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大学英语四级听力词汇汇总【高频场景】 AIRPORT:boarding pass/card登机牌 get on board登机 security check安检 declare申报 refund退税 duty-free store免税店 go through customs通过海关 economy coach经济舱 business coach公务舱 first class头等舱 behind the schedule晚点 mechanical problems机械故障 smoking section吸烟区 departure离港 arrival到港 take-off起飞 land降落 transfer desk/ flight connection转机柜台 information desk咨询台 HOTEL: check-in入住 check-out退房 reservation/reserve预订 booked-up/taken-up/full-up/unavailable客满 vacant/available/spare有空房 single room单人间 twin-bed room标准间 suite套房 room service客房服务 morning call晨叫服务 receptionist desk前台 receive接待 HOSPITAL: my. hurts. 受伤 my. aches/is aching.疼痛 my. is killing me.剧痛 I feel worn out. 虚脱i feel under the water./ I cant feel myself.周身不适 .doesnt agree with me. 食物中毒,腹泻 i have sweet teeth. 喜爱甜食,蛀牙 lose appetite.厌食 RESTAURANT: eat-out下馆子 menu菜单 order点菜,下单 appetizer前菜 main food主食 steak牛扒 toast吐司 Barbie烧烤 dessert餐后甜点 French fries薯条(美) chips薯条(英)ice-cream冰淇淋 tip小费 its on me. Its my treat. let me pay/foot the bill.我请客 go Dutch. Go 50 to 50. Split the bill. 分摊 Id like a table for four.我订一张四人桌 【较常考场景】 bookstore书店: version译本 edition版次 cover封面 out of stock断货 printed out绝版 library图书馆: misplaced放错位置 index索引 column栏目 traffic交通: speeding超速 licence 执照 fine罚款 ticket罚单 drunk driving酒后驾驶 get stuck塞车 rush hour高峰期 move搬家: rate房租 resign/quit辞职 promotion升职 climate 气候 weather天气: warm up变暖 cool down变凉 be clearing up变晴朗 last long长期持续 the worst hasnt come up yet.最糟糕的还没来(暗示越来越糟) habits生活习惯: next bus/movie不抢先 等下一个 do the gardening/housework by oneself 自己做园艺和家务 have house painted/ have car repaired 请人刷墙和修车 find sunday market and buy real bargains 找跳蚤市场买便宜货 【听力常考口头表达】 肯定表达: I cant agree with you more. It cant be better. You cant complain. Its second to none. You bet! You said it! You could say that again! You got the point! Great minds think alike! I cant wait. Im counting the days! Im looking forward to it! It does make sense. It matters! True! 否定表达: Out of the question. No way. Forget it. Nonesense. It doesnt make any sense. Not really. Im sorry for that. No big deal. Its the last choice. So?


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