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Safety of Food,Chapter1: Status of Food safety(食品安全的现状) Chapter2:Reproduce the accidents(事件重现) Chapter3:Food safety causes of problems(食品安全问题的成因) Chapter4:Teach you a few hands buy food hard recruit(教你几手买菜硬招),The Topic,Status of Food safety,Growing in the human brain can not do without a computer now, as long as not open a Chinese Web site search engine to find food , eat and other words, the results associated with it up to the word is security andpoisoning , which Power of a reputation for food self-sufficient people say that it is a irony. 现在生长在人类脑中的观念是不能没有电脑,只要没有开华人网站的搜寻引擎去寻找“食品”、“吃”,换句话说,结果与之相关的词是“安全”和“投毒”的声誉,这力量对食物自足的人说它是一种讽刺。,:Reproduce the accidents,Poison bean sprouts refers to join performence of root agent, bleach, increase the coarse agent additive Urge generated bean sprouts. Long-term use of this bean sprouts will on human health formation Harm, and even cancer. “毒豆芽”是指加入了无根剂、漂白粉、增粗剂等添加剂 催发生成的豆芽。长期使用这种豆芽会对人体健康形成 危害,甚至会致癌。,Poison bean(毒豆芽),Waste oils(地沟油),Swill and waste oil are mixed in a large pot.Peoples use the spoon scraped off a little bit from the top of that layer ,then ,poured into another container. They extracted oil will be bought by some special person, processing simply and then resold to go. “waste oil”will lead to diarrhea,strong abdominal pain.Even stomach cancer, colon cancer. 废弃油脂混合在锅中。人们使用勺子刮掉一点点顶端的那层,然后,倒入另一个容器内。他们的石油将被收购中提取一些特别的人,加工简单,然后转售去。“地沟油”将会导致腹泻,强大的腹痛。甚至是胃癌,结肠癌。,“Dyeing steamed bread”:Everything additives (“染色馒头”:万能的添加剂),In early April 2011, Shanghai many supermarkets, by a worse staining steamed bread event: overdue of steamed bread to recovery processing, cornmeal and black rice and flour bun is by white steamed bread and additives close finished. This kind of steamed bread eating too much can cause harm to human body. 2011年4月初,上海多家超市被曝出“染色馒头”事件:过期的馒头重新回收加工、玉米面和黑米面馒头是由白馒头和添加剂的“合成品”。这类馒头食用过多会对人体造成伤害。,Clenbuterol (瘦肉精),On March 15, 2011, CCTV weekly quality report column disclosure, henan MengZhou etc piggery animal medicine lean lean using illicit pure raising pig, and these toxic pork into shanghui. Research proof, edible contain pure meat lean to human body generates hazards, cause people poisoning, may lead to long-term consumption variable, induce chromosomal and malignant tumor, etc. 2011年3月15日,央视每周质量报告栏目披露,河南孟州等地养猪场采用违禁动物药品 “瘦肉精”饲养生猪,而这些有毒猪肉流向了双汇。研究证明,食用含有瘦肉精的肉会对人体产生危害,导致人中毒,长期食用则可能导致染色体基变,诱发恶性肿瘤等。,What food can safely eat?,Food safety causes of problems,Lax supervision(监管不严) Due to the related departments to food safety production operation regulation is slack, make China food industry serious violations, illegal production sales substandard food long-standing the phenomenon. Chinas food monitoring and management has been taken subsection management as the auxiliary, breed management method, on the actual operation process, the functional departments or will appear between competing supervision, repeat enforcement of the phenomenon, or will appear contending for whatever, mutual shuffle disputes over trifles phenomenon, this will give some food industry illegal production, sales provides substandard food roumania. 由于相关部门对食品安全生产的操作监管不力,使得中国食品行业严重违规、违法生产销售不合格食品的现象屡禁不止。中国的食品监管一直采取分段管理为主、品种管理为辅的方法,在实际的操作过程中,各职能部门之间要么会出现争着监管、重复执法的现象,要么会出现争着不管、相互推诿扯皮的现象,这就给某些食品行业违法生产、销售不合格食品提供了可乘之机。,Legal not perfect(法律不完善),China about food safety exist in the legal system and the problem for many disadvantages of many problems, which has provided the food the living space. Chinas food safety law provisions prescribed too sweeping, difficult to operate, and these laws and regulations and standard system of some of the serious lag, the existing food safety standards regulations, many indicators low far below the international standard, many important standard still come out, this has been enacted for those illegal manufacturer, enterprises illegal production ultra-low standards, substandard food offers roumania. 中国关于食品安全的法律体系中存在着诸多弊端和问题,为不少问题食品的产生提供了生存的空间。中国的食品安全法律条文规定的过于笼统,难以操作,并且这些法律法规和标准体系严重滞后,现有的一些食品安全的标准水平规定偏低,许多指标远远低于国际标准,许多重要的标准至今还尚未制定出来,这就为那些不法厂商、企业违法生产超低标准、不合标准的食品提供了可乘之机。,Consumer food dire(消费者食品知识匮乏),First, consumers buy the lack of food safety knowledge. Chinas many consumers because income level is low, not enough spending power, plus lack of corresponding common sense, so when buying food safety consciousness indifference, often only pursue cheap, regardless of the quality of food and health problems. In consumer this psychological support for problem of food sales opened the doors. Secondly, many consumers lack of scientific edible food of common sense, which could trigger some diseases produce, and even cause food poisoning events. 首先,消费者缺乏购买安全食品的常识。中国众多的消费者由于收入水平低下,没有足够的消费能力,加上缺乏相应的常识,所以在购买食品时安全意识淡漠,往往只图便宜,不顾及食品的质量、卫生问题。在消费者这种心理的支持下,就为问题食品的销售打开了门路。 其次,很多消费者缺乏科学食用食物的常识,由此可能会引发一些疾病的产生,甚至导致食物中毒事件的发生。,Teach you a few hands buy food hard recruit (教你几手买菜硬招),Buy vegetables see shapes the smelling(买菜看形状闻味 ) Dont buy color abnormal vegetables.不买颜色异常的蔬菜。 Dont buy shape abnormal vegetables.不买形状异常的蔬菜。 Dont buy abnormal smell of the vegetables.不买异常气味的蔬菜。 Buy fish dont slippery.(买鱼不要溜光的) Buy meat pick not glue the hand(买肉挑不粘手的) Buy pork, first look have inspection and quarantine certificate or chapters; Second look incarnadine, colour and lustre is special light and surface moist, flexibility is very poor, is most likely water injection meat. Fresh pork skin has milk-white, fat white and glossy. Muscle homogeneously red, dry or slightly wet surface slightly, but not glue the hand, good flexibility, acupressure sag immediately recover. 购买猪肉,首先看有没有检验检疫合格证或章;其次看肉色,色泽特别淡而且表面潮湿、弹性很差的,极有可能是注水肉。鲜猪肉皮呈乳白色,脂肪洁白而且有光泽。肌肉呈均匀红色,表面微干或稍湿,但不粘手,弹性好,指压凹陷立即复原。,Thank you for listening!,


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