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教 学 案课题: 四年M1 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词: n 一个物品 p p 紫色的 p k 粉色的 wh t 白色的 r g 橙色的 p nt 分 w nn 冠军 th teen 十三 f teen 十四 f fteen 十五s xteen 十六 s v teen 十七 teen 十八 n n teen 十九 tw t 二十2、翻译下列短语a red one a green one a blue one a yellow one a purple one a pink one a white one an orange one have got twenty-two points 3、按要求写词heres(展开形式) 25(汉译英) Ive(完整形式) win(名词) 4、翻译课文 Module 1 Unit 1seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,twenty! ten ,eleven ,twelve,look ,Weiwei. Heres a red oneThirteen and a green one .Fourteen This is a blue oneFifteen and this is a yellow one . Sixteen Heres a purple one Seventeen and a pink one . Eighteen A white one Ninteen and an orange one ! Twenty ! Hooray ! Oh,no ! Look . Hahaha ! Unit 2 Ive got twenty-six points . Have you got an elephant ? Yes ,I have . Have you got a tiger ?No , I havent . Have you got a lion? Yes ,I have . Ive got twenty-two points . Ive got twenty-six points . Im the winner . 教 学 案课题: 四年M2 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词g str t n 直着走 l v 居住 r d 道路,街道 xc s m 对不起,打扰 t n l ft 向左转 t n r t 向右转 n xt t 临近的,在旁边 s p m k t 超市 st t 车站 tr n 火车 p 向上 h ll 小山 d n 向下 n 接近 h s 房屋2、翻译短语 my name live in NO.2 West Lake Road Excuse me turn left turn right go straight on next to next to a supermarket Thank you Youre welcome up the hill down the hill near the houses at the station 3、按要求写词right(对应词) youre(完整形式) wheres(完整形式) its(完整形式) house(复数) up(对应词) Module 2 Unit 1 Go straight on . Look , Sam .This dog is lost . My name is Doudou .I live in No.2 , West Lake Road . Excuse me .Wheres No.2,West Lake Road ,please ? Turn left .Go straight on .Turn right . Its next to a supermarket . Thank you .Byebye .Goodbye . Thank you so much . Youre welcome . Unit 2 Its at the station . Where is Train 1 ? Its up the hill . Where is Train 2 ? Its down the hill . Where is Train 3 ? Its near the houses. Where is Train 4? Its at the station. 教 学 案课题: 四年M3 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词wr t 书写 l tt 信件,字母p ct 图画 fr d 朋友t k p ct s 照相 t k t 和交谈l tt 小的,年幼的 pl wi 玩,摆弄l s to 听 r d 阅读2、翻译下列短语3look at my friend write a letter take pictures talk to her friend my little brother play with play with a toy train listen to watch TV read a book 3、按要求写出下列词的适当形式3this(复数) shes(完整形式) hes(完整形式) write(现在分词) take(现在分词) talk(现在分词) play(现在分词) picture(复数) brother(对应词) child(复数) listen(现在分词) watch(现在分词) do(现在分词) read(现在分词) whats(完整形式) Im(完整形式) 4、翻译课文 Module 3 Unit 1 Shes writing a letter. 1Look at these pictures . 2This is my friend ,Lingling .Shes writing a letter. 3This is my friend ,Daming .Hes taking pictures . 4This is my sister ,Amy .Shes talking to her friend . 5This is my little brother,Tom .Hes playing with a toy train . Unit 2What are you doing ? 1What are you doing ,children? 2Im listening to music! 3Im watching TV ! 4Whats Tom doing ? Oh,hes reading a book !Ha,ha,ha 教 学 案课题: 四年M4 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词l ts 让我们 g t n 上(车)l of 许多 t st 有趣的 ing物品,东西l k at 看 p p 人,人们 p k 公园l k 湖 r 划(船) b t 船m 男人(复数);人(复数)ch ss 象棋dr k 喝,饮用h ngr 饥饿的2、翻译短语get on lots of interesting things in the park do taijiquan on the lake row a dragon boat under the tree play chess these girls drink soybean milk play football play basketball play table tennis listen to music watch TV 3、按要求写词lets(完整形式) row(现在分词) on(对应词) drink(现在分词) swim(现在分词) run(现在分词) jump(现在分词) 4、翻译课文Module 4 Unit 1 What are they doing ? 1Lets get on the bus .We can see lots of interesting things . Okay . 2Look at the people in the park . 3What are they doing ?Theyre doing taijiquan. 4Look at the people on the lake . 5What are they doing ? Theyre rowing a dragon boat . 6Look at the men under the tree .What are they doing ? Theyre playing chess . 7Look at these girls .What are they drinking ? 8Theyre drinking soybean milk ! 9Im hungry . Im hungry ,too .Lets go ! 教 学 案课题: 四年M5 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词Ch n 中国的 f st f d 快餐w t 需要,想要 s m 一些 m k 制作n c 美味的 ch ps I s 筷子(复数)d ff c t困难的,难用的c k 烹饪,烧(菜)v g t b 蔬菜 l v 喜爱2、翻译下列短语Chinese fast food some rice look at this man make noodles some noodles have got in England make dumplings cook vegetables love vegetables 3、按要求写出下列各词的适当形式make(现在分词) theyre(完整形式) havent(完整形式) cook(现在分词) 4、翻译课文Module 5 Unit 1 Do you want some rice ? 1Look ,Amy .Chinese fast food ! 2Do you want some rice ? No, thank you . 3Look at this man .What is he doing ? Hes making noodles . 4Do you want some noodles ? Yes ,please . 5Mum .Its nice . Yes !But chopsticks are difficult . 6Have you got chopsticks in England ? No, we havent . 7Have you got fast food in England ? 8Yes ,we have . Unit 2 Im making dumplings . 1What are you doing ,Daming ? Im making dumplings. 2Do you want some ? Yes,please! 3What are you doing,Mum? Im cooking vegetables . 4Do you want some ? Yes ,please .I love vegetables . No,thank you . 教 学 案课题: 四年M6 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词c 能够 r n 跑 f st 快 j mp 跳 h 高 f 远 r d 骑,乘fl t 笛子 w sh 洗,清洗 cl es 衣服dr 画2、翻译下列短语run fast jump high jump very high jump far ride fast make a cake play the flute wash clothes draw a dragon 3、按要求写出下列各词的适当形式can(否定形式) were(完整形式) 4、翻译课文Module 6 Unit 1 Can you run fast ? 1Amy ,can you run fast ? Yes ,I can. 2Ahhh, Im the winner .You cant run fast ! 3Daming ,can you jump high ? Yes, I can . 4Look!Im the winner . You cant jump high . Yes ,Sam can jump very high ! 5Can you jump far ,Sam? Yes ,I can . Can you ? 6No,I cant .Youre the winner . 7Can you ride fast ? Yes ,I can . 8Whoops!No,I cant ! Unit 2 Yes ,I can . 1Can you make a cake ,Sam? Yes ,I can ./ No, I cant . 2Can you play the flute,Amy? Yes ,I can ./ No, I cant . 3Can you wash clothes,Lingling? Yes ,I can ./ No, I cant . 4Can you draw a dragon,Daming? Yes ,I can ./ No, I cant . 教 学 案课题: 四年M7 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词ch l en 孩子(复数t m rr 明天b pl n 乘坐飞机 g t p 起床 fr m 来自 Ch n 中国 sw m 游泳s 大海 v s t 拜访,看望 s ne 石头,石头的 n m 动物2、翻译下列短语be going to go by plane get up at 5 oclock your name from England from China go to Hainan in the sea visit my grandpa Xiaoyongs bag visit the Ming Tombs stone animals scary animals a monster 3、按要求写出下列各词的适当形式England(形容词) Xiaoyong(所有格) 4、翻译课文Module 7 Unit 1 Were going to go to Hainan. 1Its bedtime,children . Were going to go to Hainan tomorrow . 2Were going to go by plane! And were going to get up at 5 oclock! 3Hello.Whats your name ? Im Sam .Im from England . 4Im Xiaoyong. Im from China . 5Were going to go to Hainan. Im going to swim in the sea. Im going to visit my grandpa .And Im going to swim ,too. 6Im going to swim now! 7Oh no!This is Xiaoyongs bag! And Xiaoyongs swimsuit ! Unit 2 Were going to visit the Ming Tombs . 1Were going to visit the Ming Tombs tomorrow . Hooray! ( The next day ) 2Look!Stone animals. Lions,camels and elephants . 3Roar! And scary animals ,too.Whats that ? Its a monster .Help! 4Roar! Ha,ha,ha! 教 学 案课题: 四年M8 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词Sp ts D 运动日 f 为了,给m t 米 v r d 每天g d l ck 好运气 c m on 快点,赶快h j mp 跳高 l j mp 跳远2、翻译下列短语have a Sports Day run the 100 metres every day in the park good luck come on do the high jump do the long jump run the 200 metres 3、翻译课文Module 8 Unit 1 What are you going to do ? 1Were going to have a Sports Day. 2What are you going to do for Sports Day? Im going to run the 100 metres . 3Im going to run every day . 4Where are you going ,Daming? Im going to run in the park . (Sports Day) 5 Goodbye ,Daming!Good luck! Thank you ! Bye-bye . 6Come on ,Daming.Run!Run! Yes! Im the winner !Im the winner ! Unit 2 Im going to do the high jump. What are you going to do for Sports Day? Im going to do the high jump. Im going to do the long jump. Im going to run the 200 metres . Im going to run the 100 metres . 教 学 案课题: 四年M9 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词s p汤 s rr 抱歉对不起 sw ts 糖果(复数br d面包t n on 打开 l t 灯 b sc t 饼干fr t 水果 t d 今天 c m n 请进 f c se 当然2、翻译下列短语have some soup have some sweets have some bread very hungry come here very dark trun on Happy birthday come in have some sweets of course Here you are Happy halloween! 3、写出下列单词的适当形式here(对应词) their(同音词) 4、翻译课文Module 9 Unit 1 Can I have some sweets ? 1Mum, Im hungry .Can I have some soup? Sorry,you cant . 2But Im hungry .Can I have some sweets ,please? Sorry ,you cant . 3Can I have some bread ? Sorry ,you cant . But Mum ,Im VERY HUNGRY! 4Mmmm.Come here ,Amy. Mum ,I cant see . Its very dark . Well ,turn on the light . 5Happy birthday,Amy! Thank you . 6Now you can have some biscuits ,some fruit and some cake . Happy birthday to you Thank you ,Mum. Unit 2 Happy Halloween! 1Today is Halloween! 2Hello! Can I come in ? Oh!Hello! Yes ,of course. 3Can I have some sweets ? Here you are . 4Thank you !Whoops ! Happy Halloween ,Tom! 教 学 案课题: 四年M10 授课时间: 月 日 总评: 备课教师: 谢丽君 学生姓名: 1、补全单词c nt 数数J n r 一月 F br r 二月 M ch 三月 pr 四月 M 五月 J n 六月p t 聚会 J l 七月 g st 八月S pt mb 九月 ct b 十月N v mb 十一月D c mb 十二月2、翻译下列短语counting my friends birthdays there are there is how many be going to go to thirty-five birthday parties this year very happy five birthdays in July like January and February lots of go to the park go to school go home fly kitesfly kites very fine love February 3、写出下列单词的适当形式count(现在分词) friends(所有格) party(复数) birthday(复数) snow(雪) warm(对应词) hot(对应词) sun(形容词) 4、翻译课文Module 10 Unit 1 There is one birthday in May. 1What are you doing ,Lingling ? Im counting my friends birthdays . 2January.There are three . February .There are six . March .There is one . April . There are two . May . There is one . June . there are four . 3How many birthdays are there ? There are thirty-five . 4Im going to go to thirty-five birthday parties this year! So youre very happy! Yes ,I am ! Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year. 写句子,并翻译There are five birthdays in July. August one; September two; October three; November six; December one


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