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Text A,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,1Autumn is a special time in the mountains and valleys of Vermont, and I suspect in the spirits of most of the people here. The leaves are already changing color, and some of the more sheltered locations have already experienced frost. And in the mornings now, clouds lie low in the mountain valleys until the sunshine burns them off. It has been a dry growing season, yet the corn is high and the apple trees hang low, loaded with fruit.,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,T,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,2Foliage Season is nearly upon us. This is the time of year when the Green Mountains transform themselves in a brilliant display of colors. There was some talk that this year, due to the lack of normal rainfall, the colors might not be as beautiful as during a normal year. However, this does not seem to be the case. On my way into the office this morning I observed lovely mountain views: reds, yellows, and oranges all golden. Nature will not disappoint us this year. And that is a good thing. Tens of thousands of people will come to Vermont on their annual visit to enjoy this show. Many of these folks return year after year, staying in the same inns that they discovered years ago. Therefore, I am glad that this year their annual autumn festival will not be less than what they had hoped for.,T,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,3Of course the local folks will enjoy the foliage as well, and feel fortunate to have it as part of their normal routines. For a few weeks, folks having to commute will have their time in the car transformed into something that they can look forward to. And the farmers and trades-people that work outdoors will experience a similar change of perspective.,T,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,4Autumn in Vermont is all about getting things done and then waiting for winter. Be it the animals of the woodland, the farmers in the valleys or folks that drive off somewhere every day to do their work. Some of the animals, such as bears, stay busy fattening themselves up for their long winters sleep. While others, such as the migratory birds, prepare for their journeys. And still others busy themselves storing food for the winter. These animals have their human counterparts. Vermont hosts many folks who live here on a seasonal basis. And for these folks, autumn is their time to say good-bye.,T,4 The farmers are like the beavers and squirrels, as they busily harvest and store away food. And the rest of us folks are busy around our homes. Now that summer is over we have a brief period to fill our storerooms, make repairs and then wait for the snow.,T,Foliage Season Is upon Us.,1在佛蒙特州的山区和谷地,秋季是一个很特别的季节,我想当地大多数人是这样认为的。叶子在变化着颜色,在一些更加隐蔽的地方,树叶已经历了霜冻。清晨的云彩低低地飘在山谷里,直到阳光将它们驱散。经历了干燥的生长季节,玉米杆还是长得高高的,苹果枝被累累的果实压得很低。,赏叶季节来了,Text,2赏叶季节就要来了。在这个季节里,绿山山脉将自己装扮得五彩斑斓。有人说今年雨量偏少,也许因此山林中的绚丽色彩同往年相比会大打折扣。然而,情况似乎并非如此。今早去办公室的路上,我发现山上一片生机盎然:红色、黄色和橙色闪着金光。今年,大自然不会让我们失望,这实属一件乐事。每年,都会有成千上万的人来到佛蒙特,观赏这一年一度的胜景。而其中的许多人还会年复一年地过来,住在同一个他们多年前找到的小客栈。因此,我很高兴今年的秋季赏叶盛会不会辜负他们的期盼。,Text,赏叶季节来了,3当地人自然也不会放弃这个赏叶的季节,他们以能够把这当作家常便饭而感到幸运。在接下来的几周里,上班族们枯燥的上班旅途将变成他们所期盼的赏叶之旅。在户外劳作和奔波的农民与商人也同样会享受这变幻的秋色。,Text,赏叶季节来了,4佛蒙特的秋天将世间万物的活动都打了个句号,然后静待冬天的到来。山林中的动物、山谷中的农民以及每天开车去工作的上班族都是这样。一些动物(如狗熊)正忙着储存脂肪,以准备漫长的冬眠;而另外一些诸如候鸟等动物则准备它们的迁徙;其它的动物也忙着储藏食物过冬。同样,人们也有类似的活动。佛蒙特也住着许多随季节而迁徙的人们。对他们来说,秋天是他们暂别佛蒙特的季节。,Text,赏叶季节来了,4 农民像海狸和松鼠一样,忙着收获和储藏食物。而其他的人则是在家里忙前忙后。夏季已经过去,我们有短暂的时间来充实我们的粮仓,修缮家园,然后等待冬雪的到来。,Text,赏叶季节来了,foliage,n. 总称 叶子,没有单复数形式的区别,e.g.,The foliage are changing from green to yellow when autumn is drawing near. 当秋天临近,树叶由绿变黄。,Text,suspect,vt. 疑有, 推测,对表示怀疑:后面可以跟宾语从句,也可用suspect sb. to do sth. 的句型,e.g.,I suspect that its he who stole your money. 我怀疑正是他偷了你的钱。,He was suspected to have cheated in the exam. 他被怀疑在考试中作弊。,suspect n. 嫌疑犯,被怀疑的人(物),Text,in the mountains and valleys of Vermont和in the spirits of most of the people here两个介词短语是这句话中的第二个and连接的并列结构。可以理解I suspect在句中是插入语的成分,也可以理解为I suspect后的从句中省略了与前面重复的部分Autumn is a special time。,Autumn is a special time in the mountains and valleys of Vermont, and I suspect in the spirits of most of the people here.,Text,more sheltered locations这个短语中用的是sheltered这个形容词的比较级作前置定语的用法。,The leaves are already changing color, and some of the more sheltered locations have already experienced frost.,Text,location,n. 位置,场所。动词形式是locate, 一般用被动语态,e.g.,The house is located on the top of the mountain. 那个房子座落在山顶上。,This is a good location for the restaurant. 这是开饭店的好场所。,Text,frost,u. 霜冻,严寒天气,霜,白霜,vi. & vt. 结霜,Text,lie low中的low是副词的用法用来修饰lie这个动词的。,And in the mornings now, clouds lie low in the mountain valleys until the sunshine burns them off.,burn off 吹散,e.g.,The wind burnt off the clouds before the rainstorm. 在暴风雨前大风把云彩吹散了。,The clouds are drifting low in the grey sky. 云彩低低地浮在灰色的天空上。,Text,yet在这里做副词的用法表示“还是”的意思,在这个用法上,与still “仍然”这个词是相对的用法。yet一般和否定词构成否定式表示“还没”的意思; yet还可以做连词表示“然而,但”的意思。,yet the corn is high and the apple trees hang low, loaded with fruit.,e.g.,The goods havent been sold out yet. 这些货物还没有售完。,It rained the whole day, yet we still went downtown to buy some daily necessities yesterday. 下了一天的雨,但是昨天我们还是去市区买日常必需品了。,这个句子中的loaded with fruit 是作伴随状语.,Text,There+be+some talk+that的句型是表示“有人说,据说”的意思。,Text,There was some talk that this year,e.g.,There is some talk that Mr. White will resign from his job as the manager tomorrow. 据说怀特先生明天将辞掉他经理的工作。,There is some talk that women drivers have fewer accidents than men drivers. 有人说女性驾驶员比男性驾驶员出交通事故的几率要小。,asas的后面和during a normal year 中间省略了与前面重复的部分the colors might be,the colors might not be as beautiful as during a normal year.,e.g.,The books in this library are as many as in that library. 这个图书馆的书和那个图书馆的一样多。,The population is not so large in this town as in that town. 这个镇上的人口不如那个镇上的多。,Text,rainfall,n. (不可数名词) 雨量,e.g.,The annual rainfall in Hawaii is not very much. 夏威夷年降雨量不是很大。,Text,tens of thousands of,“成千上万的”,形容数量很多,e.g.,Tens of thousands of people attended the opening ceremony of the new museum. 成千上万的人参加了这个新博物馆的开幕仪式。,Text,as well,表示“也”,意思和用法与too 相同,e.g.,He can play the violin as well. 他也会拉小提琴。,Text,He is a good husband and teacher as well. 他既是好丈夫也是好老师。,commute,vi. 乘公交车辆上下班,经常乘车(或船等)往返于两地,e.g.,He commutes every day from the countryside to the downtown, where his office is located. 他每天往返于乡下和他办公室的所在地市区之间。,Text,句中have their timetransformed 用的是 “have sth. done” 的结构,意思是“为将某事完成”,“对某物作某事”。,will have their time in the car transformed into something that they can look forward to.,e.g.,He will have his clothes washed before he go to see the Star War. 在他去看星球大战之前他会把衣服洗了。,如果“have sth. done”里的something 是人的身体某个部位,那么这个短语就是讲的某人的身体某个部位受伤了或者出问题了,经常指某人出了意外等不好的事情。,e.g.,Tom had his legs injured in the car accident. 汤姆的腿在那次汽车事故中受伤了。,Text,perspective,n. 远景,景观;观点,想法 文章中是“景观”的意思,e.g.,This business had a good perspective at those days. 在那个时代这个行业有着很好的前景。,They had different perspectives on the issue. 他们对这件事有不同的观点。,Text,山林中的动物,山谷中的农人,每天开车的上班族都是这样。,Text,Be it the animals of the woodland, the farmers in the valleys or folks that drive off somewhere every day to do their work.,这个句子也可以这样说:Whether it is the animalsto do their work, they are all the same.,fattenup,使增肥 这里fatten是形容词fat 加动词后缀en成为动词的用法。,Text,这里的busy用作及物动词,它常用于这样的结构中:busy somebody (by/in) doing sth.,busy themselves storing,e.g.,He is busying himself (by/in) preparing for the job interview. 他正忙着准备面试。,Text,After-reading Exercises,Translation,经历霜冻,经历失败,变化色彩,改变发型,将云彩蒸发,experience frost,experience failure/defeat,change color,change hairstyle,burn off clouds,燃烧/消耗脂肪,burn off fat,After-reading Exercises,Translation,硕果累累,将一袋袋面粉装上卡车,缺乏降水,缺乏兴趣,上班途中,be loaded with fruit,load the truck with sacks of flour,lack of rainfall,lack of interest,on the way to the office,回家路上,on the way home,After-reading Exercises,Translation,年复一年,日复一日,一年一度的秋季盛会,年度报告,在户外劳作的农民,year after year,day after day,an annual autumn festival,an annual report,farmers that work outdoors,室内种植的植物,plants that grow indoors,After-reading Exercises,Translation,因做某事感到幸运,因做某事感到兴奋,候鸟,迁徙,屋前屋后忙碌,feel fortunate to do something,feel excited to do something,migratory birds,migratory flights,be busy around the homes,忙着上网,be busy surfing the Internet,


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