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Introduction of advantage in Submerged Arc Welding Technology 埋弧焊技术的优势介绍 September 2008,The Next Generation in Submerged Arc Welding新一代的埋弧焊,The “State-of-the-Art” in Inverter Technology最先进的逆变焊机技术 Highest Capacity available on the Market市场上同类产品中最高的容量 High Efficiency Inverter高效率逆变焊机 WaveForm Control Technology波形控制技术 Greatest Control over the Welding Process焊接过程的最佳控制 Solid State Switching Technology固态开关技术 AC or DC Welding Processes交流或直流焊接工艺,The Next Generation in Submerged Arc Welding新一代的埋弧焊,Market / Customer Demands 市场/客户需求 Increased Production 4 to 5 arcs)技术上一般允许在焊接中增加一个电弧(如3弧转为4弧以及4弧转为5弧)。,PW AC/DC Pipemill Advantages PW AC/DC 运用在管道焊时的优势,Voltage and Current regulation is excellent - this allows running near the top end of the voltage range allowed by the procedure qualification极佳的电流电压调整可以在评定所允许的极限值上运行 The toe condition and reinforcement of the welds are very consistent均匀的焊脚和焊缝余高 Excellent Visual Appearance极佳的焊缝成形,Overview Recommendation for Fine Tuning Procedures推荐微调程序,Step 1:步骤1 Use DC+ Lead Arc前导电弧使用DC+ Use 50% Balanced and Symmetrical AC Trailing Arcs拖后电弧使用50%平衡且对称 Achieve Stable Operation and Confirm Installation确保运行稳定和安装正确 Step 2:步骤2 Increase Frequency on Trailing arcs to highest level without degrading beadshape or reducing current due to inductive effects (typically less than 90 Hz) 增加拖后电弧的频率并保持焊道成形,或由于电感的影响而减小电流(一般少于90Hz),Overview Recommendation for Fine Tuning Procedures推荐微调程序,Step 3:步骤3 Increase Voltage and Travel Speed together to maximize productivity增加电压和焊接速度以提高生产率 Adjust Current on Lead Arc to achieve penetration as required调整前导电弧的电流以提高熔深 Increase current on the trail arcs to increase deposition as required增加拖后电弧的电流以增加熔敷率 Step 4:步骤4 Add a small amount of DC- imbalance to AC waveforms and repeat step 3 在交流波形上增加一点DC-分量,然后重复步骤3,Applications - Pressure Vessel应用-压力容器,Deep Groove Multi-Pass Welding 深坡口多道焊 Two Arc AC-AC SAW Process 双弧 AC-AC 埋弧弧工艺 165 mm Thick Plate 165 mm 厚板 62 Passes 62 道 30% increase in Travel speed 30% 焊接速度的增加 23% Reduction in Heat Input 23% 热输入的减少,Spin Casting Application 旋转铸件的应用 Casting molds are resurfaced with submerged arc 铸模用埋弧焊进行表面堆焊 Max. Mold Temp. 245 Deg. C模具最高温度 245 C 50 % increase in welding speed 焊接速度增加50 % Reduced rebuild time减少堆焊时间 11 days to 6-7 days 11 天 到 6-7 天 $511,000 yearly cost reduction 年成本减少$511,000 $6 million reduction in Mold Stock 模具库存量减少$6 million,应用:模具修复,Roll Formed and Welded管件成型和焊接 Trial System - April 2003 试用系统 - 2003年4月 28 Welding Stations 28 个焊接站 Estimated 30,000 Man-hour Savings based on Trial System 试用系统估计节约人力30,000 小时,Application : Offshore Structural应用:海洋平台结构,Tandem Sub Arc双丝埋弧焊 Typical DC-AC Deposition = 15 Kg/hr 典型的 DC-AC 熔敷率 = 15 Kg/hr AC-AC with 25% DC Pos. = 20 Kg/hr AC-AC 带 25% DC 正极 = 20 Kg/hr 35 % increase in Production 生产率增加35 %,Application : Offshore Structural应用:海洋平台结构,Longitudinal Pipe Welding直缝管焊接 Conversion 3-Arc Welding to 4-Arc Welding 将3丝焊改为 to 4丝焊 1.7 m/m travel speed increased to 2.3 m/m 焊接速度从1.7 m/m增加到2.3 m/m No Change to Weld Bead Profile or Mechanical Properties 焊缝形状和机械性能无改变 35% increase in Production 生产率增加35%,应用:管道制造,Spiral Pipe Welding 螺旋管焊接 DC-AC to AC-AC ID Weld DC-AC 改为 AC-AC 内焊 1.54 m/m to 1.90 m/m Travel Speed Increase 焊接速度从1.54 m/m增加到 1.90 m/m 23% increase in Production 生产率增加23% Excellent ID Bead Quality 出色的内焊道质量,Application : Pipe Mills应用:管道制造,Tandem Arc PF 10A User Interfaces 双丝焊 PF 10A 用户接口 Excellent Productivity Gains 30% 出色的生产率提高30%,Application : Pipe Mills应用:管道制造,New Welding Flux新焊剂 Designed to take advantage of Wave Form Control设计时充分利用波形控制的优点 Critical performance requirements 重要的应用要求 Minimize undercut on ID weld 减少内焊道的咬边 Wider, flatter bead profile 焊道宽且平滑 No slag sticking 无粘渣 Robust for procedural variations 参数变化小 Maintain mechanical properties 机械性能一致 Lower Heat operation热输入小,Future Flux Improvements将来焊剂的改进,Power Wave AC/DC 1000Machine Overview,The Power Wave AC/DC machine can be broken down into two sub-assemblies (Powersource and AC-Switch) that are combined to make the final assembly. These sub-assemblies are not sold separately. PW AC/DC 机器可以分成两部分(电源和AC开关箱),这两部分不单独出售 The Powersource sub-assembly is the “upper portion” and is similar to the Power Wave 655. The powersources main function is to create a DC output.电源部分就是上半部分,和PW655相似。主要功能是DC输出。 The AC-Switch sub-assembly is the “lower portion” and is responsible for converting the Powersources DC output into an AC output. The AC-switch was designed with a removable “slide assembly”. This slide assembly contains all of the electrical components for simpler serviceability. AC开关箱就是下半部分,主要负责将DC转换成AC输出。该开关箱设计成可移动的“滑动式装配”,包括了所有电气元件,以便于维修。,AC Switch AC开关箱,Power Wave AC/DC 1000,PW AC/DC 1000,PF-10A,Power Feed 10A ControllerPower Feed 10A 控制箱,Power Feed 10A Controller Power Feed 10A 控制箱,Main User Interface for AC/DC Subarc Cell 焊接单元的主用户界面 Functionality Based on NA-5 and PF-10 功能主要基于NA5和 PF10 All Weld Parameters, Timers, Motion, Procedure Memory, Configuration, and Diagnostics are accessed at the PF-10A Controller 所有的焊接参数,计时器,程序记忆,配置和故障诊断都需从该控制箱操作 Communicates using ArcLink 使用ArcLink通讯协议 Versatile Can Interface with Custom Controls and PLCs, Integrator Friendly, Multiple Configurations, easy Setup, etc 通用性可以进行传统控制和PLC控制,教易集成,多重配置,容易安装,等,Layout布局,Dual Displays双重显示 Arc Indicator电弧指示 Dual Encoders双译码器 Status Light状态指示 Switch Panel控制板 Memory Panel存储板 Mode Select Panel 4 模式选择板4 Infrared Port红外接口,Remote Pendant遥控器,See instructions in IM Manual for conversion转换详见操作手册,Functions功能,Six Procedure Memory Storage Locations六个程序存储单元 On-The-Fly Multi-Procedure Welding (same Mode)焊接中多程序转换(相同模式) ALL Procedure settings are Stored所有程序设置将被储存 Press Memory Button to Restore Parameters按下记忆键重新存储参数 Hold Memory Button for 2 seconds to Save按住记忆键保持2秒,存储操作完成 Memory Panel can be used to Set Limits存储板可以用作设定极限值,Functions功能,Digital Alpha Numeric Displays for Text Messaging文本信息数字化显示 SETUP Mode for additional Weld Parameters, Timers, Starting/Stopping Configuration, Diagnostics, etc “设置”模式是针对额外的焊接参数,计时器,起弧和熄弧设定,诊断等的设置 WELD MODE Procedure, Wire Size焊接模式程序,焊丝规格 AC CONTROL AC Parameters. AC控制交流参数 START OPTIONS Strike and Start Parameters 开始选项起弧和开焊时参数 END OPTIONS - Crater and Burnback Parameters结束选项弧坑和回烧参数 IR PORT Wireless Communication 红外接口无线通讯,Weld Controls 焊接控制,Parameter must be set in SETUP MODE该虚线框内的数据必须在”设置”模式下设定,AC/DC Submerged Arc SystemAC/DC 埋弧焊系统,AC Wave Controls交流波形的控制 Frequency: The PW AC/DC can obtain output frequencies up to 200Hz. The User Interface limits the range from 10Hz. To 100Hz. 频率:该电源可以得到200Hz以下的输出频率。用户界面限定的范围为10100Hz。 Wave Balance: This variable refers to the amount of time the waveform spends in the DC+ part of the cycle 波形平衡:此变量是指一周期中交流波形的正半周所占时间。 DC Offset: This refers to the shift of the peak current with respect to the zero crossing DC偏差:是指峰值电流相对于“0”坐标的偏差值。,Security安全,Lockouts停机 Must be enabled with PC or Palm Application 必须通过PC或Palm来激活。 SETUP Menu设置菜单 “View Diags” “View Lockouts”,Security安全,Limits限制 Accessed on Memory Panel 进入存储器 Press and hold any Memory Button until Limits menu comes up 按下并按住存储钮直到限制设定菜单弹出 Press the Right MSP4 Button to access upper and lower range, use Knob to set values 按下MSP4面板右边按钮进入上下限设定,用旋钮设定 Press Left MSP4 Button to exit parameter 按MSP4面板左边按钮,退出。,Power Feed 10A Controller控制器,Single Arc Configuration单电弧配置,Electrode Sense Lead,Electrode Cable,Tandem Arc Configuration双弧双电源,Electrode Sense Lead,Electrode Cables,Multi Arc Configuration多电弧配置,Electrode Sense Lead,Electrode cables,Subarc System Software & Communications埋弧焊系统中的软件和通讯,ArcLink, DeviceNet, Ethernet Protocols,Overview总揽,Systems Software系统软件 Software Components软件组成 PC Applications应用软件 Communications通讯 Protocols协议 Subarc System埋弧焊系统,Communications通讯,Analog and digital communications. 模拟和数字通讯 Role of communications in subarc systems. 埋弧焊中通讯的作用 Advanced features for process monitoring. 先进的焊接过程实时监视,Analog Calibration模拟校验,Analog circuitry may require calibration to ensure that the minimum value (e.g, 0 ipm) is truly 0 volts and that the maximum value (e.g, 800 ipm) is truly 10 volts.模拟电路需进行校验,以确保最小值(例如:0 ipm)是真正的0伏,以及最大值(如:800 ipm)是真正的10伏。 Calibration is a maintenance item that must be done to ensure optimum performance.校验是维修的一项内容,以确保最佳性能 Re-calibration may be necessary if the power source or robot is replaced.如果电源被更换后,需重新校验。,Cable Size电缆尺寸,Typically each analog and discrete signal requires a separate pair of wires resulting in large bulky cables.一般来说,每一模拟和离散信号需要一对单独的电线,从而增加电线的尺寸。,37 pin Analog/Discrete I/O Connector,Limited Access有限的访问,Access to information over the Analog/Discrete link is restricted to those circuits in the cable and is limited by the cable size. 模拟连接的访问将受电缆尺寸等的限制。 All other adjustment and status information can only be accessed manually using the controls (knobs/displays) present on the machine. 所有其他调整和状态信息只能通过手动来调整机器上 的旋钮来完成。,Digital Communications数字通讯,No Calibration is required = Lower Maintenance! 无需校验节省维修 Typically only two wires required for communications = Less Bulky Cables!只需两根线来完成通讯无需大容量电缆 All information is accessible = Supports Advanced Welding Processes.所有信息都可访问支持更先进的焊接过程 All information is accessible = Feature Upgrades Without New Hardware!所有信息都可访问无需新的硬件就可进行功能升级,System Interface,PC,ArcLink,Ethernet,PF10A Controlled SystemsPF10A 控制系统,PLC,System Interface,PC,DeviceNet,Ethernet,PLC Controlled SystemsPLC 控制系统,Protocol Usage协议的使用,ArcLink. All boards internal to a power source talk over ArcLink. Control, feedhead, Ethernet gateway boards as well as the Systems Interface and the PF10A. ArcLink:所有的PC板,控制板、送丝板、通讯板以及系统界面和PF10 ,在内部和电源之间的通讯都是通过它来完成。 DeviceNet. Only used in PLC controlled systems. Can connect each “Master” power source and the Systems Interface. Devicenet:只在PLC控制系统中使用。可以连接每一个主电源和系统的界面。 Ethernet. Required when paralleling power sources. Optional use for PC tools. Ethernet:当有并联的电源时才使用。可以采用PC。,ArcLink,ArcLink is the leading digital communications protocol for the arc welding industry. ArcLink是焊接领域最领先的数字通讯协议。 ArcLink communicates in a pre-defined welding language. ArcLink通讯采用预定义的焊接语言。 The ArcLink cable includes enough power to supply the MIG feeder.它的通讯线中有电源线,可以提供给MIG送丝机。 The ArcLink cable includes a torch voltage sense lead. ArcLink电缆中包括了焊枪上的电压反馈线。,ArcLink AdvantagesArcLink的优势,Simpler cable system = Easy Installation! 简单的电缆容易安装 Is Standard = Lower Cost! 标准件低成本 Highest performance robotic interface = Lowest Cycle Time = More Parts per Day! 高性能的机器人界面最短的周期时间每天生产更多的工件 Highest featured robotic interface = Greater Process Control! 高品质的机器人界面更好的过程控制,Ethernet以太网,Ethernet has been a networking standard for decades.以太网成为网络的标准已有几十年了 Ethernet provides the ability to to pull large amounts of information into monitoring and supervisory applications.以太网使得传送大量信息作为监视和追踪之用成为可能。 Ethernet interface cards and cables are readily available and are relatively inexpensive. 以太网界面卡和电缆线比较容易得到并且相对便宜。,Ethernet/DeviceNet Gateway PC Board,Ethernet以太网,An unlimited number of power sources can be networked and viewed from a single computer = Total Process Management! 连接电源数不受限制且只需一台电脑全部过程管理,Wireless networking technologies can make installation easier by eliminating much of the need for network wiring = Easy Installation! 无线技术可以减少网络线容易安装,Software Upgrades软件升级,All software components can be upgraded in the field.所有的软件可以在现场升级。,PC Applications应用软件,Lincoln provides a number of PC applications that can be used for the installation and operation of the equipment.林肯提供相当数量的应用软件,用来设备的安装和运行。 NetSet网络设定 Network Cell Setup网络单元的设定 Command Center指令中心 Diagnostics诊断,Command Center指令中心,Purpose目的 High-level Monitoring & Control of Multiple-arc Systems 高效的多电弧监控 Designed for Ease of Use & Convenience for Operators & Administrators 为了使操作者和管理者轻松、方便 Comprehensive Monitoring & Logging Features 全面的监控各功能,Arc Indicator 电弧指示,Machine Status 机器状态,Workpoint Control 工作点控制,Trim Control 弧长控制,Cold-inch Control 冷送丝,Operator Screen Controls操作者屏幕控制,Control of Each Arcs Parameters & Displays Status 控制每个电弧的参数和状态显示,Start All Arcs 起弧所有电弧,Stop All Arcs 停止所有电弧,Increase / Decrease Travel Carriage Speed (For later reference) 增加/减少机头架移动速度,Stop all arcs停止所有电弧 Visible Even when Outside of Operator Screen,Operator Screen Controls操作者屏幕控制,Arc Start & Travel Carriage Controls 起弧和机头架的控制,Operator Screen Charts操作者屏幕图表,Displays graphs of Current, Voltage, Wire Feed Speed, & Travel Speed 显示焊接电流、电压、 送丝速度、焊接速度。 Data can be Saved to aText File for LaterProcessing 数据可以被保存以备将来 处理。,Save Settings 保存设置,Restore Settings 恢复设置,Save/Open Configuration保存/打开配置,Ability to Save & Restore Configuration of All Machines in the System, Including System Interface 能够保存和恢复系统中的所有设备的配置,包括系统界面,DC Offset DC偏差,Frequency 频率,Balance 平衡,Phase 相位,Weld Mode Selection 焊接模式选择,Phase Relationship of All Arcs 所有电弧间的相位关系,System Interface Settings系统界面设置,Offers Full Control of System Interface & Weld Mode Settings for Each Arc. 提供对系统界面和每个电弧的模式设定的全面控制,Readiness of Current Arc 当前准备就绪的电弧,Reset Arc Fault (if faulted) 重新设置故障电弧(如有故障),Readiness of Master 引导电弧准备就绪,Readiness of Slaves 拖后电弧准备就绪,Diagnostics诊断,Shows Quick Diagnostic of Each Arc Master & Its Slave(s).快速诊断引导电弧和拖后电弧,Diagnostics诊断,The diagnostics utility can be used to interpret equipment problems including detailed arc stoppage causes. 诊断程序可以用来解释设备的故障包括电弧停止的细节。 The utility can be used to read system information that can be important for field service personnel. 该程序可以用来了解系统的信息,对于现场服务人员来说很重要。 The diagnostics utility can be used by customers and service shops for routine maintenance such as calibration. 该程序也可以被客户和维修工厂用来定期维修,比如校验。,Digital Communications数字通讯,Network welding equipment - Machine Management 网络焊接设备设备管理,Digital Communications数字通讯,Weld history - Record thousands of weld summaries 焊接历史记录记录数千的焊接记录,Questions,Call me at 15971432428,Thanks!,


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