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七年级英语下册第一次月考试题 班级: 姓名: 学号:一、单项选择(15分)。( )1. The man is David Johnson. Johnson is his name and David is his name.A. family; last B.first; family C. first ; last D.last ; first( )2. He likes playing piano and he can play tennis.A. the; the B. the; / C. /;/ D. /; The( )3. How many are there in the fridge(冰箱)? Oh, there are four.A. carrot B.tomatoes C. chicken D. egg( )4. Little John with his parent sports every day, so hes very strong and healthy.A. dont play B. doesnt play C. play D. plays( )5. do you have P.E.? We have it on Wednesday and Friday.A. Why B. When C. What D. How( )6. Miss Wang is a good teacher, she usually .A. helps me to English B. help me learn EnglishC. helps me with English D. help me with English( )7. Can you any people in the room?A. see B. look C. read D. watch( )8. I want the basketball club.A. to join B. join C. joining D. joins( )9. Can he play the drums? No, he .A. doesnt B. cant C. isnt D. dont( )10. ? Yes, please. I want a pencil box.A. Do you have pencil boxes B. Can I help you? C. Do you want a pencil box D. Whats it in English( )11. Is this eraser? Yes , it is. eraser is black and white.A. a; the B. a; A C. an; An D. an; The( )12. Excuse me, Susan! Is this pen? No, Its pen.A. your ; my B. his; she C. her; his D. he; her( )13. Do you often a bus to school ? Yes. The bus often me about 5 minutes.A. take; take B. take; takes C. takes; takes D. takes; take( )14. .is the school? Only one kilometer.A. How B. How many C. How far D. How long( )15.It takes half an hour on foot.A. my; to get to school C.me, to get to schoolC. my; going to school D. me; going to school二. 完形填空。阅读下面材料,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项(10分)。What is the best way to study(学习)? This is a very important 1 . Some Chinese 2 often study very hard(努力). And they often study for long 3 . But it is not a 4 way to study. A student must 5 lots of rest(休息) and eat lots of 6 food. You need to take a walk, play basketball, ping-pong or 7 a song every day. You will not feel tired when you start 8 studies.For some 9 like English, we also need to speak it every day,listen to it or 10 English movies. These are good ways to learn English.( )1. A. time B. question C. age D. book( )2. A. students B. musicians C. teachers D. actors( )3. A. with B. of C. at D. for( )4. A. busy B. short C. good D. sad( )5. A. want B. bring C. show D. have( )6. A. long B. healthy C. funny D. successful( )7. A. sing B. draw C. ask D. tell( )8. A. her B. our C. his D. your( )9. A colors B. people C. subjects D. clothes( )10. A. spell B. see C. look D. join三、阅读理解(30分)。AMusician WantedAge: 18-30Work Time: Mon., Thurs. and weekens eveningAbilities: Singing, dancing and playing the piano, the drums and the guitar Linkman: Mr Lee Tel: 856987456Teacher WantedAge:20-40Work Time: Wed., Thurs. and Fri.Subjects: English, math, Chinese and scienceAbilities: singing and dancingLinkman: Mr Smith Tel:856736688Swimming ClubWork Time: Tues.Wed. and Fri 3:00pm-5:00pmPlace: school swimming pool(池)Teachers: Mr White and Miss GreenTel: 856952347Big SaleTime: from September 20 to October 10Place: No.228, Bridge StreetClothes: T-shirts in all colors for girls; sports shoes for boys; hats in red, yellow, black for all peopleTel: 856236589根据以上内容,选择最佳答案。( )1. Susan wants to get a job as a musician, and she can call .A. 856987456 B. 856936688 C. 856952347 D. 856236589( )2. Tom wants to be a teacher, and he can call . A. Mr Lee B. Mr Smith C. Mr White D. Miss Green( )3. Jenny can swim in the swimming club . A. from 3:00pm-5:00pm on Sunday B. from 3:00pm-5:00pm on MondayC. from 3:00pm-5:00pm on Friday D. from 4:00pm-6:00pm on Tuesday( )4. Mrs Green can buy for her daughter in the shop. A. a bag B. shoes C. a blue hat D. a nice T-shirt( )5. Jack gets the job as a teacher, so he . A. is eighteen years old B. is very interestingC. plays basketball well D. speaks English wellBTom works in a school. The school is far from his house. He gets up very early in the morning. He usually has breakfast at half past six and takes a bus to work. He has lunch at school. He has supper with his family at home. After supper he usually walks along the river with his wife. At seven he watcher TV or listens to the radio.Tom likes his work very much. He is always friendly to others. And all his friends love him, too. They work happily.根据短文内容,判断正(T)、误(F)。( ) 6. Tom is a worker in an office.( ) 7. Toms house isnt far away from the school.( ) 8. He doesnt have lunch with his family.( ) 9. He likes his work and is friendly to others.( ) 10. He usually watches TV after supper.C从后面的方框中选择适当的句子完成下面的短文Do you want to have many friends? Do you want other students to like you ? Here are some ideas(主意)to help you.11 . We are happy when someone helps us. When you help someone, you can be happy, too. If you help other students often, they may think you are kind and want to be your friends.12 . When a students speaks, he wants his friends to listen to him. If you listen to other students often, they may think you are a good listener(听众), and tell you things more.13 . All the students like people to smile(笑) at them. You smile to them often, and they may think you are friendly and want to be your friends. Smile to other students, and you may be happy, too.14 . You can tell other students your favorite sports, stars, food and other hobbies. They can know you well. They can also tell you their favorite things. So you and they can do many interesting things you like.15 . In some clubs, you can meet more people. You can also learn many interesting things from them.A. Smile often B. Join a clubC. Dont say too much D. Help other studentsE. Talk to other students more四、用所给词的适当形式填空(5分)。1. After (have) breakfast, he goes to school.2. Susan can play the guitar (good).3. They have happy (life).4. Our club wants two (music).5. My cousin often (go) to bed at 10:30 in the evening.五、按要求完成下面的句子,每空一词(5分)。1. Tom can play the piano. (对划线部分提问) can Tom ?2. He has dinner at seven oclock on weekends. (对划线部分提问) he have dinner on weekends?3. Mary do her homework first when she gets home. (改为否定句) Mary her homework first when she get home.4. I always get to school on foot. (改为同义句) I always school.5. My mother goes to work by bike. (对划线部分提问) does your mother to work?六、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(10分)。 1111tell, difficult, boring, twelve, class, I, 11111read, but, funny, speak, hobby, exciting Dear Sally, Thanks for your e-mail. My life here is 1 . My English is not good. I can only say a little English. So I have to get up at six oclock in the morning to 2 it. I have lots of 3 every day. That bring me lots of homework to do. Its 4 for me. I want to ask some of my classmates for help, 5 they are too busy and have no time to help me. You know Im new here and dont have any friends. I dont like 6 , so my classmates dont speak to me often. I am very sad. Today is my 7 birthday. My mom buys me a cake and my father buys a nice book for me. Of all my classmates, only Tom gives 8 a card. He 9 me he wants to be my friend. We have different 10 . He likes playing basketball. I like reading. But I want to be his friend. Can you give me some suggestions(建议)?1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 七、补全对话(10分)。 班级: 姓名: 学号:A: 1. ?B: I get up at six oclock in the morning. After that, I run. Then I take a shower and eat breakfast at 7:00. 2. ?A: Me? I get up at nine oclock.B: Nine oclockA: Yes.B: 3. ?A: I go to school in the afternoon.B: Well, what do you usually do in the evening?A: 4. .B: Me, too. I do my homework at 7:00 and 5. at 9:00.A: Oh, I dont watch TV. I go to bed at 9:00.B: You really have a healthy habit.七、书面表达(15分)。根据提示写一篇短文,叙述一下你通常的学习生活情况。(不少于60词)提示:1. 家离学校3千米路程。 2. 六点起床,早饭后坐公交车上学。 3. 到学校花15分钟时间。 4. 中午在学校吃午饭。 5. 晚饭后先做作业,再看半个小时电视,9:30上床睡觉。 10


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