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牛津高中英语模块九U2课案要点 模块9Unit2 课文学习1Title: The Acropolis now 今日卫城Some language pointsPara1.1.*No one has had a greater impact on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks.(L.1)*have/make an impact on对有影响The book made a great impact on its readers这本书对读者有很大的影响。*civilization*civilized. 文明的,有礼的/ uncivilized未开化的,不文明的2.*They were responsible for many advances in .他们在。取得了很大进展。*be responsible for担负(对.负责) ;担负。;引起。作为原因Everyone should be responsible for his work每个人都应对自己的工作负责。The floods were responsible for over a hundred deaths洪水引起100多人的死亡。*3注释1 at p.67。,as is the marathon 正如马拉松赛跑一样。见作业本P.32as 表示“也一样”。用部分倒装。见步步高p.195Para21.*注释2 at p.67*(1)in particular: especiallyIt was a good concert - I enjoyed the last song in particular.这是一场不错的音乐会,我特别喜欢最后一场。*(2)associate vt. * 联想,把.联想在一起+withThey associate turkey with Thanksgiving他们把火鸡和感恩节联系在一起*be associate with与。有联系(牵连)I didnt want to be associated with it at all. 我根本不想与这事有牵连。vi. 结交,交往+withHe associates with all sorts of people. 他与各种各样的人交往。*associate oneself with加入 /参与 /与.发生联系 ;赞成I have never associated myself with violence. 我从不赞成暴力。2.*The Acropolis was constructed in the 5that a high altitude above the city in honour of.(Ls.20-23) 海拔高于雅典城,是为了纪念。*(1)construct*建造,构成(+from/of/out of)It took them two years to construct the bridge他们用了两年时间建这座桥。*(人为地)制造,编造We riddled her carefully constructed lie.我们把她精心编造的谎言问得漏洞百出。* (2)altitude n. 高度,海拔*at a high altitude above the city理解为:高于城市的一个高的地方*at an altitude of。以。的高度Were flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet. 我们正以40000英尺的高度飞行*at high/low altitudes 在高处、在海拔高的地方*(3)in honor ofa. 为纪念(为向.表示敬意,为庆祝)The monument is in honor of a scientist. 那座纪念碑是为纪念一位科学家而建的。*honor 的其他句式*have the honor to do sth.: 有幸做某事May I have the honour of dancing with you?*Its ones/great honour to do sth 很荣幸做某事*do sb an honour/do sb the honour of赏光Would you please to do me the honour of dining with me?能赏光和我一起用餐吗?3*注释3 at p.67Inside of the Acropolis, there are three main temples to Athena:*to 的用法 “向。表示敬意”的意思A monument to the heroes who died in the war 阵亡将士纪念牌 Para3*1.注释4.at p.67*(1) occur (occurred, occurringx)*occurrence* It occurs to sb.that某人想到*It occurs to sb to do.某人想要做It occurred to me to visit my teacher.我想到要去看看我的老师。It never occurred to me that he might be in trouble.我怎么也没有想到他会遇上麻烦。A brilliant idea occurred to me.我想到一个极好的主意。*(2)theft n. 偷窃盗窃UHe was accused of theft.他被指控偷窃。Para4In fact ,the restoration was so bad.less secure than they had been before.(L.79)*secure :safe from harm Para 51.*In a gesture to help preserve history, the Acropolis(L.93)见作业本p.33-8*(1)in a gesture to do.为表示要。(2)*gesture n. 姿势,表示,示意翻译:.He ended his speech with a gesture of despair.他以一个的姿势结束了发言。Its a nice a gesture to invite the couple .邀请那对夫妇参加舞会是友好的表示。The government has made a gesture towards the public opinion.政府已做出顺应民意的姿态。*(3)restoration*restore v. *restorative adj.恢复的,康复的*(4)undertake(undertake-undertook-undertaken)承担,负责,承诺*undertake a task/projectUniversity professors both teach and undertake research.*2.注释5 (L.96)注意:receive .以为被列入*3.After that.in preparation for.(Ls 98-102)(1)翻译*make much/rapid progress*in progress在进行中(在发展中) An inquiry is now in progress. 调查工作此刻正在进行中. Please be quiet recording in progress. 正在录音-请勿喧哗.(2)*a large amount of= a large sum of.或 a great deal of.(3)见作业本p.34*in preparation for为.作准备例句参作业本扩充:*make preparatons for sth/to do sth.为。做准备*be prepared for sth/to do sth 准备(做)。翻译:They are making preparations to go on strike.他们正在为罢工做准备We made preparations for the trip.我们为旅行作准备。(4)注意with 结构翻译:1. She came into the room, with her nose red because of cold. 2. With the meal over, we all went home.3. The master was walking up and down with a ruler under his arm.4. The teacher entered the classroom with a book in his hand./with book in hand.5. With nothing left in the cupboard, she went out to get something to eat.6. With so many problems settled, the new manager was so excited.7. With the guide leading the way, we quickly found the way to the tourist attraction.8. The peasants have a good harvest with all the crops got in. 收割9. With everyone supporting us (现在分词)we can certainly succeed. 10. The man was brought in with his hands tied behind his back. (过去分词)11. Tom always sleeps with his eyes open.12. The boy ran out with nothing on.13. Dont talk with your mouth full. 14. With a lot of homework to do, he cant play the games.Exercises: Fill in the blanks according to Chinese and multiple choices:1. 门开着,他就离开了屋子。 He left the room with _. 2. 灯亮着,奶奶在椅子里睡得香甜。 With _, grandma slept soundly in the chair.3. 这个家伙两手交叉,站在那里。 The fellow stood there with _.4. 作业完成了,他们出去玩了。 They went out to play with _.5. 随着时间的流逝go by,我最终梦想实现了。 With time_, I finally realized my dream.(Keys: with the door open, with the lights on, with his hands cried, with homework finished, with time going by)Multiple choices:1) _so many essays _, he wont have time to go shopping this morning.A. With, to write B. As, to writeC. With, are written D. As, written (A)2) _ time permitting, we will visit the Summer Palace.A. In B. With C. As D. If (B) Para.71.*注释6 at p.67.*consensus 共识;一致意见 *后接同位语从句2.They believe that prevention of damage from ignoranceimportant(Ls.119-122)扩充*in ignorance(of) ( 对。)一无所知或不懂*be ignorant of/about 不知道,不了解*in sbs ignorance 在某人不知的情况下翻译We are in complete ignorance of his plans.我们对他的计划一无所知。To say you were ignorant of the rules is no excuse.说自己不知道规则是不能成为藉口的.Some people are rather proud of being ignorant of such an important matter.有些人因不知道如此重要的一件事而颇感自豪。3.注释7 to come 作定语,表示“将来的、未来的” The year to come is likely to see a big change in the town.我们应该给后代留下优美的环境。We should keep the environment beautiful for the generations_. (to come)*语言点巩固1have an impact on sth 对。有影响2.be responsible for对。负责;担负。;引起。3.make advances in various fields 在不同的领域取得了发展4.associate A with B 把A 与 B联系起来5.at a high altitude above the city 在一块海拔高于城市的高处6.It was convenient for everyone to get to方便人人到达7.at its entrance在它的出口处8.be damaged partly by natural force部分受损于自然威力9.be on display 展出10.under the title of冠名为。11.some friction between A and B AB之间的摩擦12.make sth less secure使。不大安全13.in a gesture to help preserve history 为了表示帮助保护历史14.undertake the complete ,professional restoration of sth 负责对某物全面专业的修复15.work in a very organized way 井然有序的工作16.bring sth back to its former glory 使某物重现昔日辉煌17.protect the marble from air pollution 保护大理石免遭空气污染18.be based on the consensus that.基于。的共识19.The best form of conservation is the prevention of damage 最好形式的保护就是防止破坏20.avoid damaging important historic building 避免破坏重要的历史建筑1对。有影响2.对。负责;担负。;引起。3在不同的领域取得了发展4 把A 与 B联系起来5.在一块海拔高于城市的高处6.方便人人到达7.在它的出口处8.部分受损于自然威力9. 展出10.冠名为。11AB之间的摩擦12.使。不大安全13.为了表示帮助保护历史14. 负责对某物全面专业的修复15.井然有序的工作16. 使某物重现昔日辉煌17.保护大理石免遭空气污染18.基于。的共识19.最好形式的保护就是防止破坏20.避免破坏重要的历史建筑Consolidation 2:1. Ann is a very reliable person, _. (我们的小组的其他成员也一样)2. We are proud that many people _. (将我们的产品和高质量联系在一起)3. Nuclear waste will remain dangerous _. (对未来几代人来说)4. Last months bad weather _. ( 造成了庄稼的歉收)5. 有的破坏是无意的,但有的是故意的。Some damage was caused_, but some was caused_.(as are the other members of our group; associate our products with good quality; for generations to come; is responsible for the crop failure; unintentionally/deliberately)Consolidation 3Translations:1. 那个故事对小孩子产生很大的影响。(That story has a great impact on children.)2. 坏天气是引起这场事故的原因。(Bad weather was responsible for the accident.)3. 我情不自禁地把她和我的妹妹联系到了一起。 (I cant help associating her with my younger sister.)4. 人们建造了一座庙来纪念那条勇敢的龙。 (A temple was built in honour of the brave dragon.)5. 为了能减少污染,政府想尽了各种方法。 (In a gesture to reduce pollution, the government tried all means.)6. 我们要有礼貌, 尤其是对父母。(We should be polite, in particular, to parents.) 牛津模块9 U2 projectThe title: The imperial tombs 皇家寝陵Judge following(true or false)1.Visitors to China should try to visit the Ming and Qing Tombs 2. Shishanling is home to the tombs of thirteen emperors of the Qing Dynasty.3.There are twenty-four animals and twelve officials along the Sacred Way which leads to the thirteen tombs.4.Changling,which contains a complex of buildings and courtyards, is well preserved.5 Xiaoling, which contains the tomb of the first Ming emperor, is located at the end of Sacred Way.6.Donling ,where buried are the remains of five emperors and their wives and other royal family members, was built over a length of 247 years and takes up 78 square kilometers.7.Xinling,which contains tombs of only four of the Qing emperors, was built to avoid the geological problems that were thought to be causing the Manchu rulers troubles.8.Dongling and Xiaoling have been under the protection of the state government ,which has already invested a lot of money in restoring it. Key to itJudge following(true or false)1.Visitors to China should try to visit the Ming and Qing Tombs(t) 2. Shishanling is home to the tombs of thirteen emperors of the Qing Dynasty.(f) (of the Ming Dynasty L.4)3.There are twenty-four animals and twelve officials along the Sacred Way which leads to the thirteen tombs.(f) (statue of twentyL.15.)4.Changling,which contains a complex of buildings and courtyards, is well preserved.(t)5 Xiaoling, which contains the tomb of the first Ming emperor, is located at the end of Sacred Way.(f) (in the suburbs of NanjingL.31)6.Donling ,where buried are the remains of five emperors and their wives and other royal family members, was built over a length of 247 years and takes up 78 square kilometers.(t)7.Xinling,which contains tombs of only four of the Qing emperors, was built to avoid the geological problems that were thought to be causing the Manchu rulers troubles.(t)8.Dongling and Xiaoling have been under the protection of the state government ,which has already invested a lot of money in restoring it.(f) (Dongling protected by state government/Xiaoling by local government the Nanjing municipal government. Ls 56-57)*Some language points1.the most impressive cultural remains(L.1) 2.be equal to the pyramids in Egypt (L.2)3.as insurance for the afterlife(L.3)4.be considered as the best preserved (L.20)5.the focal point of Shisanling (L.21)6.be built to resemble a palace, containing a complex of buildings and courtyards (L.22)7.add to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling (L.24)8.a fragrant type of wood native to China (L.26)9.in terms of architecture and their choice of site (L.37)10.take up 78 square kilometers (L.42)11.It sits .in Yixian. (L.44)12.preservation and recognition of the tombs (L.51)13 .begin the enterprise of protecting these historic sites (L.56)14.be responsible for the regulation of Xiaoling (L.58)15.invest a lot of money in restoring it (L.59)16.meet the deadlines (L.60)17.part and parcel of preserving and restoring such historic sites(L.62)18.the inclusion of these sites in UNESCOs World Heritage list (L.66)19. bring needed attention (L.67)20.treasure and protect these remains of these monuments of the Chinese people(L.71)Key:*Some language points1. 最令人叹为观止的文化遗产2.与埃及的金字塔相媲美3.作为死后生活的保障4.被认为是保存最好的5. 十三陵的中心(焦点)6. 仿宫殿建造,由楼房和院落综合而成7.增添了长陵的宏伟与壮丽8.一种中国自产的香木9.在北京东面125公里处10.占地78平方公里11.它座落于易县12.对寝陵的保护与认可13 .开始这项保护历史遗迹的事业14. 负责对孝陵的管理15.在修复(孝陵)上投入了大笔资金16. 如期完成17.保护和修复这些历史遗迹的重要部分18.列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录19. 获取必要的关心20.珍惜和保护这些中国人民的历史遗迹*Some language points1.the most impressive cultural remains 最令人叹为观止的文化遗产2.be equal to the pyramids in Egypt 与埃及的金字塔相媲美3.as insurance for the afterlife作为死后生活的保障4.be considered as the best preserved 被认为是保存最好的5.the focal point of Shisanling 十三陵的中心(焦点)6.be built to resemble a palace, containing a complex of buildings and courtyards 仿宫殿建造,由楼房和院落综合而成7.add to the impressiveness and beauty of Changling 增添了长陵的宏伟与壮丽8.a fragrant type of wood native to China一种中国自产的香木*be native to(指动植物等)原属于.的,源于.的9.125 kilometers east of Beijing注意:It sits about 100 kilomeres to the west of Beijing.10.take up 78 square kilometers 占地78平方公里11.It sits .in Yixian. 它座落于易县(*sit坐落于,位于 The temple sits on a hill.寺庙坐落在山上。)12.preservation and recognition of the tombs 对寝陵的保护与认可13 .begin the enterprise of protecting these historic sites 开始这项保护历史遗迹的事业(He is a man of great enterprise. 他是个事业心很强的人。He works in a private enterprise.他在一家私人企业工作。)14.be responsible for the regulation of Xiaoling 负责对孝陵的管理(* 1. 规章;规则,规定;条例C 2. 管理;调整,调节;校准U)15.invest a lot of money in restoring it 在修复(孝陵)上投入了大笔资金16.meet the deadlines 如期完成(I am very concerned(that) we may not meet the deadline on this我很担心我们可能无法指定时间内完成此事。)His boss call him to account for failing to meet the deadline.: 老板叫他解释未能按时完成的原因。17.part and parcel of preserving and restoring such historic sites保护和修复这些历史遗迹的重要部分18.the inclusion of these sites in UNESCOs World Heritage list列入联合国教科文组织的世界遗产名录(inclusion n.包含物 直译:联合国教科文组织的世界遗产单子里的包含物)19. bring needed attention 获取必要的关心(bring sth. to sb.s attention v. 使某人注意某事bring to sbs attention引起某人的注意)20.treasure and protect these remains of these monuments of the Chinese people珍惜和保护这些中国人民的历史遗迹


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