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Cloze解题思路与技巧,解题步骤: 通读全文,了解大意。 逐句分析,前后一致。 排除错误,确定答案。 复读全文,核对答案。,1.通读全文,掌握大意。文章第一句往往是全文的关键句,是文章的“窗口”。通过它,可以大致了解全文的概貌和作者的立意。它往往提供了全文的中心信息。第一句一般不设空,考生应该充分利用此句的标示作用,并将它作为一个解题的突破口,据此展开思维。细心阅读了第一句后,应快速阅读全文,了解文章的体裁、背景、内容、结构,以及情节发展的前因后果。同时对空格部分也作猜测。这种快速阅读必须在三分钟内完成。,2.逐句细读,确定选项。掌握文章大意后,逐句分析,根据上下文意义,选择语法正确、词义贴切的选项填入空格。在这一过程中要注意文脉走势和作者口吻,不能单纯地凭语法知识解题。 3.校对检查,更改不合理、不贴切的答案。这是做完形填空题必不可少的环节,也是考生容易忽视的步骤。检查过程中要注意所选答案的合理性。如果没有上下文信息的依托,就缺乏合理性。有时一题中的四个选项都是对的,但最贴切的只有一个。符合文章内涵、符合作者意图的才是最贴切的。,例: It is very important to have healthy teeth. Good teeth help us to chew our food. They also help us to look nice. How does a tooth go bad? The _ begins in a little crack in the enamel(珐琅)covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have _ there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. In the end, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel very ill. How can we keep our teeth _? First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He can fill the small hole in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can _ our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. _, many people wait until toothache before they see a dentist. Secondly, we should,一抓住首句,了解大意,建立解题思路,brush our teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride(氟化物) toothpaste at least _ a day-once after breakfast and once before we go to bed. We can also use wooden toothpicks to _ between our teeth after meal. Thirdly, we should eat food that is _ to our teeth and our body: milk, cheese, fish, brown bread, potatoes, red rice, raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Chocolate, sweets, biscuits and cakes are bad, especially _ we eat them between meals. They are harmful because they _ our teeth and cause decay.,注意:短文的句首一般不留空。论述文在句首表明论述的主题。叙事,描述类文章,在首句中点明故事发生的时间,地点,人物等背景情况。例文的首句表明了该篇论述文讨论的是有关牙齿健康的问题。了解了文章的主题之后,接下去的解题就会比较容易。,二.边读边酌,寻找文章的前后照应.,1. 同义照应, 上下文复现同一关键词.,例1 How does a tooth go bad? The _ begins in a little crack in the enamel(珐琅)covering of the tooth. This happens after germs and bits of food have collected there. Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth. In the end, poison goes into the blood, and we may feel very ill. A. destruction B. decay C. fault D hurt,例题提供的四个选项意思接近。但文章的意思是“牙齿如何变坏?” 当细菌和部分食物残留在牙齿四周后,导致覆盖在牙齿表面的珐琅上出现小的裂缝,蛀蚀慢慢在牙内渗透,最终导致牙齿蛀掉。根据第四句中“Then the decay slowly spreads inside the tooth.”可知B. decay 为最佳答案。,例2 In a usual sheep race, half a dozen sheep race down hill over a course of about half a mile.Food is waiting for them at the other end of the _ just to give them some encouragement, I ought to add! A. race B. hill C. track D. field,本语段上文中“race down hill over a course of about half a mile.”意为“羊顺着山坡奔下来大约半英里的路程.”下文“Food is waiting for them at the other end of the _ just to give them some encouragement.”意为“在赛道上的另一头有食物在等着它们,作为奔跑的刺激.”在此空格表示的意思是指赛羊的赛道,和上文中的course 相对应,而不是和hill相联系。这样C.track(赛道,跑道)就符合文章的意思了。,例3:The survey about childhood in the Third World shows that the struggle for survival is long and hard. But in the rich world, children can suffer from different kind of poverty- of spirit. For instance, one western country alone now sees 14,000 attempted suicides every year by children under 15, and one child in five needs psychiatric advice. There are many good things about _ in the Third World. Take the close and constant relation between children and their parents, relatives and neighbours for example.In the west, the very nature of work puts distance between adults and children. But in most Third World villages mother and father do not go miles away each day to work in offices. A. childhood B. poverty C. spirit D. survival,注意: 同一词的照应可以出现在一段内,即近语境照应。也可以出现在段与段之间,即远语境照应,理解文章是关键。必须在理解短文的基础上,寻找相关的内容,求得答案。,2.近义照应 例4 Farmers, as we all know, have been having a hard time of it lately, and have turned to new ways of earning income from their land. This involves not only planting new kinds of crops, but some _ ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to sheep racing. A. common B. strange C. swift D. illegal,空格所在句之后的非限制性定语从句“the most unusual of which has got to sheep racing”起到了对主句的解释作用,那么与“the most unusual of which”相呼应的ways就不可能是common, swift 或illegal, 只能是B. strange.,例5: Finally, for many editors, _ is an important factor, too. They prefer stories about people, places and events which their readers know. Thats why the stories in Tokyos newspaper are often very different from the stories printed in Paris, Cairo, New York or Buenos Aires. personality B. similarity C. uniqueness D. familiarity,3.反义照应 例6 Most people agree that homework is not fair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet and _ room is in a much better position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room with the television on. Some parents help their children with their homework. Others take no interest at all in their childrens homework. A. furnished B. expensive C. comfortable D. suitable,根据文章的思路和段落中than的比较关系,可知与“small and noisy room”的意思相反的应该是“quiet and comfortable room”,故comfortable 为正确答案。,例7 One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time shopping with her. He waited _ for 15 minutes. Then he waited impatiently for 15 minutes more. After that, he became angry. When he saw a photograph booth nearby, he had an idea.He wore the most unhappy expression he could manage,which was not difficult in the situation. In a few moments, he was holding four small photos that shocked even himself. A. proudly B. respectfully C. patiently D. curiously,诀窍 学会寻找上下文的照应线索,在解题时遇到那些一时难以确定的词汇选项时,往往会有所帮助。当然这种照应可以出现在一段内,即近语境照应。也可以出现在段与段之间,即远语境照应。关键是掌握文章的整体意思。机械地不加理解地一味照搬原词,往往是不可取的,容易造成解题上的错误。,三.运用逻辑判断,选择衔接词,借助衔接词,理解文章,例1 Why is setting goals important? Because goals can help you do, be, and experience everything you want in life. _ just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen. A. Because of B. Instead of C. In spite of D. In addition to,文中四个连接词分别表示原因,表示对比,表示让步,表示递进。文章在开头问为什么设立目标很重要,而后进行解释,“因为有了目标能使你想要的生活变为现实。”因此结论是:目标使你在生活中有的放矢“make your life happen”,而不是稀里糊涂过日子“letting your life happen to you”。前后语意对比,故选表示对比含义的Instead of。,例2 First, we ought to visit our dentist twice a year. He can fill the small holes in our teeth before they destroy the teeth. He can examine our teeth to check that they are growing in the right way. _, many people wait until toothache before they see a dentist. Unexpectedly B. Certainly C. Unfortunately D. Generally,上文说“我们应该一年看两次医生,确保牙齿健康”。下文的意思是“很多人宁愿等牙齿出现问题了才去看医生。”故选C.Unfortunately,表示惋惜的语气。在此,衔接词表明了文章中句与句之间,段与段之间在语意,逻辑上的衔接关系。选择衔接词时,要慎读所选衔接词的前后句,理清句意关系。,例3 Dr. Spreadbury says bedtime reading not only gives children a good start at school, but brings parents and their children closer. This makes it easier for them to open up and talk to parents about things that are worrying them or things they are _ in their everyday life. A. reading B. promising C. celebrating D. receiving,解题的关键是利用衔接词or,意思是“要不就是”,表明前后句意的选择关系。上文说“things that are worrying them”, 那么对应于worrying 的就只能是“things they are celebrating in their everyday life.(他们所庆祝的事情)”,例4 There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as separate area of activity. Many artists, _1_, would prove that there has always been a warm relationship between the various areas of human activity. (2005上海高考题) A. therefore B. however C. moreover D. otherwise,在短文的第一句中作者指出:有一种倾向认为每一种艺术都是一个单独的艺术活动领域。而在本句中作者又指出:很多的艺术家可以证实,各领域之间有着密切的关系。所以选用however,表示上下文的意思有转折。,归纳与记忆: 常用的衔接词列举:,并列,递进:as well as, moreover, in addition, furthermore, what is more, besides, and, too, also,对比:in contrast, on the contrary, on the one handon the other hand, but, yet, however, nevertheless, instead of,选择:or, nor, alternatively,解释:in other words, that is(to say), namely(adv. 即,也就是),举例:for example, for instance,因果:thus, for this reason, therefore, accordingly,consequently,四 运用语法知识,剖析结构,对比推断 语法知识包括词法,句法,结构和标点符号。在语篇的理解上,运用语法知识,有助于对文章的理解。 例1 Next, theres human interest. People are interested in other _ - particularly in the rich, famous and powerful. Stories about the private lives of pop singers, actors, models, politicians, for example, all appear regularly in certain newspapers A. places B. people C. things D. news,空格之后的破折号说明随后陈述的内容是对前面内容的具体说明。“the rich, famous and powerful”均指人,故B为正确选项。,例2 Take forms of address for example. The average English person _ he had happened to work in a hotel or department store- would rather die than call a stranger “Sir” or “Madam”. A. if B. whether C. when D. unless,本句的意思是“以称呼为例,一般英国人,宁愿死也不愿意称呼陌生人先生或夫人,如果不是他们正好在饭店或百货店工作。” 按句意unless 为最佳选项。但由于unless 引导的状语从句插入到主语the average English person 和谓语would rather die than之间,故易造成学生理解上的困难。,例3 Are your table manners much better when you are eating at a friends home or in a restaurant than they are at your own home? Probably so, _you are aware that people judge you by your table manners.(2005上海高考题) A. because B. but C. unless D. though,本题考连词。因为在本文的第一句中,作者提出了一个问题:“在朋友家或在饭店吃饭时,你是否要比在家里更加注意饭桌上的礼仪?”接下来本句的回答是“非常可能”,后面所说的“你意识到人们会评判你的饭桌礼仪”显然是原因,所以只有选A,五.完型填空中词汇的考查,1.词汇的基本用法. 例1 Have you ever regretted doing something you shouldnt have done or something you didnt do which you should have? At one time or another we probably all have. Theres no _1_ in getting depressed about it now-its no _2_ crying over spilt milk. However there may be some gain in thinking about exactly what happened and why because we might be able to draw some conclusions for the future. A. reason B. purpose C. point D. result A. use B. help C. value D. benefit,本题考查词汇point和use的两个基本句型:There is no point in doing sth.以及Its no use crying over spilt milk.,例2 Being honest is usually thought of as virtue and undoubtedly this is the _.On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone, telling them exactly what we feel, and then found ourselves filled with feeling of guilt. Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut. A. issue B. case C. event D. factor,本题测试的是惯用句型“This is the case.” 意思是“事实的确如此.” 所以应选B.,例3 Most people agree that homework is not fair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet and comfortable room is in a much better position than a pupil who does his homework in a small, noisy room with the television on. Some parents help their children with their homework. Others take no _at all in their childrens homework. A. interest B. curiosity C. notice D. attention,本题测试的是有关词汇的搭配:take no notice of sth./ take interest in sth.故选A.,注意:完型填空中的词汇测试不同于语法单元的词汇测试,它是在理解整个短文的前提下进行词汇考查。因此语篇理解是放在首位的,在此基础上选择合适的词汇填补所缺的信息。,2.词义的辨析 例1 Research tell us that when we write a goal down we are more _ to achieve it. Writing goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. Like a contract with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. Also when you write your goals in a particular way you are able to make yourself continuously aware of situations that will bring you nearer to your goal. A. willing B. anxious C. likely D. clever,四个选项从语法,语义的角度都是行得通的,be willing to do/be anxious to do/be likely to do/be clever to do.但根据下文中的意思“Writing goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power. Like a contract with yourself, they are harder to neglect or forget. ”由此确定答案为C.likely,例2 Being honest is usually thought of as virtue and undoubtedly this is the case. On the other hand, we have all experienced occasions when we have spoken our minds to someone, telling them exactly what we feel, and then found ourselves filled with feeling of _. Perhaps we should have kept our mouths shut. A. excitement B. happiness C. pride D. guilt,根据衔接词on the other hand 的指示作用,用于表达事物不同的两个方面,一方面being honest 被看作是virtue,另一方面当我们把真相如实奉告时,就会产生一种不同于因认为是美德而应有的兴奋,幸福,骄傲的感受,那只可能是guilty(负疚感),从而导致我们觉得还是闭嘴不说为好。故应选D.guilt,例3 A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people have _ to watch the race. showed off B. brought up C. turned up D. looked forward,本题考查动词短语。“在过去的一年里,有100,000人来观看比赛。”根据句意,应选择turn up(出席、出现)。其余选项show off(炫耀、卖弄),bring up(教育、培养),look forward(期待)均不符合题意。,3. 掌握惯用法 例1 Anyway, the crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the race, _ by their happy faces and the sense of excitement. A. observing B. judging C. considering D. inferring,Judging by根据判断。全句意为“根据他们高兴的面孔和激动的情绪可判断出我周围的人都喜欢出来看这场比赛。”所给的另三个非谓语动词都表示主动,不会与by连用。,六.其他常用的解题方法,1.根据语境,进行符合逻辑的联想推断 例1 It was early morning in summer. In the streets, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, heading towards their _. This was the beginning of another ordinary day in New York City. But this day was to be different. A. jobs B. homes C. buses D.offices,根据语境与逻辑不难推断出:早上,大街上不可能所有的人都往家里赶,也不可能所有的人都有office。或者他们都坐公共汽车。但可以说他们都有事去做。故选A.,例2 The British love to think of themselves as polite, and everyone knows how fond they are of their “pleases” and “thank you”. Another sign of our good manners is the queue. New-comers to Britain could be forgiven for thinking that queuing rather than football was the _ national sport. A. true B original C. superior D. advanced,本题牵涉到学生的文化背景知识。由常识可知,足球是英国的国球,也是全国性的运动项目。题目的意思是:英国人自认为他们是非常懂礼貌的。排队就是他们举止得体的标志。以至于初到英国的人往往会误认为排长队,而不是足球,才是真正的全国性运动项目。言下之意,在英国排队比足球还普及。因此A. true是正确答案。,注意:完型填空中比较多的阅读材料涉及生活中的一般常识,以及英美国家的文化状况。这就需要我们在平时扩大阅读面,形成跨文化意识。在实际解题中进行符合逻辑的联想推断。,2.运用排除法解题 例1 If a producer needs _1_ skilled labor to produce more, and none of this labor is unemployed, the producer will have to get _2_ from other sources. A. less B. numerous C. more D. many (2) A. them B. these C. it D. those,本题因labor是不可数名词,因此可先排除numerous和many。余下的less和more意义截然相反。通过句子意思可知(1)应选C.more , (2)应填入的是单数的it。,注意:运用排除法解题时,首先剔除在语法惯用法或在内容意义上明显不符合要求的答案。而后结合上下文的理解对选项作出判断。,例2 Have you ever thought of a pleasant attitude as being _1_ to good table manners? Not only are pleasant mealtimes enjoyable, but they aid digestion. The dinner table is a _2_ for enjoyable conversation. 1. A. essential B. considerate C. obvious D. unusual 2. A. time B. place C. chance D. way,本题的四个选项,essential的意思是“必要的、极其重要的”,considerate是“体谅他人的、考虑周到的”,obvious是“显而易见的”,unusual是“不寻常的”。而本句说的是“你是否想到过,对于好的饭桌礼仪,一种和蔼可亲的态度是非常必要的”,显然(1)应该选A。 “饭桌是进行令人愉快的谈话的场合”,而不是“时间”、“机会”或“方式”。故(2)应选B,诀窍 在完型填空的解题过程中,除了掌握依据上下文的理解这一重要的解题方法外,有时还需要结合英美国家的生活,文化常识,进行必要的联想推断;根据积累的语法,词汇知识运用排除法选择答案。当实在感到难以选择时,不妨先做上相应的记号,待通读全篇后,再返回相应的空格做判断,这种方法也同样适用于完成全篇后的进一步检验。,Homework: Review what you have learned in class. 2. Cloze practice.,


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