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备战高考300个高频词汇总结一1. abroad _go abroad _at home and abroad _2. absence n. _adj. _in the absence of sb. _Be absent from _3. accepted adj. _4. accident _ adj. _ adv. _ by accident _5. achievement n. _ achieve v. _ achieve ones dream _6. address _7. admire v. _admiration _admire sb for sth. _8. admit v. _admission n. _be admitted to _9. agreement _make / reach an agreement with sb. _10. agriculture _agricultural adj. _11. altogether _12. ancient _13. announce v. _announcement _14. anxiety _anxious adj. _anxiously adv. _15. apologize v. _apologize to sb. _ apology n. _apologetic adj. _apologetically adv. _make an apologize to sb. for sth. _16. appreciate v. _appreciation n. _I would appreciate it if you could give me a hand. _17. Asian n. _adj. _Asia n. _18. assistant _19. astonish v. _astonishment n. _astonishing, adj. _astonished adj. _to ones astonishment _20. astronaut _an astronaut _21. atmosphere _in an atmosphere of violence _in a friendly atmosphere _22. attempt (v.n) _make an attempt to do sth. _at the first attempt _23. attentively _listen to the teacher attentively_24. attitude _attitude to/to wards sb/sth_25. attract v. _ attraction n. _ attractive adj. _attract ones attention _tourist attractions _26. average _above / below the average _ on the average _27. balance n. _keep the balace of nature _ keep a balanced diet _28. beauty n. _ beautiful adj. _29. believe v. _belief n. _hold the belief that _There is a general belief that _30. beyond _beyond description _beyond ones reach_beyond ones power _31. biology _33. birthday _32. bravery n._brave adj. _33. broadcast v. _34. care fully adv. _careful adj. _35. ceiling _36. celebrate v. _celebration n. _37.century _38. challenge _challenging adj. _meet the challenge _39. character _40. charge n. _take charge of _ in charge of _charge sb with sth. _charge sb. for sth. _charge the battery _41. cinema _go to the cinema _42. comfort v.& n. _comfortable adj. _comfortably adv. _discomfort n. _uncomfortable adj. _43. comment _comment on _ make comments on _44. communication n. _communicate v. _communicate with sb. in English _45. competition n. _compete v. _competitor _46. composition_47. concert _go to the concert _48. conclude v. _conclusion n. _draw / come to / arrive at / reach a conclusion _ jump to a conclusion _49. condition _conditions _on no condition _50. congratulation n. _congratulate v. _congratulate sb. on sth. _51. constantly _52. construction n. _construct v. _ under construction _53. continue _continuous adj. _54. contribution n. _contribute v. _make contributions to _contribute to _55. conveniently adv. _convenient adj. _If it is convenient for you _for convenience _56. conversation _57. cough _58. cousin n. _59. cruelty _cruel adj. _cruelly adv. _60. curious _curiosity n. _be curious about_out of curiosity _61. customer _consumer _a regular customer _a slippery customer _62. custom n. _customs n. _63. damage n. /v. _do damage to _64. declare v. _declaration n. _65. destroy _66. determined adj. _determine v. _determination _67. develop v. _development n. _developing _developed _develop a film _68. dialogue _69. diary _dairy _70. difference n. _different adj. _ differ v. _A is different from B_tell the difference between A and B _71. disappointed adj. _disappointing _disappoint v. _disappointment n. _to ones disappointment _72. discovery _discover v. _discoverer n. _73. disturb _76. dollar _74. downstairs _75. dream _dream of doing sth. _76. electricity _electrical _electric _an electrical appliance _77. employ v._employment n. _employer n._employee _78. empty _ 79. encourage _encouraging adj. _encouraged adj. _encouragement n. _encourage sb. to do sth. _80. energy _energetic adj. _full of energy _81. envelope _an envelope _82. envy n. _envious adj. _83. equal _equality n. _84. equipment n. _equip v. _be equipped with _85. especially _86. European _Europe n. _an European _87. event _88. excellent _excellence n. _excellently adv. _89. exhibition _exhibit v. _90. expense _at ones expense _at the expense of us _at the cost of _91. experience _experienced adj. _92. expert n. _be expert in / at sth. _93. expression n. _express v. _express our warm welcome to you_94. failure n. _ fail v. _a failure _95. familiar _be familiar with _be familiar to sb. _96. favorite _97. figure _98. finger _99. flight _100. forehead _101. foreign _102. fortunately adv. _unfortunately _103. forward _104. freezing _frozen _105. frequently adv. _106. furniture _a piece of furniture _107. further _for further education _108. generally _generally speaking_109. geography _110. Germany _German _two Germans _111. government _govern v. _112. gradually adv. _113. graduation v. _graduate v. _graduate from _114. grammar _115. habit _get into a habit of _form / develop a good habit _116. handkerchiefs _117. honesty _honest adv. _to be honest _118. honor / honour _in honor of sb. / sth. _119. imagination _imagine v. _imaginary adj. _imaginative adj. _120. immediate adj. _immediately _121. impress v. _impression n. _impressive adj. _leave / make sb. a good impression _122. incident _123. including _include v. _124. industry n. _industrial adj. _125. information _a piece of information _Information Age _126. inspire _ inspiration n. _ inspiring adj. _ inspired adj. _127. institute _128. instrument _play a musical instrument _129. interest n. _show interest in _130. interrupt _131. introduce _introduction n. _132. irregular adj. _regular adj. _regularly adv. _133. journey _134. judge v. _judgment n. _Dont judge a book by its cover _135. kindergarten _136. knowledge _knowledge is power _137. labor / labour _138. lately adv. _139. laughter n. _burst into laughter _140. lawyer _141. librarian _142. loss n. _at a loss_143. luckily adv. _lucky adj. _luck n. _144. magazine n. _145. majority _the majority of _146. manage v. _(manager _ management _)147. market _free market _flee market _148. marriage _marry v. _married adj. _149. material _150. mayor _151. mean v. _adj. _ be mean with money _be meant to sb. _152. measure v. _measurement n. _take measures to do sth. _153. medal _model _154. memory _memorize v. _remember v. _155. message _leave a message _156. metal _157. modern _158. modest _159. monitor _160. moustache _161. murder _murderer _162. musician n. _musical adj. _music n. _163. mysterious adj. _mystery n. _164. nationality _nation _national _165. naturally adv. _natural adj. _nature n. _natural resources _166. naughty _167. necessary _necessity n. _ If necessary _when necessary_Its necessary for sb. to do sth. _168. ninth _ninety _ninetieth _169. normal _unnormal adj. _return to normal _170. obey _obey school rules _171. obviously_ obvious adj. _Its obvious that _172. offer v. _n. _offer sb. sth. _accept an offer _173. operation n. _operate v. _operate sb. on sth. _operating room_174. opportunity _seize an opportunity _175. ordinary _an ordinary worker _176. organize / organize v. _organization n. _an organized trip _177. particularly adv. _particular adj. _in particular _be particular about _178. passenger _179. programme (美program) n. _180. patience n. _patiently adv. _patient adj. _be patient with sb. _181. perfect _182. perform v. _ performance n. _performer n. _give a performance _put on performances _a live performance _183. perhaps _184. period n. _185. permission n. _permit v. _without permission _permit doing sth. _permit sb. to do sth. _Well start tomorrow, weather permitting _186. persuade v. _persuasion n. _persuade sb. to do sth. _187. phenomena(复数) _phenomenon(单数) _188. physicist_189. poisonous adj. _poison n.v. _190. political adj. _politics n. _191. popular adj. _popularity n. _be popular with sb. _192. population _has a population of _193. position _Its possible for sb. to do sth. _theres a possibility that _194. possibility(-ies) n. _ possible adj. _195. poverty n. _poor adj. _ release poverty _196. practical _practise v. _practise speaking English _197. prepare v. _preparation n. _make preparations for sth. _prepare dinner _prepare for lessons _198. pressure n. _press v. _ blood pressure _Put more pressure on sb. _ under pressure _199. pretend _ pretend to do sth. _pretend to be doing sth. _pretend to have done sth. _200. professor n. _profession n. _ professional adj. _201. profit _202. progress _make great progress in sth. _203. pronunciation n. _pronounce v. _204. provide _provide sth. for sb. _provide sb. with sth. _205. public _in public _in public places_206. purpose _on purpose /by design _207. quality _be of high quality _208. quantity _a large quantity of +名词_quantities of +名词_in quantity或in large quantities _209. realistic _210. receive _211. recently _212. recognize / recognize v. _recognition n._without being recognized _beyond recognition _213. regards _give my regards to sb. _214. remind v. _reminder n. _remind sb. of sth. _remind sb. to do sth. _215. repeat v. _repetition n. _repeated adj. _216. respect v.n. _show respect to sb. _win the respect of sb. _ in this respect _217. restaurant _218. satisfy v. _ satisfied adj. _ satisfying adj. _satisfaction n. _to ones satisfaction_satisfy ones need _be satisfied with _satisfactory adj. _219. Saturday _220. scientific _science _221. secretary n._secret adj. _secretly adj. _222. separately adv. _separation n. _separate n. _separate A from B_223. serious _take sb. /sth. seriously (lightly) _224. service _225. shortcoming _226. silence n. _silent adj. _keep silent_break the silence _silence is golden _227. similar adj. _similarity n. _A is similar to B _228. situation _229. slightly _slight adj. _230. society _social adj. _231. southern _232. special _233. species _234. spring _235. square _236. steal v. _过去式stole 过去分词stolensteal sth from sb. _237. straight _go straight _look at sb. straight in the eyes _238. suitable _be suitable for sb. _239. support _support a family_240. surprise n.v. _(adj) surprised / surprising_give sb. a surprise _to ones surprise _241. surround v. _surrounding adj. _surroundings _242. swim _go swimming_243. technique n. _technical adj. _technology n._technological adj. _with the development of science and technology_244. temperature _take ones temperature _245. theory_246. thirsty _thirst n. _247. thorough _248. total _in total_249. traffic _250. translate v. _translation n. _translator n. _translate A into B _251. interpret _interpreter _252. umbrella _an umbrella _253. unusually _unusual_254. unwilling _willing adj. _will n. _be willing to do sth. _255. upstairs _256. vacation _on vacation _have/take a vacation_257. variety n. _various adj. _vary v. _a variety of _vary from A to B _258. victim _259. victory _260. vocabulary _261. voyage _262. waste v. _ n. _a waste of time and money _animal waste _waste time on sb. / sth. _263. wealth n. _wealthy adj. _264. whisper _in a whisper _265. worship_266. youth _(复数加-s)


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