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姓名:邓日照 郑跃 王家斌 刘鹏飞 田攀辉 甘良松班级:10级机制本三 学号:51001013032 工程机械市场调查报告一调查客户01浙江军联机械电子有限公司02力工(福建)机械有限公司03山东卡特重工有限公司04上海彭浦机器厂有限公司05禹城恒特重工机械有限公司06太原矿山机器集团有限公司07太原重型机械集团有限公司08西安黄河挖掘机厂09河北宣化工程机械股份有限公司10鼎盛天工工程机械股份有限公司11天津建筑机械厂12特雷克斯(三河)机械有限公司13北京现代京城工程机械有限公司14常林股份有限公司15常州现代工程机械有限公司16小松(江苏)工程机械有限公司17徐州徐挖机械制造有限公司18徐州重型机械有限公司19中联重科浦沅分公司20日立建机(中国有限公司21长沙中联重工科技发展股份有限公司22北京多田野有限公司23厦门工程机械股份有限公司24山东临工工程机械有限公司25小松山推工程机械有限公司26山东山推格林路面养护机械有限公司27柳工机械股份有限公司28长沙起重机有限公司29贵阳詹阳机械工业有限公司30内蒙古北方重工业集团有限公司31郑州郑工机械集团有限责任公司32内蒙古阿特拉斯工程机械有限公司33河北福田重机股份有限公司34三一重工股份有限公司35斗山工程机械(中国)有限公司36抚顺挖掘机制造有限公司37中国一拖工程机械有限公司38洛阳拖拉机研究所有限公司39福建泉州建德集团有限公司40广西玉林玉柴工程机械有限责任公司41江西南特工程机械(集团)有限公司01. Zhejiang Junlian Machinery Electronics Co., Ltd02. Ligong (Fujian) Machinery Co., Ltd03. Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co., Ltd04. Shanghai Pengpu Machine Building Plant Co., Ltd05. yucheng hengte Heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd06. Taiyuan Ore Mountain Machine Group Co., Ltd 07. Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Group Co., Ltd 08. Xian Yellow River Machine Factory 09. Hebei Xuanhua Engineering Machinery Stock Co., Ltd10. Diansheng Taigong Engineering Machinery Stock Co., Ltd11. Tianjin Building Onstruction Machinery Factory 12. Terex (Sanhe) Machinery Co., Ltd13. Beijing Xiandai Jingcheng Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd14. changlin Stock Co., Ltd15. Changzhou Xiandai Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd16. Koomatsu(jiangshu) Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd17. Xuzhou Excavaror Manufacture Co., Ltd18. Xuzhou Heavy Machinery Co., Ltd19. Zhonglian ZhongKe Puyuan Branch20. HITACHI-China :21. Changsha zoomlion science Stock Co., Ltd22. BQ.Tadano(Beijing) Crane Co., Ltd23. Xiamen Engineering Machinery Stock Co., Ltd24. Sandong Lingong Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd 25. Koomatsu Shantui Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd 26. Shangdong Shantui Green Road Maintain Co. Ltd. 27. Liugong Machinery Stock Co., Ltd28. Changsha Crane Co., Ltd29. Guizhou Zanyang Machinery Industry Co., Ltd 30. Neimenggu North Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd 31. Zhengzhou Zhenggong Machinery Group Co., Ltd32. Neimenggu Article Machinery Industry Co., Ltd 33. Hebei Futian Heavy Machinery Co. Ltd.34. Sany Heavy Industry Stock Co., Ltd35. Doosan Engineering Machinery (china) Co., Ltd 36. Fushun Excavaror Manufacture Co., Ltd37. china yituo Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd 38. luoyang tractor research Institute Co., Ltd 39. Fujian quanzhou jiande Group Co., Ltd40. guangxi yulin yuchai Engineering Machinery Co., Ltd41. Jiangxi Nante Engineering Machinery(Group) Co., Ltd 二调查情况 market survey 1挖掘机 挖掘机市场非常大,生产厂家也比较多,有国营大企业,有合资公司,有外资独资企业,有个体小企业,所生产的产品有小型的、中型的、大型的。但基本上都是处于液压和机械传动相结合的操作系统,还没有达到通过传感器来监测运动部位运动状态,对挖掘深度和倾斜度进行有效控制,以实现自动精整作业的水平,就是那些外资企业在中国国内生产的产品也没有达到。据外资企业的技术人员介绍,象小松,现代,大宇,日立,卡特,特雷克斯等,只有在国外才有这种智能型的挖掘机。1. Excavator Digger-crane- The market of crane is very large. Many manufactures include state-run corporations, joint ventures, foreign direct invested companies and private enterprises. But their techniques base still on the Hydro-mechanical Transmission havent reached the level of Controlling excavating depth and inclination degree and monitoring the movement position and condition through sensor, even those foreign directed invest companies. According the technicians from Komatsu, Hyundai, Daewoo , Hitachi, Terex, they only have such intelligent excavator in their own countries.但是,中国政府曾经实施过一个八六三工程,委托一些大型的工程机械公司来负责工程机械方面的前瞻性研究,到去年为止,已经基本完成,象柳工、临工、山河智能以及一些大学等都是这个工程的参与者。现在智能型挖掘机还处于研制开发阶段。随着技术的不断成熟,将会走向市场。Chinese government has entrusted some large mechanical companies like Liugong, Lingong, Shanghe and other universities with forward looking studies, this so-called 863 program had been finished last year. Now the intelligent excavator still stay in R&D stage, with the further development of the technology, it will walk into market in the end. 2起重机 起重机市场也很大,在这个领域主要是国内的一些企业在生产,国外的公司要少些,大型企业有徐工、中联、浦沅、北起等,目前在起重机上所用的传感器主要有,测量吊臂水平度的角度或水平传感器,长度传感器,重量传感器等。测量吊臂水平度的传感器都是和控制系统做在一起的,一般都是由控制系统配套厂家随着控制系统一起提供的。所用的倾角传感器一般都是由控制系统生产厂家自己生产的,这样的传感器主要由电位器、摆锤、硅油加上封装外壳而构成。价格主要差别在电位器上,有进口的和国产的,其他基本相同。传感器的价格一般都在300元至500元之间。在全国到目前为止我们知道有下列公司生产这样的控制系统。Lift machine and crane also have large market. Chinese corporation dominated in this area. The large companies are XUGong, Zhonglian, Pu yuan Beiqi and so on. The sensors being used in crane are inclination sensors which measure horizontal and angel of arm, length , gravity etc. Inclination meter are combined with control device and provided together with it by the manufacturer. The inclinometers are mainly produced by Control device manufacturer itself. These sensors consist of potentiometer, pendulum, silicon oil and sealed housing. Price differences mainly lie in the potentiometer, depending on local made or import. Others are same. The price of sensors ranges from 300 to 500 RMB. Up to now the control device producer we know are following: 1徐州派特控制技术有限公司 XuZhou Paite Controlling device Co. Ltd2长沙华德科技有限公司 Changsha Huade Technology Co.Ltd.3上海西亚电子控制设备有限公司 Shanghai Xiya Electrical Device Co. Ltd.4无锡安泰电器设备有限公司 Wuxi antai Electrical Equipment Co. Ltd.5徐州唯特科技有限公司 Xuzhou Weite Tech. Co. Ltd6张家港江南电子厂 Zhangjiagang Jiangnan Electrical Equip. Co. Ltd7长沙华德科技开发有限公司Changsha Huade Technology Development Co.Ltd 8湖北宜昌微特电子设备有限公司 HuBei Yichang huite Electrical Equip Co. Ltd9宜昌蓝普自动化控制工程公 YiChang Lanpu Automation Control Engineering Co. Ltd.10宜昌创新电器技术有限公司 Yichang Innovation Electrical Tech. Co. Ltd. 11宜昌慧诚自动化设备有限公司 Yichang Huicheng automation equipment Co. Ltd.12宜昌三大电子厂 Yichang Sanda Electrical Factory13宜昌三环电子有限公司 Yichang Sanhuan Electrical Co. Ltd.14宜昌三思科技有限公司 Yichang Sansi Tech. Co. Ltd.15宜昌凯诺科技开发有限公司 Yichang Kaino Tech. Dev. Co. Ltd.16宜昌创星电子技术发展有限公司 Yichang Chuangxing Electrical Tech. Co. Ltd. 这些公司我们都与他们取得了联系,并进行了较详细的沟通,对我们的产品有一定的认识和认可,有部分公司已经订购了样品。要进行测试和试用。全年全国总量大约有12000-15000套的需求。BOC have contacted with the above companies in detail already. They have leaned about our product and some have already placed order of sample for testing. The annual demand is around 12000-15000 in whole China. 3装载机 生产装载机的公司也不少,基本上都是国内的,国外的公司很少介入,中国的大型企业有柳工机械,一拖工程机械,福建建德,山东临工,厦门工程机械,常林股份等,目前的装载机的运动操作部分还都是由液压和机械传动来实现的,主要由操作人员靠自己的经验和感觉来进行作业的,在现阶段基本上还没有什么企业在进行装载机的智能化开发工作。只是有的公司有这种想法,象常林股份,柳工机械。3 Loading machine. Loading machine manufactures are mainly Chinese companies, few foreign companies exist in China. The major companies are Liugong Mechanics, YiTuo Construction Machinery, Fujian Jiande, Shangdong Lingong, Xiamen Mechanics, Changlin ltd. The operation theory of loading machine is now realized by hydraulic pressure and mechanic transmission. The operation is mainly done by worker from his experience and feeling. At present, only several companies like Changlin ltd. and Liugong have intent of intelligent development of loading machines, but few companies are really working on it. 4混凝土泵车 能够生产混凝土泵车的企业不是太多,主要有徐州重机,三一重工,河北福田,中联重工。据初步了解现阶段还都是采用液压传动和机械操作相结合的操作方式,主要靠操作人员的经验和技术来完成这些高空作业的。Concrete pump Only several companies have the ability to produce concrete pump, they are Xuzhou Heavymachine, SanYi Zhonggong, HebeiFutian, Zhonglian Zhonggong. First investigate shows the current technique still stay in the stage of hydraulic pressure and mechanic transmission period. Operations are mainly finished depending on experiences and technologies of operators三看法 View (1) 在工程机械领域,挖掘机方面,我们要和在挖掘机、装载机、高空泵车等方面正在开发与有此想法的公司保持合作,共同参与这些产品的新技术的开发,随着市场的发展,为我们下一步的产品销售打下基础。We should keep close contact with companies which has intent of explore filed of excavator, loading machine, concrete pump machine, and we also should participate the development work of these products to build the sale basis for future. (2)起重机控制系统方面的市场将成为我们在工程机械方面销售工作的重点。到目前为止我们已经基本上掌握起重机市场的倾角传感器的需求情况,包括原理、构成、技术参数、价格、以及生产厂家的数量、规模等。并且已经有近十家公司已经订购了样品。要进行测试和试用。我们要和这些公司保持密切的联系和合作,支持他们的工作,赢得他们对我们产品的认可,使我们的倾角传感器打开这个领域的市场。并且我们要进一步了解掌握更多的生产起重机控制系统地公司,以便在将来扩大我们的市场份额。Lift machine and crane control device will be the target market. Up to now we have already mastered the market need of inclinometer, which includes theory, construction, parameter, price and number of manufactures and their sizes. Several companies have placed order of sample for test. We should win these customers and open the market of inclination sensor. In the meantime we also need to contact with more lift machine control device producer to expand our market share in future. 邓日照 2013年4月24号


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