冀教版八年级英语下册Unit 4 测试附答案

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冀教版八年级英语下册 Unit 4 测试限时: 60 分钟满分: 100 分一、单项选择(每小题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)1. After class, I like playing computer games and chatting _ my friends the Internet.A. to; inC. for; inB. with; onD. off; through2. I dont care how many words there are in your article, but the _ of it really matters.A. ability B. size C. quality D. energy3. Its too late. Dont keep on _.A. to working B. working C. to work D. worked4. We should learn to look after ourselves. Dont _ our parents too much.A. work onC. pass onB. try onD. depend on5. They offered courses _ students know the importance of protecting the Huanghe River.A. help B. helped C. helps D. to help6. You are not _ dressed for the weather.But I feel comfortable.A. properly B. heavily C. directly D. hardly7. To live a green life, we should try to save _ energy and produce _ pollution.A. more; lessC. more; fewerB. less; moreD. little; least8. _good virtue(德行) to be kind and honest to others.A. This is B. It is C. It has D. There is 9.What do you feel _ you are looking through the old pictures?How time flies.1A. because B. though C. while D. unless 10. Tina wants to know if you _ to the park with us tomorrow.Id love to. But if it _, I may go to the library instead.A. go; will rainC. will go; rains二、完形填空 (每小题 1.5 分, 共 15 分)B. go; rainsD. will go; will rainA group called New Story is working with a company called Icon to quickly build lots of houses forpoor people in Tabasco, Mexico. The way of building the houses is _11 by 3D-printing technology.New Story is a group to work to bring cheap but good houses to people who cant _12 them. The group has built over 2, 700 houses in places _13 Bolivia, El Salvador, Haiti and Mexico. In the past, New Story built _14 houses in a normal way. But it _15 a long time. That s _16 New Story begins to work with Icon. Icon has developed a way to build houses _17 by 3D-printing with concrete(混凝土) . Some areas where New Story wants to build houses suffer from earthquakes( 地震) , _18 Icon s houses have been designed (被设计) to hold up in earthquake conditions.The houses in Tabasco have two bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and abathroom. Because the houses are created with a computer design, its easy to _19 the design to meet the needs of different families. They are expected to _20 the houses later this year.11. A. common12. A. clean13. A. by14. A. its15. A. had16. A. why17. A. possibly18. A. for19. A. shareB. expensiveB. repairB. withB. hisB. tookB. howB. quicklyB. soB. printC. unusualC. affordC. likeC. herC. costC. whatC. carefullyC. orC. changeD. strongD. borrowD. betweenD. myD. spentD. whenD. suddenlyD. asD. produce220. A. sell out B. move out C. build up D. live in三、阅读理解(每小题 3 分, 共 15 分)If there are no museums, no theaters, no libraries in the place where you live, will you feel bored at home? There is no need for you to worry about it, as we are living in the Internet age. Here are some great online resources. They can make our life colorful.Online museumsIf you are a fan of museums, go to the National Museum of Chinas official website. There are VR exhibitions(虚拟现实展览) , live-streaming (直播) classes and many other resources. For example, an exhibition about Confucius (孔子) is going on right now. You can learn about his life and ancient culture during the Spring and Autumn Period (770476 BC) . There are also pictures and videos of the relics (文 物) , such as bianzhongand books.Online concertsPop singers are now turning their own homes into live houses! They can hold online concerts. Popular ones include “Doulive Sofa Concert” on Douyin and “Im With You” on Sina Weibo. Go and find your favorite singers!If you are more interested in classical music, go to the National Center for the Performing Arts website. Youll find many videos of artists from around the world playing music for you for free!Online librariesThere are many online libraries to read books for free, such as the National Library of China and Shanghai Library. There you can find all kinds of books you like.21. Because of living in the Internet age, we can have a _ life.A. colorful B. boring C. safe D. terrible22. If you want to know something about Confucius, you can go to _.A. Sina WeiboB. Doulive Sofa ConcertC. The National Museum of Chinas official website3D. The National Center for the Performing Arts website23. You can find your favorite _ on Sina Weibo from the passage. A. singers B. pictures C. books D. videos24. Several online resources are mentioned in the passage except_ .A. online librariesC. online museums25. The best title of the passage is “ _ ”.B. online concertsD. online schoolsA. Our happy life B. Live-streaming classesC. Online resourcesD. Musical instruments四、(荣德原创) 任务型阅读(每小题 3 分, 共 15 分)Chinas new e -commerce law came into effect on January 1. According to data from the China E-Commerce Research Center, online retail sales of goods and services in China in 2017 added up to 7,175 billion yuan . This amount made up 19.6 percent of total retail sales. Meanwhile, there are growing concerns in China about consumer protection.The new law aims(目的) to regulate the market and create a safe consumptionenvironment. It requires the sellers on e-commerce platforms and social media to register as e-commerce operators and to pay taxes as well. Those who break the law could be fined up to two million yuan .The new law will apply to three types of operators. The first group is the e-commerce platform business like Taobao. The second one is the third-party merchant who sells goods and services on e-commerce platforms. And the third one is the individual who does business on other network channels and websites, such as WeChat.With the new law falling into place, consumers rig hts will be better protected. It covers rules on fake products, false advertising, returning deposits and security ofpersonal information. Besides, the law will help clean up Chinas reputation as a major source of fake products. In the long term, consumers will benefit from it. 2627 题完成句子; 28 题简略回答问题; 29 题找出并写出全文的主题句;30 题4将文中画线句子译成汉语。26. Online retail sales of goods and services in China in 2017 added up to _. 27. The purpose of the new law is to _.28. Who will the new law apply to?_29. _30. _五、词语运用 (每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)With the development of technology, we can do plenty of things on the Internet. It plays _31 important part in our lives. In many ways it makes life easier and _32 (simple) . We can search _33 useful information. Adults can work _34 students can have classes online. We can even go shopping online. By _35(sit) at home we can buy anything from knives to cars. It is convenient _36 (buy) things. Indeed, there are many _37 (advantage) . But every coin _38 (have) two sides. Spending too much time online is _39(harm) to peoples health. Aside from that, some people attack or use the Internet to steal _40(other) personal information, even banking information. Whenever we use the Internet, we should be careful.六、基础写作(30 分)A) 连词成句(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)41. Internet, us, does, help, the, how_?42. you, far, do, here, from, live_?43. easy, find, how, is, information, it, to_!44. much, online, dont, too, spend, time_.45. many, reading, children, are, e-books, there_.5B) 书面表达(20 分)请根据下面提供的信息用英语以“Online Shopping”为题写一篇短文, 描述 网购的优点和缺点, 并谈谈自己的看法。优点: 1. 可以在任何时间购物。2. 只需要一台电脑和一个鼠标。3. 方便比 较同类产品的价格, 可以省钱。4. 无论何时何地都可以收到所购物品。缺点: 1. 网上付款有时不安全。2. 看不到实物, 也不能试穿衣服。 注意: 1. 不得在作文中出现你真实的学校名称和自己的姓名。2. 语句连贯,表达准确, 词数 100 左右。Online Shopping_6参考答案一、1. B2. C 提示 : 句意为 “ 我不关心你文章中有多少词数 , 真正重要的是它的质量 ” 。 ability 能力; size 尺寸; quality 质量; energy 能量。根据句意选C。3. B 4. D 5. D6. A 提示: properly 适当地 , 正确地 ; heavily 大量地 , 猛烈地; directly 直接地 ; hardly 几乎不。由下文 “但我觉得很舒服 ” 可知, 你的穿着不适合这种天气。 故选A。7. A 提示: 用逻辑推理法。more“ 更多的”, 修饰可数名词或不可数名词; less“更 少的”, 修饰不可数名词; fewer“更少的”, 修饰可数名词的复数形式。pollution 不可数, 根据句意可知选A。 8. B9. C 提示: 句意为“你翻看这些旧照片时有什么感觉? 时间过得真快”。 前面用了进行时表示正在进行的动作 , 再结合句意 , 所以此处表示 “当 的 时候”, 故选C。10. C 提示: 句意为“Tina 想要知道你明天是否和我们一起去公园。 我 非常乐意去。但是如果明天下雨的话, 我可能就会去图书馆”。第一个句子是 if 引导的宾语从句 , 宾语从句中的时间状语 tomorrow 表示将来 , 用一般将 来时will go; 第二个句子是 if 引导的条件状语从句 , 从句中的动词要用一般 现在时表示将来, 主语是it, 用第三人称单数rains。故选C。二、 11. C 提示: common 普通的, 普遍的; expensive 昂贵的; unusual 不寻常的; strong 强壮的。根据提示词“by 3D -printing technology”(3D 打印科技), 并结 合选项可知句意为 “他们建造房子的方式非同寻常 通过 3D 打印科技 ”。 故选C。12. C 提示: 根据第一段中“A group called New Story is working with a companycalled Icon to quickly build lots of houses for poor people in Tabasco, Mexico.” 可知这个团队是为买不起房子的人提供廉价且高质量的房子的 , afford 支付 得起, 故选C。13. C 提示 : 句意为 “ 这个组织已经在很多地方建立了超过 Bolivia, El Salvador, Haiti 以及 Mexico”。故选C。 14. A72700 座房子 , 像15. B 提示: 根据上文语境 New Story 组织以普通方式建造房子推断 , 这种方式 建造房子会花很长时间。“It takes sb. some time to do sth., ”意为做某事花费某 人多长时间, 故选B。16. A 提示: 句意为“那就是为什么New Story 组织开始和Icon 合作” 。That why 意为“那就是的原因”, 后面常接某事产生的结果, 故选A。17. B 提示: 根据上文语境可知 , New Story 组织过去普通的建造方式需要花费 大量时间 , 所以该组织与 Icon 合作 , 故预测句意为 “Icon 优化了一种利用混 凝土3D打印迅速建房子的方式 ”。quickly 迅速地, 修饰动词build, 与上文的 “But it took a long time” 形成对比。结合其他选项possibly 可能地; carefully 仔 细地, 认真地; suddenly 突然地 判断, 故选B。18. B 提示: 根据上文内容“Some areas where New Story wants to build houses suffer from earthquakes(地震) ”推断句意为“New Story 组织想要建房子的一 些地区会遭受地震 , 所以 Icon 的房子都是以能够承受地震的情况被设计的 ”, 前后表示因果关系, 故选B。19. C 提示 : 根据上文内容 “Because the houses are created with a computer design, ” 以及下文提示“ .to meet the needs of different families. ” 可推断句意 为“ 房子都是由电脑设计的 , 因此很容易根据不同家庭的需要做出改变 ”, 故 选C。20. D三、21. A22. C 提示: 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“If you are a fan of museums, go to the National Museum of Chinas official website.” 以及“For example, an exhibition about Confucius(孔子) is going on right now.”可知, 如果想要了解孔子, 你可 以去国家博物馆中国官方网站。故选C。23. A 提示: 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“.on Sina Weibo. Go and find your favorite singers!”可知, 在新浪微博上我们可以找到最喜欢的歌手。故选A。24. D 提示: 推理判断题。通读原文可知 , 本文共提到网络博物馆、网络音乐会 和网络图书馆这三种网络资源, 但没有提到网络学校。故选D。25. C 提示: 主旨大意题。第一段中的“Here are some great online resources.” 是本8文的主旨句。通读原文可知 , 本文主要介绍的是几种网络资源 , 故最佳题目 是“网络资源”。故选C 。四、26. 7,175 billion yuan27. regulate the market and create a safe consumption environment28. Three types of operators.29. Chinas new e-commerce law came into effect on January 1.30. 随着新法律的实施, 消费者权益将得到更好的保护。五、31. an 32. simpler 33. for 34. and 35. sitting36. to buy 37. advantages 38. has 39. harmful 40. others六、A) 41. How does the Internet help us42. Do you live far from here 43. How easy it is to find information44. Dont spend too much time online45. There are many children reading e-booksB) 范文:Online ShoppingThere are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. Online shopping has several advantages. First , you can shop at any time.Second , to shop on the Internet you only need a computer and a mouse. Third , you can compare the prices of the same product and save money. Fourth, you can also receive products anywhere in the world at any time!But shopping on the Internet also has some disadvantages. Paying over the Internet isnt always safe. You cant see the products or try the clothes on.I think our life is changing because of online shopping. One day no one will go tothe shops any more, because youll be able to buy almost anything on the Internet. 点评: 本文用“三步法”来描写网购的优缺点。步骤一: 引入话题。第一段。步骤二: 分步介绍。第二段讲述网购的优点 , 第三段讲述其缺点。层次清楚 , 条理分明。步骤三: 总结收尾。最后一段用展望未来的方式表达自己的看法。9添彩点 : 第二段里用 first, second, third 等罗列优点 , 清楚明了 ; 第三段 用两个动名词短语作主语: shopping on the Internet, paying over the Internet, 语言 简洁、精练。10


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