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ICD导线植入部位的选择对除颤成功率的影响,提纲,ICD 导线的传统植入部位: 对ICD 导线传统植入部位改变的思考 ICD 导线植入部位选择:目前的认识,ICD导线的传统植入部位,传统方案: 右室心尖部 Right Ventricular Apex, RVA 最佳的除颤阈值 最佳的导线稳定性,潜在的危害!,除颤导线植入RVA的潜在危害,部分患者心室起搏依赖 持续右室心尖部起搏可能带来 左室重构1 房颤发生率增加2,3 死亡率增加3,1 Thambo, J.B., et al., Detrimental ventricular remodeling in patients with congenital complete heart block and chronic right ventricular apical pacing. Circulation, 2004. 110(25): p. 3766-72 2 Sweeney, M.O., et al., Adverse effect of ventricular pacing on heart failure and atrial fibrillation among patients with normal baseline QRS duration in a clinical trial of pacemaker therapy for sinus node dysfunction. Circulation, 2003. 107(23): p. 2932-7. 3 Wilkoff, B.L., et al., Dual-chamber pacing or ventricular backup pacing in patients with an implantable defibrillator: the Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrillator (DAVID) Trial. JAMA, 2002. 288(24): p. 3115-23.,RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Pacing,纳入14个随机对照临床试验,共754例患者,RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Pacing,非心尖部起搏组在随访终点的LVEF均高于心尖部起搏组,思考:改变传统的除颤导线植入部位,提出新的除颤导线的植入部位 避免长期RVA起搏损害左室结构及功能 右室流出道 Right Ventricular Outflow Tract, RVOT 中低位室间隔 Mid or low septum,A. 后前位,B. 左前斜30度,RVNA 优于RVA 血流动力学 减轻左室重构 保护心功能 安全角度:RVNA优于RVA? RVNA能否保证良好的除颤效果?,RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Pacing,保证除颤成功率的关键,较低且稳定的除颤阈值 足够的安全除颤区间(DFT),RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Pacing 除颤阈值(DFT)是否有差异?,RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Defibrillator Lead除颤成功率对比的相关研究,2004年,Giudici MC等,Right ventricular outflow tract placement of defibrillation leads: five year experience. Pacing Clin Electrophysiology 2008年,Mollerus M等,A randomized comparison of defibrillation thresholds in the right ventricular outflow tract versus right ventricular apex. J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2009年,Crossley GH等,A prospective randomized trial of defibrillation thresholds from the right ventricular outflow tract and the right ventricular apex. Pacing Clin Electrophysiology,RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Defibrillator Lead除颤成功率对比的相关研究,2010年,Reynolds CR等, Randomized comparison of defibrillation thresholds from the right ventricular apex and outflow tract. Heart Rhythm 2010年,Giosue Mascioli等,An observational registry on efficacy and safety of the right ventricular outflow tract as a site for ICD leads: results of the EFFORT (EFFicacy Of Right ventricular outflow Tract as site for ICD leads) registry. J Interv Card Electrophysiol,2014年,Christof Kolb等, Safety of mid-septal electrode placement in implantable cardioverter defibrillator recipients Results of the SPICE (Septal Positioning of ventricular ICD Electrodes) study, International Journal of Cardiology 2015年,Gerald C等,A comparison of right ventricular non-apical defibrillator lead position with traditional right ventricular apical position: a single centre experience 2016年,Amit G等, Apical vs. non-apical lead: is ICD lead position important for successful defibrillation?. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol,RV Non-Apical vs. Apical Defibrillator Lead除颤成功率对比的相关研究,Right ventricular outflow tract placement of defibrillation leads: five year experience2004年,纳入112例植入ICD的患者 89 male / 23 female 平均年龄65岁 除颤电极经静脉置入RVOT 平均随访22.517.5个月(1-47个月) 无电极脱位 无除颤失败 无心动过缓或心动过速起搏及感知失败,Pacing Clin Electrophysiology 2004,27:443-446,Right ventricular outflow tract placement of defibrillation leads: five year experience2004年,术中参数测试,Safe and Efficacious,Pacing Clin Electrophysiology 2004,27:443-446,A randomized comparison of defibrillation thresholds in the right ventricular outflow tract versus right ventricular apex2008年,纳入26例植入ICD的患者 根据除颤导线的植入部位,分为RVA组及RVOT组,术中DFTs测试结果,结论:除颤导线植入RVA比植入RVOT具有更低的DFT !,J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2008,22:221-225,A prospective randomized trial of defibrillation thresholds from the right ventricular outflow tract and the right ventricular apex 2009年,纳入87例植入ICD的患者 70 male / 17 female 平均年龄6911岁 随机分组,除颤电极经静脉置入RVA或RVOT 平均随访3个月,A prospective randomized trial of defibrillation thresholds from the right ventricular outflow tract and the right ventricular apex 2009年,结论: 除颤电极植入RVOT的除颤效果不劣于植入RVA 除颤电极植入RVOT是安全的,与植入RVA的传统方法相比,具有相似的电极稳定性、阈值及阻抗,术中DFTs测试结果,Randomized comparison of defibrillation thresholds from the right ventricular apex and outflow tract2010年,纳入33例植入ICD的患者 前瞻、随机、交叉对照研究 平均年龄5912岁 射血分数33%14%,术中DFTs测试结果,纳入185例植入ICD的患者 153 male / 32 female 平均年龄6710岁(28-82岁) 除颤电极经静脉置入RVOT或RVA,J Interv Card Electrophysiol 2010,28:215-220,RVA组与RVOT组术中参数对比,结论: 除颤电极植入RVOT的安全性及除颤有效性与植入RVA相似 起搏阈值和感知两组存在差异,但这种差异并没有临床意义,纳入299例植入ICD的患者 79% male ,平均年龄65.212.1岁 83%一级预防 除颤电极随机置入中位间隔(n=145)或RVA(n=154),International Journal of Cardiology 2014,174:713-720,一级终点:术后3个月的无事件生存率 二级终点:术后12个月的无事件生存率 事件包括:导线重置、右室电极参数不理想(包括DFT25J),结论 除颤电极植入RV中位间隔与植入心尖部生存情况存在轻微的差异,纳入512例植入ICD的患者 RVNA组平均随访40.425.9个月 RNA组平均随访3831.8个月,Heart, lung and circulation 2015,24:179-184,Apical vs. non-apical lead: is ICD lead position important for successful defibrillation?2016年,Shockless IMPLant Evaluation (SIMPLE) trial 2475例ICD患者入选 根据除颤电极植入部位分为RVNA组和RVA组 RVNA组:541 (21.9%) 比较两组术中除颤测试结果及术后随访中的除颤成功率,Lancet 2015; 385: 78591,J Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2016, Apr 5. DOI: 10.1111/jce.12952,术中参数测试结果对比,术中DFT测试结果及平均随访3年的结果对比,SIMPLE结论: 除颤电极植入非心尖部位(RVNA)并不会降低ICD工作的有效性,CRTD:除颤导线植入部位对除颤的影响,RVA和NRVA对除颤的影响 RVA和NRVA对CRT疗效的影响,南京医科大学第一附属医院经验,1998.0-2016.03共植入ICD/CRTD 683台 ICD:除颤导线植入部位:98%心尖部 CRTD:除颤导线植入部位:90%心尖部 一级预防和二级预防:除颤导线植入部位首选RVA DFT升高:5例(2例ARVC,2例ICM,1例HCM) 均在RVA组,小结,ICD除颤电极植入的传统部位:心尖部,对心室起搏依赖者植入心尖部存在隐患 ICD除颤电极植入非心尖部位(包括RVOT及中位室间隔)是安全的 术中DFT测试结果及远期随访结果均表明,与植入心尖部相比,除颤电极植入非心尖部位对于除颤成功率并无明显影响 部分电极参数存在差异,但并无临床意义,The end,


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