四年级英语上册 Unit6 My parents教案 沪教牛津版(三起)

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My parents课 题My parents课型课时教学目标1、 帮助学生学习Look and learn中表示职业的单词。2、 结合学过的句型This is让学生通过介绍家人的职业来稳固和运用所学的单词。教 学重 点与难 点Bus driver doctor fireman nurse teacher教 学方 法与手 段重复操练,小组合作教师行为学生行为 课堂变化及处理 主要环节的效果Pre-task preparations1、出示Listen and enjoy的图片,播放儿歌录音,让学生猜一猜儿歌大意。然后请学生跟着录音朗读。2出示Listen and enjoy的儿歌和图片,请学生仔细看图认真听录音,接着教师指着图片提问,引出单词fireman。1) Look at the people in the picture. Are they happy? 2) Why? 3) What can they do?4) Who can help them? While-task procedures1出示Look and learn中单词bus driver, doctor, fireman, nurse, teacher的卡片,要求学生跟读和拼读单词。 T: (show the flashcard for doctor) Doctor,D_O-C-T-O-R, doctor. (point to your mother in the family tree) Who is she?T: Is she a nurse?2出示一个大家庭的合影,逐个介绍家庭成员,边介绍边请学生答复下列问题。T: Look! This is,sfamily.has a big family.There are seven people in his/her family.This is his/her father. Hes tall and strong.He works in a school. He likes his students very much. What does he do? Is he a teacher?接着将单词卡片贴在黑板上,给每个单词编号,教师说一个单词,让学生快速说出该单词的编号。 T:Fireman 2出示与所学职业(如doctor,nurse,teacher,fireman)相关的物品图片,如护士制服、听诊器、粉笔、消防头盔等,教师手指图片,引导学生说出该图片代表何种职业。(No. They are sad.)(There is a fire.)(Call the fire station.)(The firemen can help them.)SI: Shes your mother.SI: Yes, shes a nurse.Ss: Yes, hes a teacher.Ss: Doctor.D_O-C-T-O-R,doctor.SI: Its No.5全班活动后,要求学生仿照示范,两人一组进行操练。教师行为学生行为 课堂变化及处理 主要环节的效果T:Look! This is a uniform for a doctor. So, this uniform is for a(wait for several seconds to encourage the students to say the word)教师可以问Who is this for?,引导学生看图联想相关的职业,并尝试用Its for a firemandoctor/nurse/.来答复。T: Look! This is my family tree. This is my father. Hes a teacher. This is my mother. Shes a nurse. This is my uncle. Hes a doctor. This is my cousin. Shes a student. This is me. Im a teacher.T. Shes very tall. Who is she?T: She works in a hospital. He likes his students very much. What does he do?Post-task activities1要求学生拿出在学习Unit 4时完成的家谱,在每个家庭成员名字下方写上他们的职业名称。然后和同学互相介绍家人的职业。可以帮助学生拓展一些表汞其他职业的词汇。Ss: Its for a doctor3出示你的家谱,介绍你的家人和他们的职业。然后根据介绍的内容提问,鼓励学生做快速答复。 然后,请学生根据教师提问看图答复下列问题, 检测学生是否仔细听,并抓住关键信息。Ss: ShesS mother. Ss: Shes a doctor.S1: (show the family tree) This is my mother. Shes thin. Shes a doctor. This is my father. Hes a 2请个别学生根据前一活动了解的信息,向全班介绍某个同学的家人及其职业。S1:This is S1s father. He is tall. He can drive a bus. Hes a bus driver.板书设计My parentsBus driver doctor fireman nurse teacher 补充设计作业设计教学后记


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