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商务英语常用词汇与句型,1.Commodity n.商品(正式用语,指一般性的商品的总称),Eg: They are not interested in most of commodities on display. Eg: The commodity prices have been going up in recent years.,2,在外贸业务中表示商品的同义词很多(本组词包括17个),具体含义和用法各异,如下所述:,1) Goods(词形固定为复数,但不与数词连用,可与commodity等词通用,是较普通的用语) Eg: The goods enquired for are out of stock for the moment. 2) Merchandise泛指商品,无复数形式不与不定冠词连用,不具体指某种商品。 Eg: Smith on/for the account of sb. 由的账户付账 Eg: All the expenses prior to shipment are for/on sellers account. Eg: We buy the goods for/on the account of Messers Freeman this time they may do a little better. Eg: No other buyers have bid higher than this rate. 另:counterbid=counteroffer 还价,还盘,21.bid n. 递价,递盘,40,European Main Ports,as follows(=as what follows) 如下 Eg: The prices are quoted as follows: follow-up n. 续函 Eg: This is a follow-up to our letter of May 1. Following adj. HK$ HongKong Dollars 同理,Francs也不代表法郎 Eg: French Francs & Swiss Francs ¥也不表示人民币,正确的应该是RMB¥ Eg: Jan ¥ Sterling Pounds DM German Marks,37Reduce v. 减少,降低=decrease,Eg: Do you agree to reduce the quantity from 350 tons to 200 tons? Eg: Buyers cannot accept your quotation unless it is reduced/decreased. 同义词还有:decline / fall但不能直接跟宾语,比较: Eg: The demand on/for wools has declined/fallen. reduction n.下降,减少(=decline, decrease) Eg: There has been a reduction/fall/decrease in demand of wools. Eg: It is estimated that there is reduction/fall/decline/in price of meat and eggs in the near future.,38Reject v. 拒绝,在外贸业务中常用于拒收、驳回等场合,语气强烈。 注意该词后接名词性宾语,不可用不定式。 Eg: The buyer rejected all the excuses that the seller made for the delayed delivery. Eg: We reject the goods, because they are much more inferior to the sample.,同义和近义的外贸常用词,1)refuse v.(语气较轻,原意是不愿做某事)可直接跟宾语、动词不定式 Eg: They refuse to consider our suggestion. Eg: We refuse to entertain this claim, as the buyers have given no supporting documents. 2)decline谢绝(更婉转有礼)后可跟名词宾语、动名词、动词不定式 Eg: As your prices are too high to meet the competition, we have to decline your offer with regret.,此三词语气程度为: declinerefusereject,39Satisfy v. 使人感到满意,常用短语 sth. satisfies sb. 某事令某人感到满意 be satisfied with sth. 对某事满意 Eg: Your explanation doesnt satisfy us. Eg: We are satisfied with the result of the negotiation. satisfactory adj. 令人满意的 常用句型:sth. be satisfactory (to sb.) 某事令某人满意 Eg: We find the shipment sample quite satisfactory. satisfaction n. 令人满意 常用句型:to ones satisfaction 令某人满意 Eg: We hope the particular material will sure our to your satisfaction.,40Regret v. 抱歉,遗憾,Eg: We regret this oversight on our part. Eg: They very much regret having caused us so much trouble. Eg: We regret to say that you delayed 30 days to open L/C. n. 抱歉,遗憾 常用句型:to ones regret Eg: Much to our regret, no more orders can be accepted this year for heavy commitments. Eg: We note with regret that your price is on the high side.,Regretful adj. (指人)感到抱歉的 Eg: We are regretful that we didnt open L/C in time. Regrettable adj. (指物)令人遗憾的 Eg: This is a regrettable matter.,试比较: Regret to do sth.与 regret doing sth. Forget to do sth.与 forget doing sth.,思考题:动词不定式与动名词用法有何差异? 含义如何?,41Extend v.,1)延长,延展,延期 Eg: We have to ask you to extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to the end of May and June 15 respectively. Eg: Please extend your offer for fortnight.,思考题:为什么要分别延长装运期和信用证的有效期?,2)扩大,扩展 (=expand ,可换用) Eg: We wish to extend our trade activities in the border between China and Russia. Eg: You must expand your production to meet the daily increasing demand. 3)给予 (=offer, grant) Eg: We extend our thanks to you for your close cooperation in this respect. Eg: We are extending our invitation to have the presence of the Managing Director of G.P Duncan & Co.,42Claim n. 索赔,收汇,为某事向某人提出索赔 lodge a claim with sb. for sth. raise a claim against sb. for sth. file a claim on sb. for sth. 可换用的还有:put in, set up, make, issue, lay, register Eg: We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality against the seller. Eg: They have raised a claim on the goods for $ 530 on account of short weight. Eg: Our claim on your L/C No.55 has not been paid yet.,v. 索赔 claim from sb. for sth. 为某物向某人索赔 Eg: We claim RMB 20000 from the insurance company. Eg: They claimed the payment from their client in Australia.,有些形容词,本身已是比较级的形式,后面不能用than应用to。此类词有:prior, senior, junior, superior, Inferior, preferable,43Insure v.保险,投保,Eg: We have insured the shipment against All Risks and War Risk with the Peoples Insurance Company of China. (PICC) Eg: Please insure the initial order for US $ 25000 against All Risks. insurance n. 保险 常用结构:cover/effect/arrange/take out insurance on sth. againstfor or at 为某物按金额投保险别 Eg: Insurance has been covered by the sellers on the subject article for/at 110% of the invoice value against All Risks.,insurance company(=underwriter , insurer) 保险公司,保险人 insurance policy 保险单 insurance premium 保险费 insurance coverage 保险险别(范围) insurance agent 保险代理 Eg: Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance, extra premium is for buyers account if additional risks should be required.,保险条款标准格式:,to be covered by 某人against 投保险别for 投保金额 as per 保险条款 FOB、CFR条件下,由买方投保,与卖方无关,因此,简单规定为: To be covered by the Buyers CIF条件下,由卖方投保,保险的险别、保险金额直接关系保险费的多少,因此必须明确规定,国际惯例为: Eg: To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk as per CIC dated 1st January 1981.(or PICC),简要复习相关保险知识,海上 自然灾害 全损 风险 意外事故 部分损失 单独海损 共同海损,外来 一般外来风险(11种) 11种一般加险 风险 特殊、特别外来风险 特殊、特别附加险,重要术语:单独海损( Particular Average )共同海损(General Average),平安险(Free From Particular Average单独海损不赔 )的保险范围:上图红线以上黄色箭头除外 水渍险(With Particular Average 单独海损也赔)的保险范围:上图红线以上 一切险(All Risks)的保险范围:上图绿线以上,施救费用 海上费用 救助费用,特别说明:三种基本险都包括海上费用,44Case n.事例,案例,Eg: It seems that we have to refer the case to arbitration. 常用词组:1)in case (=if ,间或可与 provided换用) Eg: In that case the L/C arrives tomorrow, we still have time to rush the shipment. Eg: We can arrange the shipment provided that your L/C comes to our hand before the end of this month. 2)in case of (= in the event of) 万一,如果发生 Eg: Please inform us by return in case of delay. 3)in any case不管怎样,无论如何(与in any rate , in no case可通用) Eg: We admit that the quality of your goods is slightly better , but the gap in price should , in no case , be as big as 10%.,独立主格结构,such being the case 情况既然如此 Eg: Such being the case , you have no cause for complain.,当句子主语与分词的主语不一致时,分词短语可以有自己独立的逻辑上的主语,这种结构称为独立结构(n.+ doing或done),或改为相应的状语从句。 Eg: He rushed into the room, his face covered with sweat. Eg: So many people being absent, we decided to put off the meeting. Eg: When we were standing in the driveway, the house appeared to be much smaller than it had seemed to us as children many years ago.,45Stock n. 存货,supply sth. from / in / ex stock 某物有现货可供 Eg: They can supply this quantity ex/ from /in their stock. Eg: We shall place repeat orders if you have a good stock of Linen goods. Eg: Black tea , first grade , is out of stock at present. v. 备有存货,置办存货 Eg: We dot not stock this material for the time being. adj. 常备的 Eg: This is a stock excuse.,46Dispose v. 使用意于,使倾向于,dispose sb. to do sth. 使某人有意欲(倾向于) Eg: An active market disposes us to entertain new business. be disposed to (=be inclined to / be apt to)倾向于(做某事),有意(做某事) Eg: Dealers are not disposed to carry large stocks now. Eg: In view of this situation , we are inclined to wait. Eg: Our buyers are apt to give their orders to your competitors. dispose of sth. 售卖出,处理掉 Eg: We found there is another chance to dispose of the balance.,disposal n. 处理,出售 Eg: The disposal of the substandard products is a taxing problem. 常用短语:at ones disposal由某人使用(处理或支配) Eg: We put our business at the agents disposal in HK.,前缀 sub- 下面的 Eg: subway subdivide subconscious,47Draw v. 开具(汇票),Eg: We agree to draw at 60 days D/P instead of 60 days D/A. draw (a draft) on sb. for 为某物向某人开具汇票收款 Eg: We regret to note that draft drawn on you against your purchase of canned asparagus was dishonored. Eg: As agreed , we have drawn on you for the invoice value of this sample lot through the Bank of China in Tokyo. draw up (=make out , draft) 拟写,草拟 Eg: The contract is being drawn up. Eg: We will draw up the agreement in a day or two.,48Require v. 需要,要求,require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事(还可跟从句) Eg: Please cable us if additional required. Eg: The L/C requires us to ship the goods in one lot. Eg: The provision requires that spare bags should accompany the shipment. requirement n. 需要之物,具体要求(通常用复数) 常用结构:cover / meet / satisfy / fill / supply ones requirements for / of sth. Eg: We are well placed to meet your requirements for steel materials. Eg: Its a pity that you cannot cover our annual requirements of 100 tons walnuts.,49Expect v. 期待,预期,后接名词,动词不定式或从句 Eg: We expect the new crop will soon be available. 相似的表达还有:anticipate v. 期待(后接名词,动词不定式或从句) look forward to 盼望(后接名词和动名词) 近义的还有:wait for / await 等待(后接名词、动名词) 后接名词,动词不定式或从句,50Shipment n.装运,装运期,装运的货物 Eg: Please arrange shipment as soon as possible. Eg: You are requested to extend shipment 15 days. Eg: Fifteen out of a shipment of 8000 motorcycles on board s.s “Prince” were damaged during transit.,shipping adj. 装运的 Eg: We await your shipping advice. Eg: We shall advice you of the shipping marks within this week. Eg: Shipping space has been fully booked up. Eg: These shipping arrangements are not operative until ratified by our suppliers.,ship v.& n. 装运,装船,船(=steamer, vessel) Eg: We are under no obligation to ship by direct steamer. Eg: We shall ship your order immediately on receipt of this month. Eg: There is no ship / steamer / vessel unoccupied this month.,思考题:Shipping advice (装船通知)是谁发给谁的?什么时候发?其作用是什么?重要性怎样?,51Oblige v. 答应要求,Eg: Please oblige us by offering your best price. 常用结构:be obliged 感激的(=thankful, grateful, appreciate) be obliged to do sth.(=be compelled /forced to do sth.)被迫做某事 Eg: Our buyers are obliged to wait and see due to your unaccommodation. Eg: We are obliged to canceled the contract if your L/C fails to reach here before noon tomorrow.,52Effect v.完成,实现 n. 效果,影响,Eg: Shipment can be effected immediately. Eg: Please effect insurance at 110% of invoice value against All Risks. Eg: We are requested to effect amendment of the L/C soonest. Eg: The price fluctuation will have a favorable effect on the market. 1)in effect (=in fact)实际上,事实上;有效 Eg: The import regulation is still in effect. Eg: He is in effect a qualitified manager.,2)take effect (=come /go into effect) 生效 Eg: The newly-adjusted prices shall take effect from/on the 1st October. 3)to the effect that 大意是说,意思是;以使 Eg: Information has been received to the effect that you are inspecting the goods. Eg: We have cabled you to the above effect.,53Due adj.,Eg: We have received the remittance , but have to point out that the commission for the previous deal is still due to us. Eg: The plane is due to take off at a quarter to ten. Eg: The steamer is due next Monday at Shanghai. Eg: The draft falls due next month. Eg: They trust that they are able to make payment in due course. Eg: After due consideration , they decided to grant our request. overdue v. 超过(期限),逾期 Eg: The time of shipment has been overdue.,54Book v.预订,订购,登记入册,买进,1)book an order with sb. 向某人定货 2)book ones order for 把某人定货记载入帐 Eg: We have booked shipping space on s.s. “East Wind”, which is scheduled to arrive in London on or about August 10. Eg: As we are fully booked with orders, we regret being unable to satisfy your requirements for this article at present. Eg: Please let us know if you may book your order at the adjusted price.,Bookings n. 订货(=commitment) Eg: Owing to heavy bookings / commitments, we cannot accept fresh business. Eg: We have too heavy bookings / commitments to allow us to take on any orders.,55Contact v. 接触,联系(=approach),后接名词性宾语 Eg: We have contacted / approached the shipping company for booking the space. Eg: Please contact / approach our Head Office directly. n. 联系,接触 常用结构:make (hold, be in) contact with sb.与某人进行/保持联系 Eg: We have held business contact with this corporation for 20 years.,母公司(总部) 子公司(Subsidiary),56. See 看,1)see ones way to 有可能做,设法做 Eg: We trust you will see your way to effect shipment in November. Eg: They dont see their way to granting the buyers request. 2)see (to it) that 注意办理以使,务必使,当心 Eg: We will see that the goods are properly packed. Eg: See that you dont fail to open the L/C. see about 处理 Eg: Who will see about this order? Eg: Please see about this letter without any delay.,重要,57. assure v. 保证,使确信(=ensure),1) assure sb. of sth. 向某人保证某事,使某人确信 以人做主语时,表示向某人保证或承诺某事时多用此句型 Eg: We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter. Eg: We assure you that well give this matter our prompt attention. 2) be (rest) assured of 请放心,请确信(rest在此作系动词) Eg: You may rest assured of our close cooperation at all times. Eg: You may be assured that we shall always you our close cooperation.,ensure的常用句型 :ensure+直接宾语 ensure + 从句(在以人作主语,表示某人保证某事时多用) Eg: We have done everything possible to ensure its being completed in time. Eg: We have done everything possible to ensure that it will be completed in time.,58. View v. 看待,认为,Eg: We view the matter unusual. n. 看法,意见 (后接of 或 on或从句) Eg: Please write your views of business likelihood / possibilities in the near future. Eg: We hold the view that price is not the only determinant.,1) in view of 有鉴于 Eg: We will set a precedent to accept your terms and conditions in view of the long friendly relationship between us. Eg: In view of this case, we wish you would revert to our proposal. 2) with a view to or with the view of 以 为目的 Eg: We give/grant you this accommodation with the view of prompting mutual interest. Eg: With a view to ironing out this misunderstanding, we explain as follows:,重要,59. Stress n. 着重点,强调(emphasis),常用结构: put (place or lay) stress on 把重点放在,强调 Eg: We have to put / place /lay stress on this point. Eg: The stress should be placed on the comparison of qualities. v. 重视 (=emphasis) Eg: We cannot stress too strongly the importance of it. 无论怎么强调都不过分) Eg: Exporters stressed the point that regular offers are necessary.,60. Line n. 商品(范围),一类(货色);行业 Eg: Are you engaged in this line?,be in line with 与相合,一致 be out of line with 与不相符,不一致 Eg: If your price is in line with the market, well entertain to place a large order. Eg: Much to our regret, your price is entirely out of line.,重要,


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