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Unit3 The Million Pound Bank-note制作者:马德坚制作者:马德坚What do you know about Mark Twain?Warming upMark TwainMark Twain (18351910)The greatest humorist of the 19th centuryin American literature.Also one of the greatestwriter in the world.Do you know any of his works?Real nameMeaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirthplacePlace where he grew upHis famous storiesRead the short passage quickly and fill in the chart.Real name of MTMeaning of his pen nameBirth dateBirth placeSamuel Langhorne Clemens1835(died 1910)Florida Fill in the blanks.riverPlace where he grew upHis famous storiesIn Hannibal,Missoouri,along the Mississippi River.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer;The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.The greatest humorist of the 19th century American literature.Novels:The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876)(汤姆汤姆索亚历险记)索亚历险记)The Prince and the Pauper(1882)(皇子与贫儿皇子与贫儿)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1894)(哈克贝利哈克贝利费恩历险费恩历险记记)Mark Twain:(18351910)Suppose a rich person gives you a million pound bank-note,what will you do with it?Give the reasons.DiscussionBuy a houseTravel around the worldThis play was made into a film.Two rich gentlemen in London made a bet on what would happen to a person if he was given a million pound bank-note.An American young man who sailed too far was carried out to sea,but was saved by a British ship for London.So he was now in London,tired,hungry and pennilessTask 2:Getting to know the story.Task 1.Scanning Reading strategy:Go through the play for specific information.Dont read sentence by sentence.Characters(人物):(人物):Henry Adams:a lost American businessmanin London“Roderick”and“Oliver”:two brothers and rich EnglishmenThey made a bet on what would happen to a person if he was given a million pound note.Henry,the people of in the story,sailed too far,drifted(漂)(漂)out to the ocean,A British ship,for London,passing by,fortunately saved him.What happened to Henry?Scan the passage and find out:ReadingsailingcarriedspottedLondonTowards nightfallLastlyAbout a month agoThe next morning Henry was _ out of the bay.Henry was _ out to sea by a strong wind.Henry was _by a ship.Henry arrived in _ by working as an unpaid hand.Roderick _ him and asked him to step in;Roderick gave Henry a _ with money in it.lostcalledletterRoderick gave Henry a _ with money in it.NowHenry was_ in London and wandering in the streetJust at that timeTo Henrys surpriseletterWhat happened to Henry?He was given a letter by the two brothers and was asked not to open it until two oclock.Task 2.Skimming Reading strategy:Go through the play for the general idea of the play.Dont worry about the language.Answer the following questions:1.Where does Henry Adams come from?Does he know much about London?2.What did he do in America?3.Why did he land in Britain?Henry comes from San Francisco.No,he doesnt know London at all.He worked for a mining company.He was sailing out the bay when he was carried out to sea by a strong wind and was survived by a ship for London.Henry wandered in London streets.About a month ago Henry Adams was sailing out of the bay.The next morning he was spotted by a ship.Towards nightfall he found himself carried out to sea by a strong wind.On the ship he earned his passage by working as an unpaid hand.Put the following eventsin correct order. O(Opinion)1).Henry wants to find a job in London.()2).Henry is given an envelope by the two brothers.()3).Henry is an unlucky young man.()4).The servant is called James.()5).Henry is foolish to go and meet the two brothers.()Task 3.Detailed-reading Reading strategy:Read the play carefully and try to get as much information as possible.Try to keep them in mind.Henry was an_.One day he had an accident in a_.Luckily he was survived by a ship for_.He arrived in London by earning his passage without pay.He was _in the street in_.To his surprise an _ thing happened.Two rich brothers gave him a million pound bank-note because they had made a_.incredibleAmericanLondonbayrags lostbetRetell the story Task 1.Pay attention to Henrys look and his words.Task 2.Talking Think about what kind of person Henry was?It is my first trip here.Well,to be honest,I have none.(no money)Well,I cant say that I have any plans.I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand.Could you offer me some kind of work here?I dont want your charity,I just want an honest job.Well,it may seem luck to you but not to me.If this is your idea of some kind of joke,I dont think its very funny.Now,if youll excuse me,I think Ill be on my way.Enjoy the movie.


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