六下Unit 4 Road safety 语篇案例

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六下Unit 4 Road safety 语篇案例教学内容:Story time (第一课时)教学目标:1. 在情景中整体理解Story time的内容。2. 在 Story time 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法。3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读Story time。4. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。5. 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。教学重点:1. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。2. 在 Story time 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。教学难点:1. 体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法。2. 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。教学过程:Step 1 个人自学&目标导学1.Teach: turn right, turn left, pavement, a road, a crossing, a zebra crossing, traffic lights, red man, green man, yellow man. 2.Teaching aims 3. Play a game, 判断你所得到信息是否正确。如果是正确的,请大声说“Yeah,yeah, yeah”,如果是错误的,请大声说“No, no,no” 。4. There are many busy roads in our city. We should be careful. Today lets learn the safety on the road.导入课题Step 2 交流反馈1.Watch and chooseThe story tells us _.A. how to cross the road safely.B. how to drive on the road safely.2. How can we cross the road safely?出示2张图片Can you find any differences between the roads?分2个板块教学 a zebra crossing/ No zebra crossing.3. Read and choose读课文第一段P36选择正确的答案First, you must look for _. Then, you must look at the _and wait for the _.从而教学traffic lights /a zebra crossing / green man / red man / yellow manT: When the light is green , that means we can cross the road When the light is red, that means we must not cross the road.What about the yellow man?Ss: (根据学生已有知识经验)It means “wait”4. Teach: Green man, we can go. Red man, we must stop. We mustnt go. Yellow man. We should stop.Learning tips: 情态动词can的意思是“可以”。should的意思是“应该”。 must的语气最强,意思是“必须”,mustnt的意思是“禁止”通常用于法律法规的要求。5.出示traffic police的照片 Read and act the policeman.A: Can you see the ?B: Yes, I can.A: You mustnt now.B: Im sorry. Heres the green man. Can I now? A: Yes, you can.6. 自读课文,学习课文第二部分T:But sometimes you cannot find a zebra crossing near you. How can we cross the road safely?1) Read freely. And try to get the main information.Wait on/look out for/lookthenand then2) Q: What else can we do? 教学easily3)Lets retellNo zebra crossingWait on the pavement.Look out for cars and bikes.Look left first, then right and then left againCross the road with other people.7. 看图讨论,学习课文第三部分呈现课文第三部分的两张插图(加上一幅奔跑穿过马路的同学)T: What can you see in the pictures?Ss: Some boys are playing football by the road. A boy is skatingrunning on the road.T: Is it safe? Why?Ss: Because there are many cars and bikes on the road.So what rules do you know?Ss: We must not run or play on the road.T: What other things mustnt we do on the road?拓展学生思维Step3 :ReadingRead the text in different waysStep 4 拓展导练1. Look and say. (Show time)T: What must you do to cross the road safely? Ss: We mustT: What must you not do on the road? Ss: We mustntStep5:Homework.1) Read the story time fluently( Read well ).2) Collect more rules about “Road Safety.”板书设计: Unit 4 Road SafetyRules How can we cross the road safely? We must We mustnt Look for wait on. Play Look at look out for run Wait for lookthenand then


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