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姜驿中学“八步”教学模式 Unit 2 How often do you exercise?导学案 Period 1( Section A 1a2c)主备:张春艳 辅备:李进丽第一步:温故知新(3分钟)1、 翻译短语(1) 相当多。不少_(2) 给的感觉,感受到_(3) Of course_(4) Because of _(5) Have a good time_2、 单项选择(1) Old Henry is so lonely that he hopes to know about_ every day. A.special something B.special nothing C.something special D.nothing special(2) _ went climbing last weekend because of the bad weather.A.someone B.no one C.everyone D.anyone(3)sun yang is _ famous _ we all know him A.too:to B.enough; to C.so; that D.as; as(4) I lost my bike yesterday and had to walk to home._A. it doesnt matter B.its a pleasure C.Im sorry to hear that D.so bad(5) _ was your vacation? its greatA. where B.how C.what D.which(6) do you enjoy_ books?A.seeing Bread C. to read D.reading 第二步:明确目标(2分钟)教学目标:1口.笔头掌握以下句型A: What do you usually do on weekends? B : I usually exercise .A: What does he do on weekends ? B: He sometimes watches TV.A: How often does he surf the Internet? B: He surfs the internet once/twice /three times a week.2熟练掌握以下词汇:housework;exercise , hardly , ever , once , twice , time, Internet, program.重难点:1灵活运用以what 开头的一般现在时的特殊疑问句。2用how often 对动作频率进行提问,并掌握其答语。3.听懂用一般现在时谈论人们经常做某事的对话并熟练运用目标句型进行会话。第三步:自主学习(5分钟)1.将下列单词根据词义按照频率由高到低排列出来,并且译为中文.hardly ever, sometimes , always , often, usually, never_100%,_( ),_ ( ),_ _( ),_( ),_( ),_ ( ),0%2.翻译词组.watch TV_ go shopping _ read a book _ exercise_ 3.列举你在周末通常做的活动。_第四步:合作探究(10分钟)1. pairwork 完成课本2C。2.Make a survey 调查小组成员的日常活动,以及他们多久做一次。Name Activities How oftenReport like this :In my group , I have three friends . I watch TV every day . Tom watches TV three times a week. Jack watches TV only once a week第五步:导学释疑(10分钟)1、 On weekends:在周末; weekdays:工作日2、 Go to the movies: 去看电影3、 Help sb with sth: 在某方面帮助某人 例:my mother often heip me with my homework4、 Hardly ever:几乎从不。放在实意动词之前,be动词之后5、 How often:多久一次 ,常对every day, always, usually,sometimes,often,hardly ever,never,once a week,twice a month等表示频率的副词或短语进行提问how often do you read books?once a week6、 如何表达次数:once一次、作副词是译为曾经, twice两次, three times三次7、exercise(v,n)(运动,锻炼,体操,练习)第六步:拓展延伸(5分钟)频度差异:hardly ever almost always usuallyoften sometimes hardly ever Never:频率副词放在实意动词之前,be动词之后第七步:成果展示(8分钟) I.单项选择.1. -I like English very much , so I _listen to the tape in the morning.A. usually B. hardly ever C. never D. sometimes2.-What does your father do in the evening ? -He usually _.A. watch TV B. exercises C. read books D. run3.-How often do you go home? -_. A.One a week B.Once C.One D.Once a week4.-_do your grandparents come to see you ? -Twice a week.A. How often B.How many C. When D. What 5.What _she _on weekends? A.is , do B.does, does C.do , do D.does, do第八步:课堂小结(2分钟)姜驿中学“八步”教学模式 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案 Period 2 ( Section A2d-3c )主备:张春艳 辅备:李进丽第一步:温故知新(3分钟)1.将下列单词根据词义按照频率由高到低排列出来,并且译为中文.hardly ever, sometimes , always , often, usually, never_100%,_( ),_ ( ),_ _( ),_( ),_( ),_ ( ),0%2.翻译词组.watch TV_ go shopping _ read a book _ exercise_ 3,单项选择1、How often do you go home? -_. A.One a week B.Once C.One D.Once a week2._do your grandparents come to see you ? -Twice a week.A. How often B.How many C. When D. What 第二步:明确目标(2分钟)1口、笔头掌握以下句型:A: How often do you read English books?B: I read English books about twice a week.A: What do they do on weekends? B: They often help with housework.A: How often do you go to the movies? B: I go to the movies maybe once a month.A: Do you go shopping ? B: No, I never go shopping .2熟练掌握下列词汇:full, maybe, at least,internet,program,swing重难点:频率副词问答句型第三步:自主学习(5分钟)1. Pairwork 两人一组进行对话练习,谈论日常活动及频率。Example: A:What do you usually do ? B:IA:How often do you ? B:I2. 选词填空: some all no most _students =100% _students =51%99% _students =1%50% _students =0%第四步:合作探究(10分钟)1、填空题A: Hi,what do you usually do on weekends ?B: I _(通常) do my homework .Sometimes I watch TV .But I _(从不)help my mother with the housework.So she always complains about it .What about you ?A: I _ (几乎不) do the housework.I think we must learn from Kate .She _ (经常)helps her mother with many things .B: Does her father help them?A: No,he doesnt _(经常) come back.He works in another city2、阅读2d,找出针对品读副词的问答句,完成2a,3b第五步:导学释疑(10分钟)1、 full:忙的 例:He is too full today,他今天太忙了 慢的,充满的 be full of:充满的 例:The box was full of books2、 what kind of ? 意为“哪一种”3、 Maybe(adv):或许,放在句首,表示可能性。 Maybe you are right,也许你是对的4、 at least(至少)at most(至多)5、 Grammar :a、频率副词在句中的位置:实意动词之前,be动词,情态动词、 助动词之后:“实之前,be/助/情之后” b、表示具体频度的词:表示具体的频率,次数时,一次(once)两次(twice)用特定的单词表示,三次以上用“基数词+times” C、表示不具体频度的词:其频率程度如下:hardly ever almost always usuallyoften sometimes hardly evernever 第六步:拓展延伸(5分钟)1、 free:空闲的,自由的,免费的2、 Stay up:熬夜。3、 Busy: be busy doing sth/be busy with with:忙于做某事4、 Want to do sth:想要做某事第七步:成果展示(8分钟)1) He is so tired he can _keep his eyes open. A. ever B. never C. hardly D. almost2) Here _some students homework. A. am B. is C. are D. be 3) -_do you surf the Internet every day? -About 2 hours.A. How often B. How many C. How long D. How much4) He watches TV_a week. A. one times B. two time C. twice D. once time5) My father _goes to the movies.Asometimes B. sometimes C. some time D. some times6) Theres _time left. Lets hurry up (快点)! Amost B.no C.much D.many第八步:课堂小结(2分钟)姜驿中学“八步”教学模式 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案 Period 3 (Section B 1a-1e)主备:张春艳 辅备:李进丽第一步:温故知新(3分钟)1、 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词,使句子完整、通顺。(1) 、I often surf the I_ on weekends.(2) 、You had better take the medicine t_ a day.(3) 、Whats your favorite TV p_? sports news (4)、How often do you go to the movies? o_ a week (5)、The bottle is f_ of water.2、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,没空一词。(1) 、Tom _ _ (几乎从不)watches TV.(2) 、They _ _ _ _(正在忙着植树)(3) 、John and his friend play football _ _(至少)once a week(4) 、How often do you have art lessons? _ _ _(一周两次)(5)、Our teachers usually _ _(熬夜)late to work.第二步:明确目标(2分钟)1、.口、笔头掌握以下句型:A:How often do you drink milk? B: I drink milk every day .A: Do you like it ? B: No, but my mother wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health.A: How many hours do you sleep every night? B: I sleep six hours .2.熟练掌握以下词汇:milk, coffee, chocolate , drink, health.重难点:1.掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语:be good for 2.能正确使用how many 对可数名词的复数提问。第三步:自主学习(5分钟)1.列出自己学过的有关水果、蔬菜及食品的名称,小组交流后,大声朗读,互相纠正发音。水果(fruits)_ 蔬菜(vegetables)_饮料(drinks )_肉类(meat ) _食品 (foods)_2.请试着回答下面的问题,可参考所学内容与本单元单词表。What do you often eat ?_What do you often drink?_How often do you exercise ?_How many hours do you sleep every day ?_Are you healthy?_第四步:合作探究(10分钟)1、 熟悉1a单词2、 小组练习1b、1d第五步:导学释疑(10分钟)1、 want sb to do sth:想要某人做某事2、 Be good for:对有益,be good for+n/代词/Ving 例:Honey is good for your health近义词组:be good at:擅长于 be good to :对某人友好,friendly可替换good反义词组:be bad for:对有害,3、 health:n,健康,身体状况healthy(adj)健康的4、 How many: 对名词复数提问,例:How many hours do you sleep every night?5、 good habitsbad habits第六步:拓展延伸(5分钟)第七步:成果展示(8分钟)I 根据首字母提示完成单词。1I eat fruit every day and I love j_ food, too.2. -what drink is white? -I think its m_.3. C_ and c_ are my favorite drinks.4. We need h _food. 5. Who is the i_?6. How often do you eat v_? 7. Breakfast is really good for your h_.II 句型转换。1She goes to the movies three times a month.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _she _to the movies?2. My mother wants me to play the guitar.(同义句转换)My mother _ _me to play the guita.3. I always exercise after school.(变成完全否定句) I _exercise after school.4. He sleeps eight hours every night.(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _he sleep every night?5. We eat meat twice a week.(同义句) We _ meat two _ a week.第八步:课堂小结(2分钟)姜驿中学“八步”教学模式 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案 Period 4 ( Section B2a-2e )主备:张春艳 辅备:李进丽第一步:温故知新(3分钟) 1、根据首字母提示和句意补全句子。1、 Honey is g_ for your heath2、 Smoking is b_ for your health.3、 The old man is healthy,He h_ ever eat junk food.4、 The p_ on CCTV5 is about sports.5、 My mother goes shopping t_ a week.第二步:明确目标(2分钟)1. 掌握以下句型:1.we asked our students about their free time activities. 2. Here are the results. 3. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. 4. We were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. 5. It is good to relax by using the Internet or watching game shows 6. the best way to relax is through exercise. 7.It is healthy for the mind and the body.2.熟练掌握以下词汇:result,percent,although,through,such as,together,die ,mind,television,on line, writer3.掌握并能正确使用本课时的重点短语: use it for fun, the answers to our questions 第三步:自主学习(5分钟)1. Skimming (略读): 快速阅读文章,完成段落与段落大意连线。Paragraph 1 about exercisingParagraph 2 about watching televisionParagraph 3 here are the results.Paragraph 4 about using the InternetParagraph 5 the best way to relax第四步:合作探究(10分钟)小组合作完成2b,3c,2d第五步:导学释疑(10分钟)1、 percent:(n)百分比,“数词+percent”:百分之,percent 没有复数形式,若后面+名词,percent后+of,当“数词+percent+of+n”做主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式要与of后面的名词保持一致。例:20 percent of the money is yoursAbout 55 percent of the pupils are girls2、 not at all:一点也不 例:Tom doesnt like to learn math at all3、 Surprised“感到惊讶的”,surprising“令人惊讶的”My father was not surprised at the surprising news4、 the other:其余的,另外的5、 Although: “虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句,但不能和but连用但可以和yet和still连用6、 die(v):死亡,消失,灭亡death(n)dead(adj) die out 灭绝,消失第六步:拓展延伸(5分钟)1、 the other:其余的,另外的妙辨异同:other:不能单独使用,永爱修饰可数名词的复数 The other:onethe other:一个另一个 Others: someothers“一些另一些” The others: 一定范围内除去一个活一部分后,余下的人或事物的全部2、 for fun:为了好玩 I decide to learn dancing, just for fun. Fun(n)funny(adj)有趣的,滑稽的 Have fun =have a good time3、 The answer to: 的答案4、 Popular(受欢迎的,流行的)unpopular(不受欢迎的) Be popular with: 受的欢迎5、 spend:(v)花费(时间,金钱)“spend+时间+with sb”和某人呆了多长时间 “spend+time/money+on(sth)/in doing sth”:某人在某物/在做某事上花费时间/金钱 例:my sister spend lots of money on clothes The little girl spends two hours (in) playing the piano every day6、 start(v)开始;着手+n/代词/to do /Ving7、More than=over(超过,多于)less than(少于)8、 Afraid(adj):害怕的,犯愁的; 用法:a.be afraid to do sth: Tom is afraid to walk alone at night B.be afraid of doing sth: Jack is afraid of having PE class C. Be afraid of sth/sb: Jane is afraid of dogs第七步:成果展示(8分钟)1、 根据首字母提示和汉语意思补全句子。(1) 、what would you like to drink, tea or c_?(2) 、Mr.brown usually stays up late.so he often sleeps_(少于)six hours at night(3) 、The moonlight goes _(穿过) the window and makes the room bright(4) 、70 _(百分之) of the students in my class use the internet every day2、 选择适当的单词或短语并用其适当形式填空Fun answer such as the other surprised(1) 、we are _that the little girl speaks English so well(2) 、most students use the internet for _ and not for homework.(3) 、I like ball sports, _ tennis, football and basketball.(4) 、Do you know the _ to the question?(5) 、I have two pens, one is black, _ is red第八步:课堂小结(2分钟)姜驿中学“八步”教学模式 Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 导学案 Period 5 ( Section B3a-4 )主备:张春艳 辅备:李进丽第一步:温故知新(3分钟)选择题1、 Toms father told him not to be afraid of _ in publicA. Spoke B.speak C. Speaking D.speaks2、 To keep_, we should do more exercise and eat _ junk foodA. Healthy ;more B. Unhealthy;more C.unhealthy; less D.healthy; less3、 she _ goes to the movies A. Some time B. Sometimes C. Some times D. Sometime4、 most of the students usually have a _ holidayA. Seven weeks B.seven-week C.seven-weeks5、 _ John failed to climb to the top three times, he did not give up(放弃) A. Because B.although C. If D. When 第二步:明确目标(2分钟)1. 复习巩固本单元重点句型,重点短语。2熟练掌握以下词汇:magazine,however ,than, more than, almost,none, less,less than, point3.完成3a,3b,3c 学会介绍自己的好习惯和坏习惯。第三步:自主学习(5分钟)1.将下列单词根据词义按照频率由高到低排列出来,并且译为中文.hardly ever, sometimes , always , often, usually, never100%,( ),_ ( ),_ _( ),_( ),_( ),_ ( ),0%2. 根据自己地情况完成下表.activitiesHow oftenGood habitsBad habits第四步:合作探究(10分钟)小组合作完成3a ,self check3第五步:导学释疑(10分钟)检查核对3a ,self check3第六步:拓展延伸(5分钟)1、16-year-old:合成形容词,以为“16岁的”2、however:(adv)然而,表转折,前面后面都要加逗号,且不能与but连用第七步:成果展示(8分钟)1、 短语积累 (1) 、几乎从不_(2) 、少于_(3) 、多于_(4) 、at least _(5) 、such as _2、 学会了三个句式(1) 、_ _ (多久一次) do you watch TV?(2) 、_ _ _(哪一种) dance are you learning?(3) 、it is god to relax _ _ _ _ (通过上网) or watching game shows, s, but we think the best way to relax is through exercise第八步:课堂小结(2分钟)


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