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Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation Third Edition,Peter D. Mary LeaGregory A.Xiao-Jun EastonMcAnallySommersZhang,Module 1: Framework for Analysis and Valuation,Berkshire Hathaways Acquisition Criteria,Large purchases (and large pretax earnings). Demonstrated consistent earning power (future projections are of no interest to us, nor are turnaround situations). Businesses earning good returns on equity while employing little or no debt. Management in place (we cant supply it). Simple businesses (if theres lots of technology, we wont understand it). An offering price (we dont want to waste our time or that of the seller by talking, even preliminarily, about a transaction when price is unknown).,3,4 Steps in Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation,4,Step 1: Business Environment and Accounting Information,5,Financial Accounting Information: Demand & Supply,Demand for financial accounting information extends to numerous users that include: Managers and employees Investment analysts and information intermediaries Shareholders and directors Customers and strategic partners Regulators and tax agencies Voters and their representatives,6,Supply of Accounting Information,Primary SEC filing requirements Form 10-K: annual Form 10-Q: quarterly Benefits of disclosure Lower costs of funds and labor Economic benefits form reliable disclosures Costs of disclosure Preparation and dissemination, competitive disadvantages, litigation potential, and political costs,7,International Accounting Standards and Convergence,The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) oversees the development of accounting standards for a vast number of countries outside the U.S. At a joint meeting in 2002, the FASB and the IASB each acknowledged their commitment to the development of high-quality, compatible accounting standards that could be used for both domestic and cross-border financial reporting. At that meeting, both the FASB and IASB pledged to use their best efforts to (a) make their existing financial reporting standards fully compatible as soon as practicable and (b) to coordinate their future work programs to ensure that once achieved, compatibility is maintained.,8,GAAP vs. IFRS,Are financial statements prepared under IFRS substantially different from those prepared under U.S. GAAP? Both are prepared using accrual accounting and utilize similar conceptual frameworks. Both require the same set of financial statements: a balance sheet, an income statement, a statement of cash flows, a statement of stockholders equity, and a set of explanatory footnotes. The differences are typically technical in nature, and do not differ on broad principles discussed in this book.,9,IFRS Insight,10,Financial Statements,11,The Accounting Equation,12,Berkshire Hathaways Balance Sheet,13,Walgreens,IFRS Insight,15,Investing Activities,16,Financing Activities,17,Initial Questions about the Balance Sheet,Many investment-type companies such as Berkshire Hathaway and high-tech companies such as Cisco Systems carry high levels of cash. Why is that? Is there a cost to holding too much cash? Is it costly to carry too little cash? The relative proportion of short-term and long-term assets is largely dictated by companies business models. Why is this the case? Why is the composition of assets on balance sheets for companies in the same industry similar? By what degree can a companys asset composition safely deviate from industry norms?,18,Initial Questions about the Balance Sheet continued,What are the trade-offs in financing a company by owner versus nonowner financing? If nonowner financing is less costly, why dont we see companies financed entirely with borrowed money? How do shareholders influence the strategic direction of a company? How can long-term creditors influence strategic direction? Most assets and liabilities are reported on the balance sheet at their acquisition price, called historical cost. Would reporting assets and liabilities at fair values be more informative? What problems might fair-value reporting cause?,19,Income Statement,An income statement reports on operating activities. It lists amounts for sales (and revenues) less all expenses (and costs) over a period of time. Sales less expenses yield the “bottom-line” net income amount.,20,Berkshire Hathaways Income Statement,21,Net Income as a Percent of Sales,22,Walgreens,23,Initial Questions about the Income Statement,Assume that a company sells a product to a customer who promises to pay in 30 days. Should the seller recognize the sale when it is made or when cash is collected? When a company purchases a long-term asset such as a building, its cost is reported on the balance sheet as an asset. Should a company, instead, record the cost of that building as an expense when it is acquired? If not, how should a company report the cost of that asset over the course of its useful life? Manufacturers and merchandisers report the cost of a product as an expense when the product sale is recorded. How might we measure the costs of a product that is sold by a merchandiser? By a manufacturer?,24,Initial Questions about the Income Statement continued,If an asset, such as a building, increases in value, that increase in value is not reported as income until the building is sold, if ever. What concerns arise if we record increases in asset values as part of income, when measurement of that increase is based on appraised values? Employees commonly earn wages that are yet to be paid at the end of a particular period. Should their wages be recognized as an expense in the period that the work is performed, or when the wages are paid? Companies are not allowed to report profit on transactions relating to their own stock. That is, they dont report income when stock is sold, nor do they report an expense when dividends are paid to shareholders. Why is this the case?,25,Statement of Equity,The statement of equity reports on changes in the accounts that makeup equity Contributed capital Earned capital (retained earnings and accumulated other comprehensive income) Other (typically accumulated other comprehensive income and minority or noncontrolling interest),26,Berkshire Hathaways Statement of Stockholders Equity,27,Walgreens,28,Statement of Cash Flows,The statement of cash flows reports on cash flows for operating, investing, and financing activities over a period of time.,29,Walgreens,Initial Questions about the Statement of Cash Flows,What is the usefulness of the statement of cash flows? Do the balance sheet and income statement provide sufficient cash flow information? What types of information are disclosed in the statement of cash flows and why are they important? What kinds of activities are reported in each of the operating, investing and financing sections of the statement of cash flows? How is this information useful? Is it important for a company to report net cash inflows (positive amounts) relating to operating activities over the longer term? What are the implications if operating cash flows are negative for an extended period of time?,31,Initial Questions about the Statement of Cash Flows continued,Why is it important to know the composition of a companys investment activities? What kind of information might we look for? Are positive investing cash flows favorable? Is it important to know the sources of a companys financing activities? What questions might that information help us answer? How might the composition of operating, investing and financing cash flows change over a companys life cycle? Is the bottom line increase in cash flow the key number? Why or why not?,32,Financial Statement Linkages,The income statement and the balance sheet are linked via retained earnings. Retained earnings, contributed capital, and other equity balances appear both on the statement of stockholders equity and the balance sheet. The statement of cash flows is linked to the income statement as net income is a component of operating cash flow.,33,Financial Statement Linkages for Berkshire Hathaway,The income statement and the balance sheet are linked via retained earnings. For Berkshire Hathaway, the $13,213 million increase in retained earnings (reported on the balance sheet) equals its net income (reported on the income statement) plus a $28 million adjustment relating to adoption of a new accounting standard. Berkshire Hathaway did not pay dividends in 2007. Retained earnings, contributed capital, and other equity balances appear both on the statement of stockholders equity and the balance sheet. The statement of cash flows is linked to the income statement as net income is a component of operating cash flow. The statement of cash flows is also linked to the balance sheet as the change in the balance sheet cash account reflects the net cash inflows and outflows for the period.,34,Information Beyond Financial Statements,Management Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) Independent Auditor Report Financial Statement Footnotes Regulatory Filings and Proxy Statements,35,Value Chain Model,Primary Activities Inbound logistics Operations Outbound logistics Marketing and Sales Servicing,Support Activities Firm infrastructure Human resource management Technology/product development Procurement,36,Value Chain,37,Competitive Analysis,Industry competition Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Threat of substitution Threat of entry,38,Five Forces of Competitive Intensity,39,SWOT Analysis,40,Step 2: Adjusting and Assessing Financial Information,Financial Accounting is not an exact science GAAP allows companies choices in preparing financial statements (inventories, property, and equipment). Companies must choose among the alternatives that are acceptable under GAAP. Financial statements also depend on countless estimates.,41,Sarbanes-Oxley Act,The SEC requires the CEO and CFO of a company to personally sign a statement attesting to the accuracy and completeness of the companys financial statements. The statements signed by both the CEO and CFO contain the following commitments: Both the CEO and CFO have personally reviewed the annual report. There are no untrue statements of a material fact that would make the statements misleading. Financial statements fairly present in all material respects the financial condition of the company. All material facts are disclosed to the companys auditors and board of directors. No changes to its system of internal controls are made unless properly communicated.,42,Profitability Analysis,43,Profit Margin, Asset Turnover, and Return on Assets for Selected Industries,44,Step 3: Forecasting Financial Numbers,The theoretical linkage between earnings and stock prices is as follows: current earnings predict future earnings future earnings help determine expected future dividends these future dividends, when discounted, determine current stock price,45,Studies find: excess annual returns of around 10-25% for earnings increases 10-25% negative returns for earnings decreases,Future Earnings and Excess Returns,46,Step 4: Company Valuation,In most cases, we think of the worth of a company as the current value of expected payoffs. Modules 12, 13, and 14 describe how to compute value using dividends, cash flows, and earnings as the payoffs. Market-based valuation is described in Module 15.,47,Appendix 1A: Accessing SEC Filings,48,Accessing SEC Filings,49,Accessing SEC Filings,50,Accessing SEC Filings,51,Accessing SEC Filings,52,Appendix 1B: Oversight of Financial Accounting,SEC oversees all publicly traded companies Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB),53,Audit Report,Financial statements are managements responsibility. Auditor responsibility is to express an opinion on those statements. Auditing involves a sampling of transactions, not investigation of each transaction. Audit opinion provides reasonable assurance that the statements are free of material misstatements, not a guarantee. Auditors review accounting policies used by management and the estimates used in preparing the statements. Financial statements present fairly, in all material respects a companys financial condition, in conformity with GAAP.,54,55,56,57,End Module 1,


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