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六年级上册第一、二单元知识要点语法知识:1. 祈使句:表示请求、命令、劝告、建议、号召等的句子,常省略主语you,句首用动词原形。肯定祈使句:动词原形+其他成分Listen to me carefully.否定祈使句:Dont ( never ) +动词原形+其他成分Dont be late for class next time.Dont do that again.Never leave todays work for tomorrow.Let引导的祈使句:Let+第一、三人称+(not)动词原形,表示建议做某事。Let me try again. Let Jack wait a minute.祈使句的特殊用法:No +名词/动名词 +其他No swimming!祈使句+and+简单句,表示“如果.就.”Go down the street, and youll see a cinema.祈使句+or+简单句,表示“.否则.”Be quick, or well be late.在祈使句后面,加一个问句,使语气更加委婉。Dont tell anyone, will you?祈使句的反意疑问句:Sit down please, will you ?Dont smoke in the meeting room, will you?不论祈使句是肯定句还是否定句,其简单问句都用will you?Lets go skating, shall we?Lets not watch TV before supper, shall we?Let us go shopping, will you?2. 情态动词:表示说话人的情绪、态度或语气的动词叫情态动词。情态动词本身有一定的词义,但它也和助动词一样,不能单独作谓语,情态动词后必须跟动词原形。情态动词的语法特征:A. 不能表示正在发生或已经发生的事情,只表示期待或估计某事的发生。B. 没有人称和数的变化;也没有不定式、分词等形式。C. 除ought和have 以外,后面只能接动词原形。D. need和dare等既可以做情态动词,也可以做行为动词。 need 作情态动词: 表示必须,主要用于否定句和一般疑问句中。 You neednt worry about him. 回答由need提出的一半疑问句时,肯定用must,否定用neednt. Need I finish my homework today? Yew, you must./ No, you neednt. need作行为动词: need to do You dont need to tell me the truth. 否定形式根据时态和人称用相应的主动词。 They said that they needed to go there on time. must : 否定式 mustnt must表示自己的主观看法或要求别人必须做某事。意为“必须”、“应该”。 We must learn English hard. must表示推测,意为“准是、一定”一般指可能性很大。 The woman must be Li Leis mother. must表示推测时,其否定式不用mustnt,而用cant. The door is closed. He cant be at home. mustnt表示“不可以”、“禁止”。 You mustnt play on the road. 以must开头的疑问句,肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt,意为“不必”。 Must we come to the party early? Yes, you must. / No, you neednt. must与have to的区别:must表示主观的看法,have to表示客观的需要。must只有一 种形式,而have to 有多种形式。第三人称单数现在时用has to,过去时用had to, 将来时态用will have to.3. 词性转化: care - careful (反)careless - carefully (反)carelessly a./n. adj. adj. adv. adv. act - actor -active -actively - activity v. n. adj. adv. n. noise - noisy - noisilyn. adj. adv. quiet - quietlyadj. adv.4. 易混词辨析: cross, across, through cross 动词 across 介词 “从一边到另一边” Go across the road. through 介词 “从中穿过” Go through the park. sometimes, sometime, some time, some times sometimes: adv. (频度副词)有时 He sometimes comes to see me. sometime :adv. 在某时(不确切或尚未确定) She will clean her room sometime next week. some time: 一段时间 Tom will stay with me for some time this summer. some times:几次My mother calls me some times every week. all , whole修饰单数名词或抽象名词时,它们可以互换,但次序不同:all放在the,this, that, my, your 等词之前,whole则放在之后。She works all the afternoon.She works the whole afternoon.修饰复数名词时,all的意义是“所有的”whole的意义是“整整的”,不可互换。All students will go there for meeting.It rained for two whole days.修饰地名时,whole不能直接跟地名。All Japan is happy on New Years Day.The whole of Japan is happy on New Years Day.all 可以修饰物质名词,而whole不能。He eats all the food. whole: n. 整个、整体、(可数名词)Four quarters make a whole.全部、全体、所有(只用单数形式)the whole of his lifeUnit Two语法知识:1. 一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或阶段性反复发生的动作。动词形式有两种:原形、第三人称单数1.表示一般现在时的时间词:every day / month/year/summer, in the morning/afternoon/evening, on Sunday, in July / winter2.频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never位于be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,实义动词之前。should + always + work3. 不可改变的事实或自然现象The children go to school at six.The earth goes around the sun.China is famous for the Great Wall.第三人称单数:除你、我之外的第三个人或单数的名词表示物或事she, he, it, Tom, my brother, the man with a girl, one of, every + n.(单数),each, each of, 不定代词everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone,nobody, no one, everything, something, anything, nothing,不可数名词2。词汇:一词多义1) every: (与单数名词连用,指整体中的)每一个,(指三者以上的人或物中的每一个),只用作定语。Every student knows the school rules.every表示“每隔”+名词复数The buses go every 10 minutes.every用在表示时间词前,不加介词。Tom e-mails me every week.2) end: v. 结束、终止 (反义词)beginThe road ends here.School ends at three. = School is over at three.end = be overn. (时间、事件、活动或故事等)终止、终结、结局、结尾 (反义词)beginningat the end of the weekThis story has a sad end.Lets read the book from beginning to end.末尾、尽头Turn right at the end of the road.3) back: adv. 回报、回答Could you call back later, please?adv. 向后、在后、在背面He turns and looks back.adv. 回原处、恢复原状Put the book back on the desk.adj.背后的、后面的 (反义词)frontthe back doorWe are sitting in the back row.n. (人或动物的)背部、背、腰背Do you sleep on your back or your front?n. 后部、后面、末尾We could only get seats at the back (of the room).4) kind: adj. 体贴的、慈祥的、友好的、宽容的We should be kind to the animals.be kind to sth. / sb. Its really kind of you to help me.Its / Thats + kind + of sb. to do sth. (表示谢意)kind: n. 同类的人/事物,种类What kind of house do you live?They sell all kinds of things.5) take:v. 携带、拿走、取走、运走Dont forget to take your bag with you.take sth. with sb.Take this to the bank for me, would you?take sth. / sb. to sw.拿、取、抱、握、接Can you take(= hold ) the baby for a moment?Free newspapers: please take one.拿开、取出、挪开Will you take your books off the table?He takes some keys out of his pocket.吃、喝、服(药)Do you take sugar in your coffee?Take this medicine three times a day.选中、买下、租用Ill take the grey jacket.We take a room at the hotel for two nights.记录、摘录、记下Do you take notes in the class?拍照、照相、摄影Take a picture for me, please.就座、占据(座位)Come in, take a seat.需要.时间、费时It takes about an hour to get to the airport.与名词连用,表示举动、动作等take a walk, take a wash, take a look, take a rest6) play: v. 玩耍、游戏、玩乐(不及物)A group of kids are playing with a ball in the street.play with sth. / sb.v.扮演 = act asPeter plays a bear.v. 参加比赛、(同某人)比赛play football / cardsv. 弹拨、吹奏(乐器)、演奏play the piano / violinv. 播放Play me their new CD, please.play: n. 游戏、玩耍、娱乐learning through playn. 戏剧、剧本a radio playplayer: n. 游戏者、运动员、参赛选手a game for four players7) get: v.收到,接到:I get a letter from Lucy once a week.获得,得到:Where did you get that skirt?Did you get a gift for your mother?get sth. for sb. / get sb. sth.感染上,患上,遭受.之苦:He gets really bad headaches.抵达,到达:What time did you get there? get to school8) go on 进行The students are going on a social studies field trip. go on with sth.继续做某事Tom goes on with his homework after dinner. go on doing sth.继续做(上一件事)After school we go on reading books. go on to do sth.继续做(下一件事)After I finish the kite, I go on to fly it.9) other: adj.另外,其他Tom , Bob and three other teachers are there.I cant see you now, some other time.the, my , your .+ other(指两个人或事物中的第二个)那个,另一个My other sister is a doctor.the, my, your, .+ other (指一组中其余的人或事物)I go swimming and the others play football.


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