重大版英语五年级上册Unit 3《At the table》ppt课件2.ppt

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Lesson 2,Unit 3 At the table,重大版小学英语五年级上册,What would you like for dinner ?,I like,I dont like,Im happy,Im nervous.(紧张),Im cold.,Im thirsty. (口渴),Im hungry,A: What would you like?你想要吃什么? B: Id like some 我想要吃一些,9,Try to think,What does Stanley like? What doesnt Stanley like? What do Stanleys father and mother say to him?(对他说了什么?),Try to think,What does Stanley like? What doesnt Stanley like? What do Stanleys father and mother say to him?(对他说了什么?),Chicken and ice-cream,vegetables,Have some vegetables. Vegetables are good for you.,6:30 PM,A、 have breakfast,B、 have lunch,C、 have dinner,A: What would you like for dinner?,B: Id like some ,15,Lets go to KFC.,每组请选择一个最喜欢的餐厅,结合我们今天所学的知识设计一个在餐厅的对话。下面这些句型能够帮助你们呢。 _Hi, welcome! Good evening! _Here is the menu. _What would you like for breakfast lunch dinner? _Id like some(fish, water, vegetables.) _Have some(fish, water, vegetables.) (fish, water, vegetables.)are good for you. _Here you are. _See you, Bye!,Lets make a dialogue,Its time for a picnic. So what would you like for a picnic? (野餐的季节到了。你们想带什么食物去野餐呢?),Lets make a survey (做一个调查吧!),请组长调查本组成员去野餐所带的食物 要求: 1、请组长用what would you like for a picnic?这个句 型提问。 2、各组成员用 Id like some 进行回答。 3、组长根据成员回答情况在调查表里打勾。 4、结束调查后上台汇报。,Lets make a menu,Now each group make a menu for a picnic. Please try to think what would you like for a picnic? (每小组通过你们的调查表选出你们共同喜欢的食物,制作菜单,并上台展示。比比哪个小组又快又好。),Lets discuss(一起来讨论吧!),各组讨论你们最喜欢的菜单,并说说为什么。,Tips:,Dont be so picky (挑食).,Dont eat unhealthy (不利健康的) food.,Dont eat too much.,Homework:,1、设计一个调查表,调查你身边的人一日三餐爱吃的食物。 2、思考一日三餐合理膳食的搭配,可以用图或表格进行展示。,


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