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上海交通大学网络教育2016年春季高升专英语模拟试题Part I. Vocabulary and Structure1、They have planted many trees in this park, one third of are pine trees.A. themB. whoseC. which D. that2、My youngest sister,is forty years old, has got a life professorship in this university.A.whichB.whomC.whoD.that3、There are some waiting for you outside.A. GermanB.AmericanC.grown-upD.Japanese4、You have to make for your journeyA. preparingB.preparationC.a preparation D.preparations5、The population of China is larger than of any country.A. oneB.the oneC.thatD.it6、Think and youll have a clear ideaabout it.A.overB.over itC.it overD.it7、writer and poet is coming to give us a talk this afternoon.A.A;aB.The; theC.The;a D. The; /8、Take this medicine and drink plenty of water, yoif ll be fine 3 days.A.inB.afterC.laterD. since9、The nurses in that hospital are very good the patients there.A. atB. forC.toD. with10、The meeting will be hold in.A. 102 Room B. NO. 102 RoomC.Room 102ndD.Room 10211、-Are you feeling?-Yes, Im fine now.A. any wellB. any betterC.quite goodD.quite better12、Have you got anyinformation for us?A. furtherB. fartherC.farD.farer13、Joanna was very tired. Sheall day.A. worksB. workedC.has workedD.had worked14、-Dont forget to tell him about it.-No, I.A. dontB. wontC.cantD.didnt15、- What were you doing when I phoned you?-I had just finished my work andto take a bath.A. startingB. to startC.have startedD.was starting16、Theres a police car here, what do you supposeA.is happened B. has happenedC.world happenD.did happen17、The flower is dead. Iit more water.A.will giveB. would have givenC.must giveD.should have given18、, the concert began.A.The listeners having taken their seatsB.Having taken their seatsC.Have taken their placesD.The listeners to have taken their places19、Tom is waitingthe doctor.A.to seeB. for to seeC.for seeingD.for see20、He is anman.A.educatedB. educatingC.to be educatedD.having educated21、what to do, she asked her teacher for help.A.Not known B. Not knowingC.Not to knowD.Having not known22、The first thing they had got to do wasto find something.A.eatingB. eatenC.to eatD.to be eaten23、Li Minghis brothers and sisters has ahobby of collecting stamps.A.andB. orC.norD.as well as24、Im reading a newspaper Mr. Black writes a letter to his wifeD. orD. whicheverD. WhyD. move thanD. thatA. soB. whileC. when25、All the books are here. You may borrow you like.A. whichB.thatC.what26、she is living now is not known to anybody.A. WhetherB.WhenC.Where27、Sorry I havent been able todo what I should.A.as many asB.as much asC.as far as28、Tony is hungry,I can see from his eyes.A.itB.thisC.asA.stick toB.keep toC.work atD.persist in30、Where did your brother live before he_ to Beijing?A.cameB.will comeC.comeD.had come29、Now that youve made your study plan, why not it?31、-you please show me that picture?-Of course, here you are.A.CanB. MayC.WillD.Shall32、A.Smoking is atnot goodyou.B. toC.forD.with33、A.Mr. Brownatwas really angry B. ofKate this time.C. withD.to34、A.Bill has left_ Russia for two years.B. leftC.has been away fromD. would leave35、A.This watch by next Monday.can repaired B. can be repairedC.can be repairD. can be repairing36、Teachers students who think for themselves and express their ideas in class.A. resistB. respectC. appreciateD. recognize37、in 2004, this skyscraper has been the tallest in the city.A. Completed B. Being completed C. Having completed D. Completing38、-Tom, are you going to order now?-Jane, but first let me ask the waiter if they have anything special for today.A. Yes, but you have to wait.B. Thank you very much!C. It looks delicious.D. More than ready!39、Billy is doing a part-time job, and he can to take his girl friend out for dinner once in a while.A. accept B. affordC. adaptD. allow40、We should get equipment for people who do not hear well.A.fitB.goodC.niceD.proper41、she could do was to pray and wait.A.AllB.All whatC.All whichD.That42、Look! Herethe school bus!A.comeB.comesC.will comeD.is comingPart II. Reading ComprehensionPassage 1Nearly everyone is shy in some ways. If shyness is making you uncomfortable, it may be tthe time for a few lessons in self-confidence. You can build your confidence by following some suggestions from doctors and psychologists (心理学家).Make a decision not to hold back in conversations. What you have to say is just as important as what other people say. And dont turn down party invitations just because of your shyness.Prepare yourself for being with others in groups. Make a list of the good qualities(品质)you have. Then make a list of ideas, experiences, and skills you would like to share with other people. Think about what you would like to say in advance. Then say it.If you start feeling self-conscious in a group, take a deep breath and focus your attention on other people. Remember, you are not alone. Other people are concerned about the impression they are making, too.No one ever gets over being shy completely, but most people do learn to live with their shyness. Even entertainers admit that they often feel shy. They work at fighting their shy feelings so that they can face the cameras and the public. Just making the effort to control shyness can have many rewards. But perhaps the best reason to fight shyness is to give other people a chance to know more about you.43、Where would this article probably appear?A. In a popular magazine.B. On the front page of a newspaper.C. In a science textbook.D. In an encyclopedia.(百科全书)44、The main purpose of the article is to.A. explain how shyness developed. B. recommend ways of dealing with shyness.C. persuade readers that shyness is natural. D. prove that shyness can overcome.45、Which of these can you conclude from the article?A. Shy people never have any fun.B. Entertainers choose their work to fight shyness.C. The attempt to overcome shyness is always successful.D. The attempt to overcome shyness is always worthwhile.46、What is the source of the suggestions for fighting shyness?A. The author of the article.B. Shy men and women.C. doctors and psychologists.D. Popular entertainers.Passage 2Mosquitoes (蚊子)are very important in human history. The Guinness Book of Records says that mosquitoes have caused over 50% of all human deaths since the Stone Age, excluding deaths from war and accidents!Mosquitoes are found all over the world. Female mosquitoes usually feed on the blood of humans and animals. Mosquitoes often carry dangerous disease called malaria, which usually occurs during hot, rainy season.If a mosquito feeds on the blood of a person with malaria, it becomes a carrier of the disease. It injects the disease into the next person it bites. So, for example, a tourist could be infected with malaria during a visit to Indonesia. The same tourist might then visit Thailand where another mosquito may bite him. This mosquito could then bite another person and spread the disease.People have used insecticides(杀虫剂)to kill mosquitoes and their eggs for a long time, but many insects are now resistant to these chemicals. This resistance is a big problem for doctors because it can stop the prevention and treatment of malaria. Also, several of the drugs which doctors use to prevent malaria do not work anymore because mosquitoes are resistant to them. Experts now believe that the world will never be free of malaria, so they tell people to protect themselves from the disease.If you think that you have malaria, see a doctor immediately. Without treatment, malaria kills over 25% of its victims in a maximum of two weeks. After treatment, mosquitoes that bite you will not pass malaria on to other people. Although doctors can treat malaria victims, you must remember: prevention is better than cure.47、According to the Guinness Book of Records, which of the following causes most deaths?A. War.B. Accident.C. Malaria. D. Mosquitoes.48、Which of the following is the correct order for the spreading of malaria?a) A mosquito bites the person with malaria.b) The same mosquito bites another person.c) A person is infected with malaria.d) That person may be likely to be infected, too.A. a)b)c)d)B. a)c)d)b)C. c)a)b)d)D. c)a)d)b)49、We could draw the conclusion that the best way of fighting against the spread of malaria is.A. prevention. B. treatment. C. seeing a doctor immediately. D. blood-test.50、Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. We will surely get rid of mosquitoes in the near future.B. Its believed that malaria will accompany human beings forever.C. Insecticides are always effective in killing mosquitoes.D. A mosquito can not pass the disease on to another person after it bites one with malaria.答案:1-10 CCDDC CDACD11-20 BADBD BDAAA21-30 BCDBD CBCAA31-40 CCCCB CADBD41-42 AB43-50 ABDC DCAB上海交通大学网络教育2016年春季高升专综合数学模拟试题单项选择25题1、公鸡:家禽以下选项逻辑关系与题干相同的是()A. 母鸡:公鸡B. 小虾:袋鼠C. 卷发:头发D. 母马:植物2、大海:鱼以下选项逻辑关系与题干相同的是()A. 天空:小鸟B. 大川:高山C. 猪:森林D. 果子:核3、代数:数学以下选项逻辑关系与题干相同的是()A. 数学:几何B. 植物:动物C. 人:生物D. 白菜:老虎4、演员:观众以下选项逻辑关系与题干相同的是()A. 售票员:乘客B. 工人:农民C. 农民:田地D. 父母:孩子5、品牌;IBM以下选项逻辑关系与题干相同的是()A. 头:身体B. 花:菊花C. 山脉:山崖D. 身体:身躯6、一个长方形的操场,周长是270米,长与宽的比是5: 4,这个操场面积是?A. 18000B. 370C. 4500D. 150007、如果AB,且C为正数,下列哪个是错误的?A. ACBCB. A+CB+CC. CACBD. A:CB:C8、如果AB,而CB-CB. ACC-BD. A:CB:C9、一张考试卷共有10道题,后面的每一道题的分值都比其前面一道题多2分。如果第一题的分值是10分, 那么这张考卷的满分是多少?A. 90B. 190C. 150D. 20010、一个旧书商所卖的旧书中,简装书的售价是成本的3倍,精装书的售价是成本的4倍。昨天,这个书 商一共卖了 120本书,每本书的成本都是1元钱。如果他卖这些书所得的净利润(销售收入减去成本)为300 元,那么昨天他所卖出的书中有多少是简装书?A. 40B. 60C. 75D. 9011、“”是一种新的运算符号,如果24 = 2+3+4+5,53 = 5+6+7,那么假设x3 = 15,则x=()。A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 712、在右面的4个图形中,只有一个是由左边的纸板折叠而成。你需要选出正确的。13、在右面的4个图形中,只有一个是由左边的纸板折叠而成。你需要选出正确的。A E C D14、请从下面的图形中选择一个正确的(a,b,c,d),填入左边的问号中。15、请从下面的图形中选择一个正确的(a,b,c,d),填入左边的问号中。16、2,(), 应,应,请填入正确的数字A.面B.712C. 3D. 492_1117、1,1,9,27,(),324,请填入正确的数字99110A. 42B.169顼D. 31118、1,也 (),2,妨,请填入正确的数字A.戒B.C.坯D,也65319、皿125,(),5,2,请填入正确的数字4471A.方B. 125C. ID. 2520、(),8,27,64,125,请填入正确的数字A. 1B. 64C. 240D. 11721、lg4, lg6, lg8,(),lg12,请填入正确的数字A. lg9B. lg11C. 10D. 1


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