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I have some exciting news to tell you明确目标1.复习动词不定式的用法;2.学习明信片的写法;3.继续讨论旅游的话题。自主预习1. 照相 _ 2.在.的第三天 _3.到达山顶 _ 4.安全着陆 _5.在旅行中 _6.I was so excited that I didnt feel cold at all._7.It was snowing when we got to the top ._8.I sometimes went swimming in the pool, while my best friend ,Kelly, always went shopping. _合作探究Reading:How well do you know Section AC?Now do the following tasks and check.1、Let the Ss read the passage on Page 33. finish 1a, Check the answer.2、Then read 1a again. Finish 1b.Check the answer.Writing:Write a passage to describe one of your favorite trips. If there is no time in the class, the teacher can let the students do it as homework.当堂反馈Grammar:1、I have some exciting news _(tell/ to tell/ telling) you.2、But it will take us a few days _(to get/ get/ getting) there by bike.3、Kangkang helped us _(book/ booking) the train tickets.4、Why dont you put on a show _(to raise/ raising/ raise) money?Functions:1、Were going on _ visit to Mount Tai.2、Lets _ some information about the cost.3、Id like to _ some tickets to Mount Tai on April 13th.4、May I _ your name and telephone number, please?5、Im looking forward to _ you.Review:点拨: 此句中plan作_词。相当于上句的动词短语_同义句转换:Would /Will you help me _ _ _ _ a trip?7.Forty minutes later, at Kangkangs 译:_区别: 你能辨别forty minutes later / after forty minutes / in forty minutes 的不同吗?过去的四十分钟后_未来的四十分钟后_点拨: at + 称呼/职业s - 在某人家或工作场所 at the teachers - 在老师办公室 练习:在诊所_ 在奶奶家_8.Why not explore Beijing on our bicycles? 译:_点拨: on our bicycles - 骑着我们的自行车(介词短语表方式)=by bicycle 动词短语的表达法是:ride our bicycles 同义句转换:Why not ride our bicycles to explore Beijing?举一反三:为什么不开着汽车参观北京呢? drive a car / by car = in a cara._? b._?为什么不步行参观北京呢? walk / on foota._? b._?课后检测Choose the words and use the proper forms to complete the sentences. receivecampingbefore postcard vacation 1.We send each other _ before the New Year comes. 2. Its better to give than to _. 3.In China, students usually have a two-month summer _. 4.Youd better plan the trip carefully _ you start. 5. What about going _ in the forest next weekend? 用所给词正确形式填空。1. My sister is glad_ (receive) a birthdays present.2. Would you like _ (visit) Dalian?3. Could you help me _ (do) the washing this afternoon?4. Please tell Sam _ (not forget) the words.5. The factory _ (build) in 1998.6. How about _(go) shopping?7. Hurry up, or you _ (be) late for the meeting.8. It _(take) me ten minutes to wash my hair yesterday.9. Listen! How hard it _ (rain)!10. Im looking forward to _(meet) him汉译英:1、He (在度假) with his family in Hangzhou.2、Lets (制定一个计划)to go hiking.3、Her English is (地道的). So let her read the (对话)。4、They (忙于算出) the cost of the trip. Its dangerous_ (cross) the street when the lights are red. . It takes me half an hour _ (walk) to school every day. . I dont know how _ ( stop ) these bad feelings. The four children decided _ (sell) newspapers to raise money. . The policeman told us _( not play ) in the street.课后检测请根据句意及首字母提示填写所缺单词。1. We had a f_ trip last weekend and we all enjoyed ourselves in the open air.2. Computers are very c_ in our every-day life now. You can see computers in many offices.3. My train arrived at Beijing R_ Station at half past four in the afternoon.4. Dont worry about me. The working c_ here are quite good.5. Trains, planes, ships and buses are all v_.B) 请用括号中所给动词的适当形式完成下列句子及对话。6. I spent 160 yuan _(buy) the bike.7. Id like _(book) some rooms. What kind of rooms do you have?We have rooms with a bathroom, TV and air conditioning.8. Im looking forward to _(hear) from my pen pal.9. Well have a meeting _(discuss) how to solve the problem.10. They got up early and _(visit) many places of interest there.单项选择:请从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳选项。( )1. Will you go to Hangzhou by _ car? No, Ill take _ train. A. a;不填 B. a;the C. 不填;不填 D. 不填;a( )2. Victor thought of a few countries for vacation and in the end he decided _ Japan. A. at B. for C. on D. of( )3. _ do you plan to stay in Shanghai? For about three weeks. A. How B. How long C. How soon D. When( )4. How much did you _ the English dictionary? $ 12.5. A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay for( )5. Our plane will _ at nine. Please meet us at the airport (飞机场). A. land B. fall C. drop D. follow( )6. The Greens will have a _ holiday in China. A. three-week B. three-weeks C. three week D. three weeks( )7. I want to go on a visit to Mount Heng next month, but my parents arent going to give me any money. Dont worry. You can _ money _. A. give, yourself B. raise, yourself C. raise, yourselves D. give, yourselves( )8. He thought hard, and then he _ a good idea. A. got along with B. came up with C. agreed with D. talked with( )9. Tom did what he could _ the girl in the river. A. save B. saved C. to save D. saving3


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