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大学英语分级教学学业测试大纲作为大学英语基础阶段的一种学业测试,大学英语分级教学测试应在贯彻教学大纲的前提下,以教学内容为基本依据,适当安排课外内容。它以检测学生、教师和课程安排能否较好地实现各自的预期目标为主要目的。科学的测试可以帮助学生了解自己的学习情况,帮助教师了解教学效果以及教材的选择和课程的设置是否得当。鉴于测试在教和学两方面的重要作用,特制定本大纲。大纲所作的各项要求,可作为编写大学英语分级教学测试试题的依据。大学英语词汇、语法测试I、 词汇大学英语基础阶段要求学生掌握5000个单词(其中复用式掌握单词为2500个),以及由这些词构成的常用词组,并具有按基本构词法识别生词的能力。学生通过精读和泛读课的学习,一学期约需掌握单词700个(70个词/单元*10单元=700个词)。词汇约占学期测试的25%。在一级、二级的学期考试中,词汇部分的主要测试对象为课内的700个单词。由于大学英语教材中涉及的单词和大学英语教学大纲中列出的词汇不完全相同,在三级、四级的词汇测试中,测试对象除了课内的700个单词外,还包括列入四级词汇,但并没有收入教材的单词。这些单词的测试比例约为:三级,20%;四级,30%。在精读课本中出现的生词,凡列入Words to Drill 中的,皆要求复用式掌握。在测试中,根据单词要求掌握程度的不同,采用不同的测试题型。1、 对于要求领会式掌握的单词,主要测试学生对单个单词的认知、拼写和理解掌握程度。具体题可采用:(1) 单词拼写。即给出中文译意和首字母,要求写出英文单词;或可提高难度,给出英文定义和首字母,要求写出单词;或采用填词的方式,如:Now all we can do is help ourselves and p_ to God (2) 连线题 如:Choose the definition from Column B that best matches each word in Column AAB personallike better preferdone in person or belong to a person (3) 选择题如:loathe means:A. dislike intensely B. become seriously illC. search carefutly D. look very angry或:dislike intensely is A. growlB. screechC. sneerD. loathe(4)写出或选择同义词 例:gleamA. gatherB. shineC. welcomeD. clean2、 对于要求复用式掌握的单词,主要考查介词用法、固定搭配、短语动词及习惯用语。具体题型可采用:(1) 词意替换:例:Choose the one that best explains or defines the underlined partBy 1915, aspirin tablets were available in the U.S. A. obtainableB. expensiveC. popularD. cheap(2) 填词:给出10个单词和10个句子,要求将这些词以适当的形式填入句子中。(3) 多项选择题学生对基本构词的掌握情况及其识别生词的能力,主要在阅读理解部分加以考查,但也可在词汇测试部分以主观题的形式考查其运用构词法的能力。如要求写出5个以-ship为词尾的单词。II、 语法大学英语的语法测试主要考查学生对课本中出现的语法知识点的掌握情况。具体题型为:1、多项选择:2、改错 例:An advertisement begins with the magic word FREE can rarely go wrong. A B C D 3、句型转换 例:Rewrite the sentence, using the structure It turns out that . The lost money turned out to be in the safe all the time. 阅 读教学大纲指出大学英语教学的目的是:培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。“四、六级测试中的阅读部分也是整个测试中的最重要部分(40%,35分钟),鉴于此,学业测试也要突出阅读部分。阅读能力的要求:教学大纲规定, 基础阶段学生要能阅读语言难度中等的一般性题材的文章,掌握中心大意及说明中心大意的事实和细节,并能进行一定的分析,推理和判断,领会作者的观点和态度。阅读速度:一级为60WPM,二级为65WPM,三、四级为70WPM。语言难度:一、二级一般,三、四级中等,题材:一、二级的普通题材;三、四级为一般性题材。为便于实际操作,阅读分为九项微技能:A:辨别和理解中心思想和重要细节1、 理解明确表达的概念或细节2、 理解隐含表达的概念或细节(如:下结论,判断、进行推论等)通过判断句子的交际功能(如:请求、拒绝、命令)来理解文章3、 辨别文章的中心思想(如:找出能归纳文章中心思想的要点)4、 理解作者的观点和态度B:运用有助于理解的语言技能来理解文章5、 猜测词和短语的意思6、 句层次的理解(如:理解句子所表达的原因、结果、目的、比较等)7、 篇章层次的理解(如:运用词汇的、语法的承接手段来理解文章各部分的关系)C:运用专门的阅读技能来理解文章8、 通过略读了解文章大意 9、 通过查阅寻找某一个信息以上九项微技能也可以作为学业考试阅读部分的内容规范。其中1、3、5、6、可突出体现在一、二级;2、4、7、在三、四级。8、9包含在各级中,以阅读速度的要求体现。阅读材料的选择鉴于学业测试的性质,材料的选取应对于课堂教学的内容,而同时,阅读测试所用的阅读材料只是学生将来所需要阅读材料的抽样选材也要有实用性。因此,阅读材料的选取考虑课堂和课外的结合,鼓励学生掌握所学课文,也注重课外阅读。一、二级阅读的测试材料可由一篇精读课文(部分)。一至两篇泛读课文(部分),课外相关的普通题材、难度与精泛读课文相当的材料一至两篇,考虑出题的合适性和可操作性;三、四级逐惭减少精读课文材料,逐步与国家四级接轨。课外选材和出题体现教师在课堂传授的语言知识和阅读技能。材料的体裁以议论文、叙述文、说明文为主,以议论文为主,因为阅读教学的目的是使学生将来能以英语为工具通过阅读获取本专业所需的信息。选材最好能有新意,观点上有转折、新颖;有一定的信息密度, 题材不重复,涉及生活、文化、历史、经济、教育、社会、科普等话题。阅读材料的长度,按照阅读文章所需时间和答题时间比例1:0.75(参照国家四级),如果总时间为35分钟,即20分钟用于阅读材料,15分钟用于答题,一、二级阅读材料的总长度大致为1200词,三、四级为11001300词。如果阅读材料为课文内容,考虑到学生装对材料较为熟悉,可以加大长度或加大课外材料的长度,每篇的长度大致为280320词左右。测试题型多项选择题:选材和设计题项十分重要,正确答案应引导学生通过运用正确的阅读技 能,而不能靠常识和背景知识或猜测而得,干扰项应当起到干扰作用。简短回答: 问题不能过于简单或复杂,避免直接问材料中现有的内容,以便学生照 抄原文,也要避免答案的过多过长,评分标准明确。填空: 给出原文的缩写或改写,由考生根据对原文的理解填入词或短语,(避 免语法题),空档可根据材料的难易度来确定频率。排序: 把原文句子顺序打乱,要求考生利用阅读的篇章技能排序。寻找主题句:给出原文,要求考生在主题句下划线。或者阅读材料含有一两句与主题 无关的句子要考生找出。信息对应: 左栏为总结信息,右栏为段落,要求考生找出所提供信息所在的段落。正误判断: 要求考生对阅读材料后面所给出的句子(根据课文内容所作的解释,或 含有语言难点的句子的理解)作出判断正确或错误,或原文来供信息。写 作大学英语教学大纲指出:“培养学生具有一定的写的能力,使他们能用英语交流信息”,能在阅读难度与课文相仿的书面材料时做笔记、写提纲,就一定的话题或提纲在半小时内写出120150词的短文,能写短信和便条,表达意思清楚,无重大语言错误。测试内容对应于教学大纲的要求,写作部分的测试采取一至四级逐步提高要求的步骤,从结构和语言两方面加以考核。一级采用汉译英或概括课文的中心意思(summary writing)的形式,旨在要求将母语转化为表达正确的英语,要求用词准确,语法、拼写无误,将母语形成的概念用地道的英语以书面语形式表达,在此过程中领会汉语与英语在表达上的区别。形式包含重要的语言点及英文中的常用表达法,如倒装、否定、虚拟等,也可为句群翻译,句与句之间有顺接,逆接,递进等意义关系,要求学生逐步学会使用连接间,使语篇连贯。选材以教材为主,多用并列句,复合句及含重点词汇,词组的句子,避免用练习中的原句,但可以是这些句子的改形。二级写作测试采取段落写作的形式。话题可以相关于精、泛读课文,有一定的信息量,有内容可写。可以提供主题句,要求学生围绕主题句展开分述、举例、对比等,也可以给出一些关键词,要求学生按照这些关键词连接成完整的段落,不致走题。要求学生在写作中根据信息安排需要,使用连接词如:moreover, therefore, however; for one thing, for another ; on the one hand, on the other.。三、四级写作测试对应于国家四级考试,考核学生产生性语言运用能力,命题给出标题和提纲(中英文皆可),话题涉及学生熟悉的题材及社会生活中的热点话题,如学习、生活、环境、交通等。要求切题,即内容符合提纲,分述或论证时紧扣段首主题句;语言准确通顺,无重大语法错误,时间限定半小时,长度不少于120词。评分标准由于写作测试的主观题性质,为达到较好的评分信度,评分标准尤为重要。评分主要从内容和语言两方面综合评判。首先着眼所要求的内容是否得到表达,是否达到交际的目的,文不对题,言之无物的作文应判为低等; 语言主要从准确性和流畅性角度判分。避免过于注重语法的倾向。该项标准分为15分。阅卷标准分为五等:14分、11分、8分、5分及2分。14分内容充分体现提纲要求,思想清楚、语言准确流畅,连贯性好。基本无语法、拼写错误,仅有个别不重要的语言错误。卷面整洁。(个别突出优秀者可给予15分)11分内容较充分体现提纲要求,思路清晰,文字通顺连贯,有少量语言上不影响理解的次要错误(如拼写、第三人称单数现在时动词遗漏等)8分内容基本符合提纲要求,思想基本清楚,(有个别地方表达不清),文字勉强连贯;有相当多的语言错误,少量错误严重。5分内容基本符合要法语。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差,有较多的严重语言错误。2分条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎,大部分句子错误,多数为严重错误(如句子不完整,缺少主语或谓语等残破句)正式评卷前,可先随机抽取几份试卷,统一评判尺度,避免打分过松或过紧,也要避免分数过度集中于某一份值如8分等,以上五等作为参考,有的稍好于或稍逊于基本某一分值,可以此分值为基数加减1至2分。 口 语大学英语教学的目的是培养学生具有和一定的听、说、写、译的能力。多年来口语测试因其成本高,难度大、信度低, 未能合理地施测,造成口试环节滞后的局面,对口语教学和学生口语能力的提高未能起到积极的促进作用。随着改革开放的发展,对学生口语能力的需求不断增长。在大学英语教学中,规范口语测试,改进测试方法,以推动口语教学已是刻不容缓。新大纲在口语方面要求学生“能就教材内容和适当的听力材料进行问答和复述,能用英语进行一般的日常会话,能就所熟悉的话题经准备后作简短发言,表达思想比较清楚、语音、语调基本正确。”上说的能力具体体现在以下微技能。S1、语音和语调1 1正确发音a. phonemesb. phonemic contrasts1 2在语流中的发音a. Strong and Weak formsb. Modification of sounds.a) Assimilationb) Elision.c) Liaison1 3 Articulating Stress Patterns within words.1 4 Manipulating the use of stress in connected speech.15 Reading aloud texts in sense groups.S2、就课文提问及问答 Asking an Answering Questions on the text.S3、复述故事或短文 Retelling a Story or a Passage.S4、进行简短对话 Making Short Dialogues.S5、口头作文 Giving an Oral Presentation.51 With Words and Expressions given.52 With visual aids.53 With an outline.54 On given topics.S6、 面谈 Interviewing.S7. 演讲 Public SpeakingS8.辩论Debating对应于大纲的要求,结合口语教学和大学英语教学的规律,在各级英语教学中要求同步进行分级口试。口试的实施应做到精心组织、严格(密)施考,科学命题,评分公正、一致、以确保这一主观性考试的公平、有效和可信、并对口语教学、对学生提高口语能力起到正确的引导和积极的推动,促进作用。为保证口试的评分质量、增强口试评分的科学性和客观性建议从以下方面对考生的口语行为进行评定。A、 准确性、指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度。B、 语言范围、指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围。C、 话语的长短、指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少。D、 连贯性、指考有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言。E、 灵活性、指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力。F、 适切性、指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力。由于评分标准体在评分人员的评分行为之中,应使评分人员或主考人员在一评分实践中掌握并统一评分标准。各级口试内容规范I级:采用朗读、就课文回答问题和看图说话。 朗读:结合精读课文,建议选取覆盖S1所列微技能的假落,主考人员应事先确定需要测试的要点。 回答问题:可以结合前一项朗读的内容,也可另选其他假落,要求考生就口头提出的问题进行回答。看图说话:可以向考生提供一幅或一组图画或照片等可视材料,要求考生经过短时间准备后,连贯地描述图中的情景、活动或故事内容,也可以向考生提供一组图片,要求考生对其内容或情景进行鉴别对比。这一阶段,主考老师在评分的六个方面,应更注重,A、C方面的考核。II级:采用复述和扮演角色或小组讨论的形式。 复述:给考生一篇故事或说明文(也可是精读课文的节选),让其准备几分钟,然后复述大意。 扮演角色:给考生规定情景,要求他们在情景中扮演一定的角色完成指定的交际任务。(如扮演顾客与商店售货员之间退赔商品的角色) 小组讨论:要求组成两人以上(包括两人)小组的考生,围绕有关主题展开讨论,以解决问题,求得共识或作出某种决定。 讨论题应当明确、具体、必要时可提供有关说明或相关的参考材料。这一阶段评分应注重 C、D、FIII级、IV级可采取口头作文形式。主考人确定一组题目,要求考生抽取或任取其一、经过几分钟准备,不间断地讲出三分钟左右连贯的话语。选题内容应考虑学生的语言基础,认识水平以及其社会阅历与文化背景等,不应过偏或过专。III级可以给出适当的提示或辅助。如:关键词语画面提示请如图片、图表、照片等大纲要提示评分应注重 B、C、D、FIV级的口头作文可以只给出题目,也可提出23个问题作为相应的提示,引导学生有的放矢地组织、表达思想。评分应注重 B、C、D、E、F备注: 在全国大学英语口试和东大口试证书考试中,均采用了综合的面谈形式建议凡通过这两类口试的考生可以免考本学期的相应口试,并根据实际成绩给予该级口试优或良的评定。凡在上述两类考试中取得优异成绩的同学,应优先推荐参加校内外各级口语竞赛,如:英语演讲比赛,英语辩论赛。听 力大纲指出“培养学生具有一定的听的能力使他们能用英语交流信息。”是大学英语教学的目的之一。新教学大纲对听力的要求:能听懂英语讲果,并能听懂题格熟悉、句子结构比较简单,基本上没有生词,语速为每分钟130150词的简短会话、谈话、报道和讲座,掌握其中的大意,抓住要点和有关细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度。在具体的教学实践中,听力技能的培养包括以下微技能:A、 语音基础1、 单词辨音2、 辨别语流中的音素3、 辨别重音类型4、 理解语调类型B、 理解语篇的意义内容、交际价值和提高捕捉信息的能力。5、 理解字面意义和明示信息(指明确表达的内容、细节、如时间、地点等)6、 理解含蓄意义和隐含信息(非直接表达的内容,需经过归纳、推理、判断方可得出的信息,如态度、观点等)7、 辨别特定语用场景中话语的交际功能。C、 理解语篇的大意和重要信息的能力。8、 领会中心思想或重要论点。9、 辨别语篇中不同的细节、信息10、 通过归纳、推理、判断获得的信息11、 (听口头信息)记笔记的能力12、 根据不同的听音目的与任务调整听力策略的能力听力测试中,听力材料的选择影响着测试的效度,因此选材时应考虑测试的目的、性质以及考生的因素(如学生的语言水平、文化背景知识等)听力材料的难易取决于话题的熟悉程度、信息密度、词汇等级、语速快慢以及语篇的性质与体裁,(如多人参加的学术讨论比两个人的日常对话要难,演讲通常比简易小故事难,而商务洽谈又不同于社交、会话等等),因此要选取内容适宜、语速得当、难度合理的材料用于听力测试。各级能力测试内容规范。I、II级结合教材的具体听力训练、注重听力基础技能的考核、以及初步的听力能力考核。主要包括语音部分、句子、日常对话和难度较浅的语篇听力,语速为每分钟100120词、材料可听2遍1遍。能力要求偏重微技能表中15、8、9。听力材料:选材遵循三分之一取自课堂听力教材,三分之一取自晨间听力,三分之一取自课外题材相关难度相当的材料的原则。III、IV级注重听力技能的考核,要求学生具备一般的听力交际能力,即能听懂英语讲课及简短会话、谈话和讲座,抓住中心大意,要点和有关细节,(包括隐含信息)领会作者观点和态度,能够做笔记、复述出材料的主要情节或观点内容,语速达到每分钟130150词只听一遍。选材遵循原则:一半三分之一取自课堂听力教材和晨间听力内容,一半三分之一取自课外题材相关,难度相当的听力材料,可适当加入题材熟悉的真实听力材料。测试题型:听写:包括句子听写、复合式听写、这是一种综合性测试手段,它可以一举考核多种能力,包括辨音、词汇识别、语义理解、语篇信息的掌握等等。多项选择题:此类型为国家四级考试常用听力题型,其信度高,适用于大规模考试,既可用于句子、对话,也可用于短文听力,来检查理解,通常题于容易、选择项难,设计选项的限制较少,可估什学生易听错什么地方,就设计什么干扰项。是非判断题:根据听力信息要求考生对句子或要领做出正确与错误的判断。填表:根据听力信息和交际任务,完成某一表格,原信息转换。信息对应:例如在听完多人对话后,一栏可列出不同的说话者,另一栏列出不同的观点,要求考生为每一观点确定说话者。语音测试:(i)要求考生辨定所听到的两个或多个词是相同的还是不同的, (ii)亦采用多项选择题形式:考生听读单词,并在试卷上列出的三至四个选项 中,找出与之读音一致的词。e.g(听音) said (试卷) (A) sad (B) seed (c) said (iii) 考生听读单词(两遍),并在试卷上列给的三至四个选项中找出与之一致 的释义(用原文或译文给出)e.g.(听音)cart-cart(试卷)(A) a babys bed(B) pulled by horses(C) stopped held (iv) 句子型的辨音:考生听到一个句子,句中包含需辨的单词。然后在试卷上 列出的三至四个选项中判别句中听到的词。e.g. (听音) Theres a knock on the door. (A) lock(B) lock (C) knock(D) not (v) 要求考生听若干个单词,并判断其重音的异同e.g. (听音) (A) RE cord(B) re CORD(C) RE cord (试卷) (A) (B) (C) (vi) 要求考生听一句话,并根据其语调模式判定这句话的施为意义或交际意图。e.g. (听音) Hold a press conference? The speaker is probably _ (A) making a report.(B) giving instructions (C) Asking for information.简短问答题:考生听一篇短文,然后根据其内容回答有关问题,这种试题答案需考生自己写出,有效地避免了答题过程中猜测因素的干扰,且考生需边听边记和利用短期记忆力,所以有利于培养考生记笔记能力和短期记忆力的训练。但是问题的设计十分重要。假如设计不当,要求回答字数过多,写作因素就可能过度影响听力测试的效度,因此设计时,要求答案尽量简短。附试卷样卷:College English Test(Band 3 2004)Name _ Student Number _Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Example: You will hear:You will read:A. Four years.B. Five years.C. Four and a half years.D. Five and a half years.From the conversation, we know that the man has been learning English for five and a half years. Therefore, you should choose answer D on the Answer Sheet.1.A. During college.B. During high schoolC. After collegeD. Before high school.2.A. In the library.B. At the high school.C. At the college.D. At a party.3. A. Bob is leaving for Hong Kong.B. Tina is leaving for Hong Kong.C. Bob wants to meet Tina on Saturday.D. Tina wants to meet Bob in Hong Kong tomorrow.4.A. 40 minutes.B. 50 minutes.C. 45 minutes.D. 55 minutes.5. A. He doesnt like either of them.B. John copied it from Jim.C. Jim copied it from John.D. One is a copy of the other.6.A. He is only interested in her new idea.B. He will accept a late paper form her.C. He will not accept a late paper from her.D. He wants her to hand in her paper immediately.7. A. He thinks that planes can take off today because it isnt too stormy. B. He thinks that planes cannot take off today even though it isnt stormy. C. He thinks that planes cannot take off today because it is too stormy.D. He thinks that though it is stormy today, planes can take of as usual.8.A. In 1980.B. In 1981.C. In 1982.D. In 1983.9.A. Windy.B. Fine.C. Wet.D. Cloudy.10.A. Leave immediately.B. Stay longer.C. Dine with her.D. Prepare the dinner.Section BDirections: In this section,you will hear 3 short passagesAt the end of each passage,you will hear some questionsBoth the passage and the question will be spoken only onceAfter you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A,B,C and DThen mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centerQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11.A. The one in Alaska.B. The one in Japan.C. The one in San Francisco.D. The one in France.12. A. In 1906.B. In 1964.C. In 1960.D. In 1946.13.A. They cannot be predicted.B. They are dangerous.C. They kill lots of people.D. They happen very often.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A. He was an English thief.B. He was an officer.C. He was Alan Simpsons French teacher.D. The author doesnt tell us.15.A. He wants to look younger.B. He wants to change his looks.C. It has been very hot.D. He knows that an Englishman with a beard has stolen a painting.16.A. In Italy.B. In England.C. In Rome.D. In France.17.A. he suddenly remembers who Mr. Cooper is.B. he suddenly comes up to Mr. Cooper.C. Mr. Cooper suddenly comes up to the first officer.D. suddenly the first officer begins to ask himself who Mr. Cooper is.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A. When they dont have a car.B. When they live in a huge country.C. When they dont use planes.D. When thy have a car.19. A. The United States is huge.B. Public transportation is not so good.C. Americans like to be independent.D. Americans like to move around.20.A. BusesB. Trains.C. Taxis.D. Planes.Part II Reading comprehension (40%)Directions: In this part you will read four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read both the passage and the questions carefully. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:Jenny was 18 years old, a high school senior in the dusty hamlet (小村) of Browning, Montana, capital of the black foot Indian Nation. An honor student, she had been accepted by the University of Wyoming and expected to start there in the fall. One night recently, before going to bed, Jenny took an overdose (过量) of her mothers tranquilizers.(镇静剂) When the girl did not get up by noon, her mother went in to wake her and found her dead. “Jennys mother has always been bitter, almost paranoid (偏执狂),” said Mrs. Gayle Himmel, the wife of the town Methodist minister, as she struggled for an explanation. “The family split up a year ago and Jennys father remarried. Not even her best friend knew she was going to do it. If someone had only told her, Its all right if your mother and daddy dont love each other, you can live because youre significant. But its hard for Blackfeet people to expose themselves, to confide in each other. It was too much.”At least 50 times in the last year Blackfeet youngsters have tried to commit suicide. About half a dozen, like Jenny have succeeded. With about 6000 Indians on the reservation, the suicide rate is 100 per 100000, or 10 times the rate for Americans as a whole. Moreover, Indian suicides are most common among adolescents, while nationally the suicide rate increases with age.21. Which statement about Jenny is not true?A. She was one of the top students in high school.B. She would study in University of Wyoming in autumn.C. She hated her paranoid mother.D. She killed herself by taking too much tranquilizers.22. What does “it” in “ Not even her best friend knew she was going to do it” refer to?A. struggled for an explanationB. committed suicideC. would go to collegeD. split up the family23. About _ Blackfeet youngsters died by committing suicide last year.A. 6 B.10 C.100 D.1224. Which statement is true?A. As to the whole nation, the suicide rate of old people is higher than that of young people.B. The suicide rate of the Indians is one percent.C. The Indians suicide rate is 10 times that of the American whites.D. About 6000 Indians committed suicide last year.25. In paragraph 2, it is implied but not directly stated that_A. Jennys father should not have remarried.B. no one suspected that Jenny was going to commit suicide.C. Jenny committed suicide probably because of her parents divorce.D. Jennys mother maltreated (虐待) her.Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:The rich worlds arguments about the environment follows a pattern. Environmentalists say pollution is terrible and getting worse. Businessmen retort (反驳) that a real clean-up would cost too much. The ordinary citizen believes both: the environment is indeed going down the drain, but so might his job if anyone tries to stop that. All of them, it turns out, are wrong.Recent statistics (数据)show that, in rich countries at least, many of the worst pollution problems are far smaller than they used to be and that the costs of this success have so far been small.Start with air pollution. The dreaded greenhouse gases are still flowing into the atmosphere. But output of gases that attack the ozone layer is well under control. Production of CFCs used in refrigerators has fallen by two-thirds since the mid-1980s. Many pollutants have been beaten back. The smog, has fallen by around a third in rich countries since 1980. Emissions of lead, soot and carbon monoxide each hazardous (有害的)to human health have also fallen sharply.Water quality has improved in many ways. There is still worry about chemicals, such as fertilizers and heavy metals, draining off the land. But many of the organisms that once infested (寄生于) rich-world waterways and which still kill millions in poor countries are retreating steadily. Progress is largely due to the spread of waste-water treatment.Has this cost jobs? There is no evidence for that. Spending on pollution control amounts to 1%-2%GDP (国内生产总值)in most rich countries, but that has not cut jobs overall. True, certain industries such as mining have lost jobs, and some companies have moved to less strict third-world countries. But greenery, like any new market, has also created jobs: the market world-wide was worth some $200 billion in 1990.26. The authors purpose in writing this passage is to make the readers believe that _.A. pollution is terrible and getting worseB. to protect the environment would cost too muchC. the pollution problems are not as serious as before and the cost of making a cleaner environment is not as big as people anticipatedD. the environment is becoming worse but to stop pollution may increase the rate of unemployment27.Which of the following statement is true according to the passage?A. CFCs, lead, soot and carbon monoxide are the pollutants that help to form acid rain and smog.B. The spread of waste-water treatment has contributed much to the progress in water quality.C. Some companies have moved to less strict third-world countries because mining have lost jobs.D. Protecting environment hasnt lost jobs because a new market which is green has created jobs.28. We can infer from the passage that _.A. CFCs is one of the main pollutants that attack the ozone layerB. the ozone layer will not be attacked in the future because the output of greenhouse gases is under controlC. refrigerators will not be produced anymore for CFCs is harmful to the ozone layerD. the ozone layer was discovered in the mid-1980s29. Which of the following is nearest in meaning to “going down the drain” (line 5)?A. being wastedB. becomi


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