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新目标英语八年级上册Unit2导学案 学习内容:Section A 1a2b学习目标:1、掌握Page7-8的单词和短语。2、通过合作探究,熟练掌握和运用下列谈论健康状况,给出合理化建议的重点句型:Whats the matter? I have a sore throat.You should go to bed. You shouldnt eat anything.3、情态动词should shouldnt4、全力以赴,高效学习。学习重点:1、本节课应掌握的生词和短语。2、情态动词should shouldnt。3、熟练掌握和运用学习目标中所要求的重点句型。学习难点:1、谈论健康状况,给出合理化建议。2、运用所学知识进行综合运用。能力立意:1、通过听力训练培养学生从听力中获取细节信息的能力。2、通过对话练习,培养学生的口头表达能力。自学指导:1、自学Page7-8的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记)。2、自学完成Section A 1a。3、标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。正课:1、课前检查(5) 2、合作探究(22)3、听力检测(8)4、学以致用(8)5、课堂小结(2)一、自学检测:( A.B. C层必做)根据句意或首字母提示填空:1. Whats the m ?I have a c .2.She has a s ,she should see a doctor.3.The little baby has just been born(刚刚出生),he has no t .4.I have a s throat,please give me some hot water.5.We eat something with our m .6.He is too tired.He sould have a r .7.What does he look like? He has two big e and a iong n .8.You have a stomachache,you s eat angthing.翻译下列短语和句子感冒 休息一下 头痛胃痛 牙痛 发烧喉咙痛 背痛 躺下休息看牙医 加蜂蜜的热茶 喝大量的水你怎么啦? ?我胃痛。 。你不应当吃东西了。 。二、合作探究:1、组内讨论解决自学检测中的疑难问题。2、根据课件提示操练学习目标中的重点句型并进行课堂展示。3、合作探究知识点: Whats the matter?的同义表达方法有哪些?头痛、胃痛我们说have a headache have a stomachache,那么胳膊痛、脖子痛怎么表达?加加蜂蜜的热茶表达为hot tea with honey,那么加盐的水、加糖的热水、加油的汤怎么表达根据以前学过的情态动词can . cant. may 等的用法,试着归纳总结情态动词should shouldnt的用法。三、听力检测四、学以致用完成下列情景对话:1、A:你怎么啦? ? B:我发热。 。C:你应当喝大量的水。 。2、A:你怎么啦? ?B:我牙痛。 。A:你应当去看牙医。 。3、A:你怎么啦? ? B:我太累了。 .B:你应当躺下来休息。 .句型变化:1.He should eat something. (变否定句) ( A.层必做)He eat .2. Whats the matter? (变同义句) ( A.B层必做)? ? ? ?五、课堂小结Unit 2 编号: N0.2班级 姓名 小组 组内评价 教师评价学习内容:Section A 2c4学习目标:1、掌握Page9的单词和短语。2、通过合作探究,继续巩固和运用下列谈论健康状况、给出合理化建议及祝福的重点句型:Whats the matter? I have a sore throat.You should go to bed. You shouldnt eat anything.Im not feeling well. Thats too bad .I think so. I hope you feel better soon.3、全力以赴,高效学习。学习重点:1、本节课应掌握的生词和短语。2、熟练掌握和运用学习目标中所要求的重点句型。学习难点:运用所学知识进行综合运用。能力立意:培养学生正确处理身体健康问题的生活能力。自学指导:1、自学Page9的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记)。2、学生自学语法要点,归纳出重点内容。3、标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。正课:1、课前检查(5) 2、合作探究(28)3、学以致用(10) 4、课堂小结(2)一、自学检测:( A.B. C层必做)根据句意或首字母提示填空:1. I had a bad fever two days a .2.Its raining heavily outside,there are s much water on the playground.3.When somebody has some illness,you should give him or her some a .翻译下列短语和句子给某人一些建议 两个月以前 三周以前一个好主意 我想如此。我感到不舒服。 。我希望你尽快好起来。 。二、合作探究:1、组内讨论解决自学检测中的疑难问题。2、学生组内合作操练2c.3a.4三个部分并在班上展示。3、学生独立编写3b中的新对话,在组内及班上展示。4、合作探究知识点:想一想I think so的运用场景。当你听到别人生病的消息时,你应当怎么说。当别人对你说I hope you feel better soon,你应当怎么回答。三、学以致用根据汉语完成下列情景对话:A:你怎么啦?B;我感到不舒服,有点发烧。A:让我帮你量量体温。有点高。B:严重吗?A:没什么。你需要多喝点水服点药。B:好的,我想如此。A:希望你尽快好起来。B:谢谢!四、课堂小结Unit 2 编号: N0.3班级 姓名 小组 组内评价 教师评价学习内容:SectionB 1a2c学习目标:1、掌握Page10的单词和短语。2、谈论更多有关健康状况及给出合理化建议的话题。3、全力以赴,高效学习。学习重点:1、本节课应掌握的生词和短语。2、谈论更多有关健康状况(tired.hungry.thirsty.stressed out等)及给出合理化建议(eat an apple.drink some water.go to bed early.listen to music等)的话题。学习难点:恰当描述各种健康状况及找出正确处理方法。能力立意:培养学生正确处理健康问题的生活能力。自学指导:1、自学Page10的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记)。2、学生自学1a.1b,完成填空练习。3、标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。正课:1、课前检查(5) 2、合作探究(24)3、听力检测(8) 4、学以致用(6) 5、课堂小结(2)一、自学检测:( A.B. C层必做)根据句意或首字母提示填空:1. He is t ,he wants to drink some coffe .2.The students are too s o , they need to relax.3.Dont sleep e ,you should finish your hkmework first.4.I have some p ,please help me .翻译下列短语和句子有压力的 吃苹果 提早睡觉听音乐 去参加聚会 喝点水二、合作探究:1、组内讨论解决自学检测中的疑难问题。2、根据1a .1b内容,小组仿例进行对话练习并展示:A: Whats the matter with him?/ Whats wrong with him?B: He is tired.A: He should go to bed early.3、小组内就更多有关健康状况及给出合理化建议的话题进行谈论并展示。三、听力检测1、听录音完成表格2、就2c内容进行合作操练四、学以致用单项选择:(A.B.C层同学必做)1.Whats the matter him?A.for B.with C.about D.at2.If you arent feeling well,You should a doctor.A.to see B.see C.seeing D.saw3.About three days ,some visitors came to our school.A.before B.ago C.front D.in front4.When we are tired, we need to .A.eat an apple B.go to bed early C. see a dentist D.exercise情景搭配:(在横线上填字母代号,A.B.C层同学必做)1.She has a fever . A: Dont eat anything.2.He has a toothache. B: Go to bed early to relax.3.I have a sore throat. C: Drink hot tea with honey.4:The boy has a stomachache. D: Have to see a dentist.5.Li Ming has a long walk,he is tired . E: Dont study too long.6.Some students are often saressed out before tests. F:See a doctor.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.五、课堂小结Unit 2 编号: N0.4班级 姓名 小组 组内评价 教师评价学习内容:Section 3a -4学习目标:1、掌握page11的单词和短语。2、阅读理解3a并复述。3、写作训练。4、全心投入,高效学习。学习重点:1、本节课应掌握的生词和短语。2、阅读理解3a.3、写作训练。学习难点:写作训练。能力立意:1、培养学生的阅读理解能力。2、培养提高学生的写作能力。自学指导:1、自学Page11的单词。(根据音标拼读、拼写单词并牢记)。2、课前自行完成3b.组长检查。3、标出重要的短语和句型,标出疑难点,准备课堂中讨论解决。正课:1、课前检查(5) 2、合作探究(25)3、学以致用(13)4、课堂小结(2)一、自学检测:( A.B. C层必做)根据句意或首字母提示填空:1.T Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of yin and yang.2.I dont b he is a bad kid3.He is w in English.4.Don t be a with him.5.E wants to be heathy.6.In summer,the trees g greener and greener.7.A f students didnt finish homework yesterday.8.English is very i , we need to study it hard.翻译下列短语:在方面有点弱 生的气 少数,几个传统中医 健康的生活方式 例如太多 健康的生活方式保持健康 在很多西方国家 饮食平衡二、合作探究:1.组内讨论解决自学检测中的疑难问题。2.组内阅读理解3a并展示。阅读理解短文大意复述短文内容。(可由组内同学协作完成)结合短文例句探究以下知识点: Eating Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is also good for this.(动词作主语的情况)Its easy to have a healthy lifestyle.(it作形式主语的情况)区分too much.too many.much too 的用法。3.小组探究3b并展示答案试分析little. a liitle. few .a few 的区别。4.学生先按要求独立完成3c . 4 ,然后小组集体更正,最后在班上展示。三、学以致用单项选择: (A.B.层必做,C层可选做)1.Although I study English hard, I am week English.A.for B.at C.in D.with2.I made many mistakes in the exam, so my teacher was very angry me.A.for B.at C.in D.with3.Dont trouble him,he is writinging important article.A.a B.an C.the D.不填4.This person is new here, everybody know him.A.dont B.doesn t C.isn t D.arent5.There is milk in the bottle,please buy some for me.A.a few B.a little C.few D.little6. is very exciting in the sea.A.Surf B. Surfs C. Surfing D. Surfed7.He is tired ,he needs to have a rest.A.too much B.too many C.much too D.so many句型变化:1.To study English is a little difficult. (变同义句) (A层必做)a little difficult to study English.2.I believe he can finish his homework.(变否定句) (A.B.C层必做)I believe he can finish his homework.3.Maybe you have too much yin.(变同义句) (A层必做)You have too much yin.四、课堂小结Unit 2(复习导案) 编号: N0.5班级 姓名 小组 组内评价 教师评价复习内容:unit2复习目标:1、The new words and useful phrases in unit1。2、Knowledge points.3、认真、求实、专注、高效。复习重点:1、The new words and useful phrases in unit1。2、Knowledge points.复习准备:1、课前自学page12的单词和短语。2、学生课前结合教材和本单元的导学案,自行复习本单元主要内容(单词、词组、重要句型、语法知识等)3、在复习时记下自己在本单元学习中尚存的疑难问题,以便在课堂探究解决。4、课前阅读并理解自我检测中的短文,熟练朗读能复述。复习过程:一、各小组对组内同学单词和词组的掌握情况进行检查。(常用单词、词组的读、写)二、组内就本单元的重点句型进行对话练习,并在班上展示。三、重点基础知识复习:(由学生组内讨论掌握,老师补充)1、Whats the matter 的几种同义表达方式。2、情态动词should shouldnt3、动词作主语的情况 、 it作形式主语的情况。4、too much too many much too a few a little few little几组词语的用法区分。四、学生就本单元知识质疑。复习练习:1、 学生组内自行完成part1,并在班上展示。(A.B.C层必做)2、短文阅读组内同学自行理解短文大意学生质疑。完成后边的书信写作。Unit 2(单元检测) 编号: N0.6班级 姓名 小组 组内评价 教师评价一、词组翻译 (10分)1、患感冒 _ 2 .看牙医 _3、生的气_ 4、少许水 _5、保持健康 _ 6. 发烧 _7、嗓子疼 _ 8.加蜂蜜的热茶_9. 传统中医 _ 10. 紧张的 _二、选择填空(15分)( ) 11. Hes ill. He must go to _ a doctor in the hospital.A. look B. watch C. see D. read( ) 12. I cant sleep, so I _ listen to quiet music, and I _ listen to exciting music.A. should,should B. shouldnt, shouldntC. should,shouldnt D. can,dont( ) 13. You look ill. Why _ to see the teacher?A. not go B. dont go C. not going D. not to go( ) 14. Its important _ a lot of water when you have a cold.A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. for drinking( ) 15. -My mother is ill in hospital. -_.A. Whats the matter? B. Im sorry to hear that.C. Im not feeling well. D. Shell be all right soon.( ) 16. I cant hear you clearly. There is _ wrong with _.A. something, eyes B. nothing, eyes C. something, ears D. nothing, ears( ) 17. He wasnt feeling well. He had to _.A. stops working B. stop working C. stops to work D. stop to work( ) 18. The policemen are very glad _ the old people if they have any trouble.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps( ) 19. Only _girls can dance well in our class.A. a few B. a little C.little D .few( ) 20. This kind of cake looks _ and smells _.A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well( ) 21. You shouldnt drink _water before sleep.A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too( ) 22.- _ did the headache start? - About two hours ago.A. When B. What C. where D. How(A. Eat, are B. Eating, are C. Eating, is D. Eat, is( ) 24.-_? -I have a sore throat, doctor.A. What wrong with you B. Whats matter with youC. Whats the matter D. Whats your question( ) 25.Im not feeling very _ at the moment.A .good B .well C .better D .best三、用括号内动词的适当形式填空 (10分)26. What time _ your mother_ (go) to work every day?27. Mrs. Black_(not work) in the factory.28. Tom usually_ (come) to school at seven in the morning.29. Jack_ (swim) in the river now.30. Sue_ (clean) the windows every day.31. Please be quiet! My parents _ (sleep)。32. I _ (not feel) well. I have a headache.33. They _ (go) to visit their grandparents last Sunday.34. Everybody _ (get) angry or happy sometimes35. Its easy _(stay) healthy.四、完形填空(10分)One day Mrs. White went to see her doctor because there was something wrong with her heart.The doctor 36 Mrs. White quickly. Then he said, “Well, Mrs. White, stop _37 and youll soon be quite 38 again.”“But doctor,” answered Mrs. White. “I cant smoke. I dont like smoking 39 _.”Oh, well!“ said the doctor,” _40 dont drink any more wine.“”But I dont drink wine.“ Mrs. White answered 41 .”Stop 42 tea and coffee then,“ the doctor said.”I only drink 43 ,“ answered Mrs. White. ”I dont 44 tea or coffee.“The doctor thought 45 a moment and then said, ”Well or 46_ you like fried potatoes?“”Yes, I like them 47 .“ answered Mrs. White.” 48 . Then stop eating those.“ Said the doctor 49 he got up to say 50_ to Mrs. White.( ) 36. A. looked at B. looked over C. looked after D. looked around( ) 37. A. eating B. drinking C. smoking D. talking( ) 38. A. good B. ill C. well D. worse( ) 39. A. at all B. in all C. at once D. at last( ) 40. A. and B. but C. then D. or( ) 41. A. soon B. at first C. slowly D. at once( ) 42. A. drank B. to drink C. drinking D. drink( ) 43. A. water B. coffee C. wine D. tea( ) 44. A. want B. like C. try D. have( ) 45. A. at B. in C. for D. about( ) 46. A. are B. do C. will D. would( ) 47. A. at all B. little C. quite D. very much( ) 48. A. Excuse me. B. Really C. Thats right. D.All right.( ) 49. A. so B. where C. when D. then( ) 50. A. hello B. good-bye C. sorry D. yes五、阅读理解(30分)AMary had some trouble in her head, so she went to see the doctor. He was a new doctor, and did not know her. So he first asked her some questions. One of the questions was, ”What is your age?“”Well“ Mary answered, ”I dont quite remember, doctor, but I will try to think.“ She thought for a while and then said, ”Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was twenty-two years old, and my husband was thirty then. Now he is sixty, I know, and that is twice thirty. And so I am twice twenty-two. That is forty-four, isnt it?“( ) 51. Mary went to see the doctor because _.A. she had a headache B. she had a feverC. she had caught a cold D. she couldnt think well( ) 52. At first the doctor _.A. asked her some questions B. examined her carefullyC. gave her some medicine D. asked her to have a rest( ) 53. Mary got married when_.A. she was twenty years old B. she was thirty years oldC. she was twenty-two years old D. she was forty-four years old( ) 54. Mary _.A. answered the doctors questioned at onceB. answered the question after thinking for a whileC. just kept silent D. refused to tell her age( ) 55. Mary should be _.A. forty-four B. forty-five C. fifty D. fifty-twoBEarly to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise)。This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood(血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!( ) 56. If we get up early and go to bed early, well _.A. have enough exercise B. be healthyC. think better D. have strong blood( ) 57. If a child doesnt have 10 hours sleep, maybe he _.A. becomes wise B. wont do well in his workC. goes to school in time D. has enough sleep( ) 58. A person needs exercise because _.A. it makes him healthy B. he has a lot of homework to doC. he is strong enough D. he does exercise( ) 59. Exercise makes the _ move quickly and smoothly(流畅)。A. body B. blood C. children D. head( ) 60. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. Exercise does good to a persons head.B. A student should have 10 hours sleep.C. Its good for you to get up early and go to bed early.D. If you have enough blood, youll be wise.CAmerican children have exciting after-school life, a new study says. Many junior and senior students have lots of funny things to do in their free time. More than 57% have activities every day. 82% have activities at least four times a week. American students spend their free time doing sports, or enjoying arts, music and dancing. They like to have life outside school because they can make a lot of friends during their activities.( ) 61. What are American childrens life like after school?A. Unhappy. B. Exciting. C. Boring. D. Unhealthy.( ) 62. How many students have activities every day if there are 2,000 students?A. More than 570. B. More than 820.C. More than 1,840. D. More than 1,140.( ) 63. How often do 82% students have activities?A. Every day. B. Every weekend.C. At least four times a week. D. Every Sunday.( ) 64. American students _, or enjoy arts, music and dancing in their free time.A. do sports B. surf the Internet C. have fun D. watch TV( ) 65. American students like to have life outside school because_.A. activities outside school are more interestingB. they can make a lot of friendsC. they dont like school lifeD. they are free to do anything outside school六、根据句意和首字母提示完成句子(10分)66. I have a toothache; I have to see a d_.67. Whats the matter with you? I have a s_ throat.68.Its important for us to have a healthy lifestyle , to eat a b_ diet.69.My English isnt good enough, so I must try my best to i_ it.70.When you have a headache, please lie down and r_.71.She is tired, she should go to bed early, she s_ go to the party.72.Would you please get me some water? Im a little t_.73.I didnt go to school u_ I was seven years old.74.A good l_ is good for our health.75.My grandpa had a cold yesterday, I h _ he is better now.七、书面表达。(15分)你的朋友或同学是否有时感到身体不适?请选择下边任何一个话题,并提出你的建议。a. toothache b. stressed out c. have a coldd. tired e. have a sore throat) 23._ vegetables _good for you.


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