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.Chapter IV Equipment (Spudding) Inspection By pany HSE Officer And Drilling SupervisorHSE官员及甲方钻井监督设备开钻验收At the entrance of the site, 8:00 a.m, the Rig Manager, the machinist and the electrician were waiting for the pany HSE officer and the Drilling Supervisor for equipment (spudding) inspection. 早上8:00,井场入口处。平台经理、机械技师、电器技师正在等待甲方钻井监督和HSE官员的到来,进行设备验收开钻验收。“Good morning, gentlemen, the HSE officer greeted them.“早上好,先生们。HSE官员向他们问候道。“Morning, Marsood. Morning, Email.“早上好,Marsood 。早上好,Email。“George, todays inspection will be strictly performed depending on HSE principles and the regulations of pany. Email said to the Rig Manager, very seriously: “This morning well inspect the rig site and afternoon well inspect the campsite.“George, 今天的开钻验收将严格按照HSE管理条例和甲方的条例要求执行。Email对平台经理道,神情很严肃。“上午验收井场,下午验收营地。“And Ill fill in this Inspection Report in practice, the HSE officer added, waving the paper in his hand.“我将根据验收的实际情况填写这份验收报告,HSE官员挥舞着手中的开钻验收报告补充道。“Take iteasy, Email, Marsood. This is not our first time to take in Spudding Inspection. We are full of confidences.“放心好了。Email,Marsood,开钻验收不是第一次,我们有信心。“Very good! said the HSE officer: “There are 36 items to be filled in the report. If each item is filled in Yes, youll be OK.“有信心就好。HSE官员道:“这份报告要填写36项,只要这份报告的每一项都填上Yes,你们就O.K了。“Mr. Hu, Mr. Ran, did you hear Any equipment and anywhere pointed out by the HSE officer or the Supervisor need to be modified, you must organize people to plete the modification as soon as possible, never influence the spudding date due to delaying. George instructed the two guys beside him.“胡技、冉技,对HSE官员和监督指正的地方或需要整改的地方,立即组织人员加班加点的完成,决不能影响开钻计划。平台经理对身边的两位技师吩咐道。“I bring my notebook, said the machinist.“我带着笔记本呢。胡技道。“Ok. Lets begin, my Lord. George posed himself for invitation.“开始吧,大人。George对HSE官员、钻井监督做出请的姿势。There was a desk used to register for visitor at the entrance of the site. The HSE officer began to fill in the Spudding Record.在井场入口处有一X来访者填写来访登记用的桌子。HSE官员开始在桌上填写他的开钻记录。“Site warning line, Yes; Emergence gathering point, Yes; Caution Board, Yes; Sign Boards for putting on safety hat, uniform, shoes, Yes. The HSE officer soliloquized while he filled. “井场警戒线,有。紧急集合点,有。警示牌,有。戴安全帽、穿工装、工鞋的标志牌,有。HSE官员边填边自语道。“Wheres the Record of Site Entry Register asked the HSE officer.“入场登记记录呢?HSE官员问。“In the drawer of the desk.“在桌子抽屉里。Hu picked it out from the drawer and handed it to the HSE officer for checking.胡技师从抽屉里拿出来,递给HSE官员检查。“The rest Such as: Vehicle Pass In & Out Register; Fire Permit At Site Hazardous Area; Waste Treatment Records; Fire Emergency Program; Blowout Emergency Program etc.“其它哪些记录呢?如:车辆出入登记、井场危险区动火许可证、废物处理记录、火灾应急程序、井喷应急程序等等在哪里?“Oh, they are in the meeting room, Hu answered. “Shall I bring them for you to check now“我们都有,在会议室里。要不要现在拿来检查?胡技师问。“No, thanks. Ill check them later.“不用。等会儿再去检查。The HSE officer patrolled around the site to check whether the base of the site was level or not, whether the runway, the ramp and the casing frame were fixed well.HSE官员绕场巡视一周查看井场基础是否平整, 跑道、坡道、套管架是否安装好。“All the surface casings and casing accessories for 26” hole have arrived“固26井眼的表层套管及附件都到齐了吗?“Not yet. BMC promised to send the rest 20 joints of 26”casing prior to the first spudding.“只差20根20”套管,BMC公司答应在一开前保证送到。“Email, help George to hasten BMC to send the rest casings as soon as possible. HSE officer said to Email. “Email, 你帮他们催促一下。HSE 官员对监督道。“OK, no problem.“行,没问题。“How many tons of cement have been delivered now“水泥到了多少吨?“There are 200t in four cement tanks. Enough for the first spudding, answered George.“四个灰罐里还有200吨。完全够一开固井用了。George 回答道。On the way to the substructure, the HSE officer inspected the workers, who were busy on the site, whether their dresses met with the requirements of HSE.在走向钻机底座的路上,HSE官员检查了场地上干活的工人们的着装是否符合HSE的要求。In the cellar, HSE officer asked the electrician: “Are the plug and the receptacle of submersible pump explosion-proof在方井里,HSE官员问电器技师;“排污用潜水泵的插头、插座都是防暴的吗?“Yes.“是的。“Turn on the lights, I am going to check the illuminating system of the substructure.“打开底座照明灯,我要检查底座的照明系统。The HSE officer climbed up the substructure to check the head-lamp one by one, meanwhile he also checked the connecting pins, safety pins and split pins that used to connect and fix the substructure. HSE官员爬上底座对每盏照明灯逐一进行检查, 同时检查底座连接销、安全销、开口销等。Email checked the diverting device (poor boy), trip tank and drainage ditch, etc. beside the substructure. Email却在检查底座旁的分流器、补给灌、排污沟。A moment later, they gathered by the cellar again. 一会儿后,他们又聚集在方井旁。“The lampshade threads of a light in the right substructure have been damaged. Need to change a new one. The HSE officer found out the problem and filled it in the report.“右底座照明灯护罩丝扣损坏,需要更换,HSE官员说着,将发现的问题填写在验收报告里。“The drainage ditch around the substructure need to be dredged, said Email, “Maybe it was plugged while installation.“底座四周的排污沟需要再疏通,Email说:“可能是安装时造成的堵塞。“Mr. Hu, Mr. Ran send guys to modify it right now. George ordered.“胡技、冉技马上派人整改。“And you havent laid off the wellhead hazard area. added the HSE officer.“而且还没划出井口危险区域。 HSE官员补充道。“Well do it soon. Ok“我们立即划出井口危险区域,行吗?Prior to climbing up the drill floor, they came to the sand pit in front of the survival passage to check whether the pit depth and sand quantity meet to the requirement.上钻台前,他们来到逃身滑道前的沙坑,查看沙坑的深度和堆沙量是否符合要求。On the ladder to the floor, the HSE officer shook the handrail and touched it with the gloves on his hands. The handrail was fixed and the gloves were very clean, no any smear.在通往钻台的扶梯上,HSE官员用戴着手套的手摇了摇扶手,又在上面摸了一下。扶手很牢固,手套也很干净、没污迹。“All the handrails on the ladders are fixed, safety and very clean. Look, I also added the safety ropes for the ladders. the Rig Manager felt proud, “I often tell my guys whenever they are free they must keep the equipment clean, including the handrails.“所有楼梯扶手都牢固、安全,而且还挺干净!你看,我还为这些梯子加了安全绳呢,平台经理很得意,“我常常告诫我的人随时随地要保持设备清洁,包括扶手在内。“Just so-so. I hope you can keep it during the whole drilling operation.“还行。希望整个钻井过程中也能保持这样。On the floor, the HSE officer squatted down to check whether the floor flat and the extended table were fixed well. After entering into the doghouse, he carefully checked the quick-connectors of switchboards, cables, explosion-proof air-conditioner and telephone. Then he counted the quantities of oxygen breathers and fire extinguishers configured for the floor, and checked whether the stretcher equipped for the First Aid. 钻台上,HSE官员蹲下来检查钻台面及加宽台是否固定好,然后走进入钻台司钻休息室,对电闸、电缆的快速接头、防暴空调、防暴 进行了仔细检查。清点了氧气呼吸器和灭火器的数量,是否配备紧急救护用的担架。Email stood in front of Martin. TOTOC, asking: “Has it been debugged Email却停留在马丁.代克仪表前,问道:“仪表调试过了吗?“Sure. No problem. answered the electrician.“调式过了,没问题。电器技师回答道。“Remember During last 5th spud, Martin. TOTOC couldnt print out log often while drilling. What was the problem“记得吗?上口井五开的时候,马丁仪表经常打不出随钻记录报告,是什么原因?。“Oh, an element in the control board damaged. We purchased but failed at that time. Now it has been replaced.“哦,控制板有个元件坏了,当时买不到,现在已经换了。“Remember. pany requires no intermission in log while drilling during operation, otherwise your day rate will be deducted. Last well, I held back a lot for you and didnt report the headquarters about this.“记住,甲方要求随钻记录在钻井过程中不能间断,否那么要扣日费。上口井多亏我帮你们隐瞒了,没向总部报告。“Thanks. This will never happen again.“谢谢,这次不会了。Out of the doghouse, they began to check the equipment on the floor. The Rig Manager knew that the floor was the keystone to be checked.走出司钻休息室,HSE官员、Email开始对钻台上设备进行检查。平台经理知道钻台是他们检查的重点。The HSE officer was in charge of inspecting circuit and air connections of mechanical units. HSE官员负责检查机械设备的电路连接和气路连接;Email was in charge of inspecting the running condition of mechanical units Weight Indicator, Pressure Gauge, Rotary Torque Indicator, DC Torque Gauge, Stroke Counter, Standpipe Pressure Gauge, Drawworks, DC Drilling Motor, Drillers Control Console, Control Console of Top Drive, Air Hoist, whether the snub line, slings of balance hammer and deadline anchor were fixed and reliable or not.Email负责检查机械设备及仪表 指重表、压力表、转盘扭矩表、钻铤上扣扭矩表、泵冲记数仪、立管压力表、绞车,DC钻井马达、司控台、顶驱控制台、风动绞车的运行情况,吊钳尾绳、平衡锤吊绳、死绳固定器是否牢固、可靠。“Start the drawworks, the HSE officer ordered the driller, “Start A motor first, then B motor, at last parallel them. Ill check whether the motors run in good order.“启动绞车,HSE官员对司钻道,“先开A马达,再开B马达,最后并车运行。我要检查直流马达是否工作正常。“Yes, sir. The driller ran the drawworks in accordance with the HSE officers instruction.“是。司钻按照HSE官员的指令逐步启动绞车。Meanwhile, Email was checking the sensitivity of the brake system of the drawworkstesting main brake band, electromagnetic eddy brake, air brake and crownblock protector; the arrangement and perfection of the drilling line on the drum; the power to makeup and breakout.与此同时, Email却在检查绞车刹车系统的灵敏度 测试主刹带、电磁涡流刹车、气刹和防碰天车;滚筒钢丝绳的排列和完好性;猫头上、卸扣的力度。The drawworks ran smoothly and no abnormal condition occurred. 15 minutes later, the HSE officer moved his hand to the driller to stop.绞车运转十分正常,没发现任何异常情况。15分钟后,HSE官员挥手叫司钻把绞车停下来。“Operate the 1#, 2# mud pumps at rated power of 120spm right now. Each pump runs for 5 minutes.“现在按泥浆泵的额定冲数120spm运转1#、2#泥浆泵,每台泵运行5分钟。10 minutes passed, the pumps ran very well. The HSE officer and the Drilling Supervisor had nothing to say.10分钟过去了,两台泵运转正常,HSE官员和监督均无话可说。“Has aligned the wellhead with 11” DC Email asked the driller.“用11钻铤校正井口了吗?Email问司钻。“Sure, of course.“当然校正了。“Well, run the rotary table at 50, 80, 100, 120rpm, Ill check whether it has unusual sound during rotating.“好,按50,80,100,120rpm转动转盘,我要检查转盘是否有异常声音。The driller did according to his requirement. The HSE officer and the Supervisor listened carefully beside the table, it seemed that they wanted to hear something, but failed. 5 minutes later, the rotary table was stopped.司钻按监督的速度要求运行转盘, HSE官员和监督在一旁仔细地监听,似乎要听出点异常,可他们失望了。5分钟后, 转盘停了下来。“Test the alert horn. HSE officer ordered.“拉响报警器。HSE官员道。The horn sounded, but the distinguishability of (Hi-lo signal alarm) althorn and sackbut was not clearly. The HSE officer shook his head unsatisfiedly.警报响了,可高、低音喇叭分辨不清楚,HSE官员听得直摇头。“We modify right now, said the electrician in a hurry, “change the althorn.“我们马上整改,换高音喇叭。胡技师赶紧道。“Well. Check the illuminating system of the mast, now. the HSE officer said to the electrician.“好的。现在检查井架照明系统。 HSE官员对冉技道。The electrician switched power supply for the system. The HSE officer looked up to check, and all the lights were shining.冉技合闸,接通井架照明系统电源。HSE官员仰头查看,所有灯都亮着。“Branch cable connection, lamp holder, lampshade of each lamp in the mast is safe and reliable No problem“井架上每盏灯的支线电缆的连接、灯座、护罩是不是都安全可靠,不会有问题吧?“Absolutely not. I did it myself.“井架上的照明电缆是我亲自接的,绝对安全可靠。“I trust you. But I must climb up the mast to check them one by one. he touched the electricians shoulder, “I also check whether the pins of the mast were fixed, whether inserted safety pins and split pins for them; whether the hose was tied well with safety line. You see, the stabbing board, the monkeyboard, the crownblock and the escape trolley need to be checked too.“相信你,但我还是要上去一一检查。 HSE官员拍拍冉技师的肩头。“我要检查井架销子是否牢固,插了安全销没有;水龙带保险绳是否栓好;检查套管对扣台、二层台、逃生装置及天车的安装情况。“Ok, I have to acpany you to climb up the mast.“好吧,我陪你上去。While the two fellows climbed up the mast with safety belt, Email, George and the machinist went to the floor toolhouse.HSE官员、冉技系上安全带上二层台检查去了。平台经理、机械技师和钻井监督走向钻台偏房。As soon as entering into the toolhouse, Georges face went red immediately, feeling very embarrassed. What they saw was terrible. The floor toolsthe hydraulic tongs, slips, elevator, bit breaker,and the hand tools in the tool cabinet chain tongs, pipe tongs, wrenches, pliers (hand vice), screw driver, steel rulers, steel tape, scissors and adhesive tape, etc. were put in a plete mess.一走进钻台偏房,平台经理的脸一下子红了起来,极为尴尬。他们所见到的惨不忍睹。只见钻台工具 液气大钳、卡瓦、吊卡、钻头盒,以及工具柜里的手工具 链钳、管钳、扳手、钳子、螺丝刀、钢板尺、钢卷尺、剪刀、胶粘带等摆放得乱七八糟,一塌糊涂。“Oh, no. George wailed before the Supervisor plained: “Dont fill this in the report, please. Give me an hour, Ill get everything in apple-pie order.“噢,不要。不等监督开口,George先说道:“别记录,给我一个小时,我把这里搞得规规矩矩、井井有条。“You are smart.“算你聪明。“Whats wrong, Hu George roared to his machinist in a bad temper, “If the spudding date is influenced, youll lose you bonus.“怎么搞的,胡大班?George对他的技师发怒道。“影响了开钻,我要扣你的奖金。“Yesterday afternoon, I arranged Shift 2 to do it, murmured the machinist, feeling very grievance. “昨天下午,我安排二班收拾的。胡大班喃喃道,心头受训感到十分委屈。The pipeline connection from the pumps to the standpipe was also checked prior to ending the floor inspection.在结束钻台检查之前,他们还检查了泥浆泵到立管的管线连接。In circulation & solid control system, the HSE officer firstly checked the mud and fresh water prepared for the first spudduing, then the cable slot, wiring condition of shale shaker, vacuum degasser, centrifuge and illuminating system, at last he asked to run the units as per its rated power.循环固控系统,HSE官员首先检查了泥浆罐里为一开准备的泥浆和清水,然后检查泥浆罐上的电缆槽、振动筛、真空除气器、离心机和照明系统的电路情况并要求按这些设备的额定功率试运行这些设备。Email checked the connections between No.1 to No.5 mud tanks, including butterfly valves, pit level devices in the tanks and the work condition of desilters, desanders, degassers, mud guns, agitators on the tanks.Email检查了15号泥浆罐各罐之间的连接,罐里的蝶阀、液位标尺,罐上的除泥器、除砂器、除气器、泥浆枪、搅拌器的工作状况。“George, the butterfly valve of No.2 tank has a little leakage. Two mud guns are rusted seriously. You didnt maintain them, right“George,2#罐蝶阀滴漏,泥浆枪有点锈蚀,没有进行润滑保养,是吧?“Its impossible, Email. Maybe its the reason of being used for a long time. George explained.“不会吧,Email。可能是泥浆枪用久了的缘故吧。George辩解到。“I dont care. No matter what reasons, you must send a guy to maintain them, otherwise“我不管,反正你得派人搞一下。否那么.“Yes, sir. George interrupted him.“遵命。George打断他的话。At last, the HSE officer said: “Show me the mud level records!最后SHE官员问:“把泥浆液面观察记录拿来看看?“Here you are. The machinist hand in the record notebook, which was hanged beside the centrifuge.“给。胡技师把挂在离心机旁的记录本交给HSE官员。In the weighting house, the HSE officer met the mud engineer who was guiding the local labors to convey barite. 在配药房HSE官员遇见了正在指挥当地民工搬运重晶石的泥浆工程师。“Do you prepare eyewash for the workers“备有洗眼液吗?他问。“Of course. Its over there, said the mud engineer, pointing the eyewash by the rinsing pool.“有,在哪儿。泥浆工程师指着放在洗手池旁洗眼液说。“You should paste a clear sign of eyewash over there so that to satisfy HSE requirements, the HSE officer blamed, “Look,without your reminding of me, I couldnt find it.“应该在那里贴上洗眼液的明显标志,这样才符合HSE要求。HSE官员责备道:“瞧,要不是你提醒,我根本找不到。“I see, my lord.“明白了,大人。“Start the weighting pump,the HSE officer ordered the mud Engineer, Id like to check its running condition.“启动加重泵,HSE官员对泥浆工程师命令道,“我要看看它的运行情况。The mud engineer knew that he wanted to check whether it was connected to the hopper, whether the hopper worked normally.泥浆工程师知道他要检查加重泵是否与漏斗连接,漏斗能否正常工作。After inspecting the solid control system, they came to the pump house. The assistant driller and two roughnecks were busy on No.1 mud pump.检查完固控系统,他们来到泵房。副司钻和2个钻工在1号泵上忙碌着。“Whats wrong asked Email, “any troubles with the pump It was all right a moment, right“怎么回事,Email问道,“泵出现问题了?刚才试运行不是好好的码?“Nothing. I informed them to replace the liner and the piston, answered the machinist, “when operated the pumps, the small size liner of No.1 pump wasnt replaced in time during moving. You know, openingthe hole with 26” bit needs big displacement, so the small size liner needs to be changed into 190mm. Itll be pleted soon.“没什么。我通知他们换缸套活塞。机械大班回答道:“刚才试泵的时候,1号泵还是小尺寸缸套活塞,在搬迁时没来得急更换。你知道,26”井眼开钻需要大排量,因此1号泵要换成190mm缸套活塞。很快就换好了。“After the liner replaced, try to run it again, said the HSE officer.“换好后再试运行一下,HSE官员道。“Yes, Sir.“是。No more questions, Email and the HSE officer began to check DC motors, power supply wiring of two pumps, valves and unions of In and Out pipelines.Email与HSE官员不再多问,开始检查两台泥浆泵的DC马达,电源连接,进、出口管线闸门和由壬。“Ran, e on,the HSE officer shouted to the electrician, pointing the cable connector of DC motor of No.2 pump, “The insulating tape winding the cable connector is aging. The cablehead will be naked out soon, I estimate.It needs to be wrapped (wind) again.“冉技师,过来一下,HSE官员对电器技师喊道,指着2#泵DC马达,说:“电缆接头缠绕的胶布老化了,估计用不了多久线头就会裸露出来,需要重新缠绕。HSE官员对电器技师说。“Ill wind the insulating tape for the two pumps over again.“我马上把两台泵接线头都重新缠绕一遍。Out from the SCR house, MCC house and entering into the Generator House, the HSE officer said to the Drilling Supervisor, “The Americans products are unquestionable indeed. I hardly find out any defects.从干净、整洁的SCR和MCC房里出来进入发电机房,SHE官员对钻井监督说:“美国佬的产品确实无可挑剔,我简直找不出什么毛病。“Thats because you are not familiar with them, said Email, “Last well, something wrong with the modules of No.3, No.4 control cubicles, it brought them a lot of troubles and almost caused a downtime.“那是你不太熟悉他们罢了,Email道:“上口井,SCR房里的3#柜、4#柜里面的模块出了问题还不是一样的麻烦,差点造成停钻事故。“Oh, I see. To me, electric is very plex.The HSE officer shook his shoulder helplessly.“哦,对我而言,电这个东西确实太复杂了。HSE官员无奈地耸耸肩。“Shall I start 4 CATs for inspection asked the motorman while they were chatting.谈话间,机房司机问要不要启动四台CAT 3512发动机组让他们验收“Only start No.2 generator sets to check running condition.“启动 2#机组,我们看看运行情况就行了。Later, in the oil tank battery, they checked valves, pipeline connection of fuel tanks and the motor that used to transfer the fuel oil.随后,在油罐区,他们检查了几个燃油罐的阀门、管线连接和高架罐的油泵马达。Outside of the remote control station, Email checked the valves and unions in the control manifold carefully to find out whether there is a leakage or not.在远程控制房的外面,Email仔细检查了控制管线的阀门和由壬,查看有无泄漏。In the station, Email and the HSE officer checked whether the independent automatic accumulator unit of the control system for BOP stacks was in good condition,whether the remote control panel clearly showing open and close positions for preventers and the hydraulic operated kill / choke line valves.Without recharging, whether the accumulator capacity was adequate for closing and opening all preventers and closing again the annular and one ram type preventer and hold them closed against the rated BOP WP.远程控制房里, Email和 HSE官员检查了用于防喷器组控制系统的独立自动储能装置是否状态良好;遥控台上是否清楚标识防喷器和液压操作压井/节流管线阀门的开位和关位。勿需再充氮,储能量是否适合关闭和打开所有的防喷器,再关闭环空和一个闸板防喷器并针对额定的BOP工作压力保持其关闭。At the same time, they also checked the low pressure warning alarm and the low fluid level warning alarm equipped in the station.同时,他们还检查了远控房里配备的低压报警和低液位报警装置。“Ok, not bad. The configuration of the station pletely satisfies HSE requirements. The HSE officer gave his ment.“不错。 远控房的配置完全满足HSE要求。HSE官员评价道。As soon as entering into the fire-fighting house, what stroke their eyes were the fire-fighting tools put in apple-pie order. The fire-fighting axes, shovels, buckets, fire blankets and fire hoses were hung as consistent with the layout lines on the walls. The fire extinguishers on the ground met HSE layout requirements pletely.最后他们走进消防房。只见消防工具消防斧、消防铲、消防桶、灭火毯、消防管线按壁上的画线,摆放得井然有序,地上摆放的灭火器整整齐齐,完全符合SHE对消防设备的摆放要求。“How many extinguishers equipped in total HSE officer asked.“一共配备了多少瓶灭火器?SHE官员问。“Equipped according to HSE standard. 10 liters foam extinguisher, 12 bottles; 10 liter powder extinguisher, 12 bottles.“灭火器是按SHE标准配备的。10升泡沫灭火器12瓶、10升干粉灭火器12瓶。“Prepared fire sand asked Email.“防火砂准备没有?Email问。“Sure, at the left side of the substructure, answered George, “Shall I show you“当然准备了,在底座左边,George回答道:“要不要带你去看看。“Not necessary.“不必了。The HSE officer began to check the labels, valid date and the latch of the extinguisher, whether it worked or not. SHE官员检查这些灭火器的有效期、标签以及锁销是否工作。“George, the powder extinguish


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