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教案设计Unit 8 When is your birthday?Section A 2e-3c 湖北省宜昌市第三中学 李下教材依据人民教育出版社2012年5月出版的义务教育教科书英语(新目标Go for it!)七年级上册第八单元的Section A 2e- 3c, 本节课的课型为听说课(Listening and speaking),是本单元的第二课时。教学背景 该课是一堂英语小组合作、信息化运用的研讨课,我校全体英语老师参与了听课、评课。教材分析本单元以Talk about dates为主线,围绕 “表述年龄, 谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日”等语言功能项目展开了一系列任务活动。教材内容从基本语言知识到语言综合运用层层递进,听说读写依次展开,以一种循序渐进的生活化的学习程序,引导学生在做事中有目的地学习语言。教学内容本课围绕When is your birthday?展开话题,讨论每位学生及其周围人的生日及如何表达,内容涉及有复习12个月份的生词、序数词1st-31st 及分角色扮演birthday party。词汇量大、跨度大、难度也较大。如何使学生用这些词汇进行交流与交际,将是本课时的一大挑战。利用电子白板、互联网,采用任务型教学法,通过游戏、竞赛等形式,充分调动学生的积极性,让学生自主掌握教学目标。学情分析本班学生总体英语基础水平较好,学困生不多,中等生为少数。学生的英语水平不同,要因材施教,让每个学生都学有所获。学生通过本单元Section A第一课时的学习,已经初步掌握了十二个月份及询问生日,本课时要通过听力和口语训练,促进学生思维发展,使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力。教学目标义务教育英语课程标准的总体目标是通过英语学习使学生形成初步的综合语言运用能力,而这种综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面整体发展的基础之上的,根据本课教学内容和学生知识结构及认知特点,本单元的教学目标确定为:教学目标语言目标立足语言实践活动,在完成任务的过程中学会问答并介绍自己及他人的生日。通过听、说、写练习巩固所学语言、语法知识。When is your birthday? How old are you?能力目标学习序数词的构成和日期的表达法。when引导的特殊疑问句的构成和使用。情感目标在日常生活中我们要建立自信、关爱他人,学会对某一事物表明自己的看法并申明理由,进而锻炼自己的演讲口才与交往能力。通过了解一些著名人物的“birthday”,学习他们积极的学习工作态度。能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。教育学生做一个善良、热心、乐于助人的人。学习策略1. Discussion. 通过小组讨论、开展调查等研究,明确在用中学、交流中学习的想法。2.Accessing the Internet通过访问互联网,简化学习过程,拓展学生学习和运用英语的渠道。3. Guessing. 通过猜测电子白板上的月份,大胆发言,以学习新知。学习指导指导学生1. 通过情景的设置和活动的开展,引导学生在体验、实践、参与、合作和交流中,积极主动地学习语言,体会在做事中学习英语的喜悦。2. 表述年龄, 谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日。教学用具电脑, CAI课件。重点词汇Happy birthday!How old? See you! party任务型语言教学模式一提到生日,学生就会联想到生日party、 蜡烛、蛋糕、同学欢聚等浪漫而又轻松热闹的场面,这是学生感兴趣的话题。因此创设情景,以兴趣刺激学生的学习主动性和交际的主动性,是本课时教法与学法上的一大特点。本节课采用“任务型教学”方法展开教学,在完成任务的活动中主动地学习语言,养成学习英语的良好习惯。学会合作学习,努力开拓课程资源。充分发挥小组合作的作用,自由选择和教学内容有关的话题,充分体现了学生为主体, 最大限度地调动了每位学生的学习积极性和创造性, 以达到良好的教学效果。When is your birthday?Task 1Warming up and reviewing: Go over the months, ordinal numbers and dates.Task 3Practice and act out: Do 3a, 3b, make up dialogues and act out.Task 2Listening and speaking: Talk about birthdays, listen and fill in the dates.教学过程Task 1 Warming up and reviewing: Go over the months, ordinal numbers and dates.StepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityReasonsStep 1Do warming-up activity: ask the students to sing a song -“The Months”.Sing with the teacher, enjoying the beautiful music on the computer.To make the students review the twelve months and to arouse their interest in learning.Step 2Revise: 1. Ask the students to count the numbers from one to thirty-one.2. Say the cardinal numbers. Ask the students to say the ordinal numbers.The students count the numbers from one to thirty-one.The students say the ordinal numbers “first- thirty -one”. To review the cardinal numbers and to learn the ordinal numbers “first- thirty -one”.Step 3Ask the students “How many months are there in a year? What are they?”Students answer, “There are twelve months in a year. They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.”To help the students to go over the twelve months in a year. To help students command key words and get ready for the next listening and speaking tasks.Step 4Ask the students to guess the months of the year. One student faces the class, the other students describe the month on the PPT to help guess the month of the year. For example, they can say, “Its cold. Its in winter. Spring festival is usually in it. Its after January.” The student facing the class can guess, “Is it February? ”To arouse the students interest in reviewing the twelve months in a year.To pave the way for later listening.Step 5Ask the students to say the twelve months in a year. When the students are familiar with the months of the year, have them try and chant the months in reverse order. The students say the twelve months in a year and then try and chant the months in reverse order.To make the students familiar with the months of the year. To make this more challenging, the teacher can have the students compete to see who can say it fastest.Step 6Ask students to find out the dates of the special days with the help of the Internet.The students work in groups and surf the Internet to find out the dates of the special days.SchoolWeb/Main/view.asp?zid=984To help the students to know more about the festivals in China and the Western countries. To foster the students to study through practice, participation, cooperation and communication.Task 2 Listening and speaking: Talk about birthdays, listen and fill in the dates.StepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityReasonsStep 1Ask the students about their and their parents birthdays.Answer the question. For example, “My birthday is on September 5th.” “My mothers birthday is on March 16th.”To get the students familiar with the structure “When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday? ” and lead in to the next step-speaking.Step 2Ask the students to talk about their friends, parents, grandparents , uncles and teachers birthdays in pairs.Students work in pairs to talk about their friends, parents, grandparents , uncles and teachers birthdays. To help the students to practice the structure “When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday? ”and care for the people around them.Step 3Ask the students to find out their group members birthdays and ages.Move around the classroom offering help as needed.Students work in groups to find out their group members birthdays and ages. They can take notes. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest.To provide speaking practice with the target language. To learn to cooperate in groups. To help students command the key function and get ready for the next listening task.Step 4.Play the sound file about some famous people on the CAI. Check the answers.Students listen and fill in the blanks. eg.“Thomas Edisons birthday is on February 11th, 1847.”To train the students listening and writing abilities. To consolidate the key structure.Task 3 Practice and act out: Do 3a, 3b, make up dialogues and act out.StepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityReasonsStep 1Ask the students to do 3a. Check the answers and ask why.Match the questions and answers on their own. Check the answers and explain why.To consolidate the use of structure in different situations.Step 2Ask the students to do 3b. Check the answers and ask the students to work in pairs and act out.Fill in the blanks by themselves. Check the answers. Work in pairs. Several pairs act out. To provide more chances for students to practice their oral English. To help students get more familiar with the target language by doing this task.To educate the students to love the people around them. Step 3.Teach 2e. Play the sound file on the CAI. Ask the students to listen and read. Then fill in the blanks.The students listen and read. Then fill in the blanks. Check the answers.To give the students the opportunity to use the target language in a controlled manner.Step 4Ask the students to work in groups. Have a birthday party. Act out.The students work in groups. Have a birthday party. Act out.To enable students to communicate with partners by using target languages. To cultivate the students performing ability.Step 5Ask the students to work in groups. Play a guessing game “Whos she / he?” Students work in groups. He / She is years old. His / Her birthday is He / She likes His / Her mothers birthday is He / She likes (numbers / food/colors/sports)Whos she / he?To encourage all the students to participate the class activities and practice their oral English.Step 6Ask the students to summarize the key points in this lesson.Summarize the key points in this lesson.To cultivate the students inductive learning ability.Step 7Assign homework.1. Write a dialogue like 2e.2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.To develop the students writing skills.To consolidate the key structure in this period.课堂实录(Class memoir):(T: teacher, S: student; Ss: students)Task 1 Warming up and reviewing: Go over the months, ordinal numbers and dates.When the bell rings, the students sing an English song-“The Months”. Then ask a student on duty to do everyday report. After that, the teacher begins to present.T: Lets count the numbers from one to thirty-one.Ss: One, two, three, four.T: I say “one”, you say “first”, understand? (Flash “one” on the CAI)Ss: Yes!T: Five.S1: Fifth.T: Twenty.S2: Twentieth. .T: How many months are there in a year? Ss: There are twelve months in a year.T: What are they?Ss: They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.T: Lets play a guessing game. OK? Ss: OK!T: What month is it? Please say something about it. (Present one month “February” on the CAI. One student faces the class, the other students describe the month on the PPT to help guess the month of the year) S2: Its cold.S3: Its in winter.S4: Spring festival is usually in it.S5: Its after January.S1: Is it February? (The student facing the class can guess)Ss: Yes! You are right!T: What month is it? Please say something about it. (Present “July” on the CAI. One student faces the class, the other students describe the month on the PPT to help guess the month of the year) S7: Its hot.S8: We can go swimming.S9: People can wear T-shirts and skirts.S10: Its between June and August.S6: Is it July? (The student facing the class can guess)Ss: Yes! You are right!.After six guesses, the teacher shows all the months on the CAI. Let the students read the twelve months in chorus. T: Now lets have a competition. Say the twelve months backwards. Lets see who can do it fastest! We need one timekeeper.S11: December, November, OctoberJanuary!S12: It took him 25 seconds.After several backward-saying, find out who is the winner. T: When is Christmas Day?S13: Its on December 25th.T: There are some special dates in the twelve months. Please work in groups and find them out.The students work in groups and surf the Internet to find out the dates of the special days. Fill in the form. Then give a report in class. (世界重要传统节日英语表达法).MonthsSpecial daysDates1. JanuaryNew Years DayJanuary 1st 2. Februarythe Spring Festival the first day of Chinese lunar New Year(农历正月初一)Valentines Day February 14th3. MarchWomens DayMarch 8th4. AprilApril Fools Day April 1st5. MayMay Day May 1stMothers Daythe second Sunday in May6. JuneChildrens DayJune 1stFathers Daythe third Sunday in June7. JulyPartys DayJuly 1st8. AugustArmys Day August 1st9. SeptemberTeachers DaySeptember 10th10. OctoberNational Day October 1st11. NovemberThanksgiving Daythe fourth Thursday in November12. DecemberWorld Aids DayDecember 1stInternational Volunteer Day (IVD) December 5thChristmas DayDecember 25thTask 2 Listening and speaking: Talk about birthdays, listen and fill in the dates.T: When is your birthday? S: My birthday is on September 5th.T: When is your mothers birthday?S: Her birthday is on March 16th.T: Now please talk about your friends, parents, grandparents, uncles and teachers birthdays in pairs.Students work in pairs to talk about their friends, parents, grandparents, uncles and teachers birthdays. “When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday? ”.T: Please find out your group members birthdays and ages. Line up from the youngest to the oldest.Ss: (Students work in groups to find out their group members birthdays and ages. They can take notes. Then line up from the youngest to the oldest.)RankNameAgeBirthday Teacher moves around the classroom, offering help as needed.T: Please look at the CAI. Who are they?Ss: Thomas Edison, Lu Xun and Yao Ming.T: They are all great people. Please listen and fill in the blanks.1. Thomas Edisons birthday is on February 11th, 1847.2. Lu Xuns birthday is on September 25th, 1881.3. Yao Mings birthday is on September 18th, 1980.(The tapescript is as follows:This is Thomas Edison. His birthday is February 11th, 1847. He was one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century. And this is Lu Xun. His birthday is September 25th, 1881. He was a great writer, and Chinese people love his works. This is Yao Ming. His birthday is September 18th, 1980. He is a famous Chinese basketball player. He is also an international basketball star. He played in the NBA.)Check the answers.Task 3 Practice and act out: Do 3a, 3b, make up dialogues and act out.T: Please turn to Page 45. Do 3a. Students match the questions and answers on their own. Check the answers and explain why.T: Please do 3b. Students complete the conversation. Check the answers.T: Please work in pairs and act out.Students make up dialogues, then act out. Ss: (Two or three groups come to the front to act out.)T: Please look at 2e. Read and fill in the blanks. NameAgeBirthday (party)Billthirteenin AugustAlantwelveat three this afternoonStudents read and fill in the blanks. Check.T: Please listen and read. (Teacher plays the sound file on the CAI.)Students listen and read.T: Please work in groups. Have a birthday party. Act out.Students work in groups. Have a birthday party. Act out.T: (Go around the classroom to offer help when necessary.) T: Lets play a guessing game “Whos she / he?”Ss: (Students work in groups. )S1: (Describe a classmate) He / She is years old. His / Her birthday is He / She likes His / Her mothers birthday is He / She likes (numbers / food/colors/sports)Whos she / he?S2: Is he / she Li Xiaoshuang?.T: Lets summarize the key points in this lesson.Ss: Weve learned “How old are you? When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday?.”T: Good! Now homework for today. Write a dialogue like 2e. Finish the exercises in the workbook. 教学流程图Studentsacting out ingreportsSummary of the lessonStudents guessingStudents talking aboutbirthdaysStudents listeningStudents speakingStudents working in groups by surfing the InternetConsolidation (Task 3)Checking the writingsPractice of language (Task 2)Teachers leading-inWork on knowledge of language (Task 1)Presenting important words and structuresWarming-up activity (Sing a song)教 学 反 思这节课的话题贴近学生生活,主题是“表述年龄, 谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日”,按照任务型教学的要求,共设计了三个任务:从“复习十二个月份,1-31的序数词”到“谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日”,再到“表演生日聚会和猜猜他、她是谁”,内容环环相扣,结构层层递进,实现了由浅入深,由已知到未知,由知识向能力的过渡。在课堂教学中,学生的学习方式既有自主学习,又有合作学习和探究性学习,给学生提供了表现和自我发展的空间,体现了“以学生为中心”的教学原则。在本课的课堂设计上,我采用了贴近生活、贴近实际的教学方式,从学生随着优美的音乐唱“The Months”开始,复习十二个月份、1-31的序数词。为了增加挑战性,让学生倒着说出十二个月份,并且计时,看哪个学生说得又快又准。利用电脑和电子白板,做“基数词、序数词对对碰”的游戏,教师依次在屏幕上闪现基数词或序数词,当学生看到基数词时,马上说出对应的序数词,反之则说出基数词。此活动帮助学生成对记忆基数词和序数词。为考查学生的背景知识和日期表达法的运用,我列举了一些中西方节日,要求学生完成表格。学生对于拓展的节日名称,只要求学生会读并理解其含义。对于学生不熟悉的节日, 可以查阅互联网上的信息。活动3a的匹配练习,先由学生独立完成,教师追问答案依据。活动3b 的补全对话练习,也先由学生独立完成,然后让学生模仿3b的对话结构,两人一组结对活动,询问对方及其父母、朋友的生日,并请几组为全班表演。活动2e 为学生提供了完整的口语范例, 该对话将打招呼、询问年龄、询问生日日期、祝贺生日、邀请对方参加生日聚会、询问活动具体时间等多项交际功能结合在一起,在真实语境中再现了目标语言的使用。为了激发并保持学生的学习兴趣,我运用了多种训练口语、听力的方法,有结对活动、小组合作探究等活动,来培养学生口语交际和综合运用语言的能力。本课还通过教学活动,培养学生热爱生活,关注我们身边的人和事,教育学生做一个热情、善良、乐于助人的人。由于课堂时间有限,不是所有的学生都有机会上台表演对话。点 评富有创意的教学活动教学创意是课堂生活乐趣与激情的源泉,教学创意为学生有效的学习活动创造难以忘怀的意境。该课的成功之处在于教师组织富有创意的教学活动,变语言形式教学的单一功能为知、情、意教育的多功能,贴近生活,贴近实际,给人留下深刻的印象。富有创意的教学活动不仅能够吸引学生的注意力,促进学生在课堂上的真正投入,而且可以充分发挥学生的主动性。该课的主题是“表述年龄, 谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日”,教师从节奏明快的歌曲“The Months”开始,通过听、说、猜等活动,层层递进,引出该课的主题“谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日”。为了激发学生的兴趣,教师精心设计了多种教学方法,学生通过动口、动手、动脑,在活动中展示自己的才能。学生学会了谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日,掌握快的学生能在课上积极地参与到活动当中。“When is your birthday? When is your mothers birthday?” 提问和回答是这节课的重点,教师不拘泥于教材的桎梏,开发了符合学生实际的教学资源,从基本语言知识到语言综合知识的应用,层层递进,以一种循序渐进的生活化的学习程序,引导学生在活动中有目的地学习语言,让学生在真实的交际活动中,能自如地表述年龄,谈论自己或家人、朋友的生日,学生综合运用语言的能力在一系列活动中得到“升华”。教师利用电脑和电子白板,做了 “基数词、序数词对对碰”、“描述、猜测月份” 的游戏,激发了学生的学习兴趣。教师拓展了一些中西方节日,学生可以查阅互联网上的信息,按要求完成表格。体现了互联网对英语教学的支持作用。 本节课教学过程自然、紧凑,学生学习氛围活跃,是一堂高效的课。侧重对听、说技能的训练,但是关注到听说读写四项技能综合运用,同时渗透品德教育,鼓励学生建立自信、合作探究、关爱他人,很好地体现了新课程的理念。“教育的艺术是使学生喜欢你所教的东西”,富有创意的教学活动,不仅起到内驱和强化的作用,而且使学生在学习中获得快乐。(点评者:湖北省宜昌市第三中学英语组全体老师)


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