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2013年广东省名校最新高考模拟卷(一)I 语言知识及应用一、完形填空When I met the dog, he was sitting in a cage as I entered a local animal shelter near the running path where I used to run in downtown Austin, Texas. I had no intention to _1 _ a dog. I only stopped for a drink of cold water.I often traveled on foot, which I thought made me have _2 _ time for a pet. But out of _3 _, I took a look at the dogs file. He had been abandoned by an old woman. Her reason: “Dusty keeps following me around my house.”The next day I went shopping and _4 _ his cage. When I got there, he was sleeping, but he woke quickly and with one blue eye and one brown eye he looked at me. Then I thought maybe he would be a good _5 _ partner. “Stay here,” I said. “Im getting you _6 _.” Outside the cage he looked very like a wolf and seemed _7 _, so I started calling him Danger. Since then, I was always accompanied by Danger on my running route.That winter my girlfriend and I were always fighting. Its a pity that my girlfriend and I _8 _ a year later. As a result, I intended to drink and punch(用拳猛击) the walls. The dog didnt _9 _. He wanted to go outside and play, and we did, and if we hadnt I would have drunk myself into the ground. Danger licked(舔) my face _10 _ I cried, and we sat close to each other while watching television.Once there was a banging _11 _ our door at two oclock in the morning, a man screaming for Carlos. I told him he had the _12 _ place by mistake and if he didnt leave I was calling a policeman. The ran away and Danger was nowhere to be found. I _13 _ found him scared behind my old sofa, _14 _. It reminded me that it was time for us, at least for my dog, to get a quiet _15 _ in a better neighborhood.1. A. train B. adopt C. walk D. buy2. A. much B. some C. little D. few3. A. curiosity B. envy C. kindness D. duty4. A. dropped by B. came across C. focused on D. took away5. A. gaming B. dancing C. trading D. running 6. A. through B. back C. out D. away7. A. ashamed B. astonished C. fearless D. upset8. A. got together B. broke up C. calmed down D. turned up 9. A. reserve B. lose C. care D. trouble 10. A. since B. until C. unless D. as 11. A. inside B. on C. through D. from12. A. perfect B. private C. wrong D. exact 13. A. normally B. easily C. familiarly D. finally14. A. sleeping B. barking C. trembling D. cheering 15. A. home B. cage C. path D. shop二、语法填空Some people believe the cost of living in Hawaii is very high. And when we talk about the cost of living we mean the cost of 16 (house), food, transportation and so on. In comparison to some other cities and other countries, 17 is relatively high. 18 most travelers think Hawaii is really a good tourist destination.In Hawaii, we have tropical climate all year around. We 19 (surround) by the Pacific Ocean, and we have the 20 (beautiful) of our mountains, the cleanness, our fresh air and of course our friendly people, 21 belong to the characteristics of the Pacific and Asian region.We do have many economical accommodations 22 travelers. I would recommend you the website www. hawaii. com and it would offer 23 good list of all the hotels, special packages that we have offered and are offering. From the website travelers can look through 24 weve offered, such as real-time photos and films on the very activities and locations of the hotels. On the neighbor islands, we also have some accommodations youll find very cheap, which are 25 (list) on the same website.II 阅读一、阅读理解AOne day last month, I stepped into my old high school.George warned me during the previous month that he wanted to get a few of the old high school classmates together for one evening. I didnt take it too seriously until early in March when he sent me a message asking if I was going that month.So far the first time in years, I drove there that Saturday morning, parked in the lot, walked up the stairs and into a place that I had promised Id never step foot into years before. It was kind of interesting being there. The place looked exactly the same, same paint on the walls, same type of tables and chairs. They could have been doing a Parents Day Breakfast like back in the day when I was a student. However, the Easter Bunny(复活节小兔子), the granddaughter of one of the organizers, and the little kids having their photographs taken, made me stay in the present. The school is much smaller now, less than 400 attend and its no longer the high school sports powerhouse that it was in the 1980s. Yet, as I went downstairs and walked onto the gym floor, I did see all the banners again, and some boys playing basketball under a circle.It was much later in the day and I was excited to meet so many classmates from high school. The conversation moved on from one topic to another. Toward the end, we started talking about our teachers numerous health problems, and how the physics teacher died.Sometimes its good to look back, or step back into a place you spent every weekday at, to see how far youve come. I dont regret spending time with some of my old classmates. It was a good thing and an opportunity and Im glad I didnt miss.26. When did the writer first know that they would get together in the old high school? A. In February B. In March C. In April D. In May27. What is mentioned in the passage? A. The writer hadnt stepped back into the school for years.B. Hearing Georges warning, the writer got very excited.C. The writer talked with his classmates deep into the night.D. The writer greeted his physics teacher with his classmates.28. In Paragraph 3, what made the writer stay in the present? A. The same type of tables and chairs. B. The same paint and photographs on the walls.C. The activities of the kids or students.D. The banners and a Parents Day Breakfast.29. Which of the following is the right order of the writing? a. visited the classroom b. saw students playing basketball c. walked downstairs d. drove to the school e. walked upstairs A. a-b-c-d-e B. b-c-d-e-a C. c-b-a-d-e D. d-e-a-c-b30. What is the writers attitude toward revisiting his old high school? A. Indifferent. B. Regrettable. C. Worthwhile. D. Unworthy. BYour baby is the most valuable thing in your life. You want to give him or her the best. However, if you and your partner both have to return to work shortly after your baby was born, it can be difficult to decide where your baby should go during those hours of the day. If you ask the right questions, you may find the decision is easier than you expected.Daycare might be the best and most-used choice for working parents. Daycares are often great places for kids because they are surrounded by others children of their own age, and the people who work at daycares have to be experienced in early childhood development. This means your child is really being taught by a trained teacher in her field. They know what your child needs during the time he or she is there. Also, it is often less expensive to put your child in a daycare because there are several children in the room. One-to-one time is almost always the most expensive choice. However, this means that the teachers attention may be divided between several children so, instead of being able to giving your child her entire attention, she will have to share her time between many children. This can be a major drawback when thinking about where your child should go during the day.If you have a family member who isnt working and is willing to watch your child, this can by the most inexpensive choice for you to consider. Oftentimes, grandparents who are staying home are willing to take on the child so you can go to work. This is a great choice for working parents who are looking to save money. Your relatives love your child almost as much as you do, so you can trust that your baby is being taken care of. Also, the babys grandparents have already raised children successfully, therefore, they know about what children need. However, youve surely heard stories of grandparents spoiling children.31. The passage tells us about baby care . A. at home B. at school C. while the parents are at work D. while the baby is crying aloud32. What is the advantage of daycare? A. There are many older children there. B. There are experienced teachers there.C. It is often free of charge. D. It is easier than expected.33. The underlined word “They”(in Paragraph 2) refers to “ ”. A. fields B. teachers C. children D. choices34. Whats the most expensive choice for baby care in the passage? A. Daycare. B. Family care. C. Regular care. D. One-to-one care.35. The major disadvantage of family care is that . A. grandparents can spoil children B. some relatives are not trustworthyC. grandparents are not good at it D. some relatives wont do houseworkCOne summer night in 1900, a reporter appeared at the door of Thomas Edisons laboratory asking for an interview. The night watchman wouldnt admit him, even though Edison was still at work upstairs. The reporter, Remsen Crawford, said he needed to get Edisons reaction to the news that seven of his inventions “would become available to the public” when their patents(专利) ran out at midnight.The watchman conveyed the request on to Edison, who replied, “Go back. Tell that fellow that I say Mr. Edison has never used his inventions alone and never expects to in this world. So the ending of a patent has no effect upon the wealth of an inventor.”Hearing Edisons response, Crawford wrote another note: What do you mean bynever used alone? Must see you.”Eventually the great inventor admitted Crawford and gave him this statement: “In this country an inventor cant stop people copying his inventions. The moment he invents something, therell be pirates(盗版) rising up on all sides and calling it their own.”Thirty years later, Crawford was back at Edisons laboratory, again asking about patents and the money he got from them. Crawford asked him, “You have invented many things, including electric lighting. Why arent you the richest man in the world today?”Edisons reply: “Nearly $10,000,000,000, they tell me, is invested in modern industries which developed from ideas included in my inventions and my patents. A billion dollars or so may be the annual total income to workers in fields connected with my inventions and patents. But I have made very little profit from my inventions. In my lifetime I have taken out 1,180 patents up to date. These patents have cost me more than they have returned me. I have made money through the introduction and sale of my products as a maker, not as a inventor.”Edison was one of the few fortunate inventors who knew that great engineering, on its own, never earned anything. The success of any technology is due to its business model and protection of its copyright. Unfortunately, Edison said, the US had a “miserable system” for protecting inventions.36. From the first paragraph Crawford visited Edison to .A. inform him of the news B. see how hard Edison worked C. know what Edison was inventing D. find out Edisons response to the news37. What was Edisons attitude toward the ending of his patents?A. Doubtful. B. Annoyed. C. Indifferent. D. Worried.38. According to the passage, Edison made money by .A. holding his parents B. selling his products C. making inventions D. providing his ideas39. It is implied in the passage that in Edisons time .A. America had no patent protection laws B. his inventions were not highly valuedC. patents benefited inventors little D. applying for patents was easy40. Which would be the best title for the passage?A. Edison and his patents B. Edison, the greatest inventorC. The patent system in America D. Edisons way of making moneyDThe largest shark known to us, Megalodon, is extinct. Or is it? Carcharodon Megalodon, commonly known as Megalodon, is believed to have lived between 1 million and 5 million years ago and thought to have been 52 feet long. It is (or was) a shark that had a jaw 7 or more feet wide. Fairly recently, there has been some guesswork about whether it is extinct or just out of reach. But few people believe that Megalodon has found a home deep in the ocean.There are many known “Living Fossils”: Coelacanth, Sea Cucumbers(海参), Sea Urchins(海胆), Lobsters(龙虾), Sea Stars. The common ones like lobsters and sea urchins are not really looked on as anything amazing. Theyve been around for thousands of years or more, and are easily accessible to us. What if they werent accessible and yet still existed? We would label them extinct. The discovery of a live Coelacanth, a fish long believed extinct, challenged some scientists long-held beliefs on extinction. There have been recent discoveries of unbelievably large squid(乌贼), and deep-sea fish never before seen by scientists.In the 1960s the US Navy set up underwater microphones around the world to track Soviet submarines. The network, known as the Sound Surveillance(监视) System, still lies deep below the oceans surface in a layer of water known as the “deep sound channel”. The temperature and pressure of the channel allow sound waves to travel undisturbed. NOAAs Acoustic Monitoring Project has been using the Sound Surveillance System to listen for changes in ocean structure like ocean currents or volcanic activity. Most of the sounds recorded are common and of no concern. One sound, identified in 1977 by US Navy “spy” sensors, was strange. It was obviously a sea animal but the call was more powerful than any of the calls made by any other reported sea creature. It was too big for a whale. Could it be a deep-sea monster? One possibility was a giant squid, but no one is sure. It was named “Bloop”. Could it be Megalodon? If Megalodon is still alive down in the bottom of the ocean, we may some day soon discover it. Then what? Deep sea diving will never be the same, thats for sure!41. The following is commonly known EXCEPT .A. Megalodon, the largest shark, is extinct B. Megalodon is not extinct but just out of reachC. Megalodon was 52 feet long and had a jaw 7 or more feet wideD. Megalodon lived several million years ago42. What makes scientists doubt about the belief that Megalodon is extinct?A. The discovery of many “Living Fossils”. B. The discovery of the fossils of lobsters.C. The discovery of a live Coelacanth. D. The discovery of the fossils of sea urchins.43. What was the intended purpose of underwater microphones?A. To listen for changes in ocean structure.B. To listen for changes of ocean currents or volcanic activity.C. To make sure whether there was a giant squid deep in the ocean.D. To follow the track of the Soviet warship under water.44. What was special in their recorded sounds?A. A strange, powerful animal sound was heard. B. A big whales sound was heard.C. A sea monsters sound was heard. D. A giant squids sound was heard.45. What can be concluded from the passage?A. Scientists discoveries always change peoples beliefs.B. There are too many secrets to be discovered.C. Megalodon may be still alive deep in the ocean.D. The “deep sound channel” prevents sound waves from traveling far.二、信息匹配阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。首先请阅读下列世界著名女科学家的科研成就的提示性文字及图片:A. Annie Easley (April 23, 1933June 25, 2011): She is an African-American mathematician and computer scientist who worked for the National Space Administrations Lewis Research Center. She was a part of the team that developed the software for the Centaur rocket stage.B. Gertrude B. Elion (January 23,1918February 21, 1999): She is a famous American biochemist who received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She is attributed with the discovery of many drugs, the most significant one being the AIDS drug, AZT.C. Rita Levi-Montalcini (April 22, 1909): She is an Italian neurologist(神经病学家) who received the 1986 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their discovery of nerve growth factor(NGF). Today, she is the oldest living Nobel Prize winner and the first ever to reach a 100th birthday.D. Jocelyn Bell Burnell (July 15,1943): She is a British astrophysicist(天体物理学家). As a postgraduate student, she discovered the first radio pulsars(射电脉冲星) with her advisor, for which they shared the Nobel Prize in Physics.E. Linda B. Buck (January 29, 1947): She is an American biologist who has made a great contribution to the research on olfactory(嗅觉的) system. In 2004, she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, along with Richard Axel.F. Dian Fossey (January 16, 1932December 27, 1985): She was an American zoologist who completed an extensive study of eight gorilla(大猩猩) groups by closely observing their lives in the mountain forests of Rwanda. Her work was similar to Jane Goodalls research on chimpanzees.以下是这些女科学家科研成就的简介。请将相关简介与世界著名女科学家的成就提示性文字及图片匹配起来。46. During World War II, she conducted experiments from a home laboratory, studying the growth of nerve fibers in chicken embryos(胚胎). In September 1946, she accepted an invitation to Washington University in St. Louis. Although the initial invitation was for one semester, she stayed for thirty years. It was there that she did her most important work: separating the nerve growth factor from observations of certain cancerous tissues that cause extremely rapid growth of nerve cells in 1952.47. She was part of a group of three remarkable researchers to study great apes(猿) in their natural environments. When her photograph appeared on the cover of National Geographic Magazine in January 1970, she became very popular, bringing massive publicity(宣传) to her cause of saving the mountain gorilla from extinction, as well as convincing the general public that gorillas are not as fierce as they are sometimes shown in movies and books. She made a lot of discoveries about gorillas in her life.48. Her 34-year career included developing computer code that analyzed alternative power technologies, supported Centaur, determined solar, wind and energy projects. Her energy assignments included studies to determine the life use of storage batteries. Her computer applications have been used to identify energy conversion(转换) systems that offer the improvement over commercially available technologies. Her work contributed to the 1997 flight to Saturn, which was launched by the Centaur.49. In 1969 she completed her Ph. D. from Cambridge University, where she worked with her advisor Antony Hewish and others to construct a rapid telescope to study quasars(类星体). Using the radio telescope, she found strange radio pulses coming from a single point in the sky. After a period of confusion about what was causing the pulses, she and her colleagues confirmed that pulsars, as the sources of pulses came to be known, are rayed by rapidly spinning(旋转) neutron stars.50. She graduated from Hunter College in 1937 and New York University in 1941. Later, she worked as an assistant at a big drug company. Working with George H. Hitchings, she used the differences in biochemistry between normal human cells and pathogens(病原体) to design drugs that could kill or stop the reproduction of particular pathogens without harming the host cells. She developed a great number of new drugs, including a powerful drug against a deadly disease, for which


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