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UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 33:Maybe Youll Be a Teacher!0:00.987UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.702My Future 我的未来0:05.574Lesson 33: 第33课:0:07.504Maybe Youll Be a Teacher! 或许你会成为一个老师!0:11.320THINK ABOUT IT!0:12.649What are you good at?0:14.921What do you want to do in the future?0:19.252What do Li Ming and Wang Mei want to do in the future?0:25.126Sometimes its scary to talk about the future. 有时谈论未来很可怕。0:28.084I dont know what Im going to do when I am a man. 我不知道当我长大后会做什么。0:31.000I dont know where Ill live. 我不知道我会住在哪儿。0:32.929You are a good student, Li Ming. 你是一个好学生,李明。0:35.288You are also a nice boy. 你也是一个好孩子。0:37.303You will have a very good future. 你会拥有一个美好的未来。0:40.176Whats the future? 什么是“未来”?0:41.762Tomorrow is the future. 明天就是未来。0:43.477So is next week and next year. 下周和明年也是未来。0:46.693What do you think Ill be when Im older, Wang Mei? 王梅,你认为我长大后会做什么?0:49.694You are good at talking to people. 你擅长和人交谈。0:51.838Yesterday you gave a great talk to all the students in the classroom. 昨天,你给全班同学做了一个很棒的演讲。0:56.083Maybe youll be a teacher. 或许你会是一个老师。0:58.098I would like to be a teacher. 我想成为老师。1:00.113I would be nice to my students. 我会对我的学生很好。1:02.128I wouldnt make them do homework on Sunday! 我不会让他们在周日做作业!1:05.130Can you tell me what Im going to be in the future? 你能告诉我我以后会做什么吗?1:08.603Youre always helping people. 你总是在帮助别人。1:10.661And youre a very good student. 你是一个很好的学生。1:12.890You might be a doctor when youre older. 你长大后可能会是一名医生。1:15.077Let me look at you carefully, Li Ming. 李明,让我仔细看看你。1:17.735You look hot! 你看起来发烧了!1:19.322Im not hot, Dr. Wang Mei! 我没发烧,王梅大夫!1:21.741Yes, you are! 你确实发烧了!1:23.242Youre sick today. 今天你生病了。1:24.442Maybe you should go home now. 或许你现在应该回家。1:27.186Dr. means doctor. “Dr.”意思是“医生”。1:29.587Is Wang Mei really a doctor? 王梅真是医生吗?1:31.946No! 不是!1:32.803But she wants to be! 但是她想当医生!1:34.775LETS DO IT!1:36.533Think about your life in the future.1:39.535Share your ideas in a small group.1:43.351Where will you live?1:45.409What will your job be?1:47.596Will you be happy? Why?UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 34:What Do You Hope?0:00.725UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.388My Future 我的未来0:04.143Lesson 34: 第34课:0:06.230What Do You Hope? 你希望做什么?0:08.317THINK ABOUT IT!0:10.071Do you want to be on English teacher?0:12.854Why or why not?0:15.152Why does Li Ming want to be an English teacher?0:19.780Li Mings Prediction 李明的预言0:22.593Heres my page for the yearbook! 这是我的年鉴的一页!0:25.224My ambition is to be an English teacher. 我的志向是做一名英语老师。0:28.400I hope to be a good teacher, like Ms. Liu. 我希望成为一名像刘老师那样的好老师。0:31.878I want to stay in Shijiazhuang when Im older, 我长大后想留在石家庄,0:34.933because my mother and father live here. 因为我的爸爸妈妈住在这儿。0:37.867I hope to have a son or a daughter someday. 我希望有一天有个儿子或女儿。0:40.922My mother and father will be very good grandparents! 我的父母将会是非常好的祖父母!0:44.642I predict that I will be very happy and will have many friends when I am a man. 我预计我长大后会非常幸福,会有很多朋友。0:50.086I hope that some of my classmates will be my friends when we are older! 我希望在我们长大后我的一些同学会成为我的朋友!0:55.047PROJECT0:56.559MAKE A YEARBOOK! PREDICT YOUR FUTURE!1:01.580In many countries, students like to make yearbooks.1:06.540A yearbook has a picture of everyone in your class.1:12.110Sometimes, you write about your future under your picture.1:18.346Its fun to look at your predictions when you are older!1:22.972Heres what to do:1:25.224Make a group with three or four other students.1:30.736Predict the futures of students in another group.1:35.764What are they going to be when theyre older?1:39.907What work will they do?1:42.361Where will they live?1:45.378Write down your predictions for each student on a piece of paper.1:51.412After you make all of your predictions, give them to the other group.1:57.406Get the predictions they made for you.2:01.298Check and talk about the predictions the other group made.2:06.005Are they right or wrong?2:09.464Finally, predict your own future.2:13.124Put your prediction in a book of predictions for the class.UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 35:Whats Your Advice?0:00.883UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.521My Future 我的未来0:04.280Lesson 35: 第35课:0:06.369Whats Your Advice? 你有什么建议?0:08.791PROJECT0:09.819MAKE AN ADVICE DIAMOND0:12.937Give your friends good advice for the future!0:16.819Take a piece of paper. Your teacher will show you how to fold it into an advice diamond.0:25.244After you fold and colour your advice diamond, you will need to write some advice.0:31.945What good advice can you give to your friends?0:36.390Things like:0:37.916Have ambition.0:39.707Make goals for the future.0:42.898Always do your homework.0:44.728Help your mother and father.0:47.295Work hard to improve your English.0:51.441Danny and Jenny have made advice diamonds. 丹尼和珍妮做了建议菱形块。0:55.090How do they use them? 他们如何使用它们呢?0:57.147Lets use mine first, says Jenny. 珍妮说:“让我们先用我的吧。”1:00.331She shows Danny her diamond. 她向丹尼展示她的菱形块。1:03.018Choose a colour, she says. 她说:“选一种颜色。”1:05.937Danny chooses purple. 丹尼选择“紫色”。1:07.961P-U-R-P-L-E. “P-U-R-P-L-E”。1:12.605P-U-R-P-L-E. “P-U-R-P-L-E”。1:17.382Danny looks inside the diamond. 丹尼看菱形块里面。1:20.102He can see four numbers: 他看到了四个数字:1:22.159nine, five, six and three. 9、5、6和3。1:25.608Choose a number, says Jenny. 珍妮说:“选择一个数字。”1:28.328Five, Danny replies. 丹尼回答:“5。”1:31.181Jenny opens and closes the diamond as she counts: 珍妮一边打开又合上菱形块,一边数着:1:35.095One, two, three, four, five. “一、二、三、四、五。1:39.408Choose a number again, Danny. 再选一个数字,丹尼。”1:41.929Twelve, he says. 他说:“十二,”1:46.308Twelve, he says. 他说:“十二,”1:48.829Jenny looks under the number. 珍妮看数字下面。1:51.516What does it say? 它说了什么?1:53.174Nobody wants to be sick. “没人想要生病。1:55.496Eat good food. 吃有营养的饭。1:57.022It makes you strong, she reads to Danny. 它会使你强壮,”她给丹尼念到。2:00.571Thats very good advice, Jenny. “这是个好建议,珍妮。2:02.993Sometimes I eat too many donuts. says Danny. 丹尼说,“有时我吃太多的油炸圈饼。2:07.737Lets play with my advice diamond, Jenny. Choose a colour. 让我们来玩我的建议菱形块吧。选一个颜色。”2:12.746I choose green, then. 那么,我选择绿色。”2:15.565I choose green, then. 那么,我选择绿色。”2:17.920Youre good at this game, Jenny! says Danny. 丹尼说:“珍妮,你对这个游戏很擅长啊!”2:21.901Danny spells: G-R-E-N. 丹尼拼写到,“G-R-E-N”。2:26.313Danny! Thats not how you spell green! You forgot an E! says Jenny. 珍妮说:“丹尼,不是那样拼写!你忘了一个E!”2:32.317Oh, sorry! says Danny. 丹尼说:“哦,对不起!2:35.928Choose a number. “选择一个数字。”2:37.548Jenny looks inside the advice diamond. 珍妮看着建议菱形块里面。2:40.709Fifty-one, she says. 她说:“五十一。”2:43.230Danny counts to fifty-one as he opens and closes the advice diamond. 丹尼打开又合上那个建议菱形块时,数到五十一。2:48.737Then Jenny picks another number. 然后珍妮选了另一个数字。2:53.281This makes me tired! 这使我累死了!2:55.438Then Jenny picks another number. 然后珍妮选了另一个数字。2:58.191They look under the number: 他们看数字下:3:00.347Fast is the opposite of slow. 珍妮说:“快是慢的反义词。3:03.532Thats not advice, Danny! Jenny says. 那不是建议,丹尼!”3:06.816Lets do it again! says Danny. 丹尼说:“我们重新玩吧!”3:10.265Jenny chooses green and two numbers. 珍妮选了绿色和两个数字。3:13.450Danny spells and counts. 丹尼拼写,数数。3:15.491This time Jenny reads: 这一次珍妮读到:3:17.979lu 3:21.395Jenny laughs, Thats very good advice, Danny! 珍妮笑了,“丹尼,这是个很好的建议!”UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 36:No Matter What0:00.922UNIT 50:02.336My Future0:04.425Lesson 36:0:06.392No Matter What0:14.197In ten more years, my friend, Where will I be? 十几年后,我的朋友,我会变成什么样子呢?0:20.005Rich, poor, somewhere between? 富裕,贫穷还是贫富之间?0:24.953No matter what I become, I know for sure: 不论我变成什么样子,我确定的是:0:30.576Youll be my friend If Im rich or Im poor. 不论我富裕还是贫穷,你都会是我的朋友。0:35.524In twenty more years, my friend, Where will I be? 二十几年后,我的朋友,我会变成什么样子呢?0:41.239Rich, poor, somewhere between? 富裕,贫穷还是贫富之间?0:46.279No matter what I become, I know for sure: 不论我变成什么样子,我确定的是:0:51.964Youll be my friend If Im rich or Im poor. 不论我富裕还是贫穷,你都会是我的朋友。0:56.881In thirty more years, my friend, Where will I be? 三十几年后,我的朋友,我会变成什么样子呢?1:02.658Rich, poor, somewhere between? 富裕,贫穷还是贫富之间?1:07.544No matter what I become, I know for sure: 不论我变成什么样子,我确定的是:1:13.321Youll be my friend If Im rich or Im poor. 不论我富裕还是贫穷,你都会是我的朋友。1:20.850Friends are always friends, rich or poor. 朋友总是朋友,不论富贵还是贫穷。1:24.722LETS DO IT!1:26.504With a partner, talk about the future.1:30.868Guess what your partner will be like in twenty more years.1:35.846What will you be like in twenty more years?1:39.624Will you be rich or poor?1:42.971Will you still be good friends?UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 37:Rich or Poor? It Doesnt Matter!0:01.045UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.612My Future 我的未来0:05.447Lesson 37: 第37课:0:07.237Rich or Poor? It Doesnt Matter! 富有或贫穷?那并不重要!0:11.527THINK ABOUT IT!0:13.206What makes you happy?0:15.556What makes you sad?0:17.794What does Lucas want to do in the future? Why?0:22.942What makes me happy? 什么能让我高兴呢?0:24.695My friends and my family. 我的朋友和家人。0:26.896My names Lucas. 我叫卢卡斯。0:28.612I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。0:30.776Is my father a doctor? 我父亲是医生吗?0:32.678No. 不是。0:33.611My mother? 我母亲是吗?0:34.954No again. 也不是。0:36.260Why do I want to be a doctor? 我为什么想成为医生呢?0:38.274Because I want to help people who are sick. 因为我想帮助生病的人们。0:41.184Irfan is in my class. 伊凡在我们班。0:43.347His ambition is to be a doctor, too. 他的志向也是当医生。0:46.033His sister is going to be a doctor. 他妹妹也打算当医生。0:48.197Thats cool! 真是太棒了!0:50.099Cool? 凉爽?0:51.367Is Lucas cold? 卢卡斯冷吗?0:53.009No, Danny. 不是,丹尼。0:54.240Lucas says thats cool because he likes it. 卢卡斯说“那真是太棒了”是因为他喜欢它。0:58.418He uses cool correctly here. 他在这里用“酷”是正确的。1:01.477I might be a lawyer. 我或许会做律师。1:03.043Lawyers are rich. 律师们很有钱。1:04.759I might work in a tall office building. 我可能会在高高的办公楼里上班。1:07.333I would have an office at the very top. 我的办公室可能在顶层。1:10.131I could see the city from my office. 我会从办公室看到整个城市。1:12.742That would be great! 那该多棒啊!1:15.354Or maybe Ill be a teacher. 或者我可能会做老师。1:17.704I dont think teachers are rich - not like lawyers and doctors. 我想老师们不富裕不像律师和医生们那样富裕。1:21.770But it would be fun! 但是它会很有趣!1:23.523I would be happy with my students. 和我的学生们在一起我会很幸福。1:26.172Really, I want to be happy. 真的,我想得到幸福。1:28.857Thats my biggest goal. 那是我最大的目标。1:30.611What makes me happy? 什么会使我幸福?1:32.289My work makes me happy. 我的工作使我幸福。1:34.341My family makes me happy. 我的家庭使我幸福。1:36.542I hope to have a great family when Im older. 我希望长大后有一个大家庭。1:39.414I hope I have a wife and great kids someday. 我希望有一天,有一个妻子和很棒的孩子。1:42.734It would be great to have a happy family. 拥有一个幸福的家庭会很棒。1:46.204Lucas wants to be a doctor? 卢卡斯想成为医生吗?1:48.069But its hard to be a doctor. 但是成为医生很困难。1:50.270I think Lucas knows that, Danny. 丹尼,我想卢卡斯知道这个。1:53.145LETS DO IT!1:55.197Is Lucas ambition the same as yours?1:59.188Work in a small group and compare your classmates ambitions with Lucas.2:05.940Talk about things that are the same and things that are different.UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 38:Dear Diary0:00.961UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.753My Future 我的未来0:05.155Lesson 38: 第38课:0:06.859Dear Diary 亲爱的日记0:09.480THINK ABOUT IT!0:11.184Do you have an ambition?0:13.412What is it?0:14.984What is Wang Meis goal?0:17.999Date: 日期:0:18.872November 1 11月1日0:20.576Weather: 天气:0:21.493Cold, but no snow yet. 寒冷,但是没雪。0:24.289Dear Diary, 亲爱的日记:0:25.600Today, my mother gave me a new diary. 今天,我妈妈给了我一个新日记本。0:28.002It is a special one. 它很特别。0:29.706It has a lock. 它有把锁。0:31.017I open the lock with a little key. 我用一把小钥匙打开它。0:33.419Nobody can open my diary but me. 除了我没人能够打开我的日记。0:36.128I will try to write in it every day. 我会尽力每天都记日记。0:38.967In school this week, Ms. Liu told us to write about our futures. 这周在学校,刘老师告诉我们要写关于我们的未来。0:43.685She asked us about our ambitions. 她问了我们的志向。0:46.132I am only thirteen years old. 我只有13岁。0:48.622I dont know my future! 我不知道我的未来!0:50.544I might be tall, I might be rich, I might be happy - or I might be the opposite! 我可能会很高,有钱,我可能会很幸福或者与之相反!0:57.096Li Ming is sure that I will have a good future. 李明相信我会有一个美好的未来。1:00.286He says that Im good at helping people. 他说我擅长帮助别人。1:02.907He told me that I could be a doctor. 他告诉我我可能会当医生。1:05.659That is a good goal. 那是个很不错的目标。1:07.362To be a doctor, I will need to learn a lot in school. 要成为医生,我需要在学校学习很多东西。1:10.708I am a good student, but I can be better. 我是个好学生,但我可以做得更好。1:13.894I will work hard to improve. 我会努力提高的。1:16.522Yesterday, every pupil in class wrote a page for our book of predictions. 昨天,班上每个学生都在我们的预言书上写了一页。1:21.711Maybe when Im older I will take my key, open the lock and read this diary. 或许我长大后我会拿着我的钥匙,打开锁阅读这本日记。1:26.999Will I be a doctor? 我会当医生吗?1:28.576I hope so! 我希望如此!1:30.284Wang Mei 王梅1:31.795LETS DO IT!1:33.437Write a letter to your parents.1:36.032Tell them about your ambition and tell them how you will reach your goal.1:42.529You may use these expressions: My ambition is to _. I hope to _. I want to _.UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 39:A Famous Friend?0:00.802UNIT 5 第五单元0:02.337My Future 我的未来0:04.325Lesson 39: 第39课:0:06.382A Famous Friend? 一个有名的朋友?0:08.858Danny has a new computer. 丹尼有一台新电脑。0:10.950Now I can send him e-mail! 现在我可以给他发电子邮件了!0:13.949From: 来自:0:14.751Li-Ming0:18.343To: 到:0:19.320danny0:22.911Subject: 主题:0:23.958The Future 未来0:25.771Date: 日期:0:26.57308/11 7:09 PM 11月8日 晚上7点090:30.584Hello, Danny, 你好,丹尼:0:32.013At school this week, we talked about our goals and ambitions. 这周在学校,我们谈论了我们的目标和志向。0:36.721Some students didnt know what they wanted to be. 有些学生不知道他们想成为什么。0:39.824But I wrote that I wanted to be an English teacher. 但是我写到我想成为一名英语老师。0:43.312I hope to be a good teacher, like Ms. Liu. 我希望成为像刘老师那样的好老师。0:46.868She makes us work very hard, but she is nice. 她使我们努力学习,但是却很和蔼。0:50.669Her classes are fun! 她的课很有趣!0:52.866Do you know what youre going to be when youre older, Danny? 丹尼,你知道你长大后想做什么吗?0:56.807Maybe youll be a basketball player. 或许你会成为一名篮球运动员。0:59.492Jenny tells me that you are a very good player this year. 珍妮告诉我说你今年打得很好。1:03.607Li Ming 李明1:05.455From: 来自:1:06.083danny1:10.058To: 到:1:11.000Li-Ming1:15.010Subject: 主题:1:15.952The Future 未来1:18.149Date: 日期:1:19.50909/11 6:59 AM 11月9日 早上6点591:24.147Hi, Li Ming! 你好,李明:1:26.065Jenny is right! 珍妮说的对!1:27.599Im much taller this year, and I love playing basketball. 我今年更高了,我爱打篮球。1:32.795But I dont think Im going to be a basketball player when Im older. 但是我认为我长大后不会做篮球运动员的。1:37.503I wrote a letter to Helen this week. 我这周给海伦写了一封信。1:40.292She gives advice to people in the newspaper. 她在报纸上给人们建议。1:43.884I asked her what I would be in the future. 我问她我以后干什么。1:47.476She said that I might be a good actor. 她说我或许会是一个好演员。1:50.649Maybe I will be a famous movie star someday. 或许有一天我会成为一个有名的电影明星。1:54.450Or maybe Ill be a TV actor in the future. 或者我以后或许会做电视演员。1:59.298I will be famous when Im older, but I will always be your friend! 长大后我可能会很出名,但我将永远是你的朋友!2:05.225Danny 丹尼2:06.551E-mail is fun! 电子邮件很好玩!2:09.306LETS DO IT!2:11.154Work in a small group.2:13.944Ask your group members what they are going to be in the future.2:19.419As you discuss, complete the chart below.2:23.603Then write a short paragraph.2:27.122Danny2:28.482Li Ming2:30.365Wang Mei2:32.213Lucas2:33.643Jenny2:35.107Me2:36.746Partner 12:38.490Partner 2UNIT 5 My Future Lesson 40:Unit Review0:01.804Unit 50:03.313My Future0:05.761Lesson 40:0:07.514Unit Review0:09.799I.0:10.696Building Your Vocabulary0:12.980A.0:14.367Fill in each blank with the proper word or phrase from the list. Use the correct form.0:23.054B.0:24.359Fill in the blank with the proper word. The first letter is given.0:31.171C.0:32.476Complete the passage with the proper words or phrases.0:38.186II.0:39.246Grammar in Use0:41.327A.0:42.305Make proper sentences with the words or phrases given.0:47.608B.0:48.546Change the sentences to proper questions.0:52.665III.0:53.644Speaking the Language0:56.091Complete the following dialogue with a partner0:59.885IV.1:01.027Putting It All Together1:03.188A.1:04.004Reading comprehension1:05.921Our Future 我们的未来1:08.327Everybody is sitting in the classroom. 每个人都坐在教室里。1:12.447Ms. Liu asks them to think about the future. 刘老师让他们想一想他们的未来。1:16.607What will you be in the future? she asks. “将来你想成为什么?”她问。1:19.952What are your plans and dreams? “你的计划和梦想是什么?”1:23.255The future seems a long way off, but it is really closer than you think. “未来看起来离我们很远,但是事实上它比我们想的要进。1:30.801The future will be good if you work hard. 如果你努力,将来会是美好的。1:34.676You will make your mother and your father very happy if you work hard at school. 如果你在学校努力学习,你爸爸妈妈会很高兴。1:40.630They will be happier if you are a good person. 如果你是一个好人,他们会更高兴。”1:44.709The class think about the future for a long time. 同学们考虑很久。1:48.973Someone says that she wants to be a scientist when she is older. 有人说当他她长大后她想成为科学家。1:54.601Another says that he wants to be a farmer. 另一个学生说他想当农民。1:58.313He wants to be good at farming. 他希望自己擅长务农。2:00.801He wants to be the best farmer that he can be. 他想成为最好的农民。2:04.920In the future, I will grow good food and feed many people, he says. “将来,我要种植很多好的食物给更多人食用。”他说。2:11.324I hope to make everybody very happy with all the food that I grow. “我希望用我种植的食物让每个人都开心。”2:18.380Everyone has dreams. “每个人都有梦想。2:20.705Think about what your hope to be, says Ms. Liu. 想一想你希望什么。”刘老师说。2:24.946Find out what you are good at. “找出你所擅长的。2:27.842Dont be afraid to tell somebody what you will be in the future. 不要害怕告诉别人你将来想做什么。2:32.288Maybe they can help you make your dreams come true! 也许他们能帮助你实现你的梦想!”2:38.284Answer the following questions.2:40.649B.2:41.669Group work2:43.627In twenty years your classmates may meet again.2:47.909In a small group, plan the great party you will have.2:52.559Share your ideas with the rest of the class.2:57.045Do You Know? 你知道吗?2:59.085Hope and Wish 希望3:01.491I wish to see your new photo. 我希望看到你的新照片。3:04.754I hope that some of my classmates will be my friends when we are older! 我希望长大后我的一些同学会成为我的好朋友!3:10.954He hopes to have a great family when hes older. 当他长大后他希望有个好的家庭。3:16.297Cause and Effect 因果3:18.662Why do you want to be a doctor? 你为什么想当医生?3:21.966Because I want to help sick people. 因为我想帮助病人。3:25.351Positive/Negative Sentences 肯定句和否定句3:28.981He is/isnt a doctor. 他是/他不是医生。3:32.204I like playing football. 我喜欢踢足球。3:34.732He doesnt like playing football. 他不喜欢踢足球。3:37.955Interrogative Sentences 疑问句3:40.932Does he like playing football? 他喜欢踢足球吗?3:44.138(Yes, he does./No, he doesnt.) (是的,他喜欢。/不,他不喜欢。)3:48.665How do they use them? 他们如何使用它们?3:51.153Why do you want to be a doctor? 你为什么想当医生?3:51.153improve choose


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