2022年高中英语模块二unit 3 牛津版)

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2022年高中英语模块二unit 3 牛津版)1.sendinto space2.in orbit3.as well as4.join the army5.choseas (to be)6. survival skills7.three out of the 14 candidates8. be qualified for 9 be described as 10.in control of 11.go down in history 12. re proud of13.look up to somebody14 . manage to do sth15. live ones dream1.set sail for some place2.pay off 成功,带来好的结果pay sb money for sth. pay back偿还 pay off ones debts 还清债务3.a great deal of 许多,大量 后跟不可数名词4.as well as 也,同时5.have effect on 对。有影响6.lead sb to a place7.have something to do with 8.be known as/for make oneself known to others9.die of 死于 die of a disease/hunger/old age/ sorrowdie from a fall from the bike/an accident/wound/cut/drinking too much10.fall ill 11.go out12.the curse of the mummy13.at the moment of his death14.punish sb15.change the world for the better16.through thoughts and actions17.win a Nobel Peace Prize18.in history19.resting place of the dead20.wear special clothing21.empty sth22.be curious about the world23.protect sb24.in advance25.make a discovery26.during his lifetime27.by the 1920s in the early 1920s28.search for sth 29.live on 30.make a great contribution to the world 对世界作出贡献31.later on 32.would rather do sth33.spend a great deal of money34.set foot on a place35.sail at full speed36.cause sb to do sth37.fail to do 38. a scientific explanation39.show sb how to do sth40.in his thirties41.apply for a job42.go into space43.make the dream a reality44.in orbit45.talk of 46.love science and technology47.learn survival skills48.be qualified for the task49.describe sb as 50.look up to so as 51.choose sb as 52.be proud of 53.go down in history54.manage to live his dream 55.in control of himself56.encourage sb to do sth57.join the army58.three out of ten candidates59.go to university60.rather than 而不是61.dream of doing sthPart 2 Sentences and structures1.He is one of the most famous explores the world has ever known.他是世界闻名的大探险家之一。2.The preserved bodies are known as mummies.这些经过处理保存的遗体就是世人皆知的木乃伊。3.It was the most important tomb that had ever been found.这是有史以来发现的最重要的陵墓。4.We emptied the tomb of everything it contained. 我们挖走了墓里的一切。5.The tomb contained more riches ,gold jewels than any of us had ever seen before. 陵墓中的财宝、黄金、和珍珠比我们任何人先前所见过的的都要多。6.Upon entering the tomb, the bird was eaten by a snake.一走进陵墓,鸟就被蛇吃掉了。upon/on sth/doing sth 一。就。相当于as soon as /the moment /the minute 引导的从句7.He fell ill with a fever.他发烧生病了。With 表示原因He shook with cold.His face became red with anger.We jumped with joy. 8.It was his high scores on the psychological tests that finally won him his position as Chinas first astronaut.是他在心理测试上所得到的高粉使他最终赢得了中国首名宇航员的席位。强调句型:It is/was+所强调的部分+that +剩下的部分这个句型可对主语、宾语、状语进行强调。He and his team found the tom by chance.It was he and his team that/who found the tomb by chance.It was the tomb that he and his team found by chance.It was by chance that he and his team found the tomb.9.What is certain ,though, is that the mystery of the tomb has never been fully explained.但是有一点是可以肯定的,陵墓之谜至今还没有人能够完全破解。10.The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei and young people all over the word can look up to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream.中国人民以杨利伟为骄傲,全世界的年轻人也将他视为努力实现梦想的榜样


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