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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note,Language Points,1. This unit is a play based on a short story,Language points,He was brought up in Hannibal bring up 养育, 抚养 She _ three children on her own. bring up 提出(问题,计划,方案) He _ this question at the next meeting. bring up 呕吐 She suddenly _ because of eating some dirt food.,brought up,will bring up,brought up,He is best known for his novels set in his boyhood world,The story is set in the early days of World War 此故事是以第二次世界大战初期为背景的。 This is a play that is set in Venice. 以威尼斯为背景的剧,2. He is best known for his novals set in his boyhood world be (well/best) known for 由于而出名 be (well/best) known as 作为而出名 Guangzhou _ its flower. Jay Chou _ a pop singer.,is well known for,is well known as,It is well known that .众所周知的,表示“许多,大量”的短语有那些?,a large amount of A great deal of the number of a number of a large quantity of large quantities of A great /good many,接不可数名词,谓语用单数 接不可数名词,谓语用单数 接可数名词,谓语用单数 接可数名词,谓语用复数 接(不)可数名词,谓语用单数 接(不)可数名词,谓语用复数 接可数名词,谓语用复数,_ words and expressions have come into the language from American English. A. A large amount of B. A great many C. A great deal of D. Many a 2. 改错: 1). Many people came to the meeting, but the number of them left early. 2). A large sum money was spent on the project.,a,sum of,3. Two old and wealthy brothers, have made a bet. (1) bet n. 赌博 Make a bet (on/about) sth.with sb. 跟某人打赌 (在.) 咱们打赌下次考试好吗? Lets make a bet on the next exam.,(2) The money, etc risked in this way (金钱等)赌注,v. 1)risk (money) on a race or some other event of which the result is doubtful打赌,赌博 布莱克夫人把她所有的钱都花在了赌马上。 Mrs. Black spent all her money betting on horses.,2)I bet=(informal) Im certain我肯定 我敢肯定他去游泳了,他喜爱这项运动。 I bet hes gone to swimming-he loves it.,A man could survive a month,To live longer than; outlive: 比活得长: She survived her husband by five years. 她比她丈夫多活了五年 She was the only girl to survive the accident. 她是这次事故的惟一幸存者 The whole family survive the earthquake,doubt,后接从句时, 疑问句和否定句用连词 that, 肯定句一般用连接词 whether, if, what, when 等, 如肯定句用 that, 往往表示非常怀疑) I doubt that he will come. 我看他不见得会来。 I doubt whether if he is at home. 我看他不一定在家。 I do not doubt (but) that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下来。 Can you doubt that he will win?,wander,wander about overthe world 漫游世界 wander through the woods 徘徊于林中 wander from the subject point 离题 He wandered (through) the streets. 他漫游街头。,1. permit (v.) 1) permit sb to do sth.=allow sb to do sth. 允许 她的妈妈是不会允许她晚归的。 Her mother would not permit her to come back late.,容我解释一下。Permit me to explain it.,Language points,permit 1. vt. permit +,sb. to do sth.准许某人做某事 doing 允许做,vi. Weather_(permit), well go camping. 3. n. He took out a permit to hunt when the policeman asked why he hunted the deer.,permitting,容许,执照,许可证,permit/ allow/ advise/ forbid+?,doing sth. 允许做某事 sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事,1.The teacher doesnt permit _ in class. A. smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. to have a smoke 2. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents did not _ her to do so. A. forbid B. allow C. follow D. ask,3. Father will not _ us to use his recorders. A. have B. let C. agree D. allow,permit and allow,allow: permit:,语义较弱,含有消极的意味,侧重于“听任,默许,不加阻止;不按常规行事”的意思。,语义较强,含有积极正面的意义,多用于正式场合,强调“正式认可,批准”的意思。,扩展: permitpermittedpermittedpermitting permit and permission : permit 指“通行证,许可证,执照”而permission 指有批准权的人的口头“允许,许可”(不可数名词) apply for a parking permit with/without ones permission ask for permission,permission:n. 许可,允许 1. May I have permission to go home early? 2. I asked his permission to use the car. 3. With your permission we will take the first train.,我可以早一点回家吗?,我请求他允许我使用这辆汽车。,有你的允许,我们将乘早班火车。,经某人的许可 未经某人的许可,with ones permission without permission,That will be all,没你的事了.,5. Mr. Adams, if youd mind us asking a few questions. mind sb. doing 介意某人做某事 你介意我在这里吸烟吗? Do you mind my/me smoking here? 你介意我打开窗户吗? Do you mind her opening the window? 回答带有mind的问句时按照实际情况回答. 表示介意回答 “yes”, 表示不介意 用“no”. Yes, I do = I mind you opening the window. No, I dont = I dont mind you opening the window,怎样回答mind有的问句?,- Do you mind my smoking? - Yes, youd better not. - No, certainly not.,你介意我吸烟吗? 是的,你最好别抽。 不介意,你当然可以抽。,回答带有mind的问句时,要注意yes或no都是针对mind的。表示“介意,在乎”时用yes,意思是不让对方做这件事;表示“不介意时,不在乎”时用no,意思是允许对方做这件事。,I dont mind _ the decision as long as it is not too late. A. you to delay making B. your delaying making C. your delaying to make D. your delay to make 2. - Do you mind my taking this seat? - _. A. Yes, sit down please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please D. No, you cant take it,6. Go right ahead. 继续往下说. 1) be carried out; take place执行,进行,举行 尽管天气不好,旅行将照常进行。 Despite the bad weather, the journey will go ahead. 新桥的修建将按计划进行。 The building of the new bridge will go ahead as planned.,2. 行啊,做吧 (= allow sb. to do sth.) Can I have a look at the sport section? Yeah, go ahead. Ive read it.,- I wonder if I could possibly use your car. - _, Im not using it anyhow. A. Sure, go ahead B. I dont know C. Yes, indeed D. I dont care 2. - Could I ask you a rather personal question? - _. A. Yes, dont worry B. Of course, go ahead C. Yes, help yourself D. Of course, why not,7. As a matter of fact, I landed in Britain by accident. as a matter of fact = in fact; actually by accident =by chance 偶然地, 意外地 我只是碰巧找到 的。 I only found it by accident.,3. stare at,词语辨析:stare, glare, gaze, glance,都怎么“看”,stare at glare at gaze at glance at stare into the distance stare sb. up and down fix ones eyes on/upon,盯着,凝视 怒视 凝视,盯着 瞥一眼 凝视远方 上下打量某人 集中某人的注意力于,I dont think Jim saw me; he _ at the advertisement. A. just stared B. was just staring C. has just stared D. had just stared 2. The old man stood there, _ the distance. A. looked at B. looking at C. stared into D. staring into,I found myself carried out to sea by ,find +宾语+,形容词 名词 现在分词 过去分词 介词短语 副词 doing sth. to do sth.,find + 宾语 + ?,After a long search, we found the boy safe and sound. I find him a very clever man. They found the lost boy lying in the cave. I found Mary surrounded by a group of children. When I came to, I found myself in hospital. We found it useless trying to persuade him to go with us. She found it hard to keep a diary in English every day.,A student will be punished if he is found _ in the classroom. A. fight B. fighting C. to fight D. fought 2. He was disappointed to find his suggestions _. A. been turned down B. turned down C. to be turned down D. to turn down,It was all my fault.,shortcoming, mistake, error, wrong和fault辨析 mistake 指偶然做错了事,如拼写错误,错拿了东西等,强调日常生活中的错误 error 指违反某一标志做的错事,包括道德上的错误 make an error出差错, 犯错误 fault 常指人在性格上或办事方式上的“缺点”“毛病”,强调过失的责任,不能与make搭配,一般与have 或commit搭配 find fault (with)挑剔; 找(.的)岔子; 对.吹毛求疵 wrong指“坏事,冤枉” shortcoming,“Idontthinkitsmy_thattheTV blewup. Ijustturnediton, thatsall,” saidtheboy. Aerror Bmistake Cfault Dduty,spot n. explain the cause of sth. 做某事的解释;解释某事物的原因。 他因病缺席。 His illness _his absence. 请你对自己的所说的话作出解释。 Please account for what you said.,accounts for,We must _ every penny we spend during a business trip. A. explain B. state C. account for D. describe 2. She gave the police a full _ of the incident. A. describe B. account C. note D. drawing 3. His illness _ his absence. A. showed B. accounted for C. explained D. gave out,on account of(= because of)由于 on no account (= not for any reason) 绝不,切莫 _ no account must we tell her the truth.,On,Magellan was trying to find a passage to the Indian Ocean. 麦哲伦试图找到一条通向印度洋的通道 pay for ones passage. 订船票;付船费 Read this passage aloud. 朗读这篇文章,passage,I went to the American embassy to seek help seek vi 相反,是一个很大的错误.,It wasnt a good thing; on the contrary it was a big mistake.,她的爸爸没有责怪她, 相反还鼓励她.,Her dad didnt blame her; on the contrary he encouraged her.,Now if youll excuse me, I think Ill be on my way. 好了,请原谅,我想我该上路了. You mustnt think we dont care about you. 你千万不要以为我们不在意你的感受,care about 关心, 担心 care for 喜欢; 想要 关心, 关怀,Thats why weve given you the letter, James thats why 那就是的原因 Promise? Promise (sb.) sth. promise to do sth promise that make a promise keep a promise,Language Points,Lets learn some important words and expressions:,appearance,We mustnt judge by appearances. 我们不可以貌取人。 make an appearance 到场, 出场; 出头露面 save appearance 保全面子,1. That ones reserved. = that one is reserved. 那张桌子有人订了.,Reserve sth. 保留, 预订,这些座位是留给老人和病人的.,These seats are reserved for the old and the sick.,他已经在中国大酒店预订了一间单人房.,He has reserved a single room in China Hotel.,Explanation,I am afraid itll cost a large amount of money. n. a large amount of + 不可数名词 a large amount of work 大量工作,There is _ _ _ _(大量的)work for us to do. _ _ _ (大量的)money were spent on the bridge. Large amounts of waste water _ into the rivers from factories. A. are flowing B. is flowing C. are flown D. is flown,a large amount of,Large amounts of,Why, look at him. He eats like a wolf.,为什么, 看他.,Why 在句中表一种强调的语气, 不表疑问.,eat like a wolf 狼吞虎咽 eat like a bird 吃的少 eat like a horse 吃的多,3. Well, we will have to take a chance. 哦,我们要赌一把了。 take a/ the/ chance/ chances 碰运气;冒风险,(The) chances are that有可能 e.g. 1) 有可能我被选拔到队里。 This is a chance that I will be chosen for the team. 2) 我们很可能会轻易取胜。 Chances The chances are that we will win easily.,e.g. We decided to _ the weather and have the party outdoors. 我们决定与老天爷赌一把,在户外聚会。 e.g. We mustnt_. Wed better play safe. 我们不要冒险,我们最好求稳。,take a chance on,take chances,There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. A. that B. which C. until D. if 2. _ are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow. A. The chances B. Chance C. The chance D. Word 3. He took a big _ when he made the investment. A. luck B. time C. chance D. money,3. in a rude manner 用一种粗鲁的态度 manner 表“方式,方法”,常用单数; 表“举止,态度”,也用单数; 表“礼貌,礼仪”,常用复数。 他用一种很不礼貌的态度去回答. He answered_. 嘴里塞满食物地跟别人说话是不礼貌的. _to talk with your mouth full.,It is bad manners,in an impolite manner,The _ of his speech made the others angry. A. manner B. method C. means D. ways 2. Though having been told to pay more attention to his behaviour, he performed bad _ at he party. A. matter B. way C. manners D. politeness,Its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple things in life. 从生活中的这些简单事中你能得到如此多的快乐 真是令人惊奇.,4. scream She screamed when she saw the tiger last night. scream 与shout区别:,a genuine pearl a genuine note 2) sincere, honest 真诚的,真实的 She seems genuine but I cant trust her.,5. genuine 1) real, not fake or artificial 真的,非伪造的,非人工的,fake,issued two motes in this amount 发行;发布The post office issued the stamps last week. 上星期邮局发行了这些邮票。 issue a statement 发表声明 the latest issue 最近一期(报刊) international issues,I simply dont know. 我完全不知道. Simply 简单地,仅仅 在句子里表强调,7. He is in rags. in rags 衣衫褴褛,那个衣衫褴褛的男人是个乞丐.,The man who was in rags was a beggar.,for the first time the first time It is the first time 1. He went to Beijing _. 2. I knew we would be good friends _ I met her. 3. _ that I have seen her. 4. It is the fith time that he _(ring) me in this week. 5. It was the second time that Mike _(be) to China.,for the first time,the first time,This/It is the first time,has rung,had been,第一次,在句中做状语 首次,第一次,引导状语从句 句子中用完成时,I thought her nice and honest _ I met her. A. first time B. for the first time C. the first time D. by the first time 2. - Do you know our town at all? - No, this is the first time I _ here. A. was B. have been C. came D. am coming 3. It was the fourth time that he _ late for school, which made the headteacher angry. A. was B. had been C. has been D. is,but I cannot change this bank note. 我找不开这么大张的钞票.,Change v. 找零,你能兑换这5英镑钞票吗?,Can you change this five pound note?,Change n. 零钱,你有零钱吗? 我找不开你的钞票.,Do you have change? I cant you change your bank note.,But its all I have on me.,8. indeed 1) in fact 事实上,其实 I dont mind. Indeed, I am willing to help you. 2) truly, really, certainly 的确,实在的,确实 - Did he finish the work? - Indeed, he did.,Just having you sit here is a great honour! 能让你做这里真实莫大的荣幸.,We fight for the honor of our country. 我们为祖国的荣誉而战。 敬意UChildren should be taught to show honor to their elders. 应该教育孩子尊敬长者。 使增光;给.以荣誉You honor us with your presence. 您的莅临是我们的光荣。 Will you honor me with a visit? 可否光临指教?,9. as for 至于,关于 You can have a bed, but as for the children, they will have to sleep on the floor.,bow as Herny leaves 弓Believe it or not, she can draw a strong bow. 你信不信由你,她能挽强弓。 低(头),欠(身)He bowed his head in shame. 他惭愧地低下头来。,II. 单句改错: His laziness might account his failure. 2. Will you permit us watch TV this evening? 3. I was walking along the street then suddenly a car stopped me. 4. Why dont you explain me what this is all about? 5. In this means we will be able to solve the problem.,for,to,when,to,By,Language Points (Unit 3 Book 3 高三复习),Practice: 填空: 1) Mr. Smith made a bet _ his wife _ the price of the ancient painting. 2) How did you find the chicken? I found it quite _ accident. 3) How do you account _ all the accidents in series? 4) “May I use your phone?” “Yes, go _ .”,with,on,by,for,ahead,Language Points (Unit 3 Book 3 高三复习),5) The was caught by the police _ the spot. 6) We delayed our departure _ account _ the bad weather. 7) We dont permit _ (smoke) in school. 2.完成句子: 1) 咱们赌下次大选吧。 Lets _the next election. 2) 我知道他们打过赌,但我不知他们赌什么。 I know theyve _ _ _ , but I dont know _ they _ _ . 3) 一棵树倒下来, 把那辆小车当场砸毁。 The car was hit by a _ tree, and destroyed _ _ _ .,make a bet on,on,on,smoking,made a bet,what,bet on,falling,on the spot,of,Language Points (Unit 3 Book 3 高三复习),8) 她因病不上班。 Her illness _ _her _ from work. 9) 天亮时,我们发现自己来到了山脚下的一个小村庄。 When day broke, we _ ourselves _ a small village at the _ of a mountain. 10) 他醒来时, 发现自己躺在了医院里 。 When he came to, he _ _ _ in hospital. find oneself +宾补,意为“(突然/不知不觉)发现自己” 介词词组(发现自己在 )/ doing sth.(发现自己在做)/ done(发现自己被),accounts for,absence,in,found,foot,found himself lying,7.You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. whatever “无论什么”。作为连词它可以引导让步状语从句和名词性从句。引导让步状语从句的时候=no matter what _ you say, he wont believe you. You can choose _ topic you like to write your composition. You can give the donation to _ needs it urgently. _ clever you are, you must study hard. _ you are, you must obey our school rules. _ you go,_ you do , I will be right here waiting for you .,Whatever,whichever,whoever,However,Whoever,Wherever,whatever,1.be going to do sth. 表示事先经过考虑或作了某种准备的打算或有迹象表明非常有可能发生但不能用于含有条件从句的主句中will 就可以,表示意愿 2.will do sth.表示“带有意愿色彩的将来”询问对方是否愿意或表示客气的命令 be to do sth. 表示“命令,规则,安排,责备”等,用在条件句中表示“想要” 4. be about to do sth. 表示“马上就要做某事”不能与表示时间的副词或者时间状语连用,但常用在be about to do sthwhen 的结构中,辨析: be going to do sth. will do sth. be to do sth. be doing sth. 1. If it is fine, we _ go fishing. 2. Look, the clouds are gathering. It looks as if it _ rain. 3. If a man _ get success in the future, he must devote himself to what he does. 4. He _ leave when it rained cats and dogs. 5. All prisoners _ in bed by 10 oclock. 6. Im sorry, I must _ (leave) now.,will,is going to,is to,was about to,are to be,be leaving,Thank you for listening. Goodbye!,Keys words : 1.permit 2. passage 3. account 4. appearance 5. honest 6. patience 7. manners,8. screaming 9. humour 10. jealous 11. stare at 12. go ahead 13. by accident 14. account for,1.Smoking is not _ in our school. 2.He had his wallet stolen, so he had to earn his _ during the journey. 3.The reason he gave to _ for his absence was unbelievable. 4.As is known to all, we should never judge a person only by his _. 5.To be _, I have no money on me. 6. To do this work well needs some _. 7. He was so hungry that he ordered a thick _ and a glass of beer for lunch. 8. Its good _ to say good-bye to the host when leaving.,permitted,appearance,honest,patience,manners,9. Seeing the snake, she couldnt help_. 10. In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two persons to walk _ to _. 11. His family is quite rich, so they hire a _ to do the housework. 12. Dont be _ to your friends. You should be friendly to each other. 13. He was popular because of his sense of _. 14. To my great joy, I found my lost pen by _ in the corner of the room. 15. We dont like him because he is always _ of others success.,accident,jealous,screaming,翻译句子 1 我打赌我们会赢那场球赛。 2 他正要开口,突然看见同桌在向他摇手。 3 说实话,你穿红色不好看。 4 他对他的作弊行为所作的解释实在是令人难以置信。,I make a bet that we could win the football match,He was about to say something when he saw his deskmate shaking hands.,To be honest, you are not good in red.,The reason he gave to account for his cheating were indeed unbelievable.,


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