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初三年英语总复习知识要点九年级(下)Unit 5-6Unit 5Learning About China一、 重点词组1. in detail详细的2. 4000 meters above sea level海拔4000米3. Its said that据说4. tourists from home and abroad国内外的游客5. lose oneself in沉浸于6. Whats more此外7. have a chance to do sth有机会做某事8. a fantastic place美仑美奂的地方9. tourist attraction旅游胜地10. regard A as B把A看做B11. as we know, as you know众所周之12. protectfrom抵御,阻挡,保护不受侵害13. be made of由制成(能看得出原材料),be made from由制成(不能看得出原材料),14. be proud of以而自豪15. below zero零度以下16. be covered with被所覆盖17. do outdoor activities做户外活动18. be/get used to doing sth习惯于做某事19. in the field of education在教育领域20. in the year 551B.C在公元前551年21. wise ideas and thoughts真知灼见22. the importance of learning and thinking学习和思考的重要性23. receive/get/have a good education接受良好的教育24. at the age of 55在55岁的时候25. in ones twenties / thirties / forties / fifties/ sixties/ seventies/ eighties/ ninties在某人20/30/40/50/60/70/80/90多岁的时候26. pass away去世27. search for搜寻28. the rest of life余生29. Its hard to believe.难以置信30. die of死于31. in total总共32. take an active part in积极参加33. overseas Chinese海外华人34. Chinese students abroad中国留学生35. set up创立36. bring down推翻37. break down from由于而(健康)变得恶劣38. show sb around + 地点:带领某人参观39. a/the symbol of : 的象征40. play an important part/role in在中起重要作用,扮演重要角色41. encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事42. promise to do sth:答应、许诺做某事43. in order to do sth:为了做某事44. fight against反抗45. in memory of为了纪念二、 重点句型1. China is a great country that /which has about 5000 years of history.2. Its Mount Tai that / which lies in Shandong Province.3. Thats the most fantastic place (that) I have ever heard of.4. He was a great thinker who had many wise ideas and thoughts about human nature and behavior.5. He was a Ming dynasty explorer (whom/who) the Chinese people are proud of.6. He was also a famous philosopher whose wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.7. We can go to either Beihai Park or Shichahai Park.8. Both my father and I like it a lot.9. Neither my mother nor my father likes it, but I like it very much.10. Its/It has been + 时间+since+一般过去时态的时间状语从句,“自从已经有时间了”e.g. Its 2 years since Mr. and Mrs. Green came to China.三、 语法精讲知识分析定语从句1定语从句:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的句子(从句),作定语用。 定语从句所修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句作定语放在先行词的后面。 引导定语从句的词有关系代词that, which, who(宾格whom, 所有格whose)和关系副词when, where, why。关系代词或关系副词放在先行词和定语从句之间,既起连接作用,同时又作定语从句的一个成分。 e.g.I cant find the book (that) I bought yesterday.(作宾语)我找不到我昨天买的书。The girl who is standing on the stage is my sister.(作主语)站在台上的那位女孩是我妹妹。Madam Curie was a great scientist whose name is known all over the world.(作定语)居里夫人是一位全世界闻名的伟大的科学家。2关系代词的用法指物的关系代词(1)that 指物,有时也指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。(2)which指物,不指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。注意:当that, which在定语从句中作主语时不能省略;而作宾语时则可以省略。e.g.West Lake that/which lies in Hangzhou is one of the most famous lakes in China.位于杭州的西湖是中国最有名的湖泊之一。(作主语,指物,不可省略)The coat (which/that) I put on the desk is black.我放在桌上的那件大衣是黑色的。(作宾语,可省略)指人的关系代词1who指人,that也可指人,在从句中作主语或宾语。作主语不能省略,作宾语可省略。e.g.The teacher who / that spoke at the meeting just now is having a rest in his office.刚才在会上讲话的老师正在他办公室休息。(作主语,不可省略)2whom指人,为who的宾格形式,在句中只作宾语。其前没有介词时,也可用who/that替换使用,也可省略。e.g.The girl (who / whom / that) I like isnt here now.我喜欢的那个女孩现在没在这儿。(作宾语,可省略)The doctor with whom she went to the United States last month is very famous.上月与她同去美国的那位医生非常有名。(作介词宾语,介词with提到whom前,whom在此不能省略,也不能用who代替)3whose指人,也可指物,在从句中作定语,不可省略。e.g.The girl whose father is a doctor is our classmate.她父亲是医生的那女孩是我们的同学。(作定语,不能省略)只用that引导的定语从句:1先行词是不定代词all, everything, nothing, anything, much, little, few等时。e.g.Is there anything (that) you dont understand?你还有不懂的地方吗?2先行词被all, every, any, no, little, much等修饰时。e.g.I want to read all the books that were written by Lu Xun.我想把鲁迅的书全读完。3先行词被序数词及形容词最高级修饰时。e.g.This is the best book (that) I have ever read.这是我读过的最好的书。4先行词被the only, the very, the last, the same修饰时,(当先行词是人时,也可用关系代词who, whom)e.g.He is the only person that/who can help you out.他是唯一一个能帮你的人。5当有两个或两个以上分别表示人或物的先行词时。e.g.We are talking about the people and the things (that) we have visited in this country.我们正在谈论在这个国家所见过的人和事。6关系代词做定语从句be的表语时。that通常省略。e.g.The city is no longer the one (that) it used to be.这个城市不再是原来的样子了。7主句是以who, what, which开头的特殊问句时。e.g.Who is the person that is making this lecture?是谁正在做报告?注:关系代词前有介词时只用which,不能用that。 e.g. When someone hurts you, you should write it in the sand from which the wind can erase it easily.当有人伤害你时,你应该把它写在沙子里,风能够很容易把它抹掉。并列连词1both and两者都;既又;不仅而且(1)连接主语,谓语用复数形式。Both Kangkang and Susanna are in the same school.康康和苏珊娜在同一所学校。(2)连接谓语。 I can both speak and write English. 我既能说英语又能写英语。注意:both and 的否定用neither nor: He can speak both English and French. 他既能说英语又能说法语。否定:He can speak neither English nor French. 他既不会说英语也不会说法语。2neither nor两者都不;既不也不(1)连接主语,谓语动词与邻近的主语单复数保持一致。Neither he nor I am from China.他和我都不是中国人。(2)连接谓语 I neither like playing computer games nor like watching TV. 我既不喜欢玩电脑游戏也不喜欢看电视。3either or或或;是还是;不是就是(1)连接主语,谓语动词与邻近的主语单复数保持一致。Either you or he goes to school by bike.或者是你或者是他骑车去上学。(2)连接谓语 You can either go to school or stay at home. 你要么去上学,要么待在家里。4not only but also不但而且(1)连接主语,谓语动词与邻近的主语单复数保持一致。Not only you but also he speaks Japanese in our class.我们班不仅你说日语,而且他也说日语。(2)连接谓语 Tom not only speaks English but also speaks Japanese at school. 汤姆在学校不仅说英语而且还讲日语。四、 词语辨析1. There are a great number of rivers in China. (Page 1)中国有许多河流。 a number of 意思是“一些,许多”,后接可数名词的复数(或人称代词的复数),谓语动词也用复数形式。另外,a number of 可以与large, small, great, good等形容词连用,如:a large number of, a great number of, a good number of。但是the number of的意思是“的数目”,当其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:The number of the students in our school is 1500.我们学校学生数目是1500.2. Its Mount Tai that/which lies in Shandong Province. (Page 2) 泰山位于山东省内。 lie意为“平躺”时,过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别是:lay, lain, lying。lie意为“说谎”时,过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别是:lied, lied, lying。3. He is really the pride of China. (Page 11) 他的确是中国的骄傲。the pride of的骄傲如:Deng Yaping is the pride of China. 邓亚萍是中国的骄傲。be proud of 以而骄傲He won the basket match. His classmates are proud of him.他赢了篮球赛。他的同学为他感到骄傲。4. He encouraged people to carve their suggestions on it, and Yao promised to follow the good ones. (Page 18) 他鼓励人们把建议刻在上面,并且他允诺要采纳好的建议。(1)promise作动词后跟动词不定式、名词和从句。如:I promise not to tell anyone.我保证不告诉任何人。They have promised their support.他们已答应给予支持。They promised (that) the work would all be finished by next week.他们保证到下星期完成全部工作。(2)promise作名词,give/ make a promise许下诺言;keep a promise信守承诺;break a promise违背诺言。如:If you make a promise, you should not break it.你如果许下了诺言,就不应食言。5. bring/take/get/carry/fetch1) bring 和 take 可以看做反义词。 bring 表示“带来,拿来(到说话人处)”,take 表示“带去,带走”。“把某物带去给某人”是 take sth. to sb. 如:Why didnt you bring your daughter here ? 为什么不把你的女儿带来呢?She took the CD to Tom . 她把CD带给了汤姆。Please bring your dictionary here tomorrow . 明天请把你的字典带来。Please take your paper there tomorrow. 明天请把你的论文带到那里去。2) get 本身表示“得到,拿到”,常用于 go and get 结构中,意为“去拿,去找,去请,取来”等。get sth. back 表示“取回某物”。如:Please go and get some drink . 去拿些饮料来。Go and get a doctor quickly . 快去请医生。Would you get the bread back for me ? 你能为我把面包取回来吗?3) carry 表示“搬运,携带,运送”,指用车辆、船舶、飞机、人畜等式逻辑将某物从一地搬到另一地,不表示方向。另外,空气、水、电携带物也用 carry 。 如:The truck can carry several tons of goods . 这辆卡车能运载几吨货物。She carried the box downstairs . 她把箱子搬到楼下去了。The air carries fragrance of rose . 空气中飘来了玫瑰花香。 “身上带钱”可用 carry 也可用 take 。 如:She took a lot of money with her . 她身上带着许多钱。He always carries some money about him . 他身上总是带着钱。4)fetch 表示“去取来,去拿来”,指先去,再拿来,有一个往返过程。如:Please fetch me some water . 请给我弄点儿水来。Please fetch some bread for us . 请给我们弄些面包来。6. across/through 穿过二者都可以表示“穿过”,across 与 on 有关,表示动作在物体的表面进行,从一边到另一边;through 与 in 有关,表示动作从物体中间穿过。如:He walked across the fields . 他从田野上走过。He walked through the forest . 他从森林中穿过。五、 作文话题:1. 仿照课文西湖、香港、澳门和台湾,介绍一个你喜欢的地方。2. 仿照课文孔子、郑和、孙中山,介绍一个中外历史人物。3. 给你的朋友玛丽写一封电子邮件,向她介绍中国的茶文化或中国的象棋。Unit 6Entertainment and Friendship一、 重点词组1. in ones spare time在某人业余时间2. win a prize获奖,赢得奖项3. be tired of doing厌倦做某事4. in a tired voice 以一种疲惫的声音5. be ready to do sth准备好做某事6. depend on依靠,取决于7. pay attention to sb / sth / doing sth注意某人、某事、做某事8. at times有时9. on one hand, on the other hand一方面,另一方面10. have an influence on sth对有影响11. keepaway from保持远离12. have (positive) effects on对有效果13. Its a waste of time to do sth浪费时间做某事14. make up ones mind to do sth下定决心做某事15. in ones view在某人看来16. fight against反抗,与作斗争17. protect sb from保护某人不受的伤害、侵害18. cant help doing sth忍不住,情不自禁19. turn into把变成20. the reason why.的原因21. have an argument (with sb) (与某人)争吵22. slap sb. in the face 打了某人一记耳光23. keep on doing sth. 继续做某事24. get stuck in sth.陷入25. erasefrom 从当中擦掉/抹掉26. set free 释放,解放27. a graduation ceremony毕业典礼28. prepare for为做准备29. first of all首先30. sothat如此以至于31. give speeches演讲32. think back to 回想33. one another=each other互相,彼此34. see sb off为某人送行35. dozens of 几十个,许多36. As the saying goes.正如谚语所说37. a large package of一大包38. in total 总共39. in the open air在户外40. chat with与聊天41. come to an end结束42. keep in touch with与保持联系43. continue to do sth继续做某事44. in time及时45. promise to do sth许诺、承诺做某事二、 重点句型1. I would rather watch TV plays than sports shows.2. Every dog has its day.3. I prefer Human and Nature to Soccer Night.4. The way he showed things in the distance is different from the way Gu Kaizhi did.5. One tree cant make a forest.6. Perhaps thats the reason why we admire them.7. Its a piece of a cake.8. Where there is a will, there is a way.9. Its the thought that counts.10. If so, I want to beg your pardon.三、 词语辨析1. in the end, at the end of, by the end ofin the end: at last“最后,终于”, e.g. He won the prize at last.at the end of“在末尾、尽头”,e.g. at the end of the term/the road/this yearby the end of“到末为止”,常用于完成时,e.g. By the end of last month, he had wrote 15 poems.2. a / the symbol of, stand fora / the symbol of名词词组,“的象征”e.g. Dragons are the symbol of Chinese people.stand for动词词组,“象征着” e.g. This kind of birds stands for peace.3. would rather do A than do B, prefer to would rather do A than do B“宁愿做A这件事不愿做B这件事”,e.g. He would rather swim than run. prefer A to B“更喜欢A不喜欢B”, e.g. He prefers tea to coffee. prefer doing A to doing B “宁愿做A这件事不愿做B这件事”, e.g. He prefers swimming to running.4. keep on doing sth, keepaway from, keepfrom doing sth, keepdoing sthkeep on doing sth, “继续,反复做某事”,on用来强调动作的反复进行,e.g. Its raining hard, but the farmers are keeping on working in the field.keepaway from, “避免接近,远离,使离开”, e.g. Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks.keepfrom doing sth, “阻止做某事”,e.g. You must keep the boy from smoking.keepdoing sth, “让做某事”,e.g. He often keeps me waiting for long.


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