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初一英语阶段性检测题满分 120分 时间: 90分钟第一卷 选择题 (70分)一 听力选择题(20分)(一)听字母,选出你所听到的字母。每个字母读一遍。( ) 1. A. D B. H C. K( ) 2. A. M B. I C. F( ) 3. A. B B. Q C. P( ) 4. A. J B. R C. G( ) 5. A. M B. N C. E( 二 ) 听句子, 根据所听内容选择合适的答语。 句子读一遍(5分) ( ) 6. A. I am OK. B. Fine, thanks. C. Hi, Alice!( ) 7. A. Good afternoon, Kim! B. Good morning, Kim!C. Good evening, Kim!( ) 8. A. Its a pencil. B. Its Lilys. C. Its fine.( ) 9. A. Good. B. Yes. C. OK( ) 10. A. Yes, it is. B. A pen. C. P-E-N.(三) 听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读两遍。( ) 11. The boy and the girl meet in the _ A. afternoon B. morning C. evening( ) 12. The boys name is (男孩的名字是) _ A. Li Xin B. Dong Jian C. Li Jian( ) 13. The girls name is (女孩的名字是) _. A. Li Xin B. Dong Jian C. Dong Xin( ) 14. Whats this in English? _ A. A book B. A map C. A quilt( ) 15. Can the girl spell it? (女孩会拼写它吗?) A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know. (我们不知道。)(四) 听短文,根据所听内容完成信息表。短文读两遍。注意,本题目已经改为选择题,希望同学们注意。 ( )16. The _ is Helens. A. ruler B. bike C. pen ( )17. The _ is Kates. A. ruler B. pen C. kite( )18. The map is _. A. Kates B. Bobs C. Cindys.( )19. The jacket is _.A. Kates B. Erics C. Bobs ( )20. The _ is Franks. A. key B. map C. jacket 二、单项选择题(20分)( ) 21. 选出字母顺序正确的一项: _ A. aeb B. fgh C. mcf D. xoy( ) 22. 当别人对你说:“Sit down, please.(请坐。)”时,你应该说_. A. Sorry B. Good morning C. Thanks D. Hello( ) 23. That pen is _ black. Its _ black pen. A. a ; / B. / ; a C. a ; a D. an ; a( ) 24. -Whats this ? -_. A. Its bike. B. Im Alice. C. Thank you D. Its a cup. ( )25. -Hello! -_.A. Hello! B. Im fine. C. How are you D. Good morning ( )26. 早上,上学路上遇到好友Cindy, 你跟她打招呼可以说_A. Goodbye, Cindy. B. Good morning, Cindy. C. Good afternoon, Cindy . D. Good evening , Cindy. ( )27. Whats this _? Its a key. A. at English B. in english C. in English D. In English ( )28. 英语共有_ 个英语字母, 有_个元音字母。 A. 26, 7 B. 25, 5 C. 24, 6 D. 26, 5 ( )29. 在英语词典中,下面哪个单词的页码位置最靠前面?A. listen B. yellow C. bicycle D. bag( )30. 下面哪个划线字母的读音与其他三个不同?A. pen B. spell C. bed D. evening ( )31. 下面哪个划线字母的读音与bike 中的划线字母读音相同?A . kite B. big C. it D. this ( )32. bag 中的划线字母读音与下面哪个读音不一样? _. A . map B. black C. cake D. an ( )33. This is _ map. Its _ English map.A. a, a B. an, an C. a, an D. an, a ( )34. -_. -O-R-A-N-G-E . A. Whats this ? B. Its an orange. C. Spell “orange”, please. D. hello ( )35. -_ color is your bike? -Its _. A. How, a blue B. What, a blue D. How , blue D. What , blue ( )36. I _ Mike. My bike _ black. A. am, is B. are , am C. is, is D. am, are ( )37. -Are you Tony? -_.A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am. C. Nice to meet you. D. How are you?( )38. The jacket is blue. The pen is _, too. A. red B. blue C. yellow D. black ( )39. -How is your father? -_. A. Im fine, thanks. B. He is well, thanks. C. How are you? D.Good morning ( )40. -Whats this ? -Its _. A. an jacket B. an orange C. a English book D. key 三 、完形填空题(10分)A: Good afternoon, Tom! B: Good _41_ , Kate!A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you , _42_ .A: How _43_ you ? B: Im _44_ , thanks. _45_ you?A: Im OK. Whats this in _46_? B: Its a _47_.A: _48_ it , please. B: C-H-A-I-R.A: What color is it? B: Its _49_.A: Thank _50_. B: Youre welcome.( ) 41. A. morning B. evening C. afternoon D. night ( ) 42. A. please B. too C. hi D. two( ) 43. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 44. A. good B. nice C. here D. fine( ) 45. A. In B. Thanks C. And D. and ( ) 46. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English D. French ( ) 47. A. pen B. chair C. desk D. key( ) 48. A. Spell B. Like C. Thank D. Look( ) 49. A. yellow B. and C. you D. a chair( )50. A. his B. you C. her D. our 四、阅读理解题 (20分) ( A)Cindy : Good morning, Eric!Eric: Morning, Cindy! How are you?Cindy : Fine, thank you. How are you ?Eric: Im OK. Oh, whats this in your right hand? (右手)Cindy : Its a key.Eric: Spell it, please. Cindy : K-E-Y.Eric: And whats this in your left hand?(左手)Cindy : Its a ruler.Eric: Can you spell it, please?Cindy : R-U-L-E-R, ruler, right?(对吗)Eric: Yes,you are right. ( ) 51. Its _ now. A. evening B. morning C. afternoon D. 不知道 ( ) 52. Eric is _. A. not fine B. a map C. not OK D. OK( ) 53. _ is in Cindys left hand. A. A pen B. A ruler C. A key D. A bike ( ) 54. _ is in Cindys right hand. A. A key B. A pen C. A ruler D. A bag ( ) 55. _ spells “ruler”. A. Eric B . Tom C. Cindy D. Alice ( B ) My name is Jane. Look! This is my room. (房间) My desk is brown. My chair(椅子) is brown, too. This is my pen. Its blue. That is a book. Its green and white. Its my English book. Look! What color is the schoobag(书包)? Its yellow. Whats this? Oh, its a map of the world. How beautiful (漂亮) the room is!( )56. Whats the girls name? _ A. Jane B. Alice C. Cindy D. Kate ( )57. What color is the schoolbag? A. Its red. B. Its blue. C. Its purple. D. Its yellow.( )58. What color is my desk? _ A. Black B. Yellow C. Red D. Brown ( )59. My English book is _. A. black and white B. red and green C. green and white D. red( )60. 给短文选一个合适的标题。_A. I am Jane B. My Room C. My schoolbag D. Im Mike 第二卷 非选择题 (50分)五、完成字母按读音分类表。(10分)Aa _ Jj _Ee Bb Cc Dd _ Pp Tt Vv _Ii _ Uu Qq _ _ Ll Mm _ Ss Xx Dont forget _ . 六、句型转化(10分)1. This is a map. (就划线部分提问) _ _ this ?2. This pen is yellow. (就划线部分提问) _ _ is this pen? .3. That is a green bike .(一般疑问句) _ _ a green bike? 4. Dale is fine. (就划线部分提问) _ _ Dale ?5. is ,it , dog , a, black(连词成句) _七、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词( 缩略词算一个词)。 (10分)1. 我是Gina. _ _ Gina.2. 那是一个绿色的橘子. That is _ _ orange. 3. 你的自行车什么颜色?_ _ is your bike?4. 这个用英语怎么说? Whats this _ _ ?5. 风筝是黄红相间的。 The kite is _ _ red. 八、选词填空 ,注意根据需要变化字母的大小写。(10分) this , is , am, how, what, please, English, thanks, spell, in 1. Can you _ pen? Yes, P-E-N.2. Sit down, _ .3. Alice _ a teacher. (老师)4. _ is your mother(妈妈)? She is fine, _. 5. Is this your _ book? Yes, it is. 6. Its a pen _ English. 7. _ is your name? My name is Frank.8. I _ Eric. _ is my sister, Helen. 九、作文(10分)早上Jack 在教室门口遇到Cathy, 两人相互问好, Jack 见Cathy 手上拿着一个红色杯子, 于是询问Cathy这个用英语怎么表示,并让Cathy 告诉他如何拼写。还询问了杯子的颜色,最后对Cathy 表示感谢。请根据以上提示编写对话。Jack:_Cathy:_Jack:_Cathy:_Jack:_Cathy:_Jack:_Cathy:_Jack:_Cathy:_Jack:_Cathy:_


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