中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第5节 七下 Unit 1-Unit 2课件 牛津深圳版

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中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第5节 七下 Unit 1-Unit 2课件 牛津深圳版_第1页
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中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第5节 七下 Unit 1-Unit 2课件 牛津深圳版_第2页
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中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第5节 七下 Unit 1-Unit 2课件 牛津深圳版_第3页
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第五节 七年级(下) Unit 1Unit 2,第一部分 教材重点难点梳理,目录,contents,重难点梳理,重点单词 重点短语 重点句型,巩固练习,语法选择 完形填空 阅读理解 阅读填空 单词拼写 完成句子,重难点梳理,重点单词 重点短语 重点句型,目录,contents,1.人_ 2.快乐的;高兴的_ 3.工作努力的;勤勉的_ 4.耐心的_ 5.聪明的;机敏的_ 6.很可能_ 7.忘记_ 8.气味_ 9.照顾;照料_ 10.想念;怀念_,Unit 1,person,cheerful,smell,hard-working,patient,probably,forget,smart,care,miss,11.玩笑_ 12.笑_ 13.仍然是;保持不变_ 14.严格的;严厉的_ 15.鼓励_ 16.支持_ 17.获得成功的_ 18.成员_ 19.段落_,Unit 1,joke,laugh,encourage,remain,strict,successful,support,member,paragraph,1.法国_ 2.法国的_ 3.旗帜 _ 4.葡萄酒_ 5.标记号;打上勾_ 6.可能的_ 7.欧洲_ 8.(大型)百货公司_ 9.葡萄园_ 10.优秀的_ 11.南部;南方_ 12.(过去式lay)位于_,Unit 2,France,French,tick,flag,wine,Europe,possible,lie,south,excellent,store,vineyard,13.海岸;海滨_ 14.完美的_ 15.更喜欢_ 16.滑雪_ 17.塔_ 18.完成_ 19.电梯;升降机_ 20.台阶_ 21.楼梯_ 22.接收者_ 23.日期_ 24.问候_ 25.地址_,Unit 2,coast,prefer,perfect,tower,ski,receiver,stairs,step,finish,lift,date,greeting,address,1.灰白的头发_ 2.除之外;也_ 3.照顾;照料_ 4.讲笑话_ 5.嘲弄;取笑_ 6.充满乐趣_ 7.对要求严格_ 8.放弃_ 9.盯着看_,Unit 1,grey hair,as well,take care of,tell jokes,make fun of,be full of fun,be strict with/about,give up,stare at,10.戴眼镜_ 11.上班_ 12.夜以继日_ 13.在这一天_,Unit 1,wear glasses,go to work,all day and all night,on this day,1.因而著名_ 2.西欧_ 3.法国的首都_ 4.百货商店_ 5.在海滨_ 6.在海边_ 7.更喜欢_ 8.与不同_ 9.去购物_,Unit 2,be famous for,the capital of France,Western Europe,department store,on the coast,by the sea,prefer to,be different from,go shopping,10.乘电梯_ 11.向上走_ 12.走下楼梯_ 13.去度假_ 14.去观光_ 15.以而闻名_ 16.多年以来_ 17.对不开放_ 18.由于安全原因_ 19.至少_,Unit 2,take the lift,walk up,go down the stairs,go on holiday,go sightseeing,be known as,over the years,be closed to,for safety reasons,at least,1.Never give up and you will be successful.永不放弃,你会成功的。,句型: 祈使句+and+简单句,表达条件,是由and 并列两个简单句构成的并列句。 翻译:多做点运动吧,你会减掉体重的。 _ _ _,and _ _ lose weight.,Do more exercise,you will,2.What does he look like?他长得怎么样?,这是用于询问外貌特征的句型。有时也说 “What is he like?”回答用He is+形容词,或是He has short hair with glasses.等表示外表的句子。 翻译:你们的新老师长得怎样? 她是长头发,大眼睛的一位女士。,What _ your new teacher _ _ ? She is a lady _ _ _ and big eyes.,look like,with long hair,does,3.Why not plan a special Mothers Day for her?为什么不给她一个特别的母亲节呢?,This year,why not visit France?今年为什么不去法国(旅游)呢? 句型: Why not do sth.?意为“为什么不做某事?”通常用于征求意见、提建议,而不是表示疑问。相当于Why dont you do sth.?英语中表示建议的,常用句型还有: What about doing sth.? How about doing sth.? Would you like.? Lets.! Youd better.,4.To get to the top of the tower,you can take the lift.要到达塔顶,你可以乘电梯。,句型:to do 意为“为了做某事”,表示目的。,5.It is not only beautiful,but also strange.它不仅美丽,还很奇特。,句型:not only. but also.,意为“不仅而且”,可用于连接句中的两个并列成分,着重强调后者,also 有时就可以省略。 如果连接的成分在句中作主语时,谓语动词通常与其相邻的主语保持一致,也就是“就近原则”。如:Not only the students but also their teacher is interested in this movie.老师和学生都对这部电影感兴趣。,6.其他好用的常用句型:,1)My grandma was a short woman with grey hair.我奶奶是个个子矮小满头白发的老太太。 2)What do you like about him?你喜欢他什么?(用于询问看法的句型) 3)I miss her very much.我很想念她。,4)Mothers Day is the time for us to say “Thank you”to our mums.母亲节是我们给妈妈说“谢谢你”的时候。 5)But if you prefer to visit France in winter,you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps. 但是如果你更喜欢冬天来法国旅游,你可以去法国的阿尔卑斯山尝试滑雪。,6)Today,it is known as “the Leaning Tower of Pisa”.而今,它因为比萨斜塔而出名。 7)It took nearly 200 years to complete.这要花200年才完成建造。 8)And hopefully,it will be safe at least for the next 300 years.令人感到有希望的是,它在未来至少300年内都是安全的。,The Sweetest Sight I was in the most beautiful city in the world,yet I only wanted home. It was an _1_ week for my husband and methe trip of a lifetime.Months ago,when my husband told me that he would have a meeting in London,I expressed my wish_2_ to Europe together with him.Then we asked his mother to look after our two children and started off. During the weeks time,_3_ visited London and Parisas much as we could,Big Ben,the Louvre and so on.,All these were beautiful places_4_ we expected to see before.We really enjoyed ourselves. _5_ our last night in Paris,after we enjoyed the night view(夜景) of the Eiffel Tower,my husband called home.His mother_6_ the phone.In a second,my husbands face fell and he looked so _7_.I could feel _8_ happened. “Whats wrong?” I asked. He didnt answer and continued to listen.A few minutes later,he said sadly to me that Tony,our _9_ son,had fallen off his bike and broken his leg.,He must_10_ to hospital at once. At that moment,Paris suddenly lost _11_ charm(魅力). “I dont want _12_ here!I_13_ be here!I should be home with my kids!” We hurried back to our hotel and then to the airport. Finally,we _14_ home.We rushed into our childrens bedroom.Seeing our two children,I suddenly realized the truth: There is no _15_ sight(风景) in the world than your childrens faces that greet you at home.,( ) 1.A.amazing B.amazed C.amazingly D.amazedly ( ) 2.A.to go B.going C.goes D.went ( ) 3.A.our B.us C.we D.ourselves ( ) 4.A.when B.what C.who D.that ( ) 5.A.At B.On C.During D.In ( ) 6.A.answer B.answers C.answered D.has answered ( ) 7.A.worry B.worried C.worriedly D.worrying ( ) 8.A.something bad B.bad something C.anything bad D.bad anything,A,D,B,C,C,A,B,A,( ) 9.A.seven years old B.seven year old C.seven-year-old D.seven yearsold ( ) 10.A.be sent B.sent C.send D.sends ( ) 11.A.its B.its C.its D.it ( ) 12.A.being B.to be C.be D.is ( ) 13.A.mustnt B.cant C.shouldnt D.may not ( ) 14.A.got B.got to C.arrived at D.reached at ( ) 15.A.sweet B.sweetness C.sweeter D.sweetest,C,C,A,C,A,C,B,Two months before Christmas,my little girl Alice told her father and me that she wanted a new bikeHer bike was just too _1_As Christmas came nearer,she still didnt get a new bike but she didnt say it againThen on December 24,she said she really wanted a _2_ more than anything elseNow we didnt know what to doIt was just too lateThere was no time to _3_ the “right bike” for our little girl.,When we thought about we would make our child _4_,we felt guilty(内疚的) and sadSuddenly my husband _5_ an idea“We can make a little bike out of clay(泥土) and write a note to tell her that she could trade(交换) in the model bike for a _6_ one”So he spent five hours making a model bike On _7_ morning,Alice opened the little box with the beautiful red and white bike and the note,She opened and read the _8_ loudlyShe looked at me and my _9_ and said,“So,does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real one?” Smiling,I said,“Yes”Alice cried when she said,“I would never trade in this beautiful bike that Daddy made meI want to _10_ it” ( ) 1.A.big B.small C.new D.old ( ) 2.A.bag B.bike C.box D.gift ( ) 3.A.buy B.make C.steal D.borrow ( ) 4.A.unhappy B.unhealthy C.uncomfortable D.unfriendly,D,B,A,A,( ) 5.A.thought of B.told of C.talked of D.spoke of ( ) 6.A.big B.new C.real D.different ( ) 7.A.Thanksgiving B.Sunday C.Christmas D.Halloween ( ) 8.A.book B.note C.message D.news ( ) 9.A.daughter B.son C.husband D.father ( ) 10.A.trade B.keep C.lend D.sell,A,C,B,B,C,C,When I met him,I had a lot of anger inside of me.Ive lived my whole life in Spanish Harlem,but in my neighborhood,there are shoot-ups all the time.I know kids who have been shot or beaten up.I have friends who ended up in prison.I could have ended up that way,too,but Mr.Clark wouldnt let that happen. Mr.Clark worked long hours,making sure I did my work.My grades rose.In fact,the scores of our whole class rose.,One day,he took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera,and it was the first time some kids had ever been out of Harlem.Before the show,he treated us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full.We did not want to let him down. Mr.Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year.He said he would draw three names out of a hat,those students would go with him to Los Angles to get the award.But when the time came to draw names,,Mr.Clark said,“Youre all going.” On graduation day,there were a lot of tears.We didnt want his class to end.In 2001,he moved to Atlanta,but he always kept in touch.He started giving lectures about education,and wrote a best-selling book based on his classroom rules,The Essential 55.In 2003,Mr.Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to send school supplies and visit orphanages (孤儿院).It was the most amazing experience of my life.Its now my dream one day to start a group of womens clubs,helping people from all backgrounds.,( ) 1.Without Mr.Clark,the writer _. A.might have been put into prison B.might not have won the prize C.might have joined a womens club D.might not have moved to Atlanta ( ) 2.The Essential 55 is _. A.a show B.a speech C.a classroom rule D.a book,A,D,( ) 3.How many studentsnames were finally drawn out of a hat by Mr.Clark? A.None. B.One. C.Fifty-five. D.Three. ( ) 4.From the passage,we can learn that _. A.Mr.Clark went to South Africa because he liked traveling B.Mr.Clark helped to set up a group of womens clubs C.a good teacher has a good influence on his or her students D.a good teacher can raise his or her studentsscore,A,C,( ) 5.What is the writers attitude towards Mr.Clark? A.He speaks highly of Mr.Clark. B.He looks down upon Mr.Clark. C.He doesnt show his attitude towards Mr.Clark. D.He takes a neutral(中立的) attitude towards Mr.Clark.,A,Tony Wheeler was born to travel.His father worked for an airline.For the first 16 years of his life,Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries. In the early 1970s,Tony met a young woman named Maureen.1._ Before getting jobs,Tony and Maureen wanted to travel.2._ On the trip,they visited places like Iran (伊朗),India,and so on. When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia,people asked many questions about their trip.To answer these questions,Wheeler wrote a book called Across Asia on the Cheap.,D,C,3._ But unlike other travel books then,Tony Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go.He also wrote about unusual things to see and do.This was very new at that time.4._ Tony and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet.They continued travelling.They wrote books for each place they visited.The company has become bigger and bigger.5._ The company has over 650 books.Tony Wheeler,the great traveller,still writes about travels to many places and will bring us more surprises.,B,A,E,A.So the book became very popular. B.The book told people about different countriesweather,customs,and places to see. C.They took a year-long trip from England,through Asia,to Australia. D.They both liked travelling and soon married. E.Today,800 people work for his company.,1.Dont a_ anybody to come in when I am working. 2.Which do you p_,tea or coffee? 3.We plan to c_ the mountain at the weekend. 4.Boys and girls,please put up your hands when you f_ the exercises. 5.Mary always helps Mum with the housework.She is a h_ girl.,llow,refer,limb,inish,ard-working,6.We must do something to s_ our earth. 7.Reading in the sun is h_ to your eyes. 8.Jim,would you please help me c_ the heavy box? 9.Come on,lets dig a big h_ in the ground. 10.Why didnt you buy any bread? Sorry,I f_.,ave,armful,arry,ole,orgot,1.他对他的孩子们要求严格。He _ _ _ his children. 2.他很善良,所以从不取笑别人。 He is kind,_ he never _ _ _ others. 3.你这样夜以继日地玩电脑游戏不好。 Its not good for you to play computer games _ _ _ _ _.,is strict with,makes fun of,so,all day and all night,4.萨莉昨晚花了两个小时完成了所有的家务。 _ _ Sally two hours _ _ all the housework last night. 5.你看起来很累。为何不停下来休息一下?You look tired._ _ _ and have a rest? 6.你更喜欢踢足球还是弹钢琴? Do you _ _ play football or _ the piano? 7.他更乐意待在家里看电视。 He _ _ _ at home and watch TV.,It took,Why not stop,to finish,prefer to,play,prefers to,stay,8.这家餐馆以其美味牛排而闻名。 The restaurant _ _ _ delicious beefsteak. 9.那个女孩微笑着跟我打了声招呼。 The girl said hello to me _ _ _. 10.9月1日是学生们开始一个新的学期的日子。 September 1st is the time for students _ _ a new term.,is known/famous for,with a smile,to begin/start,谢 谢 观 看 !,


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