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初中英语教学系列讲座,2013年5月,英语词汇教学策略,讲座提纲,初中英语词汇教学的概要,英语词汇课堂教学策略,激活学生学习词汇策略,词汇是语言的三大要素(语音、词汇、语法)之一,是语言的基本材料,其中又属词汇最为重要。词汇掌握的多少,是反映学生英语水平的标志之一。 词汇是学好英语的基础,词汇关过不了,对语句的理解记忆就会很吃力,而不用说文章阅读和语法理解,因此学习英语必须首先突破词汇关。,第一部分 词汇学习的重要性,词汇对意义表达的重要性,Wilkins (1972): Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Widdowson (1978): native speakers can better understand ungrammatical utterances with accurate vocabulary than those with accurate grammar and inaccurate vocabulary.,掌握一个单词涉及哪些方面?,Form Spoken; Written; Word parts Meaning form and meaning; concept and referents; Associations Use Grammatical functions; collocations; constraints on use (register, frequency),Source: Nation, 2001,Word knowledge 词汇知识,Orthographical form 拼写形式 Phonological form 语音形式 Meaning 词义 Grammatical behavior 语法特征 Associations 联想 Collocations 词语搭配 Frequency 词频 Register 语域,word,1意义 概念意义(即词典中所标注的意思)和关联意义。 *理解,2词汇信息 指词的来源,词类、 *记忆,3词汇的用法 *运用,5词汇策略 训练,4. 文化含义: *体验,词汇信息教学,词汇用法教学,词汇教学的问题和困难,1. 主次不分,平均用力,负担过重 2. 求深不求广 ,难以有效拓展 3. 方法单一,缺乏语境,学得快忘得快 4. 缺乏策略指导,独立学习能力差 5. 重记忆、轻运用,语言运用能力差,1. 呈现词汇的方法 2. 巩固词汇的方法 3. 测试词汇的方法,怎样呈现词义? 怎样呈现词的结构和用法? 如何结合语境呈现词汇? 如何呈现词汇学习策略?,呈现词汇的方法,1. 呈现词汇的方法,如何帮助学生记忆词汇的音、形、义? 如何帮助学生巩固和掌握词汇的用法?,巩固词汇的方法,2. 巩固词汇的方法,词单位测试? 句单位测试? 语篇单位测试?,测试词汇的方法,3. 测试词汇的方法,词汇课堂教学策略,1.区分核心词汇和认知词汇,有所侧重,区别对待。 2.结合语境和文化讲解词汇,调动学生运用语言的主动性。 3.运用灵活多样的方法,教授不同类型的词汇。,词汇教学策略多样,激发学生思维过程,1直观法 8、自主探究法 2演示法 9、归类记忆法 3表演法 10、猜词法 4语境法 11、英文解释法 5联想法 12、构词法 6图解法 13、翻译法 7游戏法 14、词典法,区分核心词汇和认知词汇,有所侧重,区别对待。,课标词汇(不带符号的) Productive vocabulary ; Receptive vocabulary 重点词汇和短语(黑体字) Productive vocabulary 不要求掌握的词汇(带符号的) Receptive vocabulary 词汇知识连续体,Recognition,Automatic production,Intermediate stages,案例,牛津英语9B Chapter 5时,根据上述原则把词汇分成核心词汇和认知词汇。涉及的核心词汇有teenager, throw away, after all, series。要求学生能较熟练的操练并运用这些词汇,对于文中出现的认知词汇 generous, democratic, on end, disturb, grumble只要求做到理解这些词汇在文中的含义,达到扫除阅读障碍,提高阅读速度,增强阅读能力的目的即可。,结合语境和文化讲解词汇,调动学生运用语言的主动性,词汇总是存在于一定的语境中。语境就是上下文,即词、短语、语句和篇章的前后关系。语境制约着语言单位的选择,意义的表达和理解,词汇意义只有在上下文中才能精确,具体。,结合语境和文化讲解词汇,调动学生运用语言的主动性,英语中有大量的一词多义的现象,这些词在不同的语境中就有不同的词性和意义。如果脱离了特别的语境,孤零零地学习词汇,就不能正确掌握理解词汇的真正意义,甚至会产生歧异。,利用语境,识词辩义,My parents are presenting the people present with presents at present. The boy laying the table lied that the hen lying there had just laid two big eggs. The sleeping child is sound asleep now, so by the time he is awake, he wont feel sleepy.,一词多义 置于情境,Today is my birthday. When I came home with a light heart(adj.轻松的), my parents were busy preparing dinner. The light in the room was poor(n. 光线), so I turned on the lights(n.灯). Now our room was bright with all the lights on. (n. 灯)Soon dinner was ready. My father turned off the lights(n. 灯)and lighted(v.点燃)the candles on the cake which lit up (v.照亮,使明亮)the room. Light music(轻音乐) was played. I prayed for my dream. When I opened my eyes, the lights(n. 灯) were on again. In my mothers hand lay a present which was a light(adj.轻的) silk scarf with a light (adj.浅色的,淡色的) blue flower in the middle. How beautiful it was! How happy I was!,结合语境和文化讲解词汇,调动学生运用语言的主动性,牛津英语8A Chapter 6和 9A Chapter1 中都出现bar这一单词,部分学生往往单看单词就误以为解释为“酒吧”。在教授steel bars 时让学生根据上下文情景来猜出这一词汇的意义并指出与课文彩图中相对应的物体,使学生能形象直观地明白steel bars的解释为“钢条”;在教授behind bars时笔者把课文中的句子Li was put behind bars 解释为Li was put into jail,使学生很快明白behind bars 解释为“在狱中”。,文化差异 英汉对比,英汉文化不同,表达方式也不同。为了使学生用英语时思想通畅,就应把英汉的差异点作为教学的难点和重点,进行有针对性的实践练习,达到习惯成自然的地步。 汉语 英语 我的英语好。 Im good at English. 我的生活好。 Im living a happy life. 我的身体好。 Im in good health./ Im fine/ well. 我的视力好。 I have a good eyesight. 我的生意好。 I have good business./ My business is booming./ Im getting on well with my business. 我一切都好。 Everything goes on well with me. Everything is O.K with me.,注重中西方文化差异,在教牛津英语9A“Some Facts About Tea”一节中,向学生介绍了下午茶在英国人生活中的地位,还向学生介绍了茶道。然后要求学生根据生活经验,先说说泡制绿茶的方法,再让学生猜猜如何泡制红茶,最后在让学生享用和品味西式茶点的同时,适时对同学们说上一句:“Enjoy the tea. Enjoy yourself.”(慢慢享用)。不少学生也礼貌地回应了一句“Thank you.”。学生就在这样的生活化的教学活动中感受到浓郁的西方茶文化。,注重中西方文化差异,同时笔者提醒学生注意汉语和英语语言表达的差异性。例如:汉语中的“红茶”在英语中应为“black tea”,英语中的“black coffee”在汉语是“浓咖啡”,汉语中的“浓茶”在英语中则是“strong tea”等等。,直观性 表示周围事物的table chair等;表示常见动作的walk run stand up等;表示人称的I you he she my our等; 表示事物外在特征的big small round thin fat等;表示颜色 的red yellow等;表示人的感觉的cold hot cool等;表示人对 事物评价的good excellent等等 词汇的直观教具的选用有以下三方面: 、实物直观 、形象直观 、语言、动作直观,运用灵活多样的方法,教授不同类型的词汇。,运用照片和图片,运用简笔画,dinosaur,dolphin,penguin,情景性 、用情景录音教单词 、用情景对话教单词 、用情景造句教单词 、用配插图、做动作、说童谣、唱儿歌、做游戏、列图表、找谐音等愉快活动创设情景教单词。,对比性 英语词汇中可用来对比的主要有以下几种形式: 、同义词:big-large, small-little 、反义词:tall-short, thin-fat 、对应词:father-son, mother-father 、同音词:son-sun, one-won,词义对比,演示法,例2:教学 How do you make a banana milk shake这一单元的生词时,教师准备了香蕉、牛奶、水果刀、榨汁机等,边说边演示。 First, Peel 3 bananas. Then, cut them up. Next, put them into the blender. Next, pour the yogurt into the blender. Next, turn on the blender. Finally, drink it.,Can you tell me how to make a banana milk shake?,1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6._,the bananas. the bananas. the bananas and ice cream into the blender the milk into the blender. the blender. the milk shake.,Peel,Cut up,Put,Pour,Turn on,Drink,peel the banana,Cut up the bananas,Pour the milk into the blender,Turn on the blender,the milk shake,Drink,表演法,open, close, run, Jump, eat, sleep happy, sad, surprised get on well with each other get on badly with each other,Bright,What a bright sunny day! A bright boy learn fast. Her face was bright with happiness. The garden is bright with flowers. Be right in the eyes. Bright red Bright green Bright yellow,联想法,(1)归类联想 交通类:bus, car, traffic 水果类:beach, pear, cherry 食品类:noodle, beef, porridge 饮品类:Soda, ice cream, meat 文具类:stationery, eraser 餐名类:meal, dinner, lunch,(2)近义、反义联想 expensivedear easydifficult warmcool sunnycloudy,上下义联想,词缀联想 carecareful, careless, carefully happyhappily, unhappy, happiness (5)拆字联想 often: of/ten blackboard: black/board (6)语音联想 清浊音联想:close kl ous klo uz 长短音联想:lead li:d led 同音联想:won, one 拟音联想:bar, 吧,语义联想,camel, sand, strong wind, sandstorm, hot, dry, little rain, few plants, vast land, wasteland, small population, beautiful, dangerous, get lost,desert,头脑风暴,建立语义网络,建立概念图,词汇教学过程,1.以“festival”为核心激活原有词汇 2.以 “festival”为核心建立概念图 3.以 “Valentines Day” 为主题展开联想 4.词汇产出运用,图解法,on the case,under the case,next to the case,behind the case,in the case,Go straight,Turn right,Turn left,倒金字塔帮你排忧解难 表示数量的形容词、名词和代词连用图解,表示可能性程度的形容词图示法,图解频度副词的百分比,always usually often sometimes seldom never 100% 90% 60% 30% 1% 0%,7游戏法,close your eyes, put up your hands kick your foot clap, shake, wave nod,猜词游戏1 通过多媒体播放不同的实物图( 如交通工具) , 甲生背向屏幕, 乙生看图用英语来描述, 甲生根据乙生的描述猜测是什么交通工具并拼写该单词。 这种游戏可以激发学生的学习兴趣及竞争意识, 培养学生用英语描述单词的能力, 还可以培养学生的协作精神。,猜的游戏2 学习过关于人的体貌特征及服装词汇:big/small eyes, long/shorthair, tall/thin, red skirt, white shirt , black pants 等, 可设计这样的竟猜活动: 一是给学生时间准备, 描述自己的一位同班同学, 然后让单个学生站起描述, 如, He is a boy,he is tall, he has two small eyes, he has short hair, he is wearing a blue T- shirt and black shoes. 其他同学边听边在班里用目光搜寻, 眼脑并用, 猜是哪位同学。,猜的游戏3 让一位同学到前面, 在纸上写下一位同学的名字交给老师, 其他同学不能看见。其他学生通过提问一般疑问句来猜是哪位同学: Is he a boy ? Is he /she tall? Does he/she wear a red coat? Does he/she have a small nose?,猜词游戏4 What is it ? 一队的学生描述一件东西,如:“It has four legs. Its made of wood. Its used for sitting.另一队学生作答:“Its a chair.” 这种猜测游戏可锻炼学生的思维能力。,游戏5 “Whats missing?” 此游戏训练学生认读和记忆字母的能力。老师从字母表中抽出任意五张字母卡片,展示一分钟后,合起来抽走一张,再让学生辨别,并快速说出抽走了哪个字母。随着游戏的深入,老师提供的字母卡片数可逐步增加,而学生看卡片的时间可相对缩短。,游戏 6 数词记忆 “ Who has number ?” 写些数词卡片,根据所教数词的多少,卡片上分别写上从1到25,从25到100,从100到1000和超过1000以上的数词。当教师指卡与学生背诵、做游戏时,就用数字代替他们的各字。就像他们的英文名字一样,使用多了就记熟了,这个游戏锻炼学生们的记忆能力。,游戏7 Add-on 例1学生1:“I see a living room.”学生2:“I see a living room and a kitchen.”学生3:“I see a living room a kitchen and a bathroom.” 如此类推。 例2学生1:“I like milk.”学生2:“I like milk and pie.” 学生3:“I like milk, pie and cake.”如此类推。 (这个游戏结合图片、实物来做,看谁坚持说得时间最长、说的词汇最多,培养学生口头表达能力、复述能力和单词的贮存量。),实例教学一,游戏名称:记单词竞赛 教学目的:巩固复习近阶段学过的单词,培养形象思考能力、反应能力和观察力。 游戏说明:老师将要考查的单词卡放在讲台上,并将全班分成AB组,每组每次各选派代表到前台抽取一张单词卡。学生代表认出单词后,可以用图画、手势、表情等各种方法来表现一个单词的形象或一个单词的含义,本组学生通过看和听,同时读出该单词,正确者累计得分。,实例教学二,词汇学习:数词 教学目的:巩固数词的学习,训练对数词的表达和反应能力 游戏说明:将全班分成八组,要老师用纸条写出八组数字,每组派代表到前面抽取一张,不看,交给老师,老师小声读出数字,学生默记在心,然后小声用英语读给本组的下一个学生听,最后一名学生听后,马上跑到黑板上写出那组数字,看谁写得又快又对,累计得分,实例教学三,游戏名称:描述猜词 词汇学习:任何实物类词汇 教学目的:培养学生解词、猜词能力和协作精神。 游戏说明:两人配合做该游戏,通过多媒体播放不同的实物图片,甲生背向屏幕,乙生看图用英文描述该物品,甲生猜测屏幕上显示的是何物。要求乙生不能直接说该物品的名称。,Guess,S1: Is it a noun or a verb? S2: Its a noun. S1: Where can we find it, inside school or outside school? S3: Outside school. S1: What shape is it? S4: Its round. S1: What is it for? S5: It is a kind of food. S1: Western food or Chinese food? S6: Western food. S1: Is it popular here? S7: Yes, quite popular. Most young people like it very much. S1: Is it “hamburger”? S7: Yes, you are right. Its “hamburger,自主探究法,(1)自主学习词汇 (2)开展词汇的探究性学习 (3)开展词汇的合作学习 S1:graduate S2:Alice graduated from Beijing university 3 years ago. S3:What did he do after he graduated? S4:As a graduate, she often helped some children with their studies.,9、归类记忆法,常用词组归类,动词词组 take a rest take exercise take photos take a bus take me to . Take the third left. take medicine,介词词组: in front of, across from, at home, at school 习惯表达: Here you are. Have a good trip. Can I help you 名词词组: a pair of, a bottle of, a cup of, Chinese food 同义词 pencil box-pencil case , cab-taxi, bike-bicycle , mittens-mitts, telephone-phone softly-quietly. 反义词 clean-dirty , wet-dry, first-last, go-come , put on take off , loud-quiet, hard-soft ,slow- fast,运用头脑风暴,farm,houses,trees,farmers,animals,plants,hills,rivers,Farm tools,apple trees,cows,sheep,chickens,dogs,vegetables,wheat,rice,tractors,What can robots do ?,humans, snake, huge arm, spider,homework,play with me,play football,What can robots look like?,超级链接,Bad,Good,意义归类 adventure,dangerous rough astonishing tiringwild risky excitinguncomfortable,意义归类,意义归类(die),He has pass away. He is no more. He is no longer with us . His time has come. He is resting in peace. He is sleeping with his fathers. He has gone west. He has none out of this world. He has gone to the better world.,10 、猜词法,通过因果关系猜词,You shouldnt have blamed him for that, for it wasnt his fault All his attempts to unlock the door was futile, because he was using the wrong key.,通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词,.He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother. In the ancient city of Rome , we visited every mansion , church, battle site, theatre and other public halls. Twelve-year-old Sally was an active girl. But her sister was quite sedate.,通过构词法猜词 dis-im-un-表否定ful-less-ous-是形容词后缀等。,要求学生掌握一些常用的词根、前缀、后缀等语法知识。如dis- im- un- 表否定;-ful less ous是形容词后缀等。 He has renamed the restaurant “Paradise,通过定义或释义关系来推测词义,定义或释义常用is, or, that is, in other words, be called,或破折号等来表示。 A calendar is a list of the days ,weeks, months of a particular year. The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650yuan a year.,通过描述猜词,I ts very big and heavy. It has a long nose and big ears. What is it?,同义词、近义词或反义词解释词,dumbIf you are dumb, you cannot speak. prettybeautiful, dullboring, dangerousnot safe,下定义法,Snake-wild animal, long,soft,legless,dangerous,poison,词汇互释,Lately-if something has happened lately,it has happened recently,构词法,(1)合成,即由两个或更多的词合成一个词。例如:pea(豌豆)nuts(坚果)- peanut(花生) (2)派生,即加前缀或后缀构成另一个词,happy-unhappy(加前缀)happiness(加后缀),(3)转化 例如: picture(n)画-picture(v)描绘 water(N)水-water(v) 浇水,翻译法,翻译法就是将英语单词的意思直接翻译成汉语。翻译法比较适用于那些不便用直观法、表演法和构词法等教学的词汇,尤其是一些专业术语或表示抽象概念的词汇,如basic, challenge, the present perfect tense和the passive voice等。,词典法,让学生将一组单词按字母顺序排列,这是查词典的基本能力;用比赛的方式让学生在词典中快速查找单词,以训练他们查词典的能力;要求学生根据上下文快速选择单词的词义,训练他们正确理解文章和准确选择词义的能力。,词汇教学模式,导入 操练 运用 小结 拓展和延伸 布置作业,科学组织词汇教学,全面提高学生运用词汇表述的能力,(一)设计丰富多彩的教学活动,点燃学习热情,激发学生学习词汇的兴趣,。 (二)运用科学的记忆方法,提高学生记忆单词的效率。 (三)注重词汇教学的七个方面,设计丰富多彩的教学活动,点燃学习热情,激发学生学习词汇的兴趣,1、听歌,学单词,has come and passed The innocent can never last wake me up when ends like my fathers come to pass seven years has so fast wake me up when september ends here comes the rain again from the stars drenched in my again becoming who we are,summer,september,gone,falling,pain,Enjoy the song and fill in the blanks,If i walk, would you _ ? If i stop, would you _ If i say youre the one, would you _ me?If i ask you to _ , would you show me the way?Tell me what to say so you dont _ me.The world is catching up to you.While youre running away to chase you _. Its time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to change,and maybe Im not ready but Ill _ for your love. Weve been hiding enough,run,come,believe,stay,leave,dream,try,Enjoy the song and fill in the blanks,Standing on a mountain _Looking at the moon through a clear blue sky I _ go and see some friends. But they dont really comprehend Dont need too much talking without saying anything. All I need is _ who makes me wanna sing. Take me to your heart take me to your soul. Give me your hand before Im old. Show me what love is - havent got a clue_ me that wonders can be true. They say nothing lasts forever.Were only here today. Love is _ or never.Bring me far away,high,should,someone,Show,now,2、赏诗,记单词,例1:学生初学英语数字时,教师可以选取这首小诗: One, two, three, four, Mary at the kitchen door. Five, six, seven, eight, Mary at the garden gate. Nine, ten, nine, ten, Mary finds a big hen.,例2:当学生学习了有关蔬菜和水果的单词后,教师可以用下面这首小诗帮助学生巩固所学知识: Green corn and tomatoes, Sweet and nice potatoes. Blackberries, blackberries, Fresh and fine, Just off the vine.,例3:学了关于季节的单词,老师给学生展示了以Spring为题的一首小诗: Spring is a story Flowers tell in the rain. Spring is a song Birds sing in the sun. Spring is a ballet Winds dance in the afternoon,3、读谚语、格言,学单词,不定代词 Everybodys business is nobodys business. 三个和尚没水吃 One mans meat is another mans poison. 萝卜青菜,各有所爱,介词,Good advice is beyond all price. 忠言无价 Pride goes before a fall. 骄兵必败 Never judge a person by his looks. 切勿以貌取人,数词,One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy. 一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃 A stitch in time saves nine. 一针及时省九针,4、猜的活动,猜,永远是学生最感兴趣的活动之一,猜词不仅可以营造轻松和谐的课堂氛围,还能检测词汇学习效果,训练学生思维敏捷性,“猜一猜” “Whats in my bag?” 上课时,教师出示一个包,告诉学生里面装了学习用品或玩具等,让学生猜一猜。学生的好奇心很快被激发,都想知道包里的东西,不停地用以前学过的单词猜包里的东西(没学过的单词可以用中文)。如果猜不到,还可以让学生摸一摸、闻一闻,然后再猜。最后教师出示答案,呈现新的单词。,猜动物名称,. T: I have four legs. I have a shell. I move very slowly. Ss: Tortoise. T: I have long ears. I eat lots of vegetables. Ss: Rabbit. T: I have fur. I sleep a lot. My favourite food is fish. Ss: Cat.,趣味猜单词,Family的含义是什么?,4、看图,训练重点词句,Though,(1)Though the farmer is old, he wears the beautiful clothes. (2)Though the farmer is poor, he is happy. (3)Though he is tired, he goes on working. (4)Though it is dark, he still works. (5)Though there is nothing in the field, he kept on digging,What does he/she look like?,black hair,blonde hair,long hair,short hair,straight hair,short hair,curly hair,long hair,curly hair,straight hair,He has short, straight, hair.,She has long, straight hair.,She has long, curly hair.,She has long hair.,She has straight hair.,He has short hair.,She has curly hair.,What does he/she look like?,tall,short,He is of medium build,He is not thin, and he is not heavy.,He is short.,He is tall.,What does he/she look like?,She is of medium height.,Step 2 Presentation,George Bush,Jack Bush,David Bush,is of medium build.,is heavy.,is thin.,She has short curly hair and she is very heavy.,What does she look like?,Whats he like?,He has a long beard and wears glasses.,Who is she?,Short hair,What does she look like?,She is Li Yuchun,She has short hair.,What does she look like?,Shes really beautiful.,She s beautiful,And she has curly hair.,What about she?,Shes thin and she has long hair.,straight hair,What does your friend look like?,medium build,Whos he? What does he look like?,likes playing basketball,short black hair,cool and handsome,very tall,medium build,from China,He has,He is,Everyone is special! Everyone is important!,Dont judge the others by their appearances !,人人都很特别! 人人都很重要!,不要以貌取人,Extension,编故事,巩固关键词,教师可以挑选一些重要的词,让学生编故事,以培养学生创造性使用词汇的能力。如,学习了一些有关看病的词汇,教师可以让学生运用下列词汇创编一个故事:examine, patient, at the doctors, advise, put on weight, lose weight。下面是一位学生创编的故事:,There was a patient at the doctors. She liked to eat meat and sugar. So she put on weight. The doctor examined her and advised her to eat fruit and vegetables instead. She followed the doctors advice. At the end of the year she lost weight and became more beautiful.,wolf, sheep, village, fun, crowd, cry,wolf,抽到wolf的学生开始讲故事:Thats me. Im the boy. Im not the wolf. This is my story. One day I was given a big jobwatching a big herd of sheep. This was a pretty tough job. And I began shouting “Wolf!” And the people from the village heard me. They came funning,sheep,“Where is the wolf? How about your sheep?” the villagers asked. I laughed and told them that there was no wolf and I just practiced shouting. I went back to my job, and the villagers went back to the village. After a while, in order to let the sheep know they were safe with me, I cried “Wolf! Wolf!”,village,he villagers heard me shouting. They came running again. “Whats happening?” But there was no wolf again. I went back to my job, and again the villagers went back to the village.,fun,This was fun! Its not often that a whole village will listen to a kid like me. After a while, I decided to practice once more, as if I saw a big wolf.,crowd,A big crowd from the little village came running to help me again. But there was no big wolf again. The villagers were not happy. And they all headed back to the village. But then a big hungry wolf really did come to steal the sheep!,cry,I cried “Wolf!” No one came. I shouted “Wolf!” No one came again. I yelled “wolf!” No one came any more,表演情景短剧,呈现新词,Wheres the post office?,课前,把教室的桌子拉开距离,开辟出一条条“街道”。在桌面贴上bank, bookshop, supermarket, hospital, traffic light, cinema, post office, police station, school之类的图片,使教室变成一个“小城镇”。课上,让几位同学扮演“警察”来指挥交通、指路,再请几位同学扮演“行人”来问题。,运用科学的记忆方法,提高学生记忆单词的效率。,“英语词汇总量虽上百万,但基本构词成分却是有限的。无论就音形而言,还是就意义而言,每个英语词都同其他词有千丝万缕的联系,是整个英语词汇系统中的一个分子。”由此可见,各个词汇之间是有联系的,而且系统性很强,教师在教学中也应该利用词汇的这些特点,立足于词汇系统之上,当然对于这些特点,教师也不能够直接把它们说出来,最好能在集中教学词汇时呈现出来,让学生自己去总结、发现,这样的学习有学生亲自的参与,更能培养他们的学习能力。,学法指导贯穿始终,激活学生学习策略,英语词汇是有规律的,成体系的。因此,词汇教学应充分运用整体教学法,使学生依据词汇内部的形、音、义、构造、用法的纵横联系去掌握词汇。 音、形、义结合,构词策略,语境策略,直观教学,组块学习,类比联想,归类总结,使用词典,记忆的间隔效应(有间断地复述刺激信息)等等。,bag, bad, bat, cat, hat, mad, pat, dad, can, has, fat, gap, nap, sad, happy, lap, tap, bank, back, camp, fact, man, map, sat, stand, pal, match, act, fax, pack, black, rat, snack, flag, crack, mat, cash, crash, trash,made plane hate tape rate bake mad plan hat tap rat back,运用科学的记忆方法,提高学生记忆单词的效率。,1构词法 2.顺口溜和口诀 3.联想记忆 4.分类记忆 5.典型例句记忆 6.卡片记忆 7.循环记忆,构词法,字母替代,改变词性,配对记忆 字母缀加,改变词义,拓展记忆 拆字教学,以旧带新,化零为整 词的派生(前缀,后缀) 词的复合 词的混成,字母替代,改变词性,配对记忆,Live生活life生命give给gift礼物 half一半halve平摊thieve偷thief小偷 save拯救safe安全 sing唱歌song歌 advise v. 劝告advice n. 忠告 practise v. 练习practice n. 练习 food n. 食物feed v. 喂养 tooth n. 牙teethe v. 出牙,字母缀加,改变词义,拓展记忆,arm臂膀arms武器 time时间times时代,次数 custom习惯customs海关 work工作works著作 wood木头woods树林 look看looks容貌 cloth布料clothe穿衣 weigh重weight重量,词的派生,A、前缀 B、后缀,前缀(1),en使enlarge扩大endanger危及 arch大archbishop大主教 bi双biplane双翼飞机bimonthly双月刊 tri三tricycle三轮车triangle三角形 multi多multinational多民族 co合coagent合作者cohabit同居 de降degrade降级decrease减少 fore先,前forehead前额forerunner,前缀(2),mono单monotone单调monologue独白 re再,又retell再叙述restore恢复 pro亲pro-British亲英 counter反counter-revolution反革命counterattack反攻 in不incorrect不正确informal非正式 immoral不道德impolite不礼貌 irregular不规则illegal非法 micro微microscope显微镜microfilm微型胶卷 mis误misunderstand误解misspell误拼,后缀(1),1)形容词 -able可drinkableeatable al的autumnalfinal ful的shamefulharmful -less缺/无homelessjoyless -like(似)的childlikelifelike,后缀(2),2)名词 -a/an人musician -ee(被动接受的)人employeetrainee -or/er(主动实施的)人engineervisitor -ist家,者communistmoralist -ess(女)人hostesshuntress -hood时期/身份childhoodneighborhood -ese语ChineseJapanese -ism主义communism -ology学科physiologytechnology,词的复合(compound word),n.n.landlord bathroom adj.n.blackboard prep.n.onlooker v.n.pick


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