.What does your teacher ?A.like B.is like C.looks like D.look like4.What does Mary look like ?A.Shes well. B.Shes tall. C.Shes a doctor . D.She likes dancing.(三) 根据句意,补全已给的首字母的单词(1)Today Mary looks beatiful. She has red and s_hair.(2)I keep doing exercise,so Im becoming a little bit t_(3)Lin Tao is good at playing football .We make him the c_(4)-Can you describe the most p_singer, Zhou Jielun for me?-Of course.(5)Rose is a good student. She is n_late for school.(四)完形填空Johnny is twelve _1_ old. He is very tall and he loves _2_ basketball. His parents _3_from Anqing. Sally is small and she _4_ glasses. She _5_ long and curly hair. She likes _6_. She _7_ hard. Dave _8_ medium height. He enjoys _9_ computer games. He loves to tell _10_( ) 1. A. year B. years C. / D. years( ) 2 .A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play( ) 3. A. is B. are C. comes D. be( ) 4. A. not wear B. do wear C. doesnt wear D. dont wear( ) 5. A. has B. have C. is D. are ( )6. A. sing B. singing C. sings D. doesnt sing( ) 7. A. works B. working C. to work D. doesnt work( ) 8. A. are B. be C. is D. am ( ) 9. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play( ) 10. A. jokes B joke C. to joke D. not joke五 课后反思Unit 7 What does he look like? 导学6 Section B 3a-3c主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号一 学习目标1. 熟练掌握下列单词和短语:look remember pop singer say nobody not any more 2. 学会描述人物的新面貌。二 学习过程1课前预习(1) 试着朗读3a,对不会的单词做标记,查看单词表或查字典注上音标,再试着读几遍 仍不会的,在书上做上标记。(2) 请将3A翻译成中文。2、预习、导学及自测 1. 短语(1)一个流行歌手_ (2)购物_ (3)戴眼镜_ (4)卷发_ (5)直发_ (6)一个新面孔_2. 写出下列句子:(1)你还记得我吗?_(2)他不再戴眼镜。_(3)我认为她不是学生。_(4)lily 现在不留长发。_3.根据3a回答下列问题。(1)Who is Johnny Dean?_(2)What does he look like?_(3)What do you think of his new look?_三 合作探究1 任务一:做3a(1) 读3a部分关于John Dean的文章完成书上的表格。(2) 读短文并在文章中找出下面的句子。你记得John Dean吗?_他有一个新的外表。_他没有长的卷发。_他不在戴眼镜了。_ 一些人不喜欢他的新外貌。_2 任务二:做3b (1)根据3b部分的两张Gloria Green的图片在短文的空白处填上合适 的词汇。 (2)根据短文回答下面的问题。 What does Gloria Green do? _ What does she look like now ?_四 课堂检测(一) 用is、 has、 with 填空1.She_of medium build, and she long hair 2.He is tall and he _curly brown hair.3.The girl_ flowers in her left hand is my sister .4.She _very short and she_ good looking.5.He_ of medium height and he_ thin.(二) 句型转换:1. He wears funny sunglasses.(改为否定句) He_ _ funny sunglasses.2. I think I can play the piano. (改为否定句) I _ think I _ play the piano.3. Paul is tall with brown hair.(对画线部分提问) _ _ Paul _ _?4. My brother is that boy. He is wearing glasses(合并为一句,句意不变) My brother is the boy _ _.5. She wears a blue uniform. (对画线部分提问)_ _ she _ ? (三).从方框里选择正确的单词填空。wear, wears, do, does, have, has, is, are1.That girl _pretty heavy. She should do more exercise.2. _Mike have curly hair? He had straight hair last week.3.Jack and Wang _tall. They have blonde hair. 4.I often _jeans(牛仔裤) at home. 5.What _your parents look like?6.Do David and his brother _short hair?7. Jane _a round(圆圆的) face, two big eyes and a small nose.8.Alan never _shorts to work.五 课后反思通过这节课,我掌握了_还没掌握_还不会_Unit 7 What does he look like?导学案7self-check主编:刘嘉莉 审阅:韦芳 学生姓名 组 号一、 英汉互译。1. curly blonde hair _2. short straight hair _3. medium height _4. a little bit _5. good-looking _6. 看起来像 _7. 中等身材 _8. 乌黑的长发 _9. 讲笑话 _10. 下国际象棋 _二单选( ) 1.Nobody _ why he is late.A. knows B. know C. knowing( ) 2My grandfather _ bald, but my father _ short, blonde, curly hair.A. has;has B. is;has C. has;is D. is;is( ) 3. Does she have red hair? A. Yes, she does B. No, she isnt C. Yes, she is.( ) 4 One of the women_ gold earrings.A. does B. has C. have( ) 5. My friend is a _ girl.A good-looking B good-look C looking good D look-good( )6-What does your friend look like? -_.A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She likes music D. She has good-looking( )7. Mr Simmons_ a medium build, and he has yellow hair.A. is B. has C. looks like D. isnt( )8 -Is he heavy?-No, he is a little bit _.A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet( )9.-Lucy doesnt have curly hair.-Yes, we can say she has _hair.A. bald B. blonde C. short D. straight( )10.-Which is your teacher?-The one _ thick glasses over his eyes is.A. wears B. wear C. with D. has( )11.-Is Miss Gao tall?-No, she isnt tall, and she isnt short, too. She is _ .A. medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. thin三、用be或have的适当形式填空。1. Mary _ tall and thin.2. I _ curly hair.3. Tom _ of medium build.4. Tony _ short and _ brown hair.5. Does Kate _ yellow hair?四、写出各句中画线部分的反义词。1. Is she tall?No, she is _.2.My aunt doesnt have short hair. She has _hair.3. Is her hair curly or _?4. My father is thin, but my uncle is _.5. I dont like the ugly boy. I like the _ girl.五、从方框中选择适当的选项,完成对话。Mike: _1_Tom: She works in a hospital.Mike: Is she a nurse?Tom: _2_Mike: _3_Tom: She has long straight hair and _4_Mike: _5_Tom: Yes, she is. I think my mother is good- looking.六.汉译英1.李明喜欢看书和玩电脑游戏。Li Ming likes _ and _ computer games.2.王琳是我们的排球队队长。她个子很高。Wang Lin is the _ of the volleyball _ Shes _.3.南茜总喜欢穿红色的连衣裙,带一副太阳镜。Nancy always _ a red _and a pair of _ .4.老亨利长什么样?What _ Old Henny _ ?5.他矮个子有一点胖,他喜欢讲笑话。Hes _ and a little bit _ .He loves _ .【总结与反思】1 我的收获:Words and expressions: Sentences: _-2 学习本节后,我能用英语进行 _3 我的易错点: _ 我需要提高的是: _


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