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7B Unit5 Abilities 课 题7B Unit 5 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit 学习目标知识目标通过漫画引出谈论能力的话题。能力目标谈论在日常生活中我们能为他人所做的事情。情感目标通过谈论如何关心和帮助他人进行思想品德教育。学习重点认读新词;理解、运用新句型及其回答;发言时发音正确,语音语调准确。学习难点句型what can you do in the park/in the school/on the bus/on the road?的灵活运用及回答。课前自学一、在课本76页和77页找出并翻译下面的词、词组和句子。词:ability seat collect elderly 词组:be careful plant trees clean up give a seat to sb on the bus collect things for Project Hope a home for the elderly 句型:1) How cool ! 2) Be careful . 3) I can fly ! 4) You cant fly. 将下列短语英汉互译。1.be careful 2.放风筝 3.plant tree 4.帮助一位老人 5.give a seat to someone 6.打扫公园 7.Project Hope 8.拜访老人之家 9.collect stamps 10.照顾 二、朗读书本77页词汇框内词组,不理解或不会读的单词可以组内合作探讨一下,然后完成此部分习题。三、朗读第76页comic strip部分的内容,可要注意语音语调哦!四、你看过美国电影超人吗?你认为他能做的事的后面写 “Yes”,不能做的后面写 “No”。1. Mr. Superman can fly in the sky. 2. Mr. Superman can help everyone who is in trouble. 3. Mr. Superman can change into different appearances. 课堂交流展示一、预习情况交流。将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流。1. 听录音并回答下面的问题。1)Is Eddie a superdog ? 2) Can he fly? 3) What does Hobo say when Eiddie want to fly ? 4)Why does he say that? 2. 两人一组朗读对话。3. 两人一组表演对话。二、展示交流:(1).对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示。(2).对“课前自学中(2、4)”的板书进行展示讲解。(3).请看教材77页图片,请大家将文字部分遮住。咱们一起看图说话。 如:T: Where are the boy and the old man? S: They are. T: What do they want to do? S: They want to. T: Is the boy helping the old man? S: Yes, he is.课堂达标检测一、用所给首字母完成下列句子。1. Be c_! There are a lot of cars and people in the street.2. On March 12th, her mother often takes her p_ trees near the river.3. We should h_ each other.4. -Do you like c_ stamps? - Yes, I do.5. Look! The girl is g_ a seat to an old man.二、用合适的介词或副词填空。1. Here is a home _ the elderly.2. -Can you help me _ my English? -Yes, with pleasure. 3. Its important to be careful _ fire.4.Planting Trees Day is _ March 12th.三、句型转换。1.She can dance very well. (改为否定句) 2.We can collect things for Project Hope.(对划线部分提问) I can fly a model plane.(改为一般疑问句)课后一得:课 题Unit 5 Reading A学习目标知识目标1.能通过图片与关键词来推测单词的大意,并通过阅读对语篇内容形成正确理解。2.根据文本、标题和图片猜测语境。能力目标整体感悟此篇文章,了解文章大意。情感目标了解用火安全以及发生危险时的自救及求救方法。学习重点根据图片、关键词和语境推测文章大意。学习难点如何将语言知识成为真实、有趣的实践活动。课前自学一、在课本78页找出下面的词、词组和句子。词:brave _ fire_ alone_ careless smoke hurt_ leg_ oneself pour_ rush_ blanket_ yourself save_ burn_ arm_ call month_ glad_ dangerous terrible visitor_ match _词组:help sb. out on 10th May be at home alone hear sb. doing the 79-year-old Mrs Sun happen to pour sth. Over rush into put out the fire be careful with in the newspaper _ 句型: 1) He helped his neighbour out of a fire. 2)He was in hospital for two months. 3)We should help each other. 4)Fire can be very dangerous. 5) It is important to be careful with fire. 6) Thank you for joining us this evening. 7) That sounds dangerous. 8) He heard his neighbour ,Mrs Sun ,calling for help. 9) Is he getting better now? 要求:1)翻译上面的词、词组和句子。2)试着大声朗读,对不会读的做标记,然后跟磁带朗读。 3)查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。 二、快来试一试,将下列短语英汉互译。1.一个细心的男孩 2. a brave man 3.弄伤某人的退 4.keep ones life from danger5.扑灭 6. hurt by fire7.冲进去 8. be in hospital9.从大火中救出某人 10.at that moment三、阅读课文,根据课文内容回答问题。1. What did Zhang Hua see and hear on May 10th?2. Why couldnt Mrs Sun get out of the fire?3. How did Zhang Hua save his neighbour?4. What did Zhang Hua say at last?四、完成课本79页B1部分练习。看看哪组做得又快又对,可以小组讨论。五、快速阅读第78页Reading部分的文章,完成课本第77页B2部分练习。课堂交流展示一、预习情况交流。对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示二、听课文录音,根据所听内容判断正(T)误(F)。1)Zhang Hua is 26 years old, Mrs Sun is 79yearold.2)Zhang Hua was at home with his parents on 10th May.3)Mrs Sun shouted “Fire! Fire!” in the kitchen.4)Zhang Hua was in hospital for only one month.5)Many people visited his with some flowers and presents.三、 请各组推出一位代表对“课前自学中(2-5)”的进行展示讲解。课堂达标检测一、完成短文。 The 25yearold man c 1 Zhang Hua helped his neighbour out of a f 2 . On 10th May, he was at home a 3 . Suddenly he h 4 someone shouting “ Fire!”. He ran outside and saw a lot of s 5 from next door, Mrs Suns house. Then he r 6 into her kitchen to s 7 her. The fire was very hot, but he was not a 8 . Zhang Hua said “ We should help e 9 other and it is important to be c 10 with fire.二、用下列单词的正确形式填空。1. Suddenly he heard someone _ (shout ) “Fire!”.2. She could not get out because she _ ( hurt ) her leg.3. Zhang Hua put out the fire _ (quick ).4. He saw _ (many ) smoke from next room.5. Its important _ (be ) careful with fire.6. Thank you for _ ( join ) us.7. That sounds _ ( danger ).8.He is a _ ( care ) man.He often makes some mistakes (错误).三、将下列句子译成英语。1.上周他呆在床上休息了2 天。2.你刚才听见有人在隔壁唱歌吗?3.我们应该互相帮助,互相学习。4.这音乐听起来不错。5. 这位79岁的老人不能出去,因为他的腿受伤了。学习感悟:课 题Unit 5 Reading B 学习目标知识目标介绍并拓展有关描述危险场合的词汇。能力目标能清晰流利地朗读课文并能寻找具体细节。情感目标了解用火安全以及发生危险时的自救及求救方法。学习重点介绍并拓展有关描述危险场合的词汇。学习难点能清晰流利地朗读课文并能寻找具体细节。课前自学一、请你把下列的错误找出并改正,每一句只有一个错误。1. Thank you for join us. 2. She went in the room with a book in her hand. 3. My brother can draw very good. 4. It is important to be carefully with fire. 5. He can swims very well. 6. His grandma was ill in the hospital last week. 7. There is a tall tree in the front of our classroom. 8. He is help and polite. 9. We must be care with fire. 10. That sounds danger. 二、翻译下列短语。1.小心火 2.扑 灭 3.住院 4.打110 报警 5.冲进. 6.看到许多烟 7.呆在家 8.带给某人某物 9.烧伤某人的腿 10.把水浇在他的裤子上 三 、书面表达题目: A helpful girl内容提示:1.一个星期五的下午,梅梅在放学回家的路上看见一个小男孩;2.小男孩哭个不停,原来是找不到回家的路了;3.梅梅送他回家,他的父母很感谢她;4.回到家时,已经很迟,但是她感到很开心。要求:根据要点写一篇短文,70词左右。 课堂交流展示一、预习情况交流。将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流。二、合作探究下列行为是否安全。 1. Ride a bike very fast on the road. 2. Do not drive a car after driving. 3. Sleep with the stove on. 4. Be alone at home without locking the door. 5. Do not go swimming in the river. 6. Do not speak to stangers. 三、展示交流(1)组内展示“课前自学中(1、2)”。(2) 班内展示“课前自学中(1、2)”。 (3)找知识点,讲解知识点,总结知识点,复述课文。(5)集体展示“课前自学中(3)”课堂达标检测一、 动词填空1. I often hear her_(sing) in the room.2. Did you see him_(cry) at 6:00 yesterday evening.3. The brave boy rushed into the room _(save) the girl.4. Miss Xu _(teach) me maths last term.5. She fell off her bike and_(hurt) her leg.6. You should do something _(keep) water clean.7. Thank for _(join) us.8. Its difficult for me _(learn) maths.二、 句型转换1. Zhang Hua stayed at home alone on 10th May. (同义句) 2. Mrs. Li is 80 years old. She is an old woman. (同义句) Mrs. Li is woman.3. He is a brave young man. (感叹句) 4. He put out the fire with a blanket. (5-6划线提问) 5. Mum was in hospital for two months. 三、 翻译句子1. 学好英语是很重要的。 2. 天气多热啊! 学习感悟:课 题7B Unit 5 Vocabulary 学习目标知识目标1. 复习本单元已学过的词汇并复习整理学过的形容词的反义词2. 通过学习反义词扩大词汇量。能力目标1.培养学生理解不同语境中形容词的用法。2.运用适当的形容词描述人们的性格和行为。情感目标培养学生之间应该相互帮助的精神学习重点培养学生理解不同语境中形容词的用法。学习难点运用适当的形容词描述人们的性格和行为。课前自学一、你会使用形容词来描述一个人吗?请试着使用下列词语来描述你身边的同学、朋友、老师。勇敢_ 乐于助人_友善_ 细心_小心_ 有礼貌的_感激的_ 快的_开心的_二、重新排列括号内的字母顺序完成下列句子1. Miss Cao is _(idkn) to all students and everyone in her class likes her.2. I often forget something .I dont have a good _(rommey)3. He likes _(ctecoll) stamps very much. 4. The old woman was _(gaetrafl) for his help.5. Be _(fluarec) when you cross the street.三、词组互译1.一个乐于助人的学生_ 2.fall into _3.推荐.为_ 4.think of_5.游泳俱乐部成员_ 6.play water sports_7.擅长跑步_ 8.the Sportsman Award_9.去年_ 10.be grateful for_四、完成课本81页A、B部分习题课堂交流展示一、 预习交流,讨论预习存在的问题。二、 组内展示“课前自学中(1-3)” 三、 班内展示“课前自学中(1-3)”四、 组内展示“课前自学中(4)”请大家阅读81页B部分内容并回答下列问题:1. Who does Simon would like to recommend for the Grade 7Most Helpful Student Award? 2. Where does Daniel spend a lot of time ? 3. Why do the other members of the club like him very much? 4. What is Daniel good at? 5 .Who saved Mrs Lu last week? 五、 小组比赛书写刚刚所学的有关用形容词来描述一个人单词,组长检查,看看哪位同学写的多而正确,他/她就是我们这节课的“记忆之星”。课堂达标检测一、 根据提示补全句子.1. Amy is a h_ girl, she never feels sad.2. Dont be r_ to the others ,be polite! 3. Liu Dehua is a s_ star. People all over the world like his films and songs very much.4. Monkeys are q_ animals.5. A bus runs more s_ than a train.二、 改错1. He is kind for his students. _2. Amy is a helpful girl, and everyone like her. _3. She would like recommending Mr. Li for the award. _4. The others members all take him. _5. Amy saved the old man , and he is grate for her help._三、翻译1. Daniel不但善良而且勇敢Daniel is not only _ but also _.2. 他为俱乐部做了许多电脑方面的工作。He _ a lot of _ _ _ the club.3. 他常常想起那部有趣的电影。He often _ _ that _ film.4. 我想推荐Amy为最佳女运动员。I would like _ _ Amy _ the Best sportswoman Award.5. 当你进行水上运动时请当心!_ _ when you play _ _.学习感悟:课 题Unit 5 Grammar A and B学习目标知识目标让学生在具体语境中了解和掌握情态动词can和could在表达“能力,许可和可能性”等方面的用法。能力目标(1)提高学生听说读写等语言综合运用能力。(2)提高学生合作与竞争能力。情感目标增强学生表现自己的信心和勇气;教育学生遵守社会公德,在公共场所“能干什么”、“不能干什么”。学习重点区别can和could在表达“许可”和“可能性”上的用法。学习难点让学生在具体语境中总结can和could的用法,并将它们再反馈到具体的实际生活中,达到学以致用的目的。课前自学一、在课本82至84页找出并翻译下面的词、词组和句子。词:row snow ski racket forget 词组:in the past row a boat ride a bicycle go skiing play badminton fly a kite forget to bring a football teach you 句型:1) We can/cannot/cant dance. 2) We could/could not/couldnt dance in the past. 3) I practiced very hard and now its easy. 4) Simon forgot to bring a football. 请把下面的英语翻译成汉语。1)in Canada 2)the swimming pool 3)last Friday 4)our badminton rackets 5)forget to do sth 二、阅读书本P82页及借助查找有关资料做下面几个习题。 注:可以组内合作探讨此题。(1)什么叫情态动词?(举例说明) (2)情态动词的形式有哪几种?(举例说明) 如:肯定式: (3)情态动词的特点 三、 翻译下面两个句子并区别之间的不同。(can与could的区别哦)a. 我现在能跳舞。 b. 我过去能跳舞。 请你们比较一下此两句的不同。找出原因,解释为什么要改变情态动词呢?他们又分别是什么时态?你能说出来吗? 根据要求改写下列的句子1. He can play tennis now. (用two years ago改写句) 2.Pingping could speak English last year.(用now改写句子) 3. The parrot can speak some English words. (改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) 4. They can go to Guannan today. (改为否定句) 四、朗读书本82页A部分内容,不理解或不会读的单词可以组内合作探讨一下,然后完成A1部分。五、做课本P83页A2部分习题。六、独立完成P84页B部分的习题。课堂交流展示一)合作探究:1 预习情况交流。将课前准备中的情况与你的同学进行交流。2. 小组探讨(can与could的区别)二)展示交流:1)组内展示“课前自学中(1、2、)”。 2) 集体展示“课前自学中(1、2)”。老师补充,总结。3)游戏。请同学上来表演几个动作,如写字、画画、散步、跑步、读书等,然后其他同学两人一组进行问答练习。例句: A:What can he/she do?B:He/She can .4) 集体展示“课前自学中(3)” 6) 集体展示“课前自学中(4-6)” 课堂达标检测一、用can/cant/could/couldnt填空。1. you speak Japanese now? Yes, I . But I speak Japanese last year.2. Kate ride a bike when she was five years old?No, she .3. Tim is very clever. He play the piano when he was a little boy.4. Mike work out(解决) this problem yesterday. He thinks hard and he work it out now.5. I sing many Chinese songs. But I sing any English songs at all.6. you row a boat now? No, I . But my brother .7. It rained hard yesterday. We fly kites outside.8. Kitty play the violin last year. But she play the violin very well now.9. you lend me your ruler? Yes, of course.10. Look at the sun! It be a nice day today. We go fishing today.二、句型转换 1. Simon can ride a bicycle. (用last year改写句子) 2. Could she speak Japanese two years ago? (作否定回答) 3. The children can go swimming in the river. (对划线部分提问) 三、翻译句子 1. 去年他不会划船,但是现在他能划得很好。 2. 年轻人应该为老年人多做事情。 3. 我的网球拍坏了,我不能打球了。 学习感悟:课 题 Unit 5 Grammar C 学习目标知识目标1.掌握情态动词can和could在表达“能力,许可和可能性”等方面的用法。2.能用what和how构成感叹句。能力目标能使用感叹句去表达自己的强烈的情感。情感目标学习重点区别can和could在表达“许可”和“可能性”上的用法。学习难点能使用感叹句去表达自己的强烈的情感。课前自学一、用 can、 cant 、may 、may not填空。1. Millie _catch a fish within five minutes.2. Simon _have the book, because he read it yesterday.3. Sandy_ lose the game if he is careful.4. The man _ be Mr Chen for he is still in the USA.5. -Im sorry Im late. _ I come in?-Yes, please . But come here earlier next time. 二、翻译句子1. 太棒了! 2. 多么勇敢的年轻人啊! 三、请大家按照例子进行练习。(小组探讨)如: tall, boy. What a tall boy! 1. short, a pencil 2. beautiful, pictures 3. delicious, bread 4. amazing, story 注意:上面的练习题除了用what之外你还有别的表示方法吗? 四、 完成85页C部分的练习,请观看C部分的图片,独立完成C部分的练习,然后读一读。课堂交流展示一、 小组讨论预习中存在的问题,老师点拨。二、 Free talk:师生用cancantcouldcouldnt来问答,复习情态动词三、 集体展示“课前自学中(1、2)”四、小组讨论总结 “课前自学中(3)”五、合作探究what和how构成感叹句的用法及区别。 如: What +a/an noun How+adj. 六、集体展示“课前自学”中(4)。课堂达标检测一、用how和what表达以下句子的含义1. These dogs are very beautiful. _ _ these dogs are!2. Dodo is very strange. _ _ Dodo is!3. The cat is very lovely. _ _ _ cat!4. Snakes are very dangerous. _ _ snakes!5. This idea is quite wonderful. _ _ _ idea!二、按要求写感叹句 1. It is a very lovely baby. (用what改写) _2. This is an interesting story. (用what改写) _3. The weather is very bad. (用how改写) _


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