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初三英语月考试卷笔试部分( 共七大题)V选择填空。(15分) ( )21. - one who is sitting next to the door is our new English teacher. - Great. She is one of best teachers in our school. A. The; / B. The; the C. / ; the D. / ; / ( ) 22. - Do you mind waiting for a moment? Im busy this problem . - Not at all. I can wait. A. break off B. be angry with C. dealing with D. chatting with ( ) 23 . - Do you learn English by watching English-language videos? - No. Its _ hard _ understand the voices. A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. both; and ( )24. - Oh! Jack. dont you know me? Im Marco. - You are Marco? You very short, but now you are so tall. A. used to B. used to be C. use to D. be used to ( ) 25. - where would you like to go for your next holiday? - I havent decided. Its very difficult _ me _ a decision. A. of; making B. of; to make C. for; making D. for; to make ( )26. - I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive? - I agree. They arent _. A. young enough B. enough old C. serious enough D. enough serious ( )27. - How can we make our village more beautiful? - More trees and grass _ every year. A. should be planted B. should plant C. plant D. plants ( )28.-Im sorry your camera was taken _ yesterday, so Ive come to return it. A with mistake B by mistake C with mistakes D by mistakes ( )29.- I often worry about my exams. What should I do? - If I _ you, I _ study hard every day. A. were; will B. were; would C. was; will D. was; would ( )30.- _a top student in my class is not easy. A Be B Being C Do D Doing ( )31. - Whose English book is this? - Im not sure. But it _ be mine, mine is on my desk. A. cant B. must C. mustnt D. might ( )32. - Why didnt you go to the movie yesterday? - Because I_it before. A have seen B have washed C had seen D had watched ( )33.- _? - Its fantastic.A. How do you think of the song B. What do you think of the songC. What do you like the song D. What do you like about the song ( )34. - Why do you like this CD? - Every time when I hear it, it _ the happy time that I had. A. reminds me of B. makes me of C. lets me down D. laugh me at ( )35. - Im sorry Ive broken your pen. -_. Its an old one, I just want to get a new one. A. Youre right. B. Be careful. C. It doesnt matter. D. No way.VI.完型填空。(共15小题,计15分)From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and weekends they are free and 36 themselves. Some watch TV or go to the movies, others 37 sports. This is decided by their own 38 .There are many different ways to spend our 39 time. Almost everyone has some kind of 40 . It may be something from collecting stamps to 41 model planes. Some hobbies are very 42 , but others dont cost anything at all. Some collections are worth(值) 43 of money, others are valuable(有价值的) only to their owners. I know a man who has a coin collection worth about seven 44 dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的) fifty-cent piece which 45 him $250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On 46 hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder if they are worth any money. However, 47 my brother they are quite valuable. Nothing makes him 48 than to find a new match box for his collection. Thats what a hobby means, I think. It is something we 49 to do in our free time just for the 50 of it. The value in dollars is not important, but the pleasure it gives us is.( )36. A. live B. work C. enjoy D. play( )37. A. look like B. look up C. think about D. give up( )38. A. lives B. interests C. jobs D. things ( )39. A. working B. free C. own D. whole( )40. A. hobby B. thing C. job D. way( )41. A. make B. making C. makes D. made( )42. A. interesting B. exciting C. cheap D. expensive( )43. A. a little B. a few C. a lot D. a number( )44. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of( )45. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent( )46. A. other B. the other C. others D. the others( )47. A. to B. on C. with D. in( )48. A. happy B. happier C. happily D. happilier( )49. A. have B. need C. refuse D. like( )50. A. money B. work C. fun D. timeVII.阅读理解( 共15小题,计25分。其中51-55每小题1分,56-65每小题2分) ( A )A man went to a fast-food restaurant to buy his lunch. “Hi,” an assistant said. “May I help you?” “Id like a hamburger, large chips, and a coke,” the man said. “Anything else?” the assistant asked. “No,” the man answered. “Thats it.” “Is that for here or to go?” the assistant asked. “To go,” the man said. The assistant put the mans lunch in a bag. The man took out his money and paid for his lunch. “Thank you,” the assistant said. “Have a nice day.” The man took the bag and walked to a park. He sat down and opened the bag. He was amazed. There was no hamburger in the bag. There were no chips. There was no coke. There was only money in the baga lot of money! The man counted the money. Two thousand dollars! Why was the money in the bag? Where was the mans lunch? The manager of the fast-food restaurant needed to go to the bank. He put two thousand dollars in an envelope(信封). He put the envelope in a bag and put the bag down. The worker gave the managers bag to the man by mistake. So the manager had a hamburger, chips and a coke, and the man had two thousand dollars. What should the man do?( ) 51. The man went to a restaurant to _. A. buy his lunchB. have a restC. sell drinksD. cook food( )52. The man wanted to have his lunch _. A. in a hotelB. in a shopC. in a restaurantD. in a park( )53. When the man opened the bag, he found _ in it.A. foodB. drinkC. moneyD. nothing( )54. _ couldnt find his money. A. The manB. The manager C. The assistantD. Nobody ( )55.From the passage, which one is RIGHT?A. The man wanted to get some money from the fast-food restaurant.B. The assistant worked very carefully.C. The story happened at night.D. The manager needed to go to the bank.( B )A man walked into a doctors examining room. “Put out your tongue,” the doctor said. The man put out his tongue, and the doctor looked at it quickly. “OK. You can put your tongue back now,” the doctor said. “Its clear whats wrong with you. You need more exercise. ” “But, doctor,” the man said,” I dont think” “Dont tell me what you think,”the doctor said.“I am the doctor,not you. I know what you need. I seehundreds of people like you. None of them get any exercise. They sit in offices all day and in front of the TVin the evening. What you need is to walk quickly for at least 20 minutes a day. ” “Doctor, you dont understand,”the patient said. “I” “I dont want to hear any excuses,”the doctor said. “You must find time for exercise. If youdont,you will get fat and have health problems when you are older. ”“But I walk every day,”the patient said. “h,yes,and I know what kind of walking that is. You walk a few feet to the train stationfrom your house,a few more feet from the station to your office,and a few more feet from youroffice to a restaurant for lunch and back. That is not real walking. Im talking about a walk in thepark for twenty minutes every day. ”“ill you listen to me, doctor!” the patient shouted, getting angry with his doctor who thought he knew everything. “Im a mailman,” the patient went on, “and I walk for seven hours every day! “For a moment the doctor was silent, then he said quietly , “Put your tongue out again, will you?”56. At first the doctor asked the man . ( ) A. to walk to work B. to exercise C. to show his tongue D. to see hundreds of other patients57. The doctor would not . ( ) A. tell the patient what was wrong with him B. let the patient speak C. look at the mans tongue D. let the patient watch TV58. The doctor told the patient that he ( ) A. should get more exercise B. should stop making excuses C. should watch more TV D. was already too fat59. The patient was very when he heard what the doctor told him to do. ( ) A. angry B. happy C. interested D. tired60. The doctor . ( ) A. gave him some good advice B. walked seven hours a day C. was really a mailman D. knew that he was wrong at last ( C ) Read the tables below and choose the right answers:Hours Monday-Thursday; 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Friday: 10:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.Saturday: 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Sunday: 11:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Closed on Thanksgiving day and Christmas day.The Museum Shop is open during regular (正常的) museum hours.(Admission to the shop is always free.)The Museum Library is open Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.The Skyliner Restaurant is open during regular(正常的) museum hours Monday through Saturday, and from 11:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. Admission (费用):Adults(成年人)$7. 00The aged and students with ID$6. 00Children ages 2 to 17$5.00Children younger than 2freeStrong Museum membersfreeStrong Museum offers a 50% discount(打折)to groups of 20 or more. ()61. Strong Museum usually opens _.A. Monday through ThursdayB. every day except WednesdayC. from Monday to FridayD. every day of the week()62. You can have dinner in Strong Museum _ on Fridays.A. from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.B. from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.C. from 11:30. a.m. to5:00 p.m.D. at any time of the day()63. If you are a group of 30 students with ID visiting Strong Museum, how much should you pay for the admission?A. $105. B. $90. C. $210. D. $180.()64. According to the advertisement above, which of the following is TRUE?A. Children to Strong Museum are free.B. An adult visiting Strong Museum should pay $7.00.C. The museum is open all the year round.D. The aged people are free to Strong Museum.()65. Which is the best that can be used in the advertisement for Strong Museum?A. Strong Museuman Exciting Place for AdultsB. Strong MuseumChildrens World for FunC. Welcome to Strong Museum for a Long HolidayD. Strong Museumthe Best Place to Spend Your Day.词汇(共10小题,计10分)A) 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词,使句子合理通顺。 66. We are supposed to s_hands when we meet someone for the first time. 67. I asked him to go to the movies with me, but he r_. 68. Most of the girls are a_ of spiders. 69. I dont like hanging out in the mall because the air isnt f_. 70. There are two disabled people. One is deaf and the other is b_. B) 根据所给的汉语意思,补全单词,使句子通顺合理。 71. Emily got _(结婚) to a famous doctor. 72. When its cloudy, I cant see the words on the blackboard _(清楚) 73. Did you _(注意到) a pickpocket on the bus just now? 74.Please dont _(扔) stones at my dog. 75. My sister _(错过)lots of lessons because of illness last term.IX。任务型阅读(5分)请认真阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容填入相关信息On the morning of August 2nd, I was careless and lost my school bag in the reading-room of our school. There were three English books and a pencil-case in it. Will the finder please send it either to the assistant or to myself? Many thanks to the finder. My bedroom is in Room 403, on the fourth floor of our school. Wei HuaInformation CardLost(寻物启示)76. When77. Where78. What79. The things inside80. the losers name。补全对话(共5小题,计5分) 根据对话内容,从方框中所给的7个选项中选出5个最佳选项补全对话,使对话连贯通顺合理。A:Are you going to leave school at the end of the term?B: 81 A: What are you going to do then?B: I want to find a job. Many jobs are offered in the newspapers.A: 82 B: I want to be a vet.A: 83 B: A man who takes care of sick animals.A: That sounds interesting! 84 B: I think so. 85 What about you?A: Im going to be a policeman.B: Great! You can help more people.A. Whats that?B. I think its Ok.C. Its important to understand them.D. Yes. This is my last year at school.E. Do you often read newspapers?F. Then youll have to talk to animals.G. Whats in your mind?. 书面表达(共15分) 小明做了一个梦.他梦见自己成为北京奥运会一名志愿者:他努力帮助来自世界各地的外国朋友.交谈中,小明让外国朋友更多地了解了北京.外国朋友感谢小明,并认为小明的英语非常好.小明很高兴,甜蜜地笑了. 要求:请求你根据设定的梦境并加以适当的想象,写一段80词左右的短文.开始语与结束语(不计入总词数)已给出。 参考词汇:try(do) ones best, find (that), way(show,take). Taxi(car,bike), on the way, talk with(about) Xiao Ming had a dream last night. In the dream, he volunteered to serve(服务) the Beijing Olympics._


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