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三年级英语(PEP)下册测试题Unit 1 Welcome back to school!(时间:40分钟, 满分:97分+3分卷面分)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三卷面分总分得分 听力部分(共60分)一、 听录音,写出你所听到的字母的大小写。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.7. 8. 9.10.二、 听录音,给图片标序号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,给单词标序号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。) boy student China bag hand ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )teacher dad Canada cat girl ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,选出你所听到的图片,将字母编号写在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( )1.A. B.( )2.A. B. ( )3.A. B.( )4.A. B.( )5.A. B. 五、听录音, 选单词。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)( ) 1. A. Canada B. China C. USA( ) 2. A. she B. he C. mom( ) 3. A. teacher B. student C. boy( ) 4. A. mother B. girl C. boy( ) 5. A. he B. we C. she( ) 6. A. mother B. girl C. and( ) 7. A. pen B. pupil C. bag( ) 8. A. new B. red C. cat( ) 9. A. tiger B. today C. body( ) 10. A. dad B. mum C. friend六、听录音,补全下列句子,将字母编号写在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共6分。)( )1. I am Amy. I am from _. A. the UK B. the USA C. Canada( )2. I am Mike. I am from _. A. the UK B. the USA C. Canada( )3. -Where are you from? -I am from _. A. the UK B. the USA C. Canada( )4. This is Amy. She is a_. A. teacher B. student C. man( )5. This is Mr. Jones. He is a_. A. student B. teacher C. man( )6. This is John. He is my _. A. student B. teacher C. friend七、听录音,选出正确的答语,将字母编号写在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共4分。)( )1. A. Its a panda. B. Im a boy. ( )2. A. Im fine. B. Nice to meet you,too.( )3. A. Im Zhang Peng. B. Im from Shandong.( )4. A. Im Amy. B. Im a student.八、听录音,为下列句子标序号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( ) Im from Canada.( ) This is my friend, Tutu.( ) Nice to meet you.( ) Where are you from? ( ) Nice to meet you, too.九、听录音,在四线三格内写出单词。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。) 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 笔试部分(共37分) 十、找出不是同一类的单词,把编号写在前面的括号里。(每个小题1分,共10分。)1. ( ) A. she B. he C. dad 2. ( ) A. student B. teacher C. coffee 3. ( ) A. UK B. boy C. USA 4. ( ) A. boy B. bag C. girl 5. ( ) A. pen B. pencil C. Mum6. ( )A. this B. that C.cat7.( )A. hand B.panda C.tiger8.( )A.CCTV B.China C.Australia9.( )A.pupil B.friend C.teacher10.( )A.where B.what C.from十一、单项选择,选出合适图片或句子。(每个小题1分,共9分。)( )1. Im from China. A. B. ( ) 2. This is a boy. A. B.( )3. This is Miss White. A. B.( )4. This is the hand. A. B.( )5. Miss White is a teacher. _ is our English teacher. A. He B. she C. She( )6. Hi, Im Amy. I am from _ UK. A. a B. the C. /( )7.Where are you from? -_ A. Im a pupil. B. My name is Mike. C. Im from Canada. ( )8. We have a new friend today! -_ A. Welcome! B. Good morning! C. How are you?( )9. Mike is a _ and Sarah is a _ A. girl, boy B. boy, girl C. boys, girl十二、根据情景选择句子,将其标号填入括号内。(每个小题1分,共10分。) ( ) 1. 询问你的朋友来自哪里时,你应该说:A. Where are you from? B. Im Mike. ( ) 2.下午3:00左右,你朋友向你问好,你应该说:A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. ( ) 3. 向父母介绍你的朋友Amy时,你说 :A. This is Amy. B. My name is Amy. ( ) 4. John来自美国,他自我介绍时说:A.Im from UK. B.Im from the USA.( ) 5.当你问别人叫什么名字时,应该说:A.Whats your name? B. Nice to meet you, too.( )6. 别人对你说:“Thank you.”你应当回答: A.Youre welcome. B. No,thanks.( )7.你想吃面包,你可以对妈妈说: A. Some bread,please. B. Can I have some bread?( )8.你想询问别人的年龄时,你可以问: A. How are you? B.How old are you?( )9.你递给别人东西时,同时说: A.Here you are. B.Thank you.( )10.别人问你:How many books?你可以回答: A.Five. B.Fine.十三、读一读,并判断。(每个小题2分,共8分。)Girl: Hello! Im Amy, Whats your name?Boy: My name is Mike. Im from Canada. Where are you from?Girl: Im from America. Nice to meet you!Boy: Nice to meet you, too! ( )1. Amy is a boy.( )2. Amy is from China.( )3. Mike is a girl.( )4.Mike is from Canada.三年级英语(PEP)下册测试题Unit 2 My family 题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二十三卷面分总分得分(时间:40分钟 总分:试题分97+卷面分3)听力部分(60分)一、 听录音, 选出你所听到的单词,将编号填在前面的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)( )1. A. friend B. family )2. A. brother B. father C.mother( )3. A. duck B. dog C.boy( )4. A. grandpa B. grandma C.great( )5. A. he B. we C.she( )6. A. man B. woman C.mother( )7. A. ten B. pen C.bag( )8. A. leg B. red )9. A. mother B. grandmother C.woman( )10. A. dad B. mum C.man二、 听录音,标序号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 听句子,判断图意是否与录音的内容相符,如相符,请写“”,否则写“”,每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音,排顺序。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 五、 听录音,完成单词,每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。) 1. m_ther 2. _ather 3._lephant 4. _amburger 5._ randpa 6. _ish 7. _irl 8. _ pple 9. og 10._ce-cream六、 听录音,将句子的正确序号填在括号内。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。 )( ) Whos that man?( ) Nice to meet you.( ) Hi, dad. This is my friend, Amy.( ) Hes my father.( ) Nice to meet you, too.七、 听录音,根据录音内容,选择正确的答语,把序号填在括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( ) 1 .A. Hes my mother. B. Hes my brother. C. Hes my father.( ) 2. A. Shes my mother. B. Hes my mother. C. Hes my father.( ) 3. A. Shes my mother. B. Hes my brother. C. Hes my father.( ) 4 .A. Shes my mother. B. Shes my sister. C. shes my grandmother.( ) 5.A.Yes, he is . B No, he is. C. No, she is.八、听录音,补全下列句子。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( )1. Whos that man? He is my _.A. father B. mother C. girl( )2. Whos that boy? Hes my _. A. grandpa B. father C. brother( )3. Is _your mother? Yes, she is.A. mother B. he C. she( )4. Whos that_? She is my mother. A. womanB. mother C. man( )5. Is he your father? No, he _. A. is B. isnt C. yes九、听录音,根据录音内容写出你所听到的单词。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题2分,共10分。)1 2 3 4 5笔试部分(37分)十、 读单词,标序号。(每个小题1分,共13分。)father ( )man ( )woman ( ) grandfather( ) he( ) she( ) girl ( ) sister( ) brother ( ) grandma ( ) student( ) pupil ( ) teacher( ) 1教师 2.父亲 3. 女人 4.兄弟 5.姐妹6.爷爷 7.学生 8.奶奶 9.男人 10.小学生11.她 12. 他 13.女孩十一、选择正确的答语,把序号填在括号内。(每个小题2分,共10分。)( )1.Whos that woman? A. No, she isnt( )2.Nice to meet you . B. Nice to meet you.( )3.This is my friend, Amy. C. Shes my mother.( )4.Whos that man? D. Hes my father.( )5 Is she your sister?. E. Nice to meet you, too.十二、英汉互译,选择正确的选项填入括号。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( )1.当你询问照片上的女人是谁,应说: A. Who is that woman?B. Whats she?C. Whos that man?( )2.你想介绍你的家人给朋友,应该说:A. Whos that boy? B. This is my family. C. Whos that man?( )3.小红刚刚认识了Sarah的妈妈,她应该说:A. Nice to meet you, too! B. Nice to meet you. C. Hello!( )4.当别人问你:Who is that girl?,你回答: A. he is my sister. B. She is my grandmother. C. She is my friend.( )5.向别人介绍自己的新朋友Amy,可以说:A. That is my new friend, Amy. B. Whos this girl? C. This is my new friend, Amy.十三、根据实际情况选择正确答案,将序号填在题前的括号里。(每个小题1分,共9分。)( )1.Whos that woman? A . No, she isnt . B . She is my grandmother. C . This is my mum.( )2. Is she your sister?.A . Yes, she is.B . She is my sisterC. Shes my mother.( )3. Nice to meet you . A . This is my new friend, Amy. B . Nice to meet you, too.C . Hello, Sarah.( )4. Whos that man?A . Hes my father. B. She is my father. C . Is he your brother?( )5 .This is my friend, Amy. A.Nice to meet you.BHes my teacher.C.Yes ,she is .( )6. Whos that boy?A . Hes my brother. B. She is my brother.C . Is he your brother?( )7. Hi , Im Mike .A. Hello, Im Sarah.B. How are you ?C. This is Mike.( )8.Is she your sister ?A. No, she is B. Yes, she isnt.C. Yes, she is.( )9.Is he your brother ?A. No, he is .B. Yes, he isnt.C. Yes, he is.三年级英语(PEP)下册测试题Unit 3 At the zoo (时间:40分钟 总分:试题分97+卷面分3)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一十二卷面分总分得分 听力部分(共60分)一、听录音,选出句子中含有的单词或字母,将编号填在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)( )1. A. PRC B. CAN ( )2. A. ball B. tall( )3. A. big B. pig ( )4. A. fat B. thin( )5. A. deer B. bear ( )6. A. long B. short ( )7. A. use B. cute ( )8. A. look B. book( )9. A. no B. so ( )10. A. giraffe B. grandma二、听录音,圈出你听到的图片的代号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)1 2. A. B. 3. AB 4. 5.A. B.三、听录音,选单词,写一写。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)1. He is my . (hand, dad) 2. The is fat.(cat, bag)3. The is .(pen, ten, red, dad)4. Drink some .(man, milk)四、听录音,判断录音内容与图片是否相符,用和表示。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共6分。)1. 2. ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( ) 5. 6. ( ) ( ) 五、 听录音,根据问句选择正确的答语。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题2分,共10分。)( )1. A. Its short. B. Its long. C. Its tall. ( )2. A. She is my mother. B. Mike. C. He is my father.( )3. A. It has a long tail. B. It has a short tail. C. Its red. ( )4. A. No. B. UK. C. Amy.( )5. A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, she is. C. She is my mother.六、听录音,选择你所听到的句子。把字母编号填在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题2分,共10分。)( )1. A. It has a long tail. B. It has a long nose.( )2. A. It has two big ears. B. It has two small eyes.( )3. A. Lily has big eyes. B. Linda has small eyes.( )4. A. The giraffe is tall. B. The bear is short.( )5. A. It has a long tail. B. It has a big body.七、听录音,给下列图片标出正确的序号。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题2分,共10分。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )八、听录音,把你所听到的单词书写在四线三格里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共4分。)笔试部分(共37分) 九、找出下列单词中不同类的一项。(每个小题1分,共10分。) ( ) 1. A. UK B. USA C. ABC( ) 2. A. monkey B. short C. long( ) 3. A. eye B. small C. ear( ) 4. A. father B. two C. mother( ) 5. A. boy B. girl C. big( ) 6. A. eye B. ear C. big( ) 7. A. short B. head C. tall ( ) 8.A. thin B. ten C. six( ) 9.A. panda B. woman C. dog( ) 10.A. long B. elephant C. cat十、选择。(每个小题1分,共12分。)( )1. Look at the giraffe, it is so_. A. long B. short C. tall()2. The monkey _ a long _. A. has, nose B. has, tail C. has, ear ()3. Where is the panda from? Its from _. A. China B. USA C. UK()4. It has a long nose. It has big ears and a short tail. _. A. Its an ant B. Its an elephant C. Its a panda()5. Look at the panda. What colour is it? _. A. Black and white B. Yellow C. Red ( )6. 你想叫别人“睁大眼睛”,可以说:_ A. Make your eyes small. B.Make your eyes big.( )7.你想叫孩子们过来,可以说:_ A. Come here, children. B. Goodbye,children.( )8.你想感叹长颈鹿很高,可以说:_ A.Wow! Its so tall. B. Ah! Its so small.( ) 9.How many_do you know? A. animals B. lion C. wolf( ) 10.Look at the tiger, its _big. A. a B. an C. so( )11. The giraffe is _. The deer is short. A. tall B. short C. big( )12. The elephant is _. The mouse is _. A. big ; small B. tall ; short C. small ; big十一、把图片与其对应的句子连起来。(每个小题1分,共5分。)1. Its an .A. Its small.2. Its a . B.Its fat.3. Its a .C.Its big.4. Its a . D.It has two long ears.5. Its a. E.Its thin.十二、情景交际。从右栏中找出与左栏句子相对应的答语。(每个小题2分,共10分。)( )1. Look at the elephant. A.Hes my brother.( )2.Look at the giraffe. B.You are right.( )3.You are tall. Im short. C.Its so big.( )4.Whos that boy? D. Im from China.( )5.Where are you from? E. Its so tall.三年级英语(PEP)下册期中测试题题号一二三四五六七八九十卷面分总分得分(时间:40分钟 总分:试题分97分+卷面分3分)听力部分(60分)一、听录音,选出所听到的内容,将序号填在题前的括号内。每小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)( )1. A. Kk B. Ss C. Xx( )2. A. th B. ar C. er( )3. A. BBC B. USA C. CBA( )4. A. China B. Canada C. America( )5. A. mother B. father C. brother( )6. A. grandpa B. girl C. woman( )7. A. family B. picture C. sister( )8. A. boy B. teacher C. student( )9. A. Where are you from? B. Whats your name?( )10. A. She is from China. B. Hes from Canada.二、听录音,选出与你听到的内容意思相符的图片。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)( )1. ( )2. A B A B ( )3. A B ( )4. A B ( ) 5. ( )6. A B A B( )7. ( )8. A B A B ( )9. ( )10. A B A B 三、听录音,根据所听内容选择正确答语。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( ) 1.Where are you from? A. Yes, he is.( ) 2.Whos that woman? B. She s my mother.( ) 3.Is he your brother? C. Im from the UK.( ) 4.Look at that giraffe. D. My name is John.( ) 5.Whats your name?. E. Wow! Its so tall.四、听录音,排顺序。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共5分。)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )五、听录音,排顺序。每个小题听两遍。(每小题2分,共12分。)( ) Im from the USA.( ) Hes my friend ,John.( ) Hi, John. This is my friend ,Wang Tong.( ) Whos that boy ?( ) Nice to meet you ,too. Where are you from?( ) Nice to meet you ,Wang Tong!六、听录音,对的画“”,错的画“”。 每个小题听两遍。 (每个小题2分,共8分。) 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )七、听录音,把听到的单词按顺序书写到四线三格内。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。) milk pig ten red hand 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.笔试部分(37分)八、选一选。给图片选出正确的单词,将单词前的序号写在图片下的括号内。(每小题1分,共7分。)A. UK B. USA C. dad D. teacher E. giraffe F. Sarah G. grandma ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( )九、选择正确选项。(每小题2分,共20分。)( )1. Whos that woman ?A. Shes my grandmother? B. Hes my student.( )2. It has a long nose and big ears.A. Its an elephant. B. Its a pig.( )3. It is fat and brown and it has small ears. AIts a bear. B.Its a giraffe.( )4. It is white and it has long ears.( )5. Where are you from? A. Im from China. B. Im from the USA. ( )6. Is he your father?A. No, he isnt. He is my teacher.B. Shes a doctor.( )7. 我国国旗的颜色有:A. blue and white B. red and yellow( )8. Whos that man ?A. Hes my father. B. Shes my mother.( )9. How old is he ?A. He is seven. B. She is fine.( )10. Look at that monkey.A. Its fat and tall.B. It has a long tail.十、读一读,涂一涂。(每小题2分,共10分。)1. Color the giraffe brown.2. Color the elephant orange.3. Color the monkey blue.4. Color the fish red.5. Color the dog yellow.三年级英语(PEP)下册测试题Unit 4 Where is my car? (时间:40分钟, 满分:97分+3分书写分)题号一二三四五六七八九十十一卷面分总分得分听力部分(共60分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将字母编号写在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. A. TAF B. BEF C. DCE( ) 2. A. MIX B. NRS C. QSR( ) 3. A. gyj B. pyjC. gij( ) 4. A. on B. in C. under( ) 5. A. chair B. bear C. pear( ) 6. A. desk B. cap C. map( ) 7. A. ball B. small C. four( ) 8. A. bread B. car C. green( ) 9. A. dad B. red C. boat( ) 10.A. toy B. box C. fish二、听录音,判断对错,用“”或“”表示。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)1. 2. ( ) ( )3. 4. ( ) ( )5. 6. ( ) ( ) 7. 8. ( ) ( )9. 10.( ) ( ) 三、听录音,补全下列句子,将序号填在题前的括号里。每个小题听两遍。(每个小题1分,共10分。)( )1. Lets go home. _. A. OK. B. No. C. Thank you.( )2. Its _the desk. A. on B. in C. under( )3. Where is the ruler? Its _the desk. A. on B. in C. under( )4. Bounce a_. A. ball B. doll C. cap( )5. Have a _time! A. good B. box C. body( )6. Is it in your bag? _. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, it isnt.( )7. Where are you from? Im from_. A. China B. the UK C. the USA( )8. Whos that woman? _ my mother. A. She B. Hes C. Shes( )9. Is he your _ ? Yes, he is. A. mother B. father C. brother( )10. _


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