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八年级英语词组Module1-5姓名_学号_1.want sth. 想要某物2.want to do sth. 想要做某事3.want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事4.tidy up - clean up 收拾好,整理好Tony, your bedroom is in a mess. Please tidy it up. 5.take up: 占用The sofa takes up too much room.6.untidy (adj.) “不整齐的” Sorry its a bit untidy. 不好意思, 有点乱。7.a bit: a little “有点” (即可修饰形容词或副词的 原级,也可修饰比较级)a bit of (adj.) “一点”(修饰不可数名词)8.all the time: “一直,总是”I play the violin and listen to music all the time.9.make sb. do sth. make sb. + adj.make sb. + n.Sad movies always make me cry. 10.be interested in + n. / pron. /v-ing=show/ take/ have/ feel (an) interest in “对感兴趣”Today lots of foreigners are very interested in China.11.hear sth. hear sb. do / doing sth. listen to sb./ sth. listen to sb. do sth.12.at the end of + n. “在的尽头, 在结束时”in the end “最后” = at lastGo straight on, and youll see the park at the end of the road. The boy often visits his teacher at the end of the week. They got to the top of the mountain in the end.13.such as “例如”, 后面跟所列举的名词, 代词或V-ing Many students have hobbies, such as readingand looking after animals.14.look after= take care of“照顾;照看” + sb/sth.His mother has been ill for a long time. He has to look after her at home.15.help sb. (to) do sth. “帮助某人做某事” help sb. with sth. “在某方面帮助某人” help oneself (to sth.) 自用/自取(某物) cant help doing sth. “情不自禁地做.” with ones help 在的帮助下16.spend; take ; pay; cost 表示“花费” It takes/ took sb + some time + to do sth. Sb. spend + some time/ some money + (in) doing / on sth. Sb. pay + some money + for sth. Sth. cost (sb.) + some money- What a beautiful sweater! How much did you _ for it?- 198 yuan.17.as well as “ 和; 及;既又;除以外还;”- 并列连词, 用来连接并列成分。连接并列主语时, 谓语动词与前一主语保持一致。He as well as his friends likes singing.as well as 与as well 的区别 as well = tooas well as 与not only but also的区别not only A but also B 强调B A as well as B -强调A The teacher as well as the students is coming to see you.Not only the teacher but also the students are coming to see you.18.ask sb (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不)做某事She asked us to imagine that we were in a story. 19.imagine (v.) “想象” 后接名词或代词作宾语Can you imagine life without TV or Internet? imagine 后接动词时, 动词用V-ing 形式。 Dont imagine playing in the game. Can you imagine him cooking in the kitchen? imagine sb. to be / as You just imagine him to be a great actor like Jacket Chan.20.as a result - 介词短语, “作为结果”, 一般放句首, 后面加逗号。 He works hard, as a result, he got a good mark in the exam.21.enjoy (v.) + (doing) sth. enjoyable (adj.) enjoyment 不可数名词 get enjoyment from- 从得到快乐22. success - (n.) 成功 succeed- (v.) successful-( adj.)successfully -(adv.)23. in the future与 in future的区别 in the future: “将来;未来” 。指将来的某一时间, 但不一定是从现在就立即开始。infuture: “今后;从此以后” 指从说话时开始的全部将来时间。练习:用maybe; may be; in the future; in future 填空:- What do you want to be _?- Im not sure. _an English teacher.24.Its + adj. +( for sb.)+ to do sth.对某人来说做某事是。的 Its important _ us _ improve our English.25.sometime “ 有朝一日;在某时”,指将来或过去的一个不确当的时间。 sometimes “有时”,频度副词。用于现在或过去时态中。 some times “数次” some time “一段时间”I hope to visit the USA _ in the future. 26.个人问题 personal question27.把你的回答录音 record your answers28.事实上 in fact29.几个 a couple of30.觉得 feel like31.顺便说 by the way32.whether or not “是否”用于宾语从句中; whether 是连词Ex. 我不知道是否他会来.I dont know whether hell come or not.33.in a couple of months 在几个月之后1) in + 一段时间: 多长时间之后十分钟之后 in ten minutes几个; 两个 a couple of我买了几本书. I bought a couple of books.床上有两只袜子 (sock). There are a couple of socks on the bed.34.(be) different from : 和 不同这部电影和那部电影不同。 This movie is different from that one.35.ones own: 某人自己的那是他自己的电脑. Thats his own computer.36.make friends (必用pl.) 交朋友与某人交朋友 make friends with sb.37.by the way: 顺便说一下; 顺便问一下By the way, do you like collecting anything?By the way, the meeting will start at 4.38.遥远的 far away39.害怕做 be afraid to do sth.40.因此 as a result41.No one knew who I was.No one- “ 没有人”(只指人,不指物) = nobody; 作主语时, 谓语用单数形式; 不与of 连用No one _ (be) in the room when I entered.42.None 可以指人也可以指物, 表示三者或三者以上 “没有任何人或物”; 作主语时谓语动词用单数或复数皆可;常与of 短语连用They were all very tired, but _ of them would stop to take a rest.43.lonely与alone 的区别 lonely : 孤独的(有感情色彩) alone: 独自的 (没有感情色彩)-Do you feel _ when you are _at home? - No, I always have lots of thing to do.hear sb. doing sth. 44. hear sb. do sth. - Do you often hear Wei Hua _ English in his room?- Listen! Now we can hear him _ English in his room. A. read, to read B. reading;reading C.read; reading D. to read; reading45.感到心碎 feel heart break46.担心 worry about47.象往常一样 as usual48.那时 at that moment49.转过身 turn back50.something bright and friendly形容词修饰不定代词(something, anything, nothing, anybody, somebody等), 形容词要放在不定代词后面Did you see _ in the play?A. anything interestingB. interesting anything51.使某人做某事 make sb. do sth.他使我感觉很生气. He made me feel angry.52.day by day:日复一日;一天一天地; 他长得一天比一天高. He grows higher and higher day by day.53.close to : 离 近I became closer to everyone in my class.The building is close to the tower.54.冲某人笑smile at sb.55. far away 遥远56. worry about 担心57. as usual 像往常一样58. at the moment 在那时59. without a word 一言不发60. remember doing sth. 记得做过某事61.hold the line不挂断电话,等一下62.right now现在63.at first 开始64.look out (for) 留心, 注意 留心小偷 Look out for thief.65.take sb around 领某人参观(某地) 我想带你参观我们的城市.Id like to take you around our city.66.enjoy + doing (动名词) 我喜欢和他谈论我的家庭.I enjoy talking to him about my family.67.stop to do 停止某事去做另一件事He stops to talk to his friends.68.keep doing sth 不断做某事The old man keeps thinking about his poor cat.69.Come this way. 往这边走.70.Keep studying. 不断学习.71.Dont mention it. 不客气72.I remember sitting close to the radio.remember to do记得去做remember doing记得做了73.forget to do 忘记去做forget doing忘记做了74.look down - “向下看 ” She looked down at the little girl and asked her name.look at 看 look around四周看看look after 照顾 look back向后看look for 寻找 look out 小心look forward to doing 期望look like 看起来像 look out of 向外看 look over 复习 look up 查 Can you look up the word in the dictionary.75.in person - “亲自” 他会亲自来。He will come in person.76.ask for jobs - 求职 ask for- 1) 要求得到77.seem +to be 今天我们的英语老师似乎非常高兴。 Our English teacher seems to be very happy today.78.seem 用于 It seems that的句型. 今天我们的英语老师似乎非常高兴。It seems that our English is very happy today.79.begin with “以开始”我们的课将以几个问题开始. Well begin our class with some questions.80。只能用不定式作宾语的动词:wish; refuse; promise; plan; hope; happen, decide; agree; afford等。81只能用动名词作宾语的动词: cant help; enjoy; consider; keep; mind; practice; finish等82。既可接不定式又可接动名词作宾语,但表示的含义有所不同: begin; start; continue; stop; forget; remember等83.按按钮 press the button84.回放 play back85.等某人 wait for sb.86.lend: 把东西借给别人 (借出)lend sth. to sb. borrow: 从别人那里借来东西 (借入) borrow sth. from sb. / sp. I forget to bring the ruler. Could you _ me your ruler? Im sorry, I have to _ Meimeis ruler. 87.connect to 请把鼠标和电脑连接起来。 Please connect the mouse to the computer.88.照相 take a photo89.挽救某人的生命 save ones lifeIf a snake bites you, take a photo with your mobile phone.with: 用1) 用 2) 和在一起 3) 具有; 带有 4) 携带1.Take a umbrella with you. 2.There is a house with a garden. 3.Dont play with her. 4.The little boy is writing with a pencil.90.Surprising令人惊奇的 修饰名词surprised使人感到奇怪的1.Did you hear the _ news?2.Hes _ to see his old friends.3.Its a _ advice, isnt it?4.She is _at the news.91.pick up: 拿起; 拾起; 捡起(判断正误)Please pick the book up. ( )Please pick it up. ( )Please pick up the book. ( )Please pick up it. ( )92.bite him on the handbite/ hit (击打动词)+sb.+介词+the+身体部位咬他的腿 bite him on the leg 打他的头 hit me on the head93.给照相 take a photo of 94.电脑怎么了?Whats wrong with the computer?Whats the matter with the computer?95.suggest doing sth. 建议做某事我建议我的学生每天读书。 I advise my students to read. 医生建议每天喝很多水。 The doctors suggest drinking water every day. some advice 一点意见 a piece of advice 一条意见 give advice 提出忠告 take ones advice 接受忠告 96.advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事97.be proud of 为而骄傲 His parents are proud of their son.98. Tell sb. about sth. 告诉关于 Please tell me about the accident.99.practice 练习 n. I need to do more practice. practice doing sth. Youd better practice speaking English every day.100.beat sb. 击败某人(beat beat beaten) If I beat him, Ill win the first place. 打;击 She is beating a drum.101. refuse + n./ pron.拒绝 refuse to do拒绝做 He refused to help, so we have to try our best. 102.so与such的区别。 such 是形容词, 修饰名词或名词词组, so是副词, 只能修饰形容词或副词。so 还可与表示数量的形容词many, few, much, little连用, 形成固定搭配。103.alone 单独, 只有, 通常作“单独”讲只作表语形容词。 Im not alone in doing such a thing.104.lonely孤独的, 寂寞的 Though I was alone, I was not lonely. 尽管我独自一人, 但我并不孤独105.send sb. to送某人去 His parents sent him to the countryside.106. warn sb. about sth.警告某人关于某事 The farmer warned us about snakes.warn sb. not to do警告某人不要做 The teacher warned us not to copy others homework.warn (sb.) that警告 (某人) 从句The teacher warned him dont be late again.107.too much +不可数名词太多的 There is too much water in the bottle.108.too many +可数名词 太多的 There are too many passengers on the train.109.chance 机会 Its a good chance to learn from workers. get/ have a chance 有机会 If you get a chance to go, take it. by chance=by accident偶然 I met him by chance yesterday.110.rather than 宁可, 是而不是 He ran rather than walk. 他跑步而不是步行。 He would die rather than give in.他宁死不屈。 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.宁愿做而不愿做I prefer to mend the old car rather than buy a new one. 我宁愿修这辆旧车也不愿买新的。111.so与such的区别。 such 是形容词, 修饰名词或名词词组, so是副词, 只能修饰形容词或副词。 so 还可与表示数量的形容词many, few, much, little连用, 形成固定搭配。例如: so foolish such a foolso nice a flowersuch a nice flower so many/ few flowers such nice flowers so much/little money. such rapid progressso many peoplesuch a lot of people112.sothat与suchthat之间的转换既为 so与such之间的转换。 1. She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves her. 2. She is such a lovely girl that everyone loves her.她是如此可爱的一个女孩,以至每个人都喜欢她。3. This story is so interesting that I want to read it again. 4. It is such an interesting story that I want to read it again. (这个故事如此有趣以至我想再读一次。)113.can和be able to都表示能力, 意思上没多大区别。时态区别: can只有现在和过去时, 而be able to则有更多的形式。114.have a problem (with sb.) (与某人)有麻烦 They have problems with each other.115. ask for advice征求建议Tom asked for advice about learning English.advice u. 不可数a piece of advice一条建议116.go wrong坏了 Dont eat the egg. It has gone wrong.117. take off sth.卸掉 When you finish playing the game, dont forget to take it off the computer.118. make sure (that)确定I make sure he wont leave the key at home.119.have a virus染上病毒 My computer had a virus yesterday.120. offer to do主动提出做 He offered to help me with my English. offer sth. to sb.= offer sb. sth.向某人提供某物 He offered a good suggestion to me.121.make a mistake犯错 I made a big mistake in the exam.122. tell sb. the truth说实话 true adj. truly adv. truth n. tell a lie说谎 123.be angry with sb.生某人的气 I didnt pass the exam. My teacher was angry with me. be angry at +言行 I was very angry at what he said.124. at least至少 I didnt pass the exam. But at least I tried my best.125. at most至多126.prove证明 He proved it to be true.127. after all毕竟 I should study hard, after all my parents expect me to go to college.128. help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 Tom often helps me with my housework.129. feel sorry for sb.同情某人130. find+sth.sb.+adj.发现怎么样131. copy ones homework抄作业132. instead of 代替133. see sb. doing看到某人正在做134. steal sth. from sb. sp.从某人/某地偷135. tidy up整理


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