河北省2022年中考英语总复习 第7课时 八上 Units 1-3练习 人教新目标版

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河北省2022年中考英语总复习 第7课时 八上 Units 1-3练习 人教新目标版_第1页
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河北省2022年中考英语总复习 第7课时 八上 Units 1-3练习 人教新目标版_第2页
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河北省2022年中考英语总复习 第7课时 八上 Units 1-3练习 人教新目标版.单项选择1(xx上海奉贤二模)That project requires close teamwork. will be achieved unless we work well together.ANothing BAnythingCSomething DEverything2(xx江西中考)The food is very delicious in that restaurant. We could go and it.Asell BhelpCproduce Dtry3(xx山东青岛市北二模)Zhongshan Park is not far from Governors Luxun Park. You can easily visit in a day.Aeach Bboth Cneither Dnone4(xx河北石家庄新世纪外国语学校一模)In my opinion, we dont have the right to punish him he did something wrong.Athough BsoCbecause Dwhether5(xx重庆A卷)I cant hear the teacher with so much noise outside.Aclearly BslowlyCwarmly Dbravely6(xx江西南昌高安三模)What a nice picture of a house!It would be with some green trees around it.Agood Bbetter Cworse Dworst7(2019预测)Are there any between the two buildings?No. I think they are the same.Adifferences BsimilarityCeducation Dexamples8(2019原创)We have to stay at the airport tonight. The flight to Hong Kong is cancelled the heavy rain.Abecause of Bsuch asCso that Das a result9(xx安徽马鞍山二模)Dad, its a long way from our home to the park! You mean its to take a taxi?Apopular BnecessaryCimportant Dpossible10(xx江苏南京中考)Millie missed the train this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it.Aalmost BalreadyCreally Dseldom.完形填空(xx河北保定定兴三模)On my first day of the sixth grade, I noticed one little girl called Amy on the school bus. “Dont 1 her,” Lauren said, who sat beside me, “or the others will laugh at you.”Amy had many physical differenceslots of reasons for other kids to laugh at her. Her eyes werent straight. Her glasses were very thick. And she had really ugly teeth.Every day 2 we drove to and from school, kids would shout insults(侮辱) at Amy. “God, what a 3 face! Stop looking at me!” “Mr. Rolland(the driver)! Amy took off her hat. Make her put it back on!” For a while I shouted my share of insults, just so Id fit in(合群). After all, I didnt want them to treat me the same way they treated Amy.But while I was insulting her, I felt 4 for the girl. I could see that the insults were making her look uglier, because she was so ashamed(羞愧) and lonely. Then I wanted to 5 her. I just didnt know how to stop my schoolmates until the night of our class rollerskating party.Our whole class was there, including Amy. Amy didnt know how to skate, but I could see how much she wanted to 6 like the rest of us. So I skated over to her and took her by the hand. We began the journey together around the skating rink(溜冰场). She just smiled, and sometimes she would laugh in 7 On the school bus the next morning there was much news about Amy and 8 skating together, but nobody insulted her or me. And they didnt do that for the rest of the year.After graduation(毕业), I never 9 Amy. However, I never forget her and Ive always wondered if I changed her life for the better. But I know for sure she has changed my 10 . I was no longer influenced by others. I became myself.1A.laugh at Bask for Ctalk to Dlook for2A.when Bthough Cafter Dbefore3A.pretty Bstrange Cnice Dlovely4A.happy Bexcited Csorry Dnervous5A.ask Bknow Chelp Dsee6A.stand up Bhave fun Csit down Dfall over7A.fear Bsurprise Cdanger Djoy8A.her Byou Chim Dme9A.remember Bfind Cmeet Dchange10A.life Bfamily Cinterest Dfriend.阅读理解(xx河北中考)Lets Explore(探究) The Nature!Are you interested in animals and nature? Want to enjoy your summer holiday and learn something interesting and useful?Here es your CHANCE! Youth Explorer has prepared you with a THREEDAY SUMMER PROGRAM! You can take part in many handson activities and meet with live animalsgiraffes, pandas, tigers, and so on! More information about the program is as follows:Age: Students aged 816Groups: There are 2 programs for you to choose from. Each program needs at most 15 students.Program ADates: 1416 July, xx Days: Monday to WednesdayTime: 10:00 am.4:00 pm.Program BDates: 57 August, xxDays: Tuesday to ThursdayTime: 10:00 am.4:00 pm.Program cost: $230 for members; $250 for nonmembersHow to do: Simply e to our center to get an application form(申请表). Send your pleted form on or before 11th July, xx(Friday)Notes:1.NO FREE LUNCHES ARE PROVIDED because of personal food differences. You may either bring a lunchbox or pay for lunch at our restaurants.2.Both programs will start 1 DAY later if there is a warning of rainstorms.E AND JOIN US NOW! DONT MISS THE CHANCE!1. can join the threeday summer program.AA kid of 7 BA boy of 14 CA girl of 17 DA man of 262If there is a rainstorm on 14th July, program A will start on ASunday BMondayCTuesday DWednesday3Two members and one nonmember should pay for the program.A$690 B$710 C$730 D$7504Free lunches arent provided because Athe lunches cost too much Bpeople have different tastesCthere are many restaurants Dthey may bring lunchboxes5What can we know from the passage?AYouth Explorer is the name of the program. BMore than 15 students are in each program.CWe can see three kinds of animals in the program.DYou need to hand in an application for the program.词语运用 根据短文内容及所给提示,在文中空白处填写一个正确的单词。(2019预测)My best friend, Connie, is two years 1. (old) than me. We spend a lot of time together.Connie has long dark brown hair and her 2.e are big and round. People say she is beautiful and looks like a doll. When we go out, people often think that she is younger than me because she is shorter.Connie is positive(乐观的) even when things go 3.w . Last week she got her exam results, which 4. (be) not very good. I thought she was going to be sad. Instead, she 5. (simple) decided to do better the next time. Then, every day after class, if teachers are free in their offices, she will ask them 6. help.Connie gets on well with others. Everyone in my family 7. (like) her, even my younger brother. When you hear 8. laugh, you will naturally laugh together. 9. I feel unhappy, I will talk to Connie and she will make me feel better.I think my friendship with Connie is very 10. (value), and I hope we will always be best friends.连词成句将所给词语连成句子,标点已给出。要求:符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,词语不得重复使用。1(2019原创)exercise, you, do, often, how ?2(xx河北中考改编)I, am going on, next week, a trip . 3.(xx河北中考改编)interesting activities, many, there were .4(xx河北中考)night, did, last, rain, it ?5(xx河北中考改编)tennis, a, Nancy, twice, week, plays .书面表达(xx山东济宁中考改编)某英文网站正在向中学生征文,标题为“A Time When I Made Someone Happy”。请根据所给提示和要求写一篇短文。提示:(1)Who was the person you made happy?(2)When was it?(3)What did you say or do?(4)Why did it make him/her happy?(5)How did you feel at that moment?要求:(1)短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。(2)短文中不要出现真实的地名、校名和人名。(3)词数80个左右。A Time When I Made Someone Happy 参考答案.15 ADBAA610 BAABA.15 CABCC610 BDDCA.15 BCBBD.1.older2.eyes3.wrong4.was5.simply6.for7.likes8.her9.When10.valuable.1.How often do you exercise2I am going on a trip next week3There were many interesting activities4Did it rain last night5Nancy plays tennis twice a week.A Time When I Made Someone HappyLast summer, though it was hot, I volunteered to teach children English in rural area. When I arrived there, I couldnt adjust to the weather and life style. However, as time went by, I found myself quite happy when I saw the students I was teaching made great progress. In order to teach them,I had to keep on learning as well. As a result, my English improved a lot. Also, I made friends with some of my students. We are still keeping in touch by letter now.In a word, not only did I help those in need, but also I myself learnt a lot that summer. If I have another chance to do volunteer work, I am ready to go.


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